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1.1 INTRODUCTION Kanyakumari District Co-opertive Spinning Mill of Kanyaspin, Ltd, Aralvaymozhi. This study is carried out from the point of view of production value, sales and finance, purchase, HR. Every production activity mainly depends upon four factors viz Men, Material, machine and money. Among the four men could be easily replaced by machine partially of wholly. But money and material are the resources that cannot be kept aloof. A highly populated country, like India, is never is short of human resources but in short of financial resources. As such India cannot keep aside the use of human resources and cannot introduce machine totally. The spinning mills bearing these factors in mind runs the show with these resources. The government has given encouragement to almost all sectors. Small scale cottage industries were treated with special care in view of their deep roots in villages. Handloom sector is one which was largely benefited by this policy. When the handloom industry becomes economically important and politically sensitive the government has taken upon itself the responsibility of providing a steady supply of yarn of standard quality in required quantity and courns at reasonable prices to the weavers. The Kanyakumari District co-operative spinning mills was registered on 21.10.1963 and started its production from 09.12.1965. During this period, the mill installed 24,960 spindles (Licensed capacity 25,000). In order to supply varieties of yarn to the weavers in the mill, there were machines for producing yarns of different counts of 20s, 30s, 40s, 80s, & 100s and also Hank yarn of 2/17, 2/40/ 2/60 & 2/80 and cone yarn of 20s, 30s, 40s, 60s and

80s. In addition the mill produced cotton/polyester yarns 52s, 62s and 2/80s. Four generations were installed in order to run the mill during power shortage. South Indian mills concentrate mustly on spinning & supply of yarn to the handloom sector, K.K. District co-operative spinning mills ltd, Aralvaymozhi is also one of them which produces yarn. Certain varieties like the Turkies towels, produced in this area have been well known all over the country. 1.2 GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE : The study unit is located at Aralvaymozhi in Kanyakumari District that is 14 kms to the east of Nagercoil. This district depends upon seasonal rains the agricultural operation totally depends upon the rainfall. There are dams for irrigating the lands in kanyakumari district more over this district has come under industrially backward area. This area is not rich in minerals except the rare earths in Manavalakurchi. The windmills are installed in this area which help to reduce the shortage of power supply. 1.3 POWER Production of IMW power from Non-Conventional Energy sources : It is natures gift that mill is located in the area which is best in India for harnassing wind energy. The mill WIND FARM is the first in the co-operative sector. The mill had commissioned 7 Nos 250KW WEG at mill premises under Nonconventional energy sources. The mill will meets out 30% power requirement. The project is completed and commissioned into production under INDIAN RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY NEW DELHI. Long term loan and with the financial assistance from NCDC and TamilNadu Govt. 1.4 CAPTIVE POWER : After the implementation of Energy saving measures, mill require 1250KVA power from 1550KVA to run its full capacity. At present, the mill is having 5 Generator sets to total capacity of 1462KVA. The mills have been sanctioned maximum demand of 1250 KVA by the TamilNadu Electricity Board, but being maintained at 1050 KVA.

1.5 STARTING DETAIL ABOUT THE MILLS : Date of registration Date of commercial production Date of inauguration Inaugurated by : : : : 21.10.1963 09.12.1965 09.12.1965 Sri.M.Bhathvatsalam (Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu) Presiding over this function : Sri.R.Venkat Raman. (Minister for Industries Tamilnadu) Building up area Growth capacity spindles I Stage : : : 1.41 lakhs sq.fts. 1965 74 12000 1975 84 12960 (1979) I modernization 1.6 AUDIT OF ACCOUNT : Two types of audit of account are carried out in Kanyakumari District Cooperative Spinning Mills Ltd, Aralvaymozhi viz Internet and External audit. Internet Audit is carried out by their staff thoughts the financial years. External audit is carried out by co-operative auditors, Examined by Deputy Director of co-operative audits, Nagercoil and the certificate of audit is issued by Joint Director of Co-operative audits. : 1979 80

1.7 PAST ACHIEVEMENT : The mill has got many laurels and certificates of merit by difference forums of the textiles industry in ALL. INDIA LEVEL, AND STATE LEVEL. 1.8 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE MILL The objectives of kanyakumari district co-operative spinning mills are to carry on the manufacturing and business of cotton, manmade fibre selling yarn at reasonable price to the handloom weavers, ensuring reasonable wages, security and providing employment to safe guard the interest of the weavers.


2.1 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS AND THEORY : The term human resources refers to the knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents aptitude, values and beliefs of an organizations workforce. The more important aspects of human resources are aptitude, values, attitudes and beliefs. But, in a given situation, if these vital aspects remain same, the other aspects of human resources like knowledge, skills, creative abilities and talents play an important role in deciding the efficiency and effectiveness of an organizations work force. However, enhancement of utilization value of human resources depends on improvement of the human resource aspects like values, beliefs, aptitude and attitude in accordance with the changing requirements of groups, organization and society at large. This process is the essence of human resource development. It is clear from this interpretation that human resource development improves the utilization value of an organization. The effective performance of an organization depends not just on the available resources, but its quality and competence as required by the organization from time to time. The difference between two nations largely depends on the level of quality of human resources. Similarly, the difference in the level of performance of two organizations also depends on utilization value of human resources. Moreover, the efficiency of production process and various areas of management depend to a greater extent on the level of human resources development. HRD assumes significance in view of the fast changing organization environments and need of the organization to adopt new techniques in order to respond to the environmental changes. The changing environment factors include: Unprecedented increase in competition within and outside the country consequent upon the announcement and implementation of economic liberalizations.

