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Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Catherine Michael

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
In Year 8 English, students have continued with the literature based studies, both in written and in visual form. Students have studied the formal language skills of spelling, punctuation and grammar in the context of their own writing and that of other authors. Skills in formal oral work have been developed. Other assessment tasks included a written report, text responses, creative and persuasive writing, together with the development of research skills.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class
Consistently Consistently Consistently Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when necessary Reflects on feedback

Consistently Consistently Consistently

Level of Achievement
Content 10/10 Sophie demonstrated a perceptive level of understanding of the topics studied. Her work consistently showed use of evidence and example in support of her point. Creative pieces reflected imagination and sensitivity. Her literature responses showed a sophisticated analysis of intention and techniques. Organisation 10/10 Sophie consistently presented her work in a well organised, clear and coherent manner. Her arguments were perceptive and persuasive. She demonstrated sophisticated control over structuring her ideas and used language conventions appropriate to the context and intention of the task. She skilfully applied appropriate technical requirements such as the use of quotation, citation and Style and Language Mechanics 10/10 Sophie consistently used a wide range of appropriate vocabulary with a high degree of accuracy in grammar and spelling. She mastered the use of register, applying elements such as vocabulary and tone appropriate to the intention and audience. Classes absent: 5

Unit Result

Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Denis Cunningham

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
In this unit, students continued to develop skills in communicating in French whilst learning about French culture. Topics included: drinks, food and their environment. Activities included: listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks and reflecting on language learning strategies.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class
Usually Usually Usually Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when required Reflects on feedback Maintains workbook

Usually Consistently Consistently Consistently

Level of Achievement
Oral Communication - message and interaction 5/8

Sophie communicated information clearly and ideas were relevant but she struggled to develop more complex ideas. Her opinions were usually justified. She responded correctly in familiar and spontaneous situations and was able to maintain the flow of conversation with only occasional prompting.
Oral Communication - language 6/8

Sophie used a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures appropriate to the situation. She made occasional mistakes in pronunciation or intonation but these rarely interfered with clarity of meaning . She made some attempts at using more complex expressions, such as idioms.
Writing - message and organisation 5/8

Sophie communicated information clearly. Her ideas were relevant but not always supported and her opinions were only sometimes justified. She had difficulty with more complex ideas. She structured her work appropriately, adding to the clarity of the message.
Writing - language 5/8

Sophie used a range of vocabulary and grammatical structure appropriate to the context and attempted to use idiom. Her writing contained occasional mistakes but these did not interfere with the intended meaning. She usually demonstrated a sense of audience that was appropriate to the context.
Reading Comprehension 12/16 Sophie identified stated and implied information in both familiar and unfamiliar situations. She identified many of the main ideas and supporting details in texts, and generally drew appropriate conclusions. She demonstrated a good understanding of most parts of the texts. Classes absent: 3

Unit Result

Design Technology (Food)

Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Sara Mugridge

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
This course teaches students the skills and knowledge to empower them to take responsibility for their food choices. The course focused on using basic kitchen equipment, reading and following a simple recipe, working safely in the kitchen, understanding food storage and handling, and making practical applications of nutritional knowledge.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class
Usually Consistently Consistently Usually

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when required Reflects on feedback Safe use of equipment

Usually Usually Usually Consistently

Level of Achievement
Investigate 6/6

Sophie explained the problem and discussed its relevance, critically investigated the problem and evaluated information from a range of appropriate, acknowledged sources. She described methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the product against the design specification.
Design 3/6

Sophie generated a few designs. She chose one and justified its suitability.
Plan 3/6

Sophie produced a plan that contained a number of logical steps, including resources and time. made some attempt to evaluate the plan and listed relevant safety/security concerns.



Sophie competently used appropriate techniques and equipment. any modifications made. The product was of high quality.

She followed the plan and noted


Sophie evaluated the product and her own performance. She made some attempt to test the product.
Attitudes in Technology 5/6

Sophie consistently displayed a satisfactory standard in technology work practices. Her level of personal engagement and attitudes towards safety, cooperation and respect for others was consistently high.
Classes absent: 4

Unit Result

Health and Physical Education

Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Lisa Costello

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
This unit was designed to introduce and develop the fundamental skills associated with participation in physical activity for life. During the practical component, students developed their skills in sports such as dance, rhythmic gymnastics, soccer, rugby and badminton. In the Health component, students explored some of the body's systems including the skeletal and muscular systems followed by personal development during puberty and sexual health.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class
Consistently Consistently Consistently Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when necessary Reflects on feedback

Consistently Usually Consistently

Level of Achievement
Use of Knowledge 7/8

Sophie used a wide range of terminology accurately and appropriately. She demonstrated a thorough knowledge of principles, concepts, strategies and techniques on the topic. She used this knowledge effectively to analyse and solve problems in familiar and unfamiliar situations.
Movement Composition 3/6

