Official Gazette of Romania

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For the approval of technical and economic indicators for some investment objectives included in the 10.000 km. of county and local interest roads project from the National Program for infrastructure development, carried through the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry Given the art. 108 of the Romanian Constitution, republished, and art.42 paragraph (1) let. a) of the Law nr. 500/2002 concerning public finances, with the subsequent amendments,

The Government of Romania enacts this decision.

Art. 1 (1) The list of some investment objectives included in the 10.000 km. of county and local interest roads project, from the National Program for infrastructure development, carried through the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry, stipulated in the annex 1 included in this decision, is approved. (2) The technical and economic indicators for the investment objectives stipulated in paragraph (1), according to annexes nr. 2/1 2/7 included in this decision, are approved. Art. 2 The funding of the investment objects stipulated in art. 1 is guaranteed by the state budget, through the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry budget, within the limits of the amounts that are annually approved with this destination, as well as from other legally constituted sources, according to the public investment programs approved by the laws. PRIME MINISTER EMIL BOC Regional Development and Tourism Minister, Elena Udrea Internal Affairs Minister, Constantin-Traian Igas Public Finances Minister, Gheorghe Ialomitianu

Bucharest, March 17, 2011 Nr. 254

ANNEX 1 THE LIST of the investment projects in Suceava and Botosani counties and their technical and economic indicators included in the 10.000 km. of county and local interest roads project from the National Program for infrastructure development, carried through the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry 1. Modernization of DJ 177B Campulung Moldovenesc Stulpicani km 0+000 16+320 , Suceava County 2. Modernization of DJ 208A Suceava Udesti Liteni Dolhasca km 1+564 40+540 , Suceava County 3. Street rehabilitation in Radauti municipality, Suceava County 4. Modernization of local roads in Liteni city, Suceava County 5. Modernization of DJ 172 D Gradinita - Cosna km. 43+000 56+430, Suceava County 6. Modernization of DJ 207 N Botosani Curtesti Cristesti km. 0+900 13+900, Botosani County 7. Modernization of DJ 282 B county limits of Iasi Prajeni Campeni Flamanzi km. 34+740 50+150, Botosani County ANNEX 2/1 TECHNICAL AND ECONIMIC INDICATORS FOR THE Modernization of DJ 177 B Campulung Moldovenesc Stulpicani km 0+000 16+320, Suceava County investment objective Holder: Regional Development and Tourism Ministry Beneficiary: Suceava County, trough the City Council of Suceava Location: on the administrative territory of the Campulung Moldovenesc and Stulpicani localities, Suceava County Technical and economic indicators: Total value of the investment (including VAT) (in prices at August 11, 2010; 1 Euro=4.2303 lei ), From which: Construction + assembly Rescheduling of the investment YEAR 1 YEAR 2 INV/C+M th. Lei 60.397

th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei

42.083 30.000 21.000 36.397 21.083

Capacities: -Length of the modernized road: -Tiled grooves with drainage -Tubular platforms -Cassette platforms -Tiled platforms -Bridges -Bridge reconstructions -Shore reinforcement -Support walls Project duration

km km pcs. pcs. pcs. pcs. pcs. km. km. months

16.130 6.200 32 34 3 5 2 3.707 0.658 24

Risk factors: The objective will be antiseismic protected according to the Normative P/100-1/2006, with the subsequent amendments. Investment funding The investment objective will be funded by the state budget, trough the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry budget, within the limits of the amounts that are annually approved with this destination, as well as from other legally constituted sources, according to the public investment programs approved by the laws.

ANNEX 2/2 TECHNICAL AND ECONIMIC INDICATORS FOR THE Modernization of DJ 208A Suceava Udesti Liteni Dolhasca km 1+564 40+540 , Suceava County investment objective

Holder: Regional Development and Tourism Ministry Beneficiary: Suceava County, trough the City Council of Suceava Location: on the administrative territory of the Campulung Moldovenesc and Stulpicani localities, Suceava County Technical and economic indicators: Total value of the investment (including VAT) (in prices at August 11, 2010; 1 Euro=4.2303 lei ), From which: Construction + assembly Rescheduling of the investment YEAR 1 INV/C+M th. Lei 76.310

th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei

53.411 35.000 25.000


th. Lei th. Lei

41.310 28.411

Capacities: -Length of the modernized road: -Tiled grooves -Carriageway gutter -Tubular platforms -Cassette platforms -Bridge reconstructions -Shore defenses

km km km pcs. pcs. pcs. km

38.976 34.240 0.037 126 17 10 0.200

Project duration



Risk factors: The objective will be antiseismic protected according to the Normative P/100-1/2006, with the subsequent amendments. Investment funding The investment objective will be funded by the state budget, trough the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry budget, within the limits of the amounts that are annually approved with this destination, as well as from other legally constituted sources, according to the public investment programs approved by the laws.

ANNEX 2/3 TECHNICAL AND ECONIMIC INDICATORS FOR THE Street rehabilitation in Radauti municipality, Suceava County investment objective Holder: Regional Development and Tourism Ministry Beneficiary: Radauti municipality, Suceava County Location: Radauti municipality, Suceava County Technical and economic indicators: Total value of the investment (including VAT) (in prices at Feb. 4, 20101; 1 Euro=4.264 lei ), From which: Construction + assembly Rescheduling of the investment YEAR 1 INV/C+M th. Lei 57.166

th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei

39.120 57.166 39.120

Capacities: -Number of rehabilitated streets -Length of the rehabilitated streets Project duration

pcs. km months

74 39.217 24

Risk factors: The objective will be antiseismic protected according to the Normative P/100-1/2006, with the subsequent amendments. Investment funding The investment objective will be funded by the state budget, trough the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry budget, within the limits of the amounts that are annually approved with this destination, as well as from other legally constituted sources, according to the public investment programs approved by the laws.