Trends towards market economy are more prevalent in most of the countries including the erstwhile communist countries. These trends towards marketing economy resulting in severe competition not only among the industries in the globe but also industries within the nation. This competition allows only the industries strong in all respects to continue in the market and the other industries are forced to withdraw from the market. The vitality of human resources to a nation and to industry depends upon the level of its development. Organization to be dynamic, growth oriented and fast changing should develop their human resources. It is needles to say that the organization possessing competent human resources grow faster and can be dynamic. Though the positive personnel policies and programmes motivate the employees, but their commitment and loyally but these efforts cannot keep the organization dynamic and first changing. Organization to be dynamic should possess dynamic human resources. Human resources to the dynamic acquire capabilities continuously; adopt the values and beliefs and aptitude in accordance with changing requirements of the organization. Similarly, when employees use their initiative, take risks, experiments, innovate and make things, happen, the organization may said to have an enabling culture. The competent human resources can be dynamic in an enabling culture. Thus, the organization can develop, significant role in making the human resources vital useful and purposeful. HRD has been defined as a process by which the employees of an organization are helped, in a continuous, planned way, to acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future roles; develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit their own inner potential for their own and / or organizational development purposes; develop an organizational culture in which the supervisor-subordinate relationships, termwork and collaboration among sub units are strong and contribute to the professional well being, motivation and pride of employees. The HRD instruments / subsystems/ mechanisms (e.g.HRD departments, appraisal systems, job rotation and training) from the HRD processes and culture,

HRD outcomes and organizational outcomes. The HRD department or the function has sometimes been treated as an HRD instrument as it essentially a facilitator or development. However, given the significance of the HRD department in producing good employees, the HRD department can be treated as a separate element for good HRD. Elements of Good HRD. The elements of good HRD are Corporate - strategy and business linked HRD Systems engineered and systems driven HRD Appropriately structured and competently handled HRD. Corporate strategy and Business linked HRD : HRD and HR practices should be linked to business goals and corporate strategy. The organization may use in variety of strategies. Some of these include : Change in technologies or introduction of new technologies. Change in markets. Acquisitions and mergers. Internationalization of business. Additional of new products and services. Cost reduction programmes. Quality- enhancement programmes. Reorganization or rationalization of organizational structure including downsizing or upsizing. Change in equity, financial structure, etc. Joint ventures, etc. Techniques of Human Resource Development Techniques of human resource development are also called HRD methods, HRD instruments or HRD mechanisms or HRD subsystems. They include :

Performance Appraisal Potential Appraisal Career Planning Career Development Employee Development Executive Development Organizational Change Organizational Development Social and Cultural Programmes Workers participation in Management Quality Circles Employee Counseling Team work Role Analysis Communication Policies and Practices Monetary Rewards Non-Monetary Rewards Employee Benefits Grievance Mechanism The above techniques and strategies can be briefly explain as follows : Performance Appraisal : The process of HRD helps the employees to acquire and / or develop technical, managerial and behavioral knowledge, skill and abilities and moulds the values, beliefs and attitudes necessary to perform present and future roles. The process of performance appraisal helps the employee and the management to know the level of employees performance compared to the standard/pre-determined level. Performance appraisal is essential to understand and improve the employees performance through HRD. In fact, performance appraisal is the basis for HRD. It was viewed that performance appraisal was useful to decide upon employee promotion/

transfer, salary determination and the like. But the recent developments in human resources management indicate that performance appraisal is the basis for employee development. Performance appraisal indicates the level of desired performance level, level of actual performance and the gap between these two. This gap should be bridged through human resources development techniques like training, executive development etc. Modern performance appraisal techniques are suitable for growth strategies like expansion, diversification, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions. These strategies help the company to meet competition, build competencies, acquire strengths, enhance market share, innovate and create new markets, new products and new technologies, performance appraisal by the customers, subordinates and peers in addition to superiors, help the employees to have a feed back from multiple directions, identify their deficiencies and acquire competencies through training and development in addition, the modern techniques of performance appraisal and 360 degree performance appraisal enhances employee creativity which in turn contribute for the achievement of new product development, low cost leadership and differentiation strategies. Potential Appraisal : In making potential appraisal of managers, levels of talent and ambition have to be clearly identified. It should be remembered that there are limits beyond which any individual employee will be over-stretched and likely to succeed. Doing the present job exceedingly well is no indicator of assured success in a higher job. Some employees are cut-out for specific jobs. They are happy doing such jobs. Promoting them without assessing their potential may be a lose lose situation for the organization. 2.2. Industry Profile : The organized cotton textile industry is one of the oldest and most firmly established major industries. At present there are 1,175 mills in the country 1906 spinning mills and 269 composite mills with 28 million spindles and 1.6 lakhs blooms. 132 mills were closed of Marh 1994.

The structure of textile industry is extremely complex with the medium sophisticated and highly mechanized mill sector on the one hand and the hand spinning and hand weaving (hand loom) sector on the other. In between falls the decentralized small scale power loom industry is the largest in the country accounting for about 17 million people and contributing nearly 30 percent of the value of export. The Indian textile industry is predominantly cotton based with 70 percent fabric production being accounted for by cotton. The mill sector production of all fabric has been declining over the years mainly because of the intense competition offered by the decentralized sector in the production of 100%. Man made fibre fabrics is complete and the mill sector is almost wiped out from this field. The cotton textile industry consists of three distinct categories in the organized sector. They are 1. Spinning mills, 2. Coarse and medium composite mills 3. Fine and super fine mills. Spinning mills are generally small in size. Course and medium composite mills are not able to adjust their cost in the face of rising prices of raw material and like in wages. Consequently many of them become uneconomic units and rain to difficulties. Fine and superfine composite mills use foreign cotton. They are not subject to stock restriction and can therefore carry on stable production program. The consumption of cotton fabric has decreased considerably due to the entry of man made fabrics. The wash and wear qualities of polyster and blended fabrics reduce the maintenance including the cost in terms of washing and ironing of the cloths. Consequently, there is a shift in consumption in favour of polyester and blended fabrics. 2.1.1. TEXTILE SECTOR i. Textile Mills :