Sophie selected, adapted and created aesthetic moves that were appropriate to the requirements of the task. The sequence showed a competent use of space, time, level, force and flow. Her composition was mostly coherent, and showed some aspects of imagination and creativity.
Performance 6/10

Sophie demonstrated competence in basic and some complex moves, skills and techniques in the performance or playing situation. She applied some movement concepts, tactics, strategies and rules . She performed with precision, synchronisation and energy most of the time.
Social Skills and Personal Engagement 6/8

Sophie demonstrated attitudes and strategies that improved her communication and relationships . She showed respect and sensitivity to herself and others. She took responsibility for her own learning and set appropriate goals and took some action towards achieving them.
Classes absent: 2

Unit Result

Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Justine McMahon

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
This semester's unit incorporated studies in History and Civics. It encouraged students to respect and understand change and continuity in the world around them, to gain and develop knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills in research, analysis, interpretation and communication. Students have studied the Middle Ages and Australian Law and Parliament. Some of the skills developed include interpretation of evidence, diagrams, enquiry skills and the use of primary and secondary sources of information.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class
Consistently Consistently Consistently Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when required Reflects on feedback

Usually Consistently Consistently

Level of Achievement
Knowledge 9/10

Sophie showed an excellent command of a wide range of terminology and used it appropriately. She showed her understanding through an extensive range of relevant facts and examples. Her descriptions were accurate and detailed and her explanations were fully developed.
Concepts 9/10

Sophie showed that she could apply concepts in an appropriate and sophisticated way. She h demonstrated conceptual awareness and understanding by explaining connections to the subject matter in detail. She applied concepts effectively to other situations.
Skills 8/10

Sophie used a range of relevant information and her work showed a good level of critical analysis . Arguments and decisions were well supported and balanced and she demonstrated effective investigative skills.
Organisation and Presentation 8/8

Sophie communicated information that was always relevant. Information was well -developed, organised and logical. Presentation and expression were clear, concise and effective. Language, style and visual representations were always appropriate. Sources were correctly documented.
Classes absent: 1

Unit Result

Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Leeanne Brockway

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
In this subject, students developed skills in statistics, algebra, linear equations and graphs, Pythagoras and Indices. There was a continued emphasis on students setting out their calculations logically using correct mathematical formats. Problem solving tasks were linked to the topics studied, allowing students to apply their skills in practical situations. Calculators and computers were used where appropriate.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class
Consistently Consistently Consistently Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when necessary Reflects on feedback Follows mathematical conventions

Consistently Consistently Consistently Consistently

Level of Achievement
Knowledge and Understanding 5/8

Sophie has demonstrated a sound knowledge and understanding of the themes covered in Mathematics. She has demonstrated an ability to follow a logical series of steps in solving a variety of challenging problems in familiar contexts.
Investigating Patterns 6/8

Sophie selected and applied mathematical problem-solving techniques to recognise patterns describe them as relationships or general rules. She was able to draw conclusions from her findings.
Communication in Mathematics



Sophie showed sufficient use of mathematical language and forms of mathematical representation . Her lines of reasoning were clear though not always logical or complete. She was able to move between different forms of representation with some success.
Reflection in Mathematics 4/6

Sophie explained whether her results made sense in the context of the problem. She was able to describe the link between her findings and real situations but her explanations were brief. She attempted to justify her results where appropriate.
Classes absent: 3

Unit Result

Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Mary Lo

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
This unit focused on developing practical skills in music performance as well as gaining an understanding of the relevance of cultural/historical influences in African and Blues music. Students composed and performed their own African and Blues pieces. The students' aural and music notation abilities were also developed through singing and writing. The research component allowed students to gather information on their chosen band/group and to present these findings in the form of an oral presentation to the class. In addition, students also gained ensemble skills through various classroom ensemble pieces that were studied.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class
Consistently Usually Consistently Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when required Reflects on feedback

Consistently Consistently Consistently

Level of Achievement
Knowledge and Understanding 6/8

Sophie demonstrated a good knowledge and understanding of the elements of the art form studied and how it related to societal, cultural, historical and /or personal contexts. She showed a good level of critical understanding of the art form, in the context of her own work.
Application 8/10

Sophie applied skills and techniques at a good level of proficiency. She elaborated an idea /theme or personal interpretation to a point of realisation, with evidence of good expression and communication of artistic intentions through the creative process.
Reflection and Evaluation 6/8

Sophie carried out a good evaluation of her work, which included an appraisal of the quality produced and identified some areas of improvement. She reflected critically and used feedback with little guidance on her artistic processes at different stages of her work.
Personal Engagement 5/8

Sophie demonstrated a good commitment in using her own artistic processes and was generally receptive to art practices from various cultures. She generally worked with her peers in a positive way and demonstrated some curiosity and a willingness to take informed risks.
Classes absent: 1

Unit Result

Personal Development
Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Tricia Van den Dolder

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1

VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
Personal Development explored the emotional, social and intellectual development of the students. The focus for Semester Two was on choices, friends, bullying and peer pressure. Students worked within groups and experienced numerous team building activities. A variety of learning styles were examined, helping students to identify their own strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge was applied to encourage the girls to adopt ownership for their learning. The nature of this program did not lend itself to traditional, formal assessment, consequently student progress was measured against the work practices shown below.

