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The Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure

TITLE: AUTHOR: Franklin W. Dixon

INTRODUCTION: I chose this book because the title itself attracted me and because of the
fact that it s one of the mysteries which had been solved by the Hardy Boys. One thing more, reading this kind of book, which includes mystery, action and cliffhanging suspense, amazed me every time I read it.

THEME: The story is about the loot or treasure of the Applegates which had been stolen by
John Jackley who has been also the person behind the wrecked blue sedan, stolen jalopy of Chet and the hold-up in ferryboat office.

SETTING: One day in Bayport City located on Barmet Bay, three miles inland from the
Atlantic Ocean.

       Joe Hardy- a seventeen-year-old who was blond and with blue eyes. Frank Hardy- an eighteen-year-old who was tall and dark. Fenton Hardy- a very famous detective of the city of Bayport and the father of the Hardy Boys. Chet Morton- a plump boy who was a school chum of the Hardy boys. Ike Harrity- the old ticket seller at the city ferryboat office. Hurd Applegate- was a man about sixty, tall, and stooped. He was the owner of the Tower Mansion. John Jackley- the suspect on the robbery and was out of prison on parole.

PLOT: When the Hardy Boys are about to deliver the papers of their father, they encounter a
reckless driver with a red hair. After they had delivered it, they decided to go on the house of Chet. When they re on their way, they saw the car, a blue sedan, they had seen before wrecked among tall bushes. When they reached Chet s house, he told them that his car, a yellow jalopy, was stolen. The boys decided to go to the police office to report the stolen car and the wrecked car. By that time, Ike Harrity also reported a thief with a red hair who tried to hold-up him. One of their chums had also told them that he saw Chet s car being driven by a reckless driver with a red hair. This gives thought to them that there s only one person behind all the things they had

known that time. The next morning, the boys searched the car and they had found it in the abandoned road in the park. When they re going to the main street, they knew that the Tower Mansion was robbed. The boys thought that the one who robbed the Tower Mansion was the one who stole Chet s car. They made an investigation by going back to the place where they had found Chet s car and they found a cap, a wig, and a jacket used by the thief. They used the materials to trace the identity of the thief and they had found out that the thief was John Jackley. The Hardys told their father, Fenton Hardy, about it. Fenton Hardy tried to arrest him but Jackley met an accident because he tried to escape the police. In the hospital, Jackley made a confession before he died in which he told Fenton Hardy that he hid the stuff he robbed in the old tower. The next day, the Hardys searched the two towers of the Tower Mansion, the Old Tower and the New Tower, but they failed to find the stuff. The following day, the Hardys investigated the places in Bayport where Jackley had worked for a long period of time and they knew that Jackley had worked in a railroad crossing as a stationmaster. In the railroad, they saw two water towers, the old tower and the new tower. They searched the old water tower and they found there the stuff. They gave the stuff to Hurd Applegate and they had given a 1000 dollar reward which they used in building a crime lab in the second floor of their barn.

CLIMAX: While the Hardy boys are eating their lunch, Joe had observed two water towers,
an old tower and a new tower. He told Frank about the two water towers and they thought that the old tower mentioned by John Jackley in his confession was the old water tower since he just said old tower not specifically the old tower of the Tower Mansion. They decided to enter the tower. When they had entered it, they saw that it was filled with rubbish so they thought that the Applegates stolen possession was not there. Still, they continue searching the tower until they saw a number of boards piled up in an orderly crisscrossed manner. They pulled away the boards and underneath it lay a bag which contains the stuff. They divide the stuff and put them to their pocket and leave the tower.

CONCLUSION: I like the story because I learned from it some insights in life that would
really help me to improve myself. These lessons in life like a bit of success come from several false trials and it took years of persistence to solve some famous cases would make me strong and determined every time I face my problems in life.

SUBMITTED BY: Miclat, Nelson C.

III- Oxygen

SUBMITTED TO: Mrs. Rossana De Jesus

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