Textile sector in Tamil Nadu has been a forerunner in providing massive employment, and it is predominantly spinning-oriented and that too of cotton spinning. There are 2950 large, medium and small spinning mills in India, of which 1734 mills are located in Tamil Nadu. These include 18 co-operative spinning Mills, 8 National Textile Corporation Mills and 26 composite mills. The spinning capacity of these Mills is 16.44 million spindles with a labour force of about 2.31 lakh. The quantity of yarn produced by this state is slightly more than one third of the total yarn production in the country. During the year 2004-05, 3223.52 million kg. of yarn was produced in the country, of which, Tamil Nadu contributed 1261.98 million kg. of yarn. Successively this state is the No.1 producer of various varieties of yarn in the country. ii. Co-operative Spinning Mills : In Tamil Nadu, 18 Co-operative Spinning Mills were setup between 1958 to 1985 with spindle capacity of 4.70 lakh with the object of supplying good quality yarn at reasonable rates to meet the requirement of hank yarn by the Handloom Weavers Co-operative Societies and cone yarn by the power loom weave cooperative societies. Out of 18 Co-operative spinning mills set up in Tamil Nadu, the following 5 Co-operative Mills are functioning at present. 1. Bharathi Co-operative Spinning mills, Ettayapuram. 2. Anna Co-operative spinning mills, Andipatti. 3. Dharmapuri District Co-operative spinning mills, Aranthangi.
4. Pudukottai District Co-operative spinning mills, Aranthangi.

5. Kanyakumari District Co-operative spinning mills, Aralvaimozhi. 2.1.2 PROBLEMS FACED BY THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY : The cotton mill industry suffered from in competent and selfish managing agents and directors who were more interested in their own profit. They did not take sufficient interested in accumulating financial reserves or improper maintenance of machine and modernization. The vote of trade union was also rather very


unsatisfactory. But the two major reason are Governments textile policy and growth of poor loom sectors. The chief reason can be stated as below.

a. Government control and heavy exercise activities : The cotton textile industry has suffered badly due to wrong and often confused policies of Government. The Government used to fix the price of cotton which led to discernment among the manufacture. b. Problem of raw material : The industry faces the problem of building up a regular supply of its raw material cotton in adequate quantities. Despite the importance of the industry and the long period of its growth the position of raw material has remained unstable. c. Problem of power : The textile industry in our country has suffered badly due to lack of power supply and frequent power cuts and load shedding. The inadequacy of coal has added up to the grievance. d. Obsolete machine and new for modernization : More than 80% of the cotton mill machine has been outdated and would be scrapped. The need for replacement and modernization is felt the most due to excessive composition from foreign manufactures. e. Competition for recentralization sector : An important factor for the growing sickness of the mill sector is the growth of decentralized allowed excise concession and other privileges such as exemption from the production of controlled cloth. This organized so the level of wages was much lower than the other mills. f. Government takes over of sick mills :

The Government set up the national textile corporation (NTC) to run the sick industries of pumping large amount of money but the too it is incurring losses and people at large feel that it would have been better it they would have closed these units. The reason for the loss is ole machinery and excess laborer. 2.1.3 MODERNIZATION OF VARIOUS PROCESS : Modernization in the spinning weaving and processing sector shall be undertaken on the basis of carefully identified need of each units as to installation of balancing equipment renovation of exist in machine replacement and technology up gradation. The funds for this purpose will be provided by IDBI. In order to generate internal resources a textile modernization fund has been created, liberal import policy for machine not available in India. 2.1.4. RECENT GOVERNMENT POLICIES : The textile modernization fund was set up in 1986 with an order of Rs.750 cores. It has received till form the mills.
a. The government has set up NTC for the remaining of sick mills and also for

modernization of sick mills. The government has set up NRF (National Renewal Fund) to handle the voluntary scheme.
b. Other program include technological up gradation of giving and pressing

operation and up gradation of capacity of decentralized power loom. Under the new liberalized industrial policy the textile was among the many industries delicensed under the new policy. No prior approval of the government is required to set up textile units or expand capacity of existing power loom except locational clearance. c. The government has made changes in export import policy to give a till up to the export sector and to provide more facilities for providing import of capital goods at concessional rate. The government announced a new Export Entitlements Distribution policy. Generally known as Quota policy for the export of various textile items to certain countries.


2.3 COMPANY PROFILE : The Kanyakumari District Co-operative Spinning mills Ltd., Aralvaymozhi is one among the eighteen Co-operative spinning mills in Tamil Nadu. The mill was started in the year 1963. But the commencement of production was started in 1965. The total area of the mill is 42 acres. The mill is situated at Aralvaymozhi 14 kms away from Nagercoil. 2.2.L OBJECTIVES : The main objectives of the mill is to produce good quality yarn to be supplied to weavers co-operative societies at reasonable price fixed by Director of Handlooms and Textiles, Chennai and to provide employment to the Handloom weavers, Adi dravidas and rural youths. 2.2.3 SHARE CAPITAL The authorized and paid up share capital of the mills detailed below : Authorized share capital : Rs.600.00 lakhs Paid up share capital : Rs.505.43 lakhs 2.2.3 PRODUCT The mill product both Hank yarn and cone yarn in 20s, 30s, 40s, 60s counts. The mill produces good quality of yarn to be supplied to weaver co-operative societies. 2.2.4 CONSUMER The Tamil nadu Handloom weavers Co-operative society Ltd., Chennai (Cooptex) is the major consumer of the yarn. 2.2.5 RAW MATERIAL : The basic raw material used in production of yarn is cotton.


