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... A New Dean, New Faculty and New Programs.

Salem Shines in ... ... Doris Ellers Dedication to Salem.

SALEM COLLEGE Magazine Susan E. Pauly President Susan Calovini Dean of the College, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Vicki Williams Sheppard C82 Vice President of Institutional Advancement Office of Alumnae Relations Karla Gort C00, Director Rosanna Mallon, Assistant Director Published by the Office of Communications and Public Relations Jacqueline McBride, Director Jennifer Bringle Handy, Communications and Social Media Manager Contributing Writers: Jane Carmichael, Karla Gort C00, Jennifer Bringle Handy, John Hutton, Ryan Jones C10, Susan E. Pauly, Katherine Knapp Watts C80 Designer: Carrie Pritchard Dickey C00 Photography: Allen Aycock, Alan Calhoun, Karla Gort C00, Nick Grancharoff, Carrie Pritchard Dickey C00 The Salem College Alumnae Magazine is published by Salem College, 601 S. Church Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. This publication is mailed to alumnae, faculty, staff, parents and friends of Salem. Salem College welcomes qualified students regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or disability to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities of this institution. For additional information about any programs or events mentioned in this publication, please write, call, email or visit: Salem College Office of Alumnae Relations 601 South Church Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336/721-2608 Email: Website: Follow us on: Facebook

page 10 page 22 page 42 Back Porch News Graduate Studies Fleer Center Admissions/Traditional Alumnae News


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Message from the President A Conversation with John Hutton about Sister Maus Reunion Weekend 2011 New Design Initiative Remembering a Friend INSERT: Honor Roll of Donors


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ON THE COVER: Caroline Souza C'13, daughter of Marti May Souza C'84.

2 M A G A Z I N E 2011

A Messae rom the President

Sometimes, numbers can be beautiful. In the midst of a global recession and with unpredictable swings in the market, at Salem there are numbers that make us smile. They serve as windows to the past, they make us feel pride in the present and they inspire us to envision an extraordinary future. Of course some of our favorite numbers are dates in history, including 1772, our founding date, and 1785, the year the Single Sisters House was completednow the oldest building in the country dedicated to womens education. Our archives of 19th century life at Salem serve as a treasure trove of human interest storieslike the letter dated January 13, 1818 from 15-year-old Margaret Maria Crockett to her father in which she assures him she is studying poetry and English history at Salem except on Wednesdays when, she admits, we read newspapers. From the pain of wartime separations to the pride felt when Main Hall was erected in 1855 (with its 12-foot-wide porch and 50-foot Doric columns), numbers reveal the trials and triumphs that made Salem a unique success story in the history of our country. Today numbers at Salem still tell stories. They convey our excitement about continued growth in enrollment: more than 1,100 students are enrolled this fall including the largest incoming class in 40 years. Numbers help describe the timeless beauty of campus and the sights and sounds we love: did you know that more than 200 magnificent trees spread their shade over our lawns; that there are 35 steps leading down to the bottom of the May Dell; that the bells of Home Church peal softly across campus 72 times a day? (The chimes ring out every 15 minutes, 365 days a year, reminding us that time waits for no one and life at Salem is precious.) At Salem, there is always a number to celebrate. Statistics help demonstrate the academic success of our students (a medical school acceptance rate of more than 85% for more than a decade) and students athletic accomplishments in seven varsity sports. Numbers reveal the reach of our expanding womens wellness program (13 options this semester include free yoga on Thursdays, QiGong on Mondays, sessions with personal trainers and the new women in nature (WIN) program). Even the intellectual energy of our faculty can be detailed through a number: in the past 12 months alone, four new majors have been Susan E. Pauly, President Sincerely,

added along with 10 new minors from music entrepreneurship to statistics. Whether were tallying fall activities that introduce new students to our values and our traditions (ropes courses, Moravian Lovefeasts, sunrise yoga on the square and our beautiful opening convocation, to name just a few) or whether were counting how often we sing the alma mater during the first two weeks of the semester (seven times!), we like the way numbers tell the amazing story of this extraordinary institution. Sometimes, numbers even foretell the future. Our continued growth in enrollment has dramatized the need for additional academic facilities, residence halls and athletic fields, and our ambitions include expanding campus by 17 acres to accommodate growth and programs for women now and into the next century. With thousands of inspiring numbers to choose from, it is hard to select a final number to share with you. So I chose the number 1, for what better way to share Salem than through the eyes of one of our first-year students? Dear President Pauly, she wrote this summer, I can hardly wait for August 20th! I have often set my sights on impossible things. Of course I never really believed any of them would happen! That is why it feels so extraordinary to me to be sitting here writing to you. As my college search went on, every college was top of my list at least once, and equally, every college was bottom. In the end, I found it was a case of discovering priorities and where they will be fulfilled. I explained this to a friend who asked why have you chosen Salem? Whats your priority? I replied, Happiness. How many times have I read this letter and smiled? I admit the number is too high to count. But then, like your love for Salem, some things just cant be measured. And so in this, our 240th year, I thank you for the love and support that made possible this young womans dream of happiness at Salem. Our gratitude to you, like the number of stars above, is endless.


