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t/4- 1"-"t+ gr.j.i gti-rf r.F.f+ S rrjf.i Ot"jl-", clrl:c+sj sJ#.rl rl.l+*tjJ J of,+j{ '#SJS
G.lti .U;fu60 :OlAi.llcrr.

I : a.ri,a Arg_U.fceL.rl ,l\,llft:


:o5Jjit3. tu g $ j.Jall:6U.r.J#l ls*#lil d1tr.j:u*t.r

c-lt-t )

A-Dictation.Write the missing letters.. 1- This farmer works in the fi - ld 2- His mother di - d when he was a small boy . 3- monkeys are funny anim - ls 4- Farsi has 32 alp - abets S-The monkey - nows that a brown coconut is ripe. 6- It was hard to seethe ro - d in the snow . B-Fitl in the blanks with thesewords. Y

*d: ..t;f J,'5 t, y"1


c.rbJ5yl q tl rfu g;taq

7-Mv friend always makes noise in class.Henever ... to the teacher. | 8-Mina is a ... sirl. She usually eets20 in all exams. 9-I am afraid of swimming in this river.It's too ... 10-We have a big... and my father grows a lot of flowers there. 11- He told a ioke in classand everv bodv ... 12-I tike to travel ... the world and make new friends. l3-This phvsics problems are so hard for me. I canot... it.

14-Mv little brother soesto ... He is 5 vearsold.

15- D.r Amini lives alone and a ... cooks and cleansfor him.

I a-d ard c-solve d-Servant aJ,"""had f-clever attention to h-all over i-kindergarten

t1 the aboutyourselves..ts.JrK y; o(t* r C-Conversation:Answer conversations L5-What'syour lastname? 16-what do you do ? 17- Can I speskto the teacher? 18- How many are there in your family ? 19- Where are you from ? 20- What'syour address ?

D-Fill in the blanks with your own words ..r5 J,tS lr ,',j cruiu*ia 2llt's a vegetablethat you put it in salad .when it's ripe, it's red . it's .... of 22- lt's the third season the vear in our countrv . it's ..... cTbul\ u;F ttt g*c : JaAa E-Proninciation: Which word has a different pronunciation according to their vowels? b. touch 23- a. does d. those c. but b. him 24- c. leave d. with .4gi eusjr rr qF c-t g^-,o :t$1t 25- 25-ln winter F-Vocabulary:Choose the best options: we ... ripe orages in my garden and sell them. b-plant c- pick a-grow d-drop down 26- Keep boiling. Water...of children. b-far a- out ofreach c- beside

d- all over

27'When you want to travel to a foreign country, it's ... to have a passport. b- necessary a- important c- intersting d- sorry 28- where did you ? I'm was born in Iran and have lived here too. b- grow up c- plant a-raise d- grow

.,t5lry G- Put in correctorder re-is-than-comfortable. 29- this-that-one-chair-mo fun30- a monkev-it-going-is- to work-to- see-?

t, a;4 n4 o>/ra

Y H- Choose the best options:

ts .'gf r-.rbi:;r +'-F a-i ge*

31 - Last night I ... study hard for this exam.Now it's easyto answer. b- may c- have to d- had to a- can 32 - ....... is it to your house? it's not so far. b- How many c- How far a- How much

d- How long

33 - My friend and I are 170 centimeters.I am .... him . b- the tallest c- as tall as d- more tall than a-taller than of 34 - Summer is ... season the year for me. I don'f like hot at all. b- the worst c- worse than d- as bad as a- bad I- Complete the sentences. 35- Is it important to learn new words of each lesson?

t;f J,r5lt -r..1 Aa:ytf gb

36- Who is younger, you or your father ?

3;:ffi;;;il il ;il;';;;;;#."iii".v""r
38- what should you do after this exam?

.'rgf 9ui;r tsAF U-i g,r* s $tf and answer the questions. J-Comprehention: Read the passages

gtr c.i{ l-r.;r1 ;nr:uJ!r :Jg


39- Newton did n't leave the problem to go to the breakfast.It means ... a-hewas thinking on the problem b-he didn't think of the problem becausehe was hungry d-He wasn't hungry c-he thought about the problem after the breakfast 4O-Pickingthe coconuts is hard. Somefarmers keep monkeys.Thevdo this work sentencethe word Thev refers to ... b-monkeys c-coconuts d-farmhands a- farmers 4l-felv men of that time were greater or wiser than Nervton.Itmeansthat ... a-others were wiser than him b-he was the wisest c- all men in his time were wise d- a,b,c
Y eruu;l rs AF Uj F S $t/.,:i{ l.l Jj gti ;rr:c-Lh.o:lg

In this


Peter was eight and half years old, and he went to a schoolnear his house.He alwayswent there and came home on foot, and he usually got back on time. But last Friday he came home from school late. His mother was in the kitchen, and she saw him and said to him," Why are you late Peter?". My teacher was angry and sent me to the office after our lessons,"Peter said". 'oTo the office said his mother " ". " why did she sent you to the office"? "Becausehe asked a question in the class" Peter said. t'And no children answered but I answeredtt. His mother was angry and said :" Why did she send You to the office then? Why didn't she send all the other stupid children ?" She asked peter. Becauseher question was" Who drew my funny picture on the white boaed?' Peter said.
1)-Ifnut dirl Potov Pt rrto hnrmo2

.11 Itr/hoto ?

hic cnhnnl?

44-Peter drew teacher's picture on the white boaed. True True 41-Peter ususllv came home late. false


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