2.2.6 PERFORMANCE OF THE MILL The current performance of the mill is good. But it has some problems in marketing and financial flow. The mill suffers form insufficient fund and also there is still no standard yard marketing strategies. 2.2.7 EMPLOYEE DETAILS IN KANYAKUMARI SPINNING : The permanent workers of spinning mill is 255, daily coolies is 52 and 19 staff member are working in the mills. Totally 326 workers are working in spinning mill. 2.2.8 SHIFT WORK : One shift mean 8 hours of work.
1st shift is from 12 midnight to 7 A.M 2nd shift is from 1 A.M. to 3.30 P.M 3rd shift is from 3.30 P.M. to 12.00 midnight

Administrative Office time is from 9.30 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. 2.2.9 WELFARE FACILITIES : Two sets Terri Cotton uniforms. Four nos banians.
This are provide once in two years for workers and staff.

Two nos of towels once in a year. A pair of chapels to staff once in a year as well as to workers. Canteen Free tea supplied to workers and staffs 2 times in every shifts and with free Tiffin in full night shift workers. E.S.I The employees State Insurance Scheme is in force in the Mills. Group Insurance :

The Group Insurance scheme and Groups Gratituty Scheme with Life Insurance Corporation of India is introduced since 1990 for the benefit of employees.

Labour Welfare Officer : In order to maintain smooth relationship between Management and labour, a labour welfare officer is in employment. Bonus of Exgratia : Workers were given in 8.33% Bonus and 8.17% Exgratia. Festival Advance : For Festivals, the Labours are given advance, recoverable in ten monthly installments. Besides the Labours are given the benefit of purchasing cloths from cooptex and Kadhe depot on credit, payable in monthly installment. Family planning incentive : To encourage family planning the mill provide Rs.700 as incentive and 7 days special causal leave with pay to the employees helps who undergone family planning sterlisation or by their better half. 2.3.1 OPERATIONAL CONCEPTS : Hank Yarn Hank yarn is output of the reeling process in production. Cone Yarn Cone yarn is the output of the winding process in production. Spindles

The sole apparatus with which yarn was spun Rotors The rotor is the moving portion and contains conductors to establish the shape the magnetic fields that will interact with those produced by the stator. 2.3.2 PRODUCTION PROCESS : The processing sequence will vary according to the variety workers of yarn spun ie carded or combed, type of yarn (ie) single or double and according to the type of package (ie) Hank or cone. Mixing : Various type of cottons are grown in our country. The cottons are graded according to various fibre properties like length, strength, maturity, fineness, colour etc. These properties vary in different varieties of cotton. Some cotton may have better length, some may have better fineness and maturity ect. This work of blending the different together is done in the mixing department. Where the different varieties are taken in required proportions are arranged on the lattice of the blenders or bale pluckers of the blow room machinery. Blow Room : In a single blow room, the cotton is fed at one end and the output is achieved at the scutcher, which is the last machine in the sequence of machinery of the blow room, in the form of a lap. A lap is a sheet of cotton fleece rolled around an iron rod inserted in the lap spindle. When the full lap is removed the scutcher, the spindle is pulled out and the lap remains around the iron rod. The main purpose of the blow room is opening and cleaning of cotton. Opening is a prerequisite to cleaning. Hence, the blow room sequence consists of opening and cleaning machinery. Carding :

The blow room lap is brought to the carding department and is fed to the carding machine. The cotton is the carding machine. The cotton is still in the form of small tufts in the lap. These are opened to the stage of single fibre on the card by means of carding action between pointed wires mounted on the surface of lickerin cylinder and flats. The opened fibres are collected by the doffer comb or the doff roller in the form of a web. This wed is then passed through the trumpt to give it the shape of a rope and coiled inside a can by means of a coiler. The rope form of cotton material is called a silver. For carded yarn the cleaning operation end here. Draw Frames : The card silver lacks in regularity and the fibres are also in a crissiross condition. In order to spin an even and regular yarn the silver should be uniform and regular. The fibres should also the made parallel and oriented along the axis of the silver for better control of the fibres during drafting better strength of yan in spinning. The evenness of silver and paralleslisation of fibres is achieved at the draw frames where 6 to 8 or more silver are blended together and drafted to get one silver. The draft will be equal to the number of silver blended. These silvers are again fed to another head of draw frame known as the finisher draw framed we get the finisher silver. Fly Frames : These spinning preparatory machines are called fly frames to distinguish them from ring frames where the final yarn is spun. The silver from draw frames is fed to fly frames. The silver drafted and reduced in diameter and slightly twisted and wound on the bobbin by means of the flyer hence the name fly frames. Winding The yarn spun at ring frame and doubled yarn from doubling frame is wound on a bobbin which is a very small package. This is not economical from the point of view of transport of yarn to market. Also objectionable defects like weak places thick

places like slubs etc are present in the single yarn. These defects are removed at the winding process.

Reeling : The yarn is to be supplied to handlooms in the form of hanks. The textile Commissioners regulations also stipulate certain minimum production of hank yarn. The hank yarn is produced on the reeling machines. The hanks are wound from bobbins. Doubling : In the doubling process two single yarns are twisted together to give a double yarn. This increases the strength of the yarn. If two single yarns of 10s count are doubled the resultant yarn will be doubled of 2/10s count. Packing: The yarn is sold in hank form or as cones. A number of hanks are packed together in bundles and a number of bundles are packed in the form in the baling press. Individuals cones are normally put in polythene bags and a suitable number of cones are packed in bags, cartones or cases. A cardboard disc is generally inserted in the open end of the cone of prevent it from collapsing under pressure. Various types of packing materials are used like cones discs, polythene bags, cardboard box, waterproof paper, hessian, packing tapes, labels etc. The type of materials used and their quality will depend on the nature of packing which will in turn depend on the size of the bale, type of sale (ie) export of locate etc. Thus, the packing cost consists of material cost and conversion cost.