Back Porch N E W S

Commencement 2011

The Class of 2011 enjoyed a beautiful, sunny commencement

Organization for Women (NOW) for several years, has worked on the forefront of the womens rights movement since 1970. She encouraged graduates to continue the fight for equality by taking leadership roles and making sure their voices are heard. Graduates and their families, along with faculty and staff, Corrin Refectory.

in the May Dell on Saturday, May 21. Nearly 200 students80 traditional students, 47 Fleer Center for Adult Education students and 56 graduate studentswere eligible to receive their degrees. The senior class invited Eleanor Smeal, president of the address. Smeal, who also served as the president of the National

Feminist Majority Foundation, to deliver the 2011 commencement gathered after the ceremony to celebrate with a buffet brunch in

4 M A G A Z I N E 2011

Brittany Tedrick C'11, Nicole Swinney C'11, Christine Tillman C'11 and Lindsay Tharpe C'11.


Dr. Eve Rapp with students.

New Prorams Offer More Choice

Salem expanded its already diverse academic offerings with the introduction of several new majors, minors and concentrations for the 2011-2012 academic year. New majors include criminal studies, environmental studies and teaching, schools and society. New concentrations within majors include business entrepreneurship and health care management within the business administration major, and advocacy, math, environment, literacy, natural sciences and social sciences within the teaching, schools and society major. The criminal studies major and minor include elements of both criminology and criminal justice. The program sociologically examines the definitions of crime and deviance; the causes, correlations and patterns of crime and deviance; and the social costs and social control mechanisms of crime and deviance. The environmental studies program focuses on the study of natural systems and our relationship with them as a basis for taking action to support sustainability. Its mission is to deepen student understanding of environmental issues and principles of conservation ecology while preparing students to develop and manage environmentally sustainable processes and shape public opinion and policy in support of sustainable environmental systems. The teaching, schools and society program offers students several concentrations as well as a separate licensure curriculum which allows students in other majors to add teaching licensure to their course of study. The teaching, schools and society concentrations offer blends of study: advocacy (public policy, sociology and psychology), math (multiple math disciplines), environment (environmental sciences, teaching in green schools), literacy (English, creative writing), natural sciences (biochemistry, physics and environmental science) and social sciences (history, sociology, economics and political science). 6 M A G A Z I N E 2011

Within the existing business administration major, two

new concentrations will be offered: business entrepreneurship and healthcare management. The business entrepreneurship concentration will allow business majors to focus on the process of business product innovation and new business opportunities for themselves or for their employers. The health care management concentration will allow business students to focus on the business aspects, including policy and economic issues, of the health care industry in preparation for promotions or employment in health care management positions. New minors include criminal studies, statistics, business entrepreneurship, visual arts entrepreneurship, dance management and music entrepreneurship. The minor in statistics is intended to prepare students for more advanced study in statistics at the graduate level, for graduate programs in other disciplines that rely heavily on statistical analysis, and for professions in a wide variety of fields. The minor in business entrepreneurship is designed to provide non-business majors with the educational background needed to nurture an innovative product or service idea and grow it into a new business opportunity. The minor will also be helpful to those non-business majors who envision being self-employed in their own small businesses which grow out of their passions for arts and science. Minors in music entrepreneurship, visual arts entrepreneurship and dance management provide students an opportunity to assess options and prepare for pursuing a life in the arts. Students completing the minors will study contemporary arts delivery systems and established freelance opportunities for artists. In addition, they will be introduced to emerging non-traditional roles of the arts and professional artists, along with structural options through which creative enterprise can be carried out.

Earthwise Campus Facility Updates

As Salem Academy and College celebrates 240 years of sustainability, we continue our dedication to preserving the environment by becoming an Earthwise campus. In partnership with Brady Trane Energy, the campus is implementing a series of Earthwise Campus Energy Conservation Opportunities A Salem education has always been an invaluable tool for women who want to excel in their careers. Now students have an even stronger edge over the competition with the new Salem Signature Leadership Program. The four-year comprehensive leadership program for traditional-age students celebrates women as leaders and provides students with opportunities to distinguish their college experience. Through the program, Salem students may choose from a variety of personal and professional leadership development opportunities to enhance their abilities and develop their potential as a leader. Made possible by a generous grant from BB&T, the Salem Signature Leadership Program features class retreats, workshops, conferences, speakers, panel discussions and community outreach programs. In addition, students have the opportunity to apply their leadership skills as officers of more than 30 campus clubs and organizations and the student government association. In the past year, students have participated in everything from the International Womens Leadership Conference to the Twin Cities Leadership Conference, an annual joint conference for student leaders from the four colleges in Winston-Salem. "Salem College is offering a women's leadership program at a time when many colleges and universities are necessarily downsizing or eliminating their leadership programs because of economic challenges, says Krispin Barr, Dean of Students. We move forward with tremendous gratitude for BB&T's generous grant, which has allowed us to design a program that offers personal and professional development in such areas as managing social change, ethics and decision-making, negotiating conflict and developing multicultural competencies. On campus, traditional students get the opportunity to participate in training, seminars and workshops designed for their particular graduating class. Seminars and workshops focus on topics that complement students' growth and development. The workshops and programs teach students leadership, with the added benefit of providing an additional bonding experience with the members of their class. In an increasingly competitive job market, its essential for graduates to have the knowledge and skills that set them apart from their peers. The Salem Signature Leadership Program gives Salem graduates that edge. "Our Salem women have the opportunity to participate in programs and workshops that will provide them with 21st-century skills that will support their success in an increasingly diverse and complex world," says Barr. (energy saving upgrades) that will significantly reduce our environmental impact: - Steam Plant: By upgrading our steam plant system, the campus will create an environmental impact equivalent to removing 55 cars from the road and a reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to that generated from the electricity use of 29 homes for one year. - Lighting: By replacing incandescent light bulbs with CFL bulbs and installing motion sensors, the campus will reduce its energy use by an estimated 729,000 kWh, equivalent to removing 100 passenger vehicles from the road and a reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to that generated from the electricity use of 63 homes for one year. - Water: Plumbing upgrades will reduce campus water consumption at an estimated 3.6 million gallons per year. - Fine Arts Center HVAC Equipment and Digital Controls: HVAC and controls upgrades will allow for more energy-efficient heating and cooling at an estimated annual savings of 121,000 kWh, which is equivalent to removing 19 passenger vehicles from the road. Savings generated through these energy conservation measures provide resources for the following facility improvements: 1) new gym air conditioning, 2) new Academy boiler and 3) new fine arts center boiler.


