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HRM Objective type questions 1. Define Human Resource Management. 2. What are the uses of job analysis? 3.

Differentiate between job enrichment and job enlargement. 4. What are the benefits of internal sources of recruitment? 5. What is induction and what is the purpose of induction? 6. Define retrenchment. 7. What are HRD goals? 8. What are fringe benefits? 9. Enlist the steps of performance appraisal process. 10. What are cross functional teams? 11. Manpower Planning. 12. Job Design. 13. Job Enlargement. 14. Centralized Recruitment. 15. Job Simplification. 16. Job Interview. 17. Demotion. 18. Human Resource Development. 19. What is the Career Planning? 20. Source of recruitment. 21. Placement. 22. Career planning. 23. Incentives. 24. Performance appraisal. 25. Need for training. 26. Interviews. 27. What is the significance of human resource management in the present business environment? 28. What do you mean by job analysis? 29. What is the need for job rotation? 30. Distinguish between structured and unstructured interviews. 31. What is human resource development? 32. What are the objectives of incentives? 33. Differentiate between 'wages ' and 'salary ? 34. What is meant by employee empowerment?

HRM Essay type questions 1) Discuss the new trends in HRM due to globalization and technological advancements. 2) Differentiate between job description and job specification. Briefly explain the steps in job analysis process. 3) Explain various external sources of recruitment and discuss their merits and demerits. 4) What is the importance of training? Discuss on the job training methods. 5) What do you understand by wage differentials? Are wage differentials justified? 6) Explain what are the benefits of workers' participation in management? Discuss the 7) Pre-conditions of effective workers' participation in management 8) Define Human Resource Management. Why it is essential for an organization? 9) What is Job Analysis? What steps are involved in the preparation of job Analysis? 10) What is Job Description? How it is prepared? 11) Define Recruitment. Discuss various sources of Recruitment in detail. 12) What do you understand by selection process? Discuss various steps involved in it. 13) Explain the role and importance of Performance Appraisal in Human Resource Management. 14) Explain the role and importance of HRM in the emerging business environment of globalization and deregulation. 15) Describe various methods of performance appraisal. Explain the problems encountered in performance appraisal. 16) What is job-analysis? Explain various steps involved in job-analysis. 17) Explain various training methods to train employees. 18) What is the present position of HRM in India? 19) What is Recruitment? Explain various sources of Recruitment. 20) What kind of new trends in human resource development have taken place as a result of globalization and technological advancements? Discuss. 21) What is job specification? How is it different from job description? Explain with the help of a specimen how is it prepared? 22) What is the importance of selection? Briefly explain the process of selection. 23) Discuss the benefits of promotion. Should it be based on seniority or merit? Give reasons 24) Discuss the need for training in an industrial organization? Explain the various types of training programmes prevalent in the industry. 25) What is the significance of performance appraisal in an organization? Explain the criteria to be used for measurement of performance.

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