3.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM : The research problem here in this study is associated with the motivation of employees of The Kanyakumari District Co-operative Spinning Mills Ltd.,Aralvaymozhi,. There are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of motivation; some of these factors include. 1. Monetary and Non Monetary benefits. 2. Interpersonal Relationship. Motivated employees are a great asset to any organization. It is because the motivation and job satisfaction is clearly linked. Hence this study is focusing on the employee motivation in the organization. 3.2. NEED FOR THE STUDY : The present study on factors influencing motivation in The Kanyakumari District Co-operative Spinning Mills Ltd.,Aralvaymozhi help in widening the perception of sociological and humanitarian value of human resources in a manufacturing sector. The study would be helpful to the management in the formulation of strategy and policy in the area of motivation and human resource development. The theoretical framework in the area of motivation would be strengthened by the proposed study. Further, the study may help the organization in bringing improvements in its working for the achievement of better results.


Moreover, the study may encourage the workers and management of The Kanyakumari District Co-operative Spinning Mills Ltd.,Aralvaymozhi to bring changes in their perception necessary for effective and efficient performance. Keeping in view the whole nexus of the problem, it is interesting to study the relationship between the various factors on and off job and motivation.

3.3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY : To Analyze the level of motivation of Monetary and Non monetary incentives provided by the organization. To study the important factors which are needed to motivate the employees. To study about the workers participation in management activities. To analyse the level of motivation of employees through the relationship of employees among their colleagues and superiors. To determine the extent of their job satisfaction. 3.4 TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR ANALYSIS : The processing, classification tabulation and interpretation and analysis of data were done with the help of Microsoft office. Following statistical and mathematical techniques have been employed depending on the nature of the data collected from the respondents. Chi Square Analysis : The objective of chi-square test is to determine whether the real or significant difference exists among the various groups. Chi-square test involves comparison of observed frequency (Oi) and the expected frequency (Ei) to determine whether the difference between the two is greater than that might occur by chance. The null hypothesis is rejected if he computed value is greater than the table value.


The null hypothesis is accepted if the computed value is less than the table value. Formulae X2 = Oi Ei/ Ei

Percentage Analysis Percentage refers to a special king of ratio. Percentage is used in making comparison between two or more series of data. Percentage is used to describe relationship. Percentage (%) = No. of . respondents * 100/Total respondents. 3.5. SCOPE OF THE STUDY : The research will be useful to the management in making the necessary changes in satisfying the employees and also to pay keen attention to various motivational factors wherever necessary. Once the company fulfills the employee fulfills the employees needs, this motives them to perform well and it invariably helps the organization to increase its productivity and achieve its goals. 3.6. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY : The limitations of the study are the following Since the organization has strict control, it acts as another barrier for getting data. Another difficulty was very limited time span of the project. Lack of experience of Researcher. The data was collected through questionnaire. The responds from the respondents may not be accurate.


1. Table showing the age of the respondents SI.No 1 2 3 Age 20-30 31-40 41 & above Total No.of.Respondents 19 21 10 50 Percentage (%) 38 42 20 100

45 40 35 No.of.Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 20-30

31-40 Age

41 & above

Interpretation : The table shows that 42% of the respondents are 31-40 ages.

2. Table showing the Education qualification of the respondents. SI.No 1 2 3 Qualification Under Graduate Diploma Post Graduate Total No.of.Respondents 14 31 5 50 Percentage (%) 28 62 10 100

70 60 No.of. Respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0 Under Graduate Diploma Qualification Post Graduate

Interpretation :


The table shows that 62% of the respondents are diploma and 10% respondents are post graduate 31-40 ages.

3. Factors which motivates you more SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Salary Increase Promotion Leave Motivational talk Recognition Total No.of.Respondents 21 15 3 5 6 50 Percentage (%) 42 30 6 10 12 100

45 40 35 No.of.Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Salary Increase Promotion Leave Particulars Motivational talk Recognition

Interpretation : The table shows that 42% respondents are one salary increase.


4. Type of incentives motives you more. Particulars Financial Incentives Non Financial Incentives Both Total No.of.Respondents 15 9 26 50 Percentage (%) 30 18 52 100

1 2 3

60 50 No.of.Respondent 40 30 20 10 0 Financial Incentives Non Financial Incentives Particulars Both

Interpretation : The table shows that 52% the respondents are expressing that both financial and non financial incentives will equally motivate them.

5. Incentives and other Benefits Influence you more.


SI.No 1 2 3

Particulars Influence Does not influence No Opinion Total

No.of.Respondents 32 12 6 50

Percentage (%) 64 24 12 100

70 60 No.of.Respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0 32


24 12 6 12


Does not influence particulars

No Opinion

Interpretation : The table shows that 64% of the respondents responded that incentives and other benefits will influence their performance.

Age of the Respondents (Table 3.1)


SI.No 1 2 3

Age 20-30 31-40 41 & above Total

No.of.Respondents 19 21 10 50

Percentage (%) 38 42 20 100

45 40 35 No.of.Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 20-30
Interpretation : From the above table it is evident that 38% of respondents are between the age group of 20-30, 42% of respondents are between the age group of 31-40, 20% of respondents are between 41 & above.

31-40 Age

41 & above

Educational Qualification of the respondents Educational qualification is the degree, diploma, certificate, professional title and so forth that an individual has acquired.


(Table 3.2) SI.No 1 2 3 Qualification Under Graduate Diploma Post Graduate Total No.of.Respondents 14 31 5 50 Percentage (%) 28 62 10 100

70 60 No.of. Respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0 Under Graduate Diploma Qualification Post Graduate

Interpretation : From the above table it is evident that 27% of respondents are graduate, 62% of respondents are Diploma holders and 11% of respondents are post Graduate.