Faculty News

Celebratin 240 Years

academic achievement since that time.

More than two centuries ago, a small group of women in the Moravian settlement With the addition of new degree programs and classes, Salem realized the need for new faculty and expanded its ranks for the 2011-2012 academic year with 10 highlyqualified professors: 1) Sara Shuger Fox joins Salem as the new assistant professor of exercise science. Fox received her B.S. from Iowa State University, where she majored in exercise science and minored in gerontology. She received her Ph.D., also in exercise science, from the University of South Carolina. 2) Alyson Francisco is the new Mary Ardrey Stough Kimbrough Professor of Business and Economics. Francisco received her B.S. from North Carolina State University and her M.B.A. from Duke University. In addition to her educational credentials, Francisco was also a successful business executive in senior finance and administration positions at Sara Lee Corporation and Hanes Brands.

of Salem started a school for girls in the revolutionary belief that women were just as deserving of an education as their male counterparts. This year, Salem Academy and College celebrates the 240th anniversary of that momentous occasion and the legacy of As we begin our 240th year, Salem has much to celebrate. The College has added new programs and new faculty and has welcomed the largest first-year class in 40 years. While these developments are exciting, even more thrilling are the institutions plans for future growth. Unveiled by Dr. Susan Pauly last year, Salems proposed vision includes an expansion of campus onto land now occupied by the city of Winston-Salem. The citys plan to move operations to another site leaves the tract open for development. Salem hopes to acquire the land and repurpose it for new campus projects including science buildings, residence halls and a womens conference center. We are moving forward and expanding our educational outreach to women, says Dr. Pauly. We want to make it possible for women in our community and far beyond to come to Salem for specialized workshops, conferences and other events. In addition to the new buildings, the expansion would also include new athletic fields. Todays young women are focused on physical fitness and wellness, and our NCAA athletics program is thriving. Its essential that we expand athletic facilities to serve our students now and into the future, says Dr. Pauly. While the plan is in early development now, its clear that the future is very bright for Salem. For 240 years, this community has shown that it values the unique advantages of an education focused first and foremost on excellence and the needs of girls and women, says Dr. Pauly. We are excited to be building upon and continuing that tradition. 8 M A G A Z I N E 2011

Dr. Sara Shuger Fox with students. 3) John Gerstmyer joins the department of teacher education as an assistant professor of education. Gerstmyer received his B.A. (English) and M.Ed. (guidance and counseling) from McDaniel College in Westminster, M.D., and his Ph.D. (education) from the University of Pennsylvania. He will oversee Salems new M.Ed. program in school counseling. 4) Ana Len-Tvora is the new assistant professor of Spanish. A native Spanish speaker, Len-Tvora studied at the Universidad de Sevilla in Spain, earning a B.A. (philology), M.A. and Ph. D. (philology with a focus on literature). She previously taught Spanish at Wake Forest, as well as at universities in Spain and Mexico. 5) Joanne M. Black will teach within the new criminal studies major/minor as visiting assistant professor of sociology and criminal studies. Black received her B.A. (sociology, behavioral science and law) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison; M.S. (criminal justice) from the University of New Haven and J.D. from Gonzaga University School of Law. 6) Jennifer Piscopo is the new assistant professor of public policy. Piscopo received her B.A. (Latin American studies) from Wellesley College, M. Phil. (Latin American studies) from the University of Cambridge and Ph.D. (political science) from the University of California, San Diego. 7) Megan Silbert joins Salem as an assistant professor of economics. Silbert received her B.S.B.A. (marketing), M.Ed. (educational leadership) and Ph.D. (food and resource economics) from the University of Florida. 8) Natasha Veale joins the department of teacher education as an assistant professor of education. Veale received her B.S. (education for the deaf and hearing impaired) from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, B.S. (special education) from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, M.Ed. (special education) from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Ph.D. (educationspecial education leadership) from Capella University. 9) Elroi Windsor is Salems newest assistant professor of sociology. Windsor received her B.A. (womens studies) from Chatham College and her M.A. (sociology) and Ph.D. (sociology) from Georgia State University. 10) Jing Ye comes to campus as the new assistant professor of chemistry and physics. Ye received her B.E. (applied chemistry) from Guizhou University in Guiyang, China, and is completing her Ph.D. (biophysical chemistry) from Florida Atlantic University.


