PaulRosenberg Jan 2008

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The Truth About Pioneers… But before I get hopeful, it’s important to exam-

ine why pioneers take so many arrows, and are

And Why It Could Be subjected to so many disappointments.
Different This Time

1. It’s crazy! Humanity has a hard time with change. F.A.

2. It may be possible -- so what? Hayek pointed out that most people will not ac-
3. I said it was a good idea all along. cept a new thing until they see someone else
4. I thought of it first. acting in that way and prospering from it. Only
-- The four stages of response to any new and then they will act. So, if Hayek is correct, the
revolutionary innovation, by Arthur C. Clarke. act of pioneering will always be judged as dan-
gerous by most people. They may not actively
New ideas are met with opposition, almost al- oppose and punish the new act, but neither will
ways. The original innovators very seldom get they follow.
the credit they deserve. I’ve had it happen to me,
and I suppose that most of the readers of this Additionally, there are people with an inherent
magazine have had it happen to them at one control bias – a psychological need for things
time or another, in one way or another. to remain under control. Bear in mind that these
people may not be malicious; they just fear cha-
So, here we have a magazine dedicated to digital os, and see it as the preliminary stage of destruc-
currencies. I think I’m not alone in having mixed tion. So, they will try to force a pioneer back into
feelings. Are we in the early, middle or end stag- a quiet, predictable group. The frightening part
es of Clarke’s formulation? of this is that people with this control bias are
very often drawn into controlling professions –
To be sure, digital currencies are a better idea. like government and law enforcement.
Everyone should use them. Everyone will use
them. But the early stages of such a journey are So, whether from simple discomfort or a psycho-
not easy. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t under- logical bent, most people will not welcome pio-
take the hard work; I deeply respect the people neering efforts. Not all that many will oppose the
who have been doing this, and I want them to pioneer, but opposition can be extended from the
continue. But if we want to keep ourselves from fearful to the apathetic fairly easily, by invoking
psychological scars, we really should under- threats to self-esteem. If the fearful can define
stand what we’re going through, and not have the pioneer as undermining or insulting the root
unreasonable expectations. of people’s self-esteem, the previously uninter-
ested masses will turn on the pioneers.
The truth about pioneers is ugly. There can be a
good deal of romance attached after the fact, but It usually requires only a small number of con-
actually living through it is very seldom glamor- trol-biased people to get the masses stirred up.
ous. The pioneers who die contented are usually If they can locate shared reasons for self-esteem
only those who have lived long enough and who amongst the populace… and if they can position
have read enough to understand what happened the pioneer as dethroning their self-esteem, peo-
to them. ple get crazy, and the pioneers have to get the
hell out or suffer the consequences.
But, digital currencies are coming of age and, as
I say, it just might be different this time. I’m not THE HISTORICAL RECORD
guaranteeing it, mind you, but I do think it is pos-
sible, and possibly even likely. As much as I think the preceding section makes
sense, I think I should invoke the historical re- This sand-dune allegory is encouraging to us for
cord as well. So, one well-known example: one big reason: The winds have picked up.