Factors which motivates you more (Table 4.1) SI.No 1 2 Particulars Salary increase Promotion No.of.Respondents 21 15

Percentage (%) 42 30

3 4 5

Leave Motivational talk Recognition Total

3 5 6 50

6 10 12 100

45 40 35 No.of.Respondent 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 21



15 10 3 Salary increase Promotion 6 5 6


Leave Particulars

M otivational Recognition talk

Interpretation : The table shows that the 42% of the respondent is responding that increase in salary will motivate them the most.

Type of Incentives motives you more. Incentives are something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity. SI.No 1 2 Particulars Financial Incentives Non Financial Incentives Total

No.of.Respondents 36 14 50

Percentage (%) 72 28 100

Interpretation : The table shows that the 72% of the respondent are expressing that financial incentives will motivate them.

Incentives and other Benefits Influence you more SI.No 1 2 3 Particulars Influence Does not influence No Opinion Total No.of.Respondents 32 12 6 50 Percentage (%) 64 24 12 100


70 60 s t 50 n e d n 40 o p s e R 30 . f o . o 20 N 10 0


32 24 12 6 12


Does not influence Particulars

No Opinion

Interpretation : The table shows that the 64% of the responded that incentives and other benefits will influence their performance

The incentives provided in the organization are better when compared to other similar Organization. SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

No.of.Respondents 22 19 6 3 0 50

Percentage (%) 44 38 12 6 0 100

Interpretation : From the table it is evident that 44% of respondents strongly agree that the incentives provided by the organization are better when compared to other similar organization.

The Employees pay has been revised according to their Experience, skills, Responsibilities, Qualification and performance. Experience as a general concept comprises knowledge of or skill in or observation of something or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event. SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

No.of.Respondents 36 11 1 2 0

Percentage (%) 72 22 2 4 0




80 70 60 s 50 t n e 40 d n 30 o p s 20 e R . 10 f O 0 . o N


36 22 11 1 2 Strongly agree Agree 2 4 0 0

Neutral Disagree Strongly agree Particulars

Interpretation : From the table it is evident that 72% of respondents are strongly agree that the pay has been revised according to their Experience, Skills, Responsibilities, Qualifications and Performance.

Organization provides Bonus for Excellent Performance Bonus is a sum of money or an equivalent given to an employee in addition to the employees usual compensation. (Table 4.6) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

No.of.Respondents 18 14 10 6 2 50

Percentage (%) 36 28 20 12 4 100

40 s 35 t n 30 e d n 25 o p s 20 e R . 15 f O . 10 o N 5 0

36 28 18 14 10 6 2 Strongly agree Agree Neutral Particulars D isagree 20 12 4

Strongly disagree

Interpretation : The table shows that 36% of employees Strongly agree and 28% of employees Agree that the organization provides bonus for their excellent performance. Satisfaction of Compensation and Increments Compensation is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed, Increments is the act or process of increasing; growth in bulk, quantity, number, value, or amount ; augmentation; enlargement. (Table 4.7) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 23 19 4 3 1 50 Percentage (%) 46 38 8 6 2 100


s t n e d n o p s e R . f O . o N

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

46 38 23

19 4 8 3 6

1 2 Strongly disagree

Strongly agree


Neutral Particulars


Interpretation : The table shows that 46% of respondents are Strongly agree that they are satisfied with my compensation and increments. Both Appreciation and Rewards are used to extract work form the Employees Reward is something given or received in recompense for worthy behavior or in retribution for evil acts. (Table 4.8) SI.No 1 2 3 4 60 s5 50 t n e d 40 n o p 30 s e R . 20 f O . o 10 N 0 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral 56 Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 28 11 4 3 4 50 Percentage (%) 56 22 8 6 8 100

28 11

22 4 8 3 6 4 8

Strongly agree


Neutral 36 Particulars


Strongly disagree

Interpretation : The table shows that 56% of respondents are Strongly agree that in the organization both appreciation and rewards are used to extract work from the employees.

Employees are Praised and Appreciated to Perform Better Appreciation is perceptive recognition of qualities, as in art. An increase in value as of goods or property. (Table 4.9) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 28 12 3 5 2 50 Percentage (%) 56 24 6 10 4 100

60 s t n e d n o p s e R . f O . o N 50 40 30 20 10 0 28


24 12 3 6 Neutral Particulars 5 10 2 4 Strongly disagree

Strongly agree



Interpretation :


From the above table it is evident that 56% of employees are strongly agree that they are praised and appreciated to perform better.

Career Development Opportunities are helpful to get motivated Career Development requires a concerted effort on the part of everyone to be successful. (Table 4.9) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 10 26 2 4 8 50 Percentage (%) 20 52 4 8 16 100

60 No.of.Respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree 10 26 20


16 2 Agree 4 4 8 8

Neutral Particulars


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation :


The table shows 52% of the respondents agree that the career development opportunities are helpful to get motivated.

The Organization Fair and Friendly Environment (Table 4.11) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 37 8 1 4 0 50 Percentage (%) 74 16 2 8 0 100

80 70 No.of.Respondent 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 37


16 8 1 Strongly agree Agree 2 4 8 0 0

Neutral Particulars


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation : From the above that it is evident that 74% of employees are strongly agree that the organization establishes a fair and friendly working environment.


The Colleagues are Cordinal and offer help whenever they need (Table 4.12) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 12 28 6 3 1 50 Percentage (%) 24 56 12 6 2 100

60 50 t n e d 40 n o p s 30 e R . f o 20 . o N 10 0 Strongly agree


24 12


12 6 3 6 1 2


Neutral Particulars


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation : From the above that it is evident that 56% of employees are strongly agree that there exists a high level of mutual trust between employee and their colleagues.