Susan Calovini became the new Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and Dean of the College at Salem College. Dr. Calovini replaced Dr. Ann McElaney-Johnson, who was recently named the President of Mount St. Marys College, a college for women in Los Angeles. I am truly honored to be a part of the Salem College community, especially during this amazing year of exceptional enrollments and the 240th anniversary, says Dr. Calovini. I am still learning what it means to be the vice president for academic and student affairs and dean of the college, but what I love about the job is that I get to be involved in so many different parts of the institutionfaculty life, student life, athletics, religious life, technology and more. Every day reveals a new facet of the College to me and challenges me to expand my knowledge or leadership abilities. There is no chance of getting bored! Dr. Calovini comes to Salem from the University of Evansville where she served as dean of the college of arts and sciences. Among many accomplishments, Dr. Calovini worked

Salem Welcomes New Dean

Theres a new face in Main Hall. This past summer, Dr.

with faculty to introduce new programs, revise the general education curriculum and establish a new art gallery. Prior to serving as dean at Evansville, Dr. Calovini was a faculty member at Austin Peay State University, specializing in Victorian literature. There, she was awarded the university's two highest honors for teaching excellence. She served as coordinator of the women's studies program, which enjoyed significant growth under her leadership, and held other administrative positions including department head, college dean and associate vice president for academic affairs. Dr. Calovini received her B.S. in journalism from Ohio University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in English from The Ohio State University. We are delighted to welcome Dr. Calovini to the College, says Dr. Pauly. Dr. Calovini's experience as director of a women's studies program, her strong record of accomplishment as an academic leader and her enthusiasm for and commitment to our mission made her the ideal choice for Salem.

10 M A G A Z I N E 2011

Sirited Season
conference play.

Salem Spirits fans had a lot to cheer about this past season.

in the conference), losing in the conference semifinals. Even more impressive, the team finished third in NCAA Division III (out of more than 400 teams) in goals per game (4.6). Several members of the soccer team were honored with awards for their performance on the field. Tia Bringhurst C13, Sabrina Thiel C13, Stephanie Hubbard C14, Anna Trakas C14, and Alexi Saganich C14 were named to the Great South All-Conference team, and Hubbard, Trakas, Saganich and Mackenzie Schmidt C14 were named to Great South All-Freshman team. Hubbard also received the Salem College Anne Woodward Athlete of the Year award, and Trakas was named to the North Carolina All-State First Team. The basketball team finished seventh in the Great South regular season and had a 7-18 overall record. Shamaz Denerson C13 was named to the Great South All-Conference team and to the North Carolina All-State Second Team. Kelsey Rector C11 became first Spirit to score 1,000 points in a career. Salems volleyball team finished the regular season with an 8-21 overall record and a 4-3 conference record. Though they lost in the Great South quarterfinals, Christine Tillman C11 was named to the Great South All-Conference team. Salems new softball team will begin competition in spring 2012. So far, nine first-year students have committed to playing on the team.

The athletic program grew with the addition of two new sports (softball and track and field), new coaches and strong efforts in Jamie Williams joined the Salem athletic department as head coach for cross country and track this year. He takes on a cross country team that finished third in the Great South Athletic Conference Championships at Maryville College. At the seasons end, Stephanie Mendez C13 was chosen All-Conference Runner and Natali Olveda C14 and Joanna Mills C14 were chosen AllFreshman Runners. The new track team competed in four meets this year with 18 runners participating. They look forward to more growth and success this season. New coach Mike Dryman takes the helm of the tennis team, which finished with a 7-7 overall record and 1-6 in the Great South this past season. The team returns several standout players from last year, including Katherine Elliott C13 and Summer Whitener C13, who were each named Great South Doubles Players of the Week. Dryman will also serve as director of sports performance, overseeing strength and conditioning for Salems seven varsity sports teams. The soccer team enjoyed another great year, finishing second in Great South regular season play with a 15-3 overall record (6-1

S A L E M C O L L E G E 11


Graduate Studies Expand to the Web

Dr. Susan Gebhard. While Salem College has added several new undergraduate academic programs this year, graduate studies has grown, as well. This fall, Salems graduate studies department began offering the Colleges first online degree program, the Master of Education in School Counseling (M.Ed.-SC). For some time now, teachers and administrators in our partner schools have expressed the need for a counseling program that blends Salem's constructivist pedagogy with a focus on the kinds of interpersonal skills and educational expertise required by 21st-century school professionals, says Dr. Susan Gebhard, director of teacher education and graduate studies. In response, Salem is pleased and proud to introduce our new program for school counseling. Through a research-driven program, Salems online M.Ed.SC degree allows students to gain the knowledge and skills required to become licensed school counselors. Students learn about advocacy, ethics, legal issues, assessment and evaluation, career counseling, personal development counseling, action research and program management. 12 M A G A Z I N E 2011 Heading up the program is Dr. John Gerstmyer, who has an extensive history in education and school counseling, which includes working as a school counselor and teaching at McDaniel College and Penn State University-York. He is joined by adjunct assistant professor of education, Anne Morris. The program is comprised of online classes, internship experiences and two weekend seminars on Salems campus. The M.Ed.-SC, which can be completed in 36 months, is delivered in a convenient and flexible format that offers part-time and full-time enrollment. The online masters in school counseling degree adheres to the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) standards and fully reflects Salem Colleges tradition of educational excellence. We hope that having a quality course of studies with the flexibility of online classes will allow working teachers and other career-changers to pursue school counseling in a schedule- and family-friendly way, says Gebhard.


