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-------------------GONVISOR v2.02 README -------------------Viewer of pictures, comics, magazines, books, images in electronic format.

Creat ed to view image sequences, fitting them to the proper size, and create and open container files of images (cbr, cbz, cba, rar, zip or ace). Managing these kind s of files, GonVisor allows the user to group in only one file an unlimited amou nt of sorted pictures, as an album, access of which can be protected with a pass word. GonVisor was born with the generous purpose of helping to make a better world re lating to the images viewing. -------FEATURES -------VIEW FILES: Open jpeg, bmp, png, tif and static gif files . Open and sort a large amount of images to compose a image sequence. It allows on e to preview the images before adding them. Open all images contained in a selected folder. Open cbr, cbz, cba files (files witch contains a group of images). Password prot ection. Open compressed images inside a rar or zip file. They can be password protected, too. Open images from a PDF. Extract all images to a folder, as this way it is possible to obtain all images files contained in a cbr, cbz or cbafile. Set bookmarks in files to recover their state in future sessions p CBR AND CBZ FILES CREATION: GonVisor can create cbr or cbz files which contain a group of selected images. T he user can define the order they will appear when the cbr or cbz file will open ed. The file can be protected with a password. IMAGE MANAGEMENT: Easy, fast and good looking interface to view image sequences. Preview in a window all images loaded Full Screen mode User can go to a selected page directly. GonVisor has an Autoturn pages mode, with customized time between images. Line jump inside a image to allow to view it line by line (as if the user was re ading a comic). Search and get file description and preview of all cbr, cbz, cba files. IMAGE ADJUSTMENT: Image size can be adjusted to the screen, to the screen width or to the screen h eight. Image size can be adjusted to the original size too. Size can be make bigger or smaller applying zoom. Image can be rotated clockwise or counter-clockwise. Rotated image can be saved in order to keep its new orientation next time it wil l be opened. PRINT: User can define the images interval he wants to print. Selectable number of copies.

Vertical or landscape orientation. It is allowed to select the size which the image are going to be printed. Center the image in the printed paper. It is shown how the image will be printed to help better adjust the print parame ters. It is possible to easily create a pdf document with the images loaded, just prin ting to a virtual device of pdf creators (for example PDF Creator) . LANGUAGES: English or Spanish WINDOWS INTEGRATION: Images, cbr, cbz, cba rar, zip or ace files can be opened and enqueed in the Win dows Explorer. Files can be dragged to the GonVisor window to be opened. Manage image files from GonVisor, to rename or delete them cbr, cbz, cba, jpeg, png, tif and bmp files can be associated with GonVisor in o rder to make Windows try to open this kind of files using GonVisor. Copy to clipboard implemented. GonVisor has its own recent files history which can be erased by the user. GonVisor has the Always on top option, in this mode GonVisor window is always over the other program windows. OTHER Easy control of Winamp from GonVisor and get information in the gonvisor screen about the track played. Boss/Panic Key! To fool the boss by providing a quick camouflage v2.02 and v2.01 CHANGES - Double page: Horizontal or vertical, Manga style, change pairs... - Magnifier, zoom and size customizable. - Image improvement: Colour normalization, contrast, smooth and palette. - cb7 and 7z files supported. - Manage cb files, store and show state and ratings of cb files. - Open Folder recursively. - Windows Media Player integrated. - Autohide number of image in full screen. - Resume last file on startup. - Open in full screen mode. - create slideshows. - Rotation optimized. - When a file is opened from Explorer, all images of the same folder are added. - Open rar and cbr files with encrypted file names. - Set pages and order to be printed. - Print only odd or even pages. - Sort files without valid numeric format. - Customize main screen style. - Optimized Image previews. - Usage statistics. - Slideshow interval can be defined with decimal. - Remove GonVisor banner when cb* file is created. - Improved configuration settings for more than one GonVisor session. - Opened folders are added as recent files. - Fixes and optimizations in cb* creation. - It is allowed to overwrite files in cb* creation. - Shortkeys changes: F2 rename files, shift+supr remove from disk, F3 prev page and F4 next image. - Menus redesigned - Icon changed.

Updated unrar.dll. Portugues language added. Minor bugs fixed. Show related applications: pdftohtml, cbx shell.. And more and more...

------LICENSE ------IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound b y the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreemen t, do not install or use the Software. LICENSE: This software may be freely used, copied and distributed as long as it is not so ld, and all original files are included, including this license. You are NOT all owed to make a charge for distributing this Software (either for profit or merel y to recover your media and distribution costs) whether as a stand-alone product , or as part of a compilation or anthology, without explicit prior written permi ssion. . The user agrees not to and realizes it to be illegal to distribute this software in any modified form or with any of its files modified by anyone other than the program's author or for any commercial purpose. By using this Software , you agree to these terms and the terms of the Disclaimer below. DISCLAIMER: This Software are provided "AS IS" and without warranty, express or implied. The author specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability and fitn ess for a particular purpose. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. THE DEVELOPER DOES NOT RETAIN ANY LIABILITY ON ANY DAMAGE CAUSED THROUG H THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. --------------------------------http:\\ G.A.A. Madrid-06-2011 ---------------------------------

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