Get support from Pears, Managers and Subordinates. (Table 4.13) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 15 27 8 0 0 50 Percentage (%) 30 54 16 0 0 100

60 50 t n e d 40 n o p s 30 e R . f o 20 . o N 10 0 Strongly agree


30 15

27 16 8 0 Agree Neutral Particulars 0 0 0


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation : From the above table, it is evident that 54% of employees are agree that they are get supported from their peer, managers and Subordinate.

Proper Guidance of Superiors


(Table 4.14) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 43 4 3 0 0 50 Percentage (%) 86 8 6 0 0 100

90 80 t 70 n e d 60 n o p 50 s e R 40 . f o . 30 o N 20 10 0



4 Strongly agree


Neutral Particulars


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation : The table shows that 86% of employees are strongly agree that they are guided by their supervisor properly.

The individual Development in performance has been encouraged by superior (Table 4.15)


SI.No 1 2 3 4 5

Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

No.of.Respondents 27 15 6 1 1 50

Percentage (%) 54 30 12 2 2 100

60 50 t n e d 40 n o p s 30 e R . f o 20 . o N 10 0


27 15


12 6 1 2 1 2

Strongly agree


Neutral Particulars


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation : From the above table it is evident that 54% of employees are strongly agree that their individual development in performance has been encouraged by the superior.

The organization provides importance to the workers participation in management (Table 4.16) SI.No 1 2 Particulars Strongly agree Agree

No.of.Respondents 32 10

Percentage (%) 64 20

3 4 5

Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

1 4 3 50

2 8 6 100

70 60 No.of.Respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0 32


20 10 1 Strongly agree Agree 2 4 8 3 6

Neutral Particulars


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation : The table shows that 64% of employees are strongly agree that their organization provides importance to the workers participation in management.

Management Accepts employee suggestion in Decision Decision is an account or report of a conclusion, especially of a legal adjudication or judicial determination of a question or cause. (Table 4.17) SI.No 1 Particulars Strongly agree

No.of.Respondents 27

Percentage (%) 54

2 3 4 5

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

14 5 3 1 50

28 10 6 2 100

60 t 50 n e d n 40 o p s 30 e R . f 20 o . o N 10 0


27 14

28 10 3

5 Strongly agree Agree

1 2 Strongly Disagree

Neutral Particular


Interpretation : From the above table it is evident that 56% agree that the management accepts employee suggestion in decision.

The non- Financial motives provide by the organization are satisfactory Non Financial methods, through perhaps indirectly beginning monetary rewards are targeted at providing psychological benefits for workers. (Table 4.18) SI.No 1 2 3 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral

No.of.Respondents 10 15 16

Percentage (%) 20 30 32

4 5

Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

5 4 50

10 8 100

35 t 30 n e d 25 n o 20 p s e R 15 . f o 10 . o N 5 0

30 20 15 10 16


10 5 4

Strongly agree


Neutral Particular


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation : From the above table it is evident that 30% of employees are Agree that their the non-financial motives provided by the organization are satisfactory.

The organization provides adequate rewards for excellence in performance and accomplishment of the task. Performance is a the act of performing the carrying into execution or action; execution, achievement, accomplishment; representation by action; as the performance of an undertaking. (Table 4.19) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

No.of.Respondents 32 13 4 1 0

Percentage (%) 64 26 8 2 0




70 t n 60 e d 50 n o p 40 s e R 30 . f o 20 . o N 10 0


32 13

26 4 8 Neutral Particular 1 2 0 0

Strongly agree


Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interpretation : The table shows that 64% of employees are strongly agree that the organization provide adequate rewards for excellence in performance and accomplishment of the task. Their exist a Training Program for the employees for their better performance Training is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts and rules. (Table 4.20) SI.No 1 2 90 3 80 t 4 n 70 e d 60 5 n o p 50 s e R 40 . f o 30 . o N 20 10 0 Particulars 90 Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 45 Total No.of.Respondents 32 13 4 1 0 50 Percentage (%) 64 26 8 2 0 100

3 6 Strongly agree Agree

1 2

1 2

0 0

Neutral Disagree Strongly 47 Disagree Particulars

Interpretation : The table shows that 90% of employees are strongly agree that the organization providing training programe for the employees for their better performance. Effective appraisable are a regular review of employee performance with in organizations. (Table 4.21) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 10 23 8 6 3 50 Percentage (%) 20 46 16 12 6 100

50 45 t 40 n e 35 d n 30 o p s 25 e R 20 . f o . o 15 N 10 5 0


20 10

23 16 8 12 6 3 6

Strongly agree


Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Particulars

Interpretation :


The table shows that 46% of the respondents agree to effective performance appraisal system existing in the company.

The motivation improves in personal level, Economic level and in interpersonal level. (Table 4.22) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 10 15 6 14 5 50 Percentage (%) 20 30 12 28 10 100

30 30 25 t n e d 20 n o p s 15 e R . f o . 10 o N 5 0 Strongly agree Agree 20 15 10 6 12 14


10 5

Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Particulars

Interpretation : From the above table, it is evident that 30% of employees are agree that the motivation improves them in personal level, economic level and in their interpersonal relation.


Organization provides opportunity for the development of the employees Opportunity is fit or convenient time; a time or place favorable for executing a purpose a suitable combination of conditions, suitable occasion chance. (Table 4.23) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 16 15 10 7 2 50 Percentage (%) 32 30 20 14 4 100

35 t n e 25 d n o 20 p s e R 15 . f o . o 10 N 5 0 30



20 16 15 10 7 2 Strongly agree Agree 4 14

Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Particulars

Interpretation : The table shows that 32% of employees are strongly agree and 30% of employees are agree that the organization provides sufficient opportunity for the development of the employees.


The Management recognizes the employee Innovative work (Table 4.24) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 38 6 4 2 0 50 Percentage (%) 76 12 8 4 0 100

80 70 t n 60 e d n 50 o p s 40 e R . f 30 o . o 20 N 10 0



6 Strongly agree

12 4

2 4

0 0


N eutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Particulars

Interpretation : The table shows that 76% of employees are strongly agree that the management recognizes the employee innovative work.