ANNEX 2/4 TECHNICAL AND ECONIMIC INDICATORS FOR THE Modernization of local roads in Liteni city, Suceava County investment objective Holder: Regional Development and Tourism Ministry Beneficiary: Liteni city, Suceava County Location: Liteni city, Suceava County

Technical and economic indicators: Total value of the investment (including VAT) (in prices at Feb. 20, 20101; 1 Euro=4.2150 lei ), From which: Construction + assembly Rescheduling of the investment YEAR 1 INV/C+M th. Lei 43.694

th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei

30.209 20.000 15.000


th. Lei th. Lei

23.694 15.209

Capacities: -Length of the modernized road: -Rehabilitated side roads on 50 meters -Platforms -Concrete drain

km pcs pcs km

32.416 75 107 0.450

-Gabion -Support wall -Directional guard

km km. km

0.200 0.400 0.100

Project duration



Risk factors: The objective will be antiseismic protected according to the Normative P/100-1/2006, with the subsequent amendments. Investment funding The investment objective will be funded by the state budget, trough the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry budget, within the limits of the amounts that are annually approved with this destination, as well as from other legally constituted sources, according to the public investment programs approved by the laws.

ANNEX 2/5 TECHNICAL AND ECONIMIC INDICATORS FOR THE Modernization of DJ 172 D Gradinita - Cosna km. 43+000 56+430, Suceava County investment objective Holder: Regional Development and Tourism Ministry Beneficiary: Suceava County, trough the City Council of Suceava Location: in the territory of Cosna municipality, Suceava County (connects the Gradinita and Cosna localities)

Technical and economic indicators: Total value of the investment (including VAT) (in prices at Aug. 16, 2010; 1 Euro=4.2150 lei ), From which: Construction + assembly Rescheduling of the investment YEAR 1 INV/C+M th. Lei 36.899

th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei

26.415 10.000 8.000


th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei

14.000 10.000 12.899 8.415

Capacities: -Length of the modernized road: -Pereat drains -Shore defenses -Platforms L=5m -Platforms L= 2m -Bridge consolidation Project duration

km km km pcs pcs pcs months

13.430 21.981 1.301 3 2 1 31

Risk factors: The objective will be antiseismic protected according to the Normative P/100-1/2006, with the subsequent amendments. Investment funding The investment objective will be funded by the state budget, trough the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry budget, within the limits of the amounts that are annually approved with this destination, as well as from other legally constituted sources, according to the public investment programs approved by the laws.

ANNEX 2/6 TECHNICAL AND ECONIMIC INDICATORS FOR THE Modernization of DJ 207 N Botosani Curtesti Cristesti km. 0+900 13+900, Botosani County investment objective Holder: Regional Development and Tourism Ministry Beneficiary: Botosani County, trough the City Council of Botosani Location: the south-central region of Botosani County, crosses the Curtesti locality and ends in the Cristesti locality Technical and economic indicators: Total value of the investment (including VAT) (in prices at Feb 28, 2011; 1 Euro=4.2571 lei ), From which: Construction + assembly Rescheduling of the investment YEAR 1 YEAR 2 INV/C+M th. Lei 39.901

th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei

27.755 15.000 10.000 24.901 17.755

Capacities: -Length -Platform width -Carriageway width -Verge width -Framing band width -Platforms -Crossroad improvement Project duration

km m m m m pcs pcs months

13.000 8.000 2x3.000 2x0.750 2x0.250 26 1 24

Risk factors: The objective will be antiseismic protected according to the Normative P/100-1/2006, with the subsequent amendments. Investment funding The investment objective will be funded by the state budget, trough the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry budget, within the limits of the amounts that are annually approved with this destination, as well as from other legally constituted sources, according to the public investment programs approved by the laws.

ANNEX 2/7 TECHNICAL AND ECONIMIC INDICATORS FOR THE Modernization of DJ 282 B county limits of Iasi Prajeni Campeni Flamanzi km. 34+740 50+150, Botosani County, Botosani County Holder: Regional Development and Tourism Ministry Beneficiary: Botosani County, trough the City Council of Botosani Location: Botosani County, connects the Prajeni, Campeni and Flamanzi localities Technical and economic indicators: Total value of the investment (including VAT) (in prices at Feb 28, 2011; 1 Euro=4.2571 lei ), From which: Construction + assembly Rescheduling of the investment YEAR 1 YEAR 2 INV/C+M th. Lei 51.357

th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei th. Lei

34.949 20.000 12.000 31.357 24.949


-Length -Platform width -Carriageway width -Verge width -New bridges -Rehabilitated bridges Project duration

km m m m pcs pcs months

15.410 8.000 6.000 2x1.000 2 1 18

Risk factors: The objective will be antiseismic protected according to the Normative P/100-1/2006, with the subsequent amendments. Investment funding The investment objective will be funded by the state budget, trough the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry budget, within the limits of the amounts that are annually approved with this destination, as well as from other legally constituted sources, according to the public investment programs approved by the laws.

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