World Streets Weekly Edition of 23 January 2012

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World Streets This Week 23 January 2012

New post on World Streets : The New Mobility Agenda

Charina Cabrido reports on SAFA Tempos (Electric three-wheelers) in Nepal

by Eric Britton, editor
SAFA tempos or Nepals version of electric three wheelers are typically seen in Kathmandus busy streets. Running at an average speed of 60 kilometer per hour, safa tempos serve at least 127 thousand people everyday transporting individuals to their destinations. This is quite a challenge for a country that has been constantly confronted with power cuts [...] Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 20 January 2012 at 14:58 | Categories: CO2, environment, rickshaw | URL:

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World Streets This Week 23 January 2012

Safer Streets LA Wrap a couple of spare neurons around this one

by Eric Britton, editor
From the 2012 Safe Streets Challenge project: If you are (a) into safer streets and (b) ready to dig in to understand that things out there are not necessarily what one might necessarily think, may we suggest that you check out here this slightly counterintuitive piece that was posted this morning in our parallel Safe Streets [...] Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 20 January 2012 at 11:47 | Categories: behavior, conflict resolution, public interest group, Safe Streets, Speed, Statistics, traffic engineering | URL:

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Roads vs. Streets: Wherein the greater danger?

by Eric Britton, editor
Michael Blastland plays around with some statistics, usefully!, on roads vs. streets when it comes to accidents and safety in this article that appeared in today's BBC magazine. (Click here for his article in full and here for the often quite stinging comments that it has triggered.) Ours here is quite another focus, but it [...] Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 19 January 2012 at 15:38 | Categories: Cross-posted, Safety | URL:

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World Streets This Week 23 January 2012

New post on World Streets : The New Mobility Agenda

Op-Ed: What/who keeps holding back New Mobility reform?

by Eric Britton, editor
If you get it, New Mobility is a no-brainer. However, while the New Mobility Agenda is a great starting place, it is not going to get the job somehow miraculously done just because it is the only game in town when it comes to sustainable transport. There is plenty of competition for all that space [...] Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 18 January 2012 at 12:10 | Categories: politics, behavior, participation, Old Mobility, Pattern break, idea building, Governance, Mayor/local govt | URL:

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Op-Ed: A rethinking of what parking is in the first place

by Eric Britton, editor
"If your parking policy debates are going in circles, there is a good chance the protagonists are 'framing' parking in totally different ways." (Let's see what Paul Barter of Reinventing Parking had to say on this earlier today in Singapore.) Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 16 January 2012 at 17:18 | Categories: Cars, Land use, parking, Street sharing | URL:

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World Streets This Week 23 January 2012

Geetam Tiwari on Green Urban Transport

by Eric Britton, editor
In this ten minute video Professor Tiwari takes a useful step back from the usual pure transport and all too often dominant technology/infrastructure perspective, taking us back for starters to the fundamentals of what is going on at the level of city dynamics and the daily lives of the vast. of the neglected great majority [...]

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 15 December 2011 at 14:59 | Categories: World Streets | URL:

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World Streets This Week 23 January 2012

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