The profit can be achieve by Motivating employees in the organization.


(Table 4.24) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 34 12 2 2 0 50 Percentage (%) 68 24 4 4 0 100

70 60 t n e 50 d n o 40 p s e R 30 . f o . o 20 N 10 0


34 24 12 2 4 Strongly agree Agree 2 4 0 0

N eutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Particulars

Interpretation : From the above table, it is evident that 68% of employees strongly agree that the profit can be achieved by motivating employees in organization. Management is really interested in motivating the employees


(Table 4.24) SI.No 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of.Respondents 27 20 3 0 0 50 Percentage (%) 54 40 6 0 0 100

60 t 50 n e d 40 n o p s 30 e R . f o 20 . o N 10 0

54 40 27 20 6 0 0 0 0

3 Strongly agree Agree

N eutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Particulars

Interpretation : The table shows that 54% of the respondents are strongly agreeing that the management is interested in motivating the employees.


5.1. Findings

72% of the respondent response that financial factors motivates them most when compared to Non- Financial facts.

44% of employees strongly agree and 39% of employees agree that the incentives provided in the organization are better when compared to other similar organization.

Majority of the respondents express that their pay has been revised accordingly to their experience, skill, responsibility, qualification and performance.

Only half of the employees responses agree that the organization is providing bonus for their excellent performance.

74% of employees strongly agree that the organization establishes a fair and friendly working environment.

Majority of the employees agree express that there exists a high level of mutual trust between them and their colleagues.

86% of the respondents are satisfied with the relationship exist with the superior.

The organization provides importance to the workers participation in the management.


Non financial motives provide by the organization are not up to the level of satisfactory. 64% of the respondents express the organization is maintaining and providing adequate rewards for excellence in performance and accomplishment of the task.

The organization is successful in conducting the training programmes for employees for their better performances.

76% of the respondents express that their innovative work has been recognized by the organization.

The data reveals that 38% of the respondents express that the motivation does not improves them in personal level and economic level.


5.2. Suggestions
The motivational survey must be conducted at regular of time of assess the perception of the employees and the findings of the survey must be discussed in seminars and group discussions will help in improving the level of motivation.

The monetary incentives such as bonus, medical reimbursement facility and allowance facility should be made available to all the employees.

Most of the workers stated that the organization establishes fair and friendly

working environment. It should be backed by proper monetary incentives, which mainly boost the workers.

The organization should provide continuous rewards for excellence in performances.

The organization should take measures to improve the motivational strategies that should improve the economic level and in personal level.


The management should conduct more motivation program so that the workers will be satisfied and they will perform well.

Though the training programmes are good in the organization, the management should provide continuous training programmes to the employees. And duration of the training program can be extended.

The wage and salary administration system should be properly manned by the organization. It should be revised regularly to motivate the employees.

The organization should take necessary steps to increase the level of satisfaction towards non-financial motives.

Studies on employee motivation may be made at regular intervals of time and

the result are obtained should be implemented earnestly and sincerely as expected by most of the employees of Kanyspin Mills Ltd.

5.3 Conclusion
Non monetary incentives though indirectly connected with workers satisfaction, Monetary incentives is essential for the growth and development among employee.

The study on motivation in relation to Kanya Spin Mill gives the view as to the motivational level and the reward system in the organization. The study states the level to which the employees in the organization are motivated and the extent to which the employees in the organization are motivated and the extent to which the reward system adopted by the organization is effective.


The employees are satisfied wit the motivational factors and the reward system adopted by the organization. If the organization conducts more motivation programmes with some changes according to the needs of the situation in future, it will be beneficial for both the employees and for the organization.

Respected Madam / Sir, As part of my academic project I am gathering employee related information. I would be obliged if you could fill the following questionnaire. Since the questionnaire will be used for academic purpose, the information gathered will be kept strictly confidential. M.Arockia helha 1. Age of the Respondent 1. 20-30 yrs 2. 31-40 yrs

3. 41 & above 2. Education Qualification of the Respondent 1. Under Graduate 2. Diploma 3. Post Graduate 3. Which factor motivates you a most? 1. Salary increase 2. Promotion 3. Leave 4. Motivational talk 5. Reorganization 4. Which type of incentives motivates you more? 1. Financial incentives 2. Non Financial incentives 5. Whether incentives and other benefits will influence your performance 1. Influence 2. Does not influence 3. No Opinion

Please select the opinion by ticking according to scale mentioned herein Strongly Disagree 1 Strongly Agree 5


Questions The incentives provided here are




better when compared to other similar organization


My pay is revised quite well 7 according to my experience, skill, responsibilities, qualification and performance. The organization provides bonus for increments. I am satisfied with my compensation and increments. In this organization both appreciation and rewards are used, to extract work from the employees. In our organization employees are 11 praised and appreciated to perform better I find opportunities for career advancement in this organization. The organization establishes a fair and friendly working environment My colleagues are cordial to me and offer help whenever I need I get support from my peers, managers & subordinates. My supervisor guides me properly. The individual development in performance has been encouraged by the superior The organization provides 18 importance to the workers particiapation in management. The management accepts employee suggestions in decision. The non financial motives provided are satisfactory for me The organization provide adequate rewards for excellence in performance and accomplishment of the task There exists a well planned training

8 9

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5


12 13 14 15 16 17

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5

19 20

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5



program to make us better performance I am satisfied with the performance appraisal system. The motivation improves me in personal level, economic level and interpersonal employees The organization provides sufficient 25 opportunity for the development of the employees The management recognizes the employee innovative work I believe that profit can be achieved by motivating employees in the organization Management is really interested in motivating the employees. 1 2 3 4 5







1. Company file. 2. Company magazine Website :


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