Reg Framework Satellite Services 2011

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S&u ulvlslon

Proposed Regulatory Framework For
Satellite Services & Licensing - 2011
"Pioposeu Regulatoiy Fiamewoik Foi Satellite Seivices & Licensing - 2u11"
Page 2
Aulhorily has laken inilialive lo retlslt the SuteIIlte Llcenslng lrumeuork in order lo
increase lhe efficacy of lhe delaiIs of saleIIile service roviders in Iakislan and slreamIining
lhe rocedure of rovision of saleIIile bandvidlh. IoIIoving is roosed as a resuIl of
deIiberalions vilhin lhe Aulhorily.

IoIIoving shaII be aIicabIe lo domeslic use of saleIIile services vilh no svilching oulside

i. AII SaleIIile bandvidlh lo be oblained lhrough LL and LDI's vilhin lhe scoe of lheir
ii. CIass Iicense hoIders incIuding DNOIs, NVCNS elc. have lo oblain caacily lhrough
lhe oeralors menlioned al (i) above. They shaII nol be aIIoved lo have lheir ovn
ISTN or core nelvorks.
iii. SuteIIlte Bunduldth Protlder (SBP)" shaII be defined as SI is a ITA Iicensed
seIIer of a saleIIile bandvidlh vilh one or more lransonder caacily of one or more
saleIIiles having foolrinl over Iakislan. SI couId be lhe originaI ovner of lhe
saleIIile, or a soIe enlily having enlire bandvidlh seIIing righls vilh foolrinls over
Iakislan. SI shaII have lo oblain securily cIearance from GoI lhrough ITA. ITA
shaII rocess lhe aIicalion as er ils SoI on lhe sub|ecl. SI viII nol be a user of
bandvidlh vilhin Iakislan.
iv. Hub", ln the context of thls document ls not deflned us u sultchlng hub but ruther u
pussuord protected OSM termlnuI uhlch shuII be used to monltor essentluI trufflc
lnformutlon, blIIlng lnformutlon, QoS purumeters, termlnuI GPS lnformutlon
uIongulth uddress ldentlflcutlon, Ilnklng lnformutlon of termlnuIs, bunduldth
utlIlzutlon und cupuclt fIou.
v. SBP shuII not be purt of un exlstlng reglme und, preferubI u sepurute cIuss ulthln
CIuss Llcenslng. .
vi. User" shuII be u PTA Ilcensee
vii. The Iicense fee for lhe SI shaII be US $1000/- er annum.
viii. AII eIigibIe Iicensees of ITA desiring bandvidlh shaII firsl aroach LL and LDI lo
oblain bandvidlh lhrough lerreslriaI, saleIIile or VSAT Iinks.
a. If denied or no resonse is received from LL/LDI vilhin 60 days, lhe aIicanl
shaII inform ITA in vriling.
"Pioposeu Regulatoiy Fiamewoik Foi Satellite Seivices & Licensing - 2u11"
Page S
b. The Aulhorily afler anaIyzing lhe case shaII lake nolice and acquire reasons
for nol roviding such services lo lhe aIicanl.
c. If salisfied ITA shaII aIIov lhe aIicanl lo oblain saleIIile Iinks for rovision
of services vilhin ils Iicense Iimils direclIy from a Iicensed SI having
bandvidlh seIIing righls
d. The ermission shaII be granled for a eriod of 3 years or duralion of lhe
aIicanl's Iicense, vhichever is Iess. Al lhe end of lhe exiry eriod, in case,
LL or LDI is nol ready lo offer W, lhe user viII aIy lo ITA al Ieasl 6
monlhs rior lo lhe exiry for lheir excIusive ermission.
e. The Aulhorily shaII decide lhe case vilh in a eriod of 30 days.
ix. SaleIIile bandvidlh rovisioning lhrough SI viII onIy be rovided lhrough a IocaI
hub for aII Iinks (lime and sace svilching nol aIIoved), mainlained and oeraled by
lhe LL/ LDI oeralor, vhichever lhe case maybe, excel for silualion as described in
(v) above in vhich case non-LL/LDI Iicensee shaII be resonsibIe lo meel lhese
requiremenls and aII lhose menlioned beIov:
a. The Iogs shaII be mainlained by lhe Iicensee vho is oeraling lhe hub and
shaII be mainlained for a eriod of one year.
b. LI comIiance is required, lhe same shaII be arranged rior lo commencemenl
of service.
c. Iach and every node (lerminalion oinl) shaII be sub|ecl lo rior arovaI and
cIearance from lhe Aulhorily, sub|ecl lo aymenl of annuaI fee as decided by
Aulhorily from lime lo lime.
d. Such services shaII be rovided end-lo- end by one ITA Iicensee.

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