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Utilising a text to teach the four language skills of 1. Reading 2. writing 3.Listening 4. Punctuation(writing ) 5.

Speaking The Donkey That Carried Salt Task 1 Reading + writing Rearrange the following sentences into the correct sequence to get a full story by completing the table below. a.A donkey was carrying a sack of salt. b.Suddenly, one of his feet slipped and he fell into the river. c. A few days later, he was carrying a sack of cotton. d.The salt began to dissolve when it touched the water. e.So, he purposely fell into the river f. The donkey stood up.

The sack of salt he was carrying was not as heavy as before. h.Finally the donkey was saved by some villagers i. He was crossing a river. j. The donkey tried to stand up again but he failed. k.However, the cotton became heavier after touching the water.

1 a

2 i

3 b

4 d

5 f

6 g

7 c

8 e

9 k

10 11 j h

Task 2. Writing + reading Rewrite the story in the correct order of sequence

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________


__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

Task 3. Focus skill; writing Integrated skill: reading

Match the sentences in Column A to those in column B. A B

Task 4 Focus skill : Listening, Integrated skill: punctuation, dictation writing,

Listen to the story and put in the correct punctuation marks and capital letters. Arrange the sentences into paragraphs. a donkey was carrying a sack of salt suddenly one of his feet slipped and he fell into the river the salt began to dissolve the donkey stood up when it touched the water the sack of salt he was carrying was not as heavy as before a few days later he was carrying a sack of cotton so he purposely fell into the river finally the donkey was saved by some villagers he was crossing a river

the donkey tried to stand up again but he failed however the cotton became heavier after touching the water Task 5 Story-telling In groups, retell the story using your own words. Task 6 Listening Comprehension. Listen to the text and identify True (T) or False (F) sentences.
A donkey was carrying a sack of sugar. Suddenly, one of his feet slipped and he fell into the river. A few days later, he was carrying a sack of cotton. The salt began to dissolve when it touched the water. So, he purposely fell into the drain. The donkey cried loudly. The sack of salt he was carrying was not as heavy as before.

Finally the donkey was saved by his friends. He was crossing a bridge. The donkey tried to stand up again but he failed. However, the cotton became lighter after touching the water.

Task 7 Cloze passage Read the text below and fill in the blanks i) with one word only. ii) by selecting the correct words given in brackets. The first blank has been done for you. A donkey was carrying a sack of salt. He was crossing a river Suddenly,0) one of his feet slipped and he fell 1)______(on, into) the river. The salt began 2)________ dissolve when it touched the water. 3)_____ donkey stood up. The sack of

4)_______ he was carrying was not as heavy 5)______before. A few days later, he was 6)________ a sack of cotton. So, he purposely fell into the river. finally the donkey was saved by some villagers the donkey tried to stand up again but he failed however the cotton became heavier after touching the water

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