I cant believe Im actually here. Fleer Center student discovers different world at 17,500 feet
Salem professors to find out what she would need to do to make up for the classwork she would miss during the 25-day journey. Thankfully, they understood. They were more excited about it than I was, Stone laughed, remembering how each of her professors helped her work out a schedule to complete alternate assignments and take exams early. They knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her (LaQuishia). They never said no. Though she describes herself as an adventurous person, Stone readily admits the trip challenged her in ways she never imagined. Seeing kids on the street begging for food and money was Some things in life are meant to be. Just ask LaShonda Stone, a 34-year-old single mother who ended up more than 8,000 miles from her Winston-Salem home battling treacherous terrain and frigid temperatures on the side of the worlds highest mountain all because of a Carter High School essay contest her daughter entered. In the spring of 2010, Stone was nearing the end of her third year at Salem as a Fleer Center student. Between caring for two children, working in the mental health field and keeping up with her interior design major, she was busy but managing. Stone was also helping her daughter, LaQuishia, then a junior at Carter, prepare for her upcoming trek to Mount Everest base camp. A few months earlier, LaQuishia had been selected out of 750 other students as the winner of the trip for her essay answering the question Whats your Everest? To go, LaQuishia needed a parental escort in addition to the school faculty member who would also join the expedition. From the beginning, Stone said, the plan had been to send LaQuishias father with her so the two could enjoy a bonding experience, but after running into several roadblocks she had a hunch that he would not be the parent going on the trip. We just kept running into obstacles, said Stone of LaQuishias father. The second time we ran into a problem I knew we needed a plan B. When LaQuishas fathers passport application was denied due to outstanding child support payments, Stone went to her hurtful to me. It was hard from a mothers standpoint, said Stone, describing the first few hours after she and LaQuishia arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal. Of the climb to base camp itself, which sits at an altitude of about 17,500 feet, Stone said, It was the most challenging thing Ive ever done in my life. You hear people say the air is thin but you dont know what that means because youve never experienced it. Stone, who has an irregular heartbeat, said she frequently was short of breath during the trek and had to rely on a horse to carry her up the narrow, winding pathways so she wouldnt fall too far behind the rest of the 11-person group. If one person didnt make it we had to stop or go back and I didnt want to be the cause of us not making it to base camp. Stone also got a crash course in simple living. In 13 days we only took two baths, she said. At one of the lodges where we took a bath they had internet service. I got on Facebook and I would literally tell people at home, We have it made. People in the U.S. are really spoiled. It really changed my perspective. Despite the difficult test of will, Stone said she would jump at the chance to return to the Himalayas. I really do miss it over there. You cant even explain how beautiful it is. I cant believe Im actually here ran through my head so many times. After everything happened I know it was meant for me to go. S A L E M C O L L E G E 13

14 M A G A Z I N E 2011

Elizabeth Smetana C'15, Haven Mosley C'15 and Miriam Maldonado C'15.


Salem is on a roll! New student enrollment is the highest in almost four decades! This fall, Salem welcomed 203 first-years and transfers, the largest number since 1972. We need to build on this momentum and we need your help to do it! At Salem, we recruit a class one student at a time. It takes a village! As alumnae, it is our privilege and our responsibility to guarantee Salems future and to introduce Salem to the next generation of students. Everyone can do her part. Listed below are the top five ways you can help. Recruiting a new student to Salem is one of the most rewarding and impactful ways you can help Salem. Top Five Ways to Help Admissions: 1) BRING A STUDENT TO CAMPUS.

Visiting campus is the best way for a student to fall in love with Salem. The beauty and friendliness of our campus works magic. Seventy percent of visitors choose Salem. Come for an individual visit or one of our upcoming open house programs: Spring Visit (for high school juniors and sophomores) April 14, 2012 Legacy Day (for all high school grades) August 6, 2012

2) SEND US A NAME (BETTER YET, A BUNCH OF NAMES). If you know high school-aged girls, send their names to We will send personal communication to students whom our alumnae think will shine at Salem. Alumnae referrals become some of our best Salem students. 3) ADOPT A HIGH SCHOOL. Please let us know if you could visit a high school in your local area. Contact Shari White Dallas C83 at We will send you a tote bag filled with Salem literature and goodies for the school counselor. Having a local alumnae contact helps support the work of our admissions counselors. 4) VOLUNTEER. Please contact if you are interested in joining our team of alumnae volunteers. We might ask you to represent Salem at a college fair in your area or to present a Salem College Alumnae Book Award in a local high school. 5) TALK IT UP! Everywhere you go, spread the good news about Salem. There is nothing better than the hum of positive buzz. Tell everyone you know and see that Salem is a great school and that anyone who knows a teenaged girl should encourage her to take a look at Salem. It might be the best advice she ever gets!

The Class of 2015: By the Numbers

203 new studentsthe second largest class in school history 181 first years, 22 transfers 21 percent increase over 2010 23 states, from Alaska to Hawaii 4 students have dual citizenship 60 percent are from North Carolina 4 valedictorians, 4 salutatorians 88 percent applied to Salem online 43 plan to play on one of Salem's seven athletic teams 2 most popular first names: Taylor and Samantha 4 Chatham Scholars from 4 different time zones: Great Britain, Atlanta, Ft. Worth, San Diego

S A L E M C O L L E G E 15

Alumnae N E W S

16 M A G A Z I N E 2011

Preston Stockton A'73 and Camilla Prevette Wilcox C'70 at Reynolda Gardens.