Work Practices

Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class

Consistently Consistently Consistently Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when necessary Reflects on feedback

Consistently Consistently Consistently

Classes absent: 0

Religious Education
Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Michael Dillon

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
Religious Education studies five areas of religious faith: Scripture and Jesus; Church and Community; God/Religion/Life; Prayer/Liturgy/Sacrament; Morality and Justice. The Year 8 Program in particular explored the life and times of Jesus as presented in the four gospels. Students also undertook a study of the Buddhist tradition in order to gain an understanding of others and their beliefs.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Works effectively as part of a team Is prepared for class
Usually Consistently Consistently Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when necessary Reflects on feedback

Usually Consistently Consistently

Level of Achievement
Knowledge 8/10

Sophie demonstrated a competent understanding of the core beliefs of the faith. She showed an understanding of selected faith texts. She used the specific terminology of religious studies in an informed manner. She exhibited a sound understanding of the key aspects of other faiths.
Skills 7/10

Sophie showed she could analyse texts. She expressed an informed response to aspects of the tradition and could compare it to others. She was able to select and use a range of information and she formulated clear arguments in response to an issue.
Organisation and Presentation 6/8

Sophie used a structure appropriate to the task and sequenced the content logically. Her presentation and expression were clear and sources of information were referenced appropriately with occasional errors.
Classes absent: 3

Unit Result

Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Priscilla Chu

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Unit Outline
Year 8 Science is designed to help students develop an understanding of themselves and the world around them. Students improve their laboratory skills through formal practical experiments. Communication skills and scientific vocabulary are developed through group work, oral presentations and class discussion. Assessment is based on completing practical reports, assignments and tests. The topics explored are the human body systems and the foundations of Chemistry.

Work Practices
Completes work punctually Works independently Demonstrates safe work practices Is prepared for class
Usually Consistently Consistently Consistently

Uses class time effectively Seeks assistance when necessary Reflects on feedback

Consistently Consistently Consistently

Level of Achievement
One World 6/6

Sophie demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of how science can be applied to solve issues . She accurately identified and described the benefits and limitations of these scientific applications. She logically discussed the interactions between science and social, environmental, cultural and ethical factors.
Communication in Science 6/6

Sophie communicated scientific information effectively and used scientific language correctly. She presented information appropriately and accurately. Sources of information were acknowledged appropriately.
Knowledge and Understanding 5/6

Sophie consistently explained scientific ideas and concepts clearly and accurately. She applied scientific understanding to solve problems skilfully in familiar and unfamiliar situations. She accurately and logically analysed and evaluated information using scientifically supported judgments.
Scientific Enquiry 6/6

Sophie defined the purpose of an investigation. She formulated and explained hypotheses accurately using scientific reasoning. She identified variables logically and accurately, and effectively evaluated the reliability and validity of scientific method.
Processing Data 6/6

Sophie skilfully organised and transformed data into numerical and diagrammatic forms and presented the information logically and clearly. She explained patterns and relationships in data, interpreted data accurately and drew logical conclusions based on scientific reasoning.
Attitudes in Science 6/6

Sophie consistently worked independently, used equipment skilfully, displayed safe work practices and worked responsibly. She always worked effectively as part of a team, collaborated with others and respected their views.
Classes absent: 1

Unit Result

Home Group Report

Semester 2, December 2011 Teacher: Tricia Van den Dolder

Sophie Matthews
Year 8 Home Group: O1 VSN: 542727724

Home Groups consist of girls from across each year level at either Middle or Senior School. Students remain in the one Home Group for Years 7 - 9 (Middle School) or Years 10 - 12 (Senior School) and develop strong relationships with their Home Group teacher as well as fellow students. Girls are able to form friendships with students from other year levels and many opportunities arise for the development of leadership skills. Middle School and Senior School Home Groups are paired to encourage these relationships.

Participation in Home Group

Engages in Home Group activities Accepts responsibility Demonstrates initiative and leadership Sensitive to the needs of others
Consistently Consistently Usually Consistently

Involvement in College Activities

Gifted & Talented Program For Mathematics

Classes absent: 6

Teacher : Tricia

Van den Dolder

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