Almost all of us remember who Martin Luther As smart people have been saying since I was a
as the man credited with the Reformation. But child, the pace of change is increasing. And that
Luther was emphatically not the great innova- means that each jump is longer than the previ-
tor. There were many before him. These were ous. And that is why the pioneers may just get a
the true pioneers, who made the initial formula- piece of the action this time. As regards mass
tions and who died as outcasts. Luther was only psychologically, the situation is tilted in our direc-
one more in the chain… the one who was doing tion as well. Since everything in general is chang-
the same things when the populace finally got ing faster, we are just one more new thing that is
comfortable enough and brave enough to follow. confronting people, not a single, obvious threat.
Even when they do focus on us, their attention
Luther is taught in every schoolroom, but the is likely to be diverted soon enough. None of us
braver and better Jan Hus is almost never men- have been burned at the stake yet, and there are
tioned, much less the Lollards, the Waldensians, no mobs marching in the streets.
and their almost utterly forgotten predecessors.
These were the true pioneers, but unless you’ve The one thing we must be very careful about is
spent time studying this subject, you’ve probably the self-esteem factor. If we walk around saying,
never heard of them. “I told you so,” we’ll make a lot of trouble for our-
selves. If we have any sense, we will not force
AND THE GOOD NEWS? people to admit they were wrong. That stops
them in their tracks and turns them into our en-
So, after all this depressing history (and I even emies.
left out the nasty parts about people being burned
at the stake), why might it be different this time? Understand clearly: Clarke’s four steps are psy-
chological reactions to change – they are coping
One of the curious scientific facts that I have mechanisms. If we start demanding our proper
collected down through the years regards the credit, we may be justified, but we will also pre-
movement of sand dunes. It turns out that the vent people from actually changing. Don’t pre-
length of each movement of an entire dune cor- sume that everyone else has strength of charac-
responds to the distance that one grain can be ter in precisely the same ways you do.
blown by the local winds. It makes perfect sense
if you think about it for a minute, but it had never SO, WHERE ARE WE?
occurred to me previous to hearing it on some
Nature show. It’s always very difficult to predict the end of a
storm when you are in the middle of it. Is today’s
calm permanent, or merely the eye of a hurri-
What grabbed me about this trivia was that this cane? It is in situations like these where per-
is precisely how changes occur in human affairs: sonal inclinations tend to fill-in the blank spaces
The group jumps forward only to the distance between the facts, and lead to errors. Nonethe-
that an average member can handle. What this less, I’m inclined to say that we are approaching
means (aside from explaining the continual frus- Stage 3: I said it was a good idea all along. Yes,
tration of the better jumpers) is that the accep- I am definitely an optimist, but not without some
tance of a new idea has very little to do with the solid basis for my hopeful outlook.
merits of the idea, and almost everything to do
with the psychological impact it has upon the av- So, the evidence that we are really at Clarke’s
erage person. stage three?
First of all that even after many attacks, digital And, if so, it’s time for us to stay the course and
currencies are not going away. It would have to work very hard at being magnanimous.
been reasonable to expect people to run away
from digital currencies, but they have not. And Paul is the author of A Lodging of Wayfaring
new people do not seem to be lacking. A com- Men and other books. You can find his work
plex situation, to be sure (with HYIPs and all), at: © Copyright 2007 by
but one that has been much more positive than it Paul A. Rosenberg
seemed it would be.

The most striking new development to me was

that the Senior Fellow and Director of Internation-
al Economics for the Council on Foreign Rela-
tions, Benn Steil, has written not one, but several
widely published articles, promoting the idea of
digital gold currencies. The head economic guy
at the CFR, writing articles on digital gold replac-
ing national (fiat) currencies and lauding Hayek?
I could hardly believe it when I first heard it. Then
I feared for the man.

Steil’s article Digital Gold And A Flawed Global

Order, ended with this comment:

As radical and implausible as it may sound,

digitizing the earth’s 2,500-year experiment
with commodity money may ultimately prove Instantly named Freedom Book of The Month and a
far more sustainable than our recent 35-year major influence in the Cyber - underground, A Lodg-
experiment with monetary sovereignty. ing of Wayfaring Men is the story of freedom-seekers
who create an alternative society on the Internet - a
That line could have been written by one of us virtual society, with no possibility of oversight or con-
radicals, yet here it is from the Director of Inter- trol. It grows so fast that governments and “leaders”
national Economics of what is arguable the most are terrified, and fight to co-opt this cyber-society be-
non-radical of all organizations. In addition, the fore it undermines the power of the governing elite.
article ran in The Financial Times – again, no
radical publication! Similar articles of Steil’s have
run in Foreign Affairs – a publication that is wide-
ly considered to be the most pro-establishment
of any!

And, I will add, Steil remains in his position, and

continues to make his case boldly.

Are the Martin Luthers starting to arrive? I

know, it’s hard to imagine that this could be
true, especially with the recent legal actions
against digital and gold currency providers.
Nonetheless, these are just the type of mind-
less reactions we would expect from con-
trol-biased people who are losing their grip.

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