pages 24-25

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S A L E M C O L L E G E 17

Alumnae Profile Salem Alumnae Devoted to Their Dream Jobs

For Preston Stockton A73, manager, and Camilla Both Preston and Camilla are known throughout the Prevette Wilcox C70, curator of education, going to work community as unsurpassed gardening resources. Preston is each day comes with the literal promise of a rose garden. For have been the two people most associated with operating Reynolda Gardens, the gardens that historically belonged to the home of Katharine Smith and R. J. Reynolds, founder of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in Winston-Salem. Reynolda Gardens was established on 129 areas of the 1067-acre estate, and they include woodlands, fields, wetlands, four acres of formal, cultivated gardensboth floral and vegetableand a magnificent greenhouse and conservatory. Today, the beautifully preserved and maintained refuge is a spectacular community resource for learning and quiet recreation. Preston and Camilla are the driving forces that keep it in service for all to enjoy. Preston is quick to note that beauty has its price in the variety of work required in caring for the gardens. Without a doubt, managing the facilities requires a large amount of physical stamina. During the hottest times of the year, the staff may arrive as early as 6:00 a.m. to begin digging, lifting, hauling, cutting, and other labor-intensive work. Indoor tasks include fundraising, always a priority, and communication tasks, such as writing articles for the semi-annual newsletter, The Gardeners Journal, which goes out to donors and other friends. Camilla edits and writes for the newsletter, while handling other communications tasks, as well. Community outreach is her strong suit. She is constantly creating courses and other learning experiences for groups of all ages. In her Young Naturalists summer program, second through sixth graders come every morning for a week to explore nature. We study all areas of natureplant life, birds, snakes, turtles, everything, Wilcox explains. This year, the students had a focus on healthy food, planting and taking home plants, and preparing food that incorporated herbs and vegetables from the garden. One morning they made radish and butter sandwiches, and another morning, they tasted ratatouille. more than 30 and 31 years, respectively, these Salem alumnae

the go-to person for information about botanical things and Camilla about teaching and learning about plants. Both have their own gardens at home. Preston has a penchant for dwarf conifers, day lilies, and elephant ears. In addition, dogs play a big part in Prestons home life. She loves dachshunds and has four of them, including one 15-year-old. She is a deeply involved volunteer with dog rescue organizations. However Camilla tends toward growing perennials and vegetables at Reynolda as well as modern plants and testing horticultural techniques at work, and she collects and designs plantings off hours to the time period of her Federal style house. Her husband, Sydney C. Teague II, is the hands-on gardener at home. Both women are often approached at parties or on the street for free advice. Preston cant resist the urge to provide information, such as the time she was in a big home improvement store and a customer was complaining to a clerk about leaf spots on his Japanese Maple tree. Preston turned and asked him whether the tree was planted recently and if the weather had been scorching. Yes, he sighed, just as Preston said, Its only sunburn, and made further recommendations to restore its health. Early on, Preston lived in Reynolda Gardens in the boat house on Lake Katharine. What a spectacular place it was to watch sunrises and sunsets. It was beautiful year-around. Mists and iceabsolutely lovely. There was a downside, however. Slitherly, slimy snakes often found their way inside. Her containment method was to slam a bucket over the snake and then stabilize the bucket with a brick until the snake could be safely removed into its original habitat. Salem days are very memorable for both alumnae. Preston is from an established family in Winston-Salem. Her mother, Edmonia (Monie) Rowland was a Salem College alumna, class of 1952 and May Queen; and her mothers sister, Emily Burns, was in the class of 1950. Preston enrolled in Salem Academy, first as a day student and then for her senior year, a boarder. Her memories

18 M A G A Z I N E 2011

Stockton and Wilcox in the garden. include classes taught by Ann Dowell, biology and advanced biology, and those of Suzanne Britt, who taught Latin. Mrs. Britt went to school with my daddy and called him Bobby. That raised volunteer with her class at Salem. Also, Camillas first husband, Neil J. Wilcox (d. 1997) earned his teaching certificate at Salem. After Salem Academy, Preston went to UNC-Chapel

the bar of awe a little for me in that class. Once, in another class Hill, earning a degree in botany, and afterwards to Sandhills chemistrywe all bet on who would make the worst grade. I did, Community College for an AAS degree in horticulture. Then she and I started collecting those quarter bets. One friend wouldnt pay, had an internship at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson and I harassed her in Mrs. Britts class. Soon after, Mrs. Britt called in Virginia, a job at Stratford Hall, the home of Robert E. Lee, me outside the door. She looked at me and said, Hold out your hand! I had no clue what she was doing. I held out my hand, and also in Virginia, and then came back to Winston-Salem and Reynolda Gardens. She has worked through a $1.4 million

she put in a quarter. Then she said, The bets paid. Get on with it. restoration of the gardens and the restoration of the greenhouse and conservatory. At one point, we couldnt go in the greenhouse I did! Art major Camilla, a native of Salisbury, N.C., remembers skills that she learned in Dr. Steve Nohlgrens biology classes. He had us sketch plants in botany class. I use many of the techniques he taught us with my students now. Dr. Louise Gossett taught me how to write. She worked with me until I understood what to do. when the wind was blowingthe glass panes would fall out and break on the floor! Her biggest challenge today is money. Fundraising is highly important to maintaining our work. Camillas career has always been in the teaching field. She passionately speaks of the joys of reaching children and sharing

I also recall that author Robert Morgan spent a year at Salem when with them the joys of natural environments. This incredible I was there. He had been talking about contemporary writers that place is a microcosm of the Piedmont environment. It is hugely the class should read and realized that the students were not reading challenging to get children here with the cuts in education widely. I remember he slammed his fist on his desk and said to the budgets. Adults are today separated from nature, also. Here in the class, If you girls dont read, youll never learn to write! sister, Dr. Mary Prevette O'Briant C'61, also has been an active gardens, that separation can quickly change to involvement. My Like Preston, Camilla also has strong family ties to Salem. Her challenge is to get people here.

S A L E M C O L L E G E 19

Alumnae Events

Amanda Dean C06, Bridget Rierson C05, Kristin Baum Agnelli C06, Susan Smith C08, and Megan Ratley C06 in Atlanta at the home of Skip and Marietta Hardison Petters C67.

Pam Hardison Braxton C'71, Nancy Wilson Bowers C'71, and Anne Berger Salisbury C'71 at the 5th annual luncheon at the Coral Bay Club in Atlantic Beach, N.C. Liz Lee Lacy C81, Samanthi Gunawardena C96, and Nicole Winslow Levell C06 in Atlanta at the home of Skip and Marietta Hardison Petters C67.

Sydnor Cozart Presnell A71, Louise Marsh Pariser C67, Martha Gomer C69, and Jennifer Eury C78 in Chapel Hill at the home of Rudy and Louise Marsh Pariser C67.

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Alumnae Events

Wilson Alumnae Luncheon: For over 30 years alumnae from the 1940s, and many times their daughters, have been gathering in Eastern North Carolina every July. They catch up on each others lives, reminisce about their time at Salem, and laugh a lot! First Row: Jean Moss Fleming C47, Doris Schaum Walston C44, Mary Lib Allen Wood C46, Doris Little Wilson C46 and Ann Douthit Currie C46. Second Row: Nancy Vick Thompson C71, Nancy Moss Vick C45, Jane Youngblood (Mary Libs daughter), Senora Lindsey Carrow C46, Jean Sullivan Proctor C47, Katherine Manning Skinner C44 and Winn Currie Ballenger C74.

Suzanne Moye Edwards A'83, C'87, Claire Lashley Bryant C'87, and Sterling Talley Wheless C'87 at the 5th annual luncheon at the Coral Bay Club in Atlantic Beach, N.C.

Toccoa Powell Mayhew C88, Joanna Winecoff Wells C88, and Leigh Landis Dauchert C07 in Chapel Hill at the home of Rudy and Louise Marsh Pariser C67. Carol Perrin Cobb C74, Paula Jeffords Wynn C75, and Sidney Campen Surles C71 at the Upstate Alumnae event in Greenville, S.C.

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Admissions Legacy Day

Patrice Black Mitchell C'89 with her niece.

Amy Faulk Welton C'94 with her daughters.

Amy Congdon C'97 with her niece.

Strat Newitt Kiger C'90 with her niece and sister-in-law.

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Mother Daughter Celebration of a Salem Christmas Update Your Info!

Have you moved? Have you changed your name? Do you have a new job? Did you have a baby? Do you have a new email address?
Here are TWO ways to update your Brett Ashcraft Pesce C'87 and Millie Eubanks Price C'88 in Single Sisters House with their daughters. contact information if you are a Salem alumna: 1. Send us your business card and we will send you a Salem luggage tag! Mail to: Salem College, Alumnae Office, 601 South Church Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 2. Choose the online method: 1. Go to 2. Click on Alumnae at the top of Clay Corpening Ijams C'86 trimming Moravian candles with her daughter. the page. 3. Choose Update Biography in menu on left. 4. Fill in form and click SUBMIT at the bottom of the page.

Jill Starling Britt C'90 in the Club Dining Room after a Moravian chicken pie lunch with her daughters.

S A L E M C O L L E G E 23

Alumnae Profile An Unwaverin Dedication to Salem

Magnolias in My Briefcase is the title of a volume of a literary journal, Thema, that originates in the Southern states. The volumes title creates a series of classic images of archetypical, exemplary, professional ladies, dressed immaculately, and carrying briefcases that, when unlatched, reveal a scattering of fragrant, silky white blossoms on glossy, green leaves. If you are asked to describe a lady in that image, your answer might be Katherine Hepburn or Meryl Streep, or even Emma Stone. If you were

asked to limit your lady in the image to Salem College, it very well could be Doris McMillan Eller C54. For more than 25 years, Doris was the director of alumnae affairs for Salem College. Hired by Salems President at the time, Dr. Dale Gramley, Doris came to the position after serving as president of the College Alumnae Association. A home economics major at Salem, Doris was well educated in the proper ways to entertain and to promote the best side of

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everything. She soon realized that she would do almost anything to foster her alma mater. Beyond organizing and coordinating alumnae gatherings, Doris often was called upon to endorse capital fund drives and find financial support among her sister alumnae or former faculty or friends. Traveling the state of North Carolina and beyond to meet with alumnae and donors was her constant activity. Doris recalls going at least once a year to a very small town in Arkansas, a two-hour drive from Little Rock, to visit an alumna. At the end of every visit the alumna would hand Doris a five-figure check for Salem. She wanted to stay in touch with Salem, yet, she was not able to travel herself. I may have made the Arkansas trip nine or 10 times, recalls Doris. Travel within North Carolina would often be made as round trips, leaving the campus about 5:00 a.m. and arriving back after midnight. Doris remembers one meeting that she attended in eastern North Carolina, which included a dinner and a program with students. Merrimom Cunniggim, the Colleges Interim President, drove with Doris and the students. The meeting had gone well, and the trip home was spirited and full of good conversation. Doris fondly recalls Dr. Cunniggim leading the tired group in a sing along of the hit song, Downtown Strutters' Ball at 11:30 p.m.! One of her great challenges, however, was an assignment she received to contact a former faculty member who had moved to the Northeast and ask him to make a planned, estate gift to Salem. She knew the faculty member well, but she was not comfortable asking for an estate gift. After exchanging pleasantries, Doris made the leap and revealed the purpose of her call. The other end of the phone remained quiet, and Doris eventually said goodbye. Not long after the telephone call, the former faculty member died, followed by a substantial check arriving at Salem notated as an estate gift from him. It was difficult for me to ask, but he did want Salem to have this marvelous gift, and I was thrilled to have been a part of making it happen. Almost daily, Doris would be seen on campus early in the morning, completing a task that she wanted doneperhaps weeding a flower garden. Stories abound of Doris, dressed for work in heels, suit, and gloves, painting the Refectory door to assure that it would look its best for Reunion Weekend. She

often prepared lemonade and cookies in the Alumnae House and invited maintenance employees in for refreshments. One of her great gifts is listening and memory. Doris pays attention to other peoples stories. She remembers names of children, grandchildren, sisters, mothers, grandmothers and more. Her smile is always bright, and she will look straight into a persons eyes when a conversation is developing. Her agile mind and quick wit often makes for lively exchanges, and Doris delights in a measure of humor. This gift has made Doris the go-to person for quick and accurate information about an alumna or her family. A telephone call to Doris can save many hours of research in identifying the right personshe is literally a quicker resource than the institutional computer data base. Her network is the best for bringing together the names of aunts and cousins and many other relatives. In 2008, Doris received the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award, which recognizes fine spiritual qualities that are applied to daily living, high character, and service to others. This special honor distinguishes one who is representative of the ideals and values of Salem Academy and College. For years, Doris helped to find furnishings for the campus, especially the Rondthaler Gramley House, and she maintains an office there today. She often is called upon to help on campus with in-kind gifts of furniture, paintings, china, and other decorative accessories. She carries in her head an inventory of where things are stored. When she visits campus today, Doris is always impressed with the appearance of the grounds. She is particularly delighted to see the Single Sisters House restored. The beauty of the campus is truly special to her. Doris and husband Jimmy share many special interests, including golf and skeet shooting, and spending time in the mountains with their daughter, Elaine Eller Stephenson A79 and her family. Doris grandchildren fondly refer to their summer residence in Roaring Gap, North Carolina, as Camp Nanny Pearl. Every generation of Salem sisters has classmates to admire. Times change, but the Salem spirit remains a constant. For many, Doris exemplifies the Salem spirit better than most, with a remarkable, busy, sparkly edge that is uniquely her.

S A L E M C O L L E G E 25

Alumnae Profile Makin Political History

mayoral re-election campaign when I was a wee tot, and I interned for Mel Watts campaign the summer before I came to Salem. During and after college, Dew became even more politically involved, volunteering for campaigns, working on fundraisers and participating in various events with the Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County. After the 2008 election, Dew was appointed first vice chair for the Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County (a position in which shes served three terms), and she also ran for third vice chair of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party, winning and holding both vice chair positions at the same time. As if she werent busy enough with that, she also took a position managing the successful re-election campaign of State Representative Kelly Alexander. In her new position, shell also wear many hats. Fundraising is a major component of what I do, and another goal I have is to build and strengthen the party structure, supporting precinct organization and getting organized on a different level than in the past, she explains. Ill also stay busy running meetings, handling media relations and working to get Democrats elected.

Earlier this year, Salem alumna Aisha Dew C00 made history. After a hard-fought campaign, and years of work before it, Dew was elected the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party Chair. She is the first African-American woman to hold the position, and also one of the youngest. I ran against five men and beat them after three rounds of voting, she says. When the former chair said, We made history today, and announced Id won, I was astounded. I was prepared to be a gracious loser, so when I won, I was just absolutely amazed. The Charlotte natives interest in politics came at an early age. Her parents and family were very politically active, and Dew herself was an active campaign volunteer, long before she was old enough to vote. I have been interested in politics since I was very young, she says. The first campaign I worked on was Harvey Gantts

Part of her work also includes serving on the host committee for the 2012 Democratic National Convention, which will be held in Charlotte this coming September. Ill help make sure all our precinct people and volunteers have an integral role, she says. Ill also make sure that after the convention is over, Charlotte and the state as a whole will have something to show, politically, for having the convention here. The drive to take on such a demanding leadership role is something that was instilled in Dew during her years at Salem. One of the first things that happened when I came to Salem was seeing really fantastic women in leadership positions, and noting how they handled themselves with such confidence and poise, she says. I think if any Salem woman wanted to run for elected office, they would be head-and-shoulders above the competition because of their education and because Salem prepares you to be a leader.

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Runnin into the Record Books

As a student at Salem College, Sarah Covington Fulcher C86 had lofty ambitions to do something to help change the world for the better. So as her senior project, she put together a run across Australia that allowed her to bring attention to the problem of world hunger, all while making history as the first woman to run across the land down under. I had to do a senior project and I was inspired after doing a fast for world hunger, says Fulcher. Id been to Australia before and I thought Id run across the country as a fundraiser for the Australia Freedom from Hunger campaign. Fulcher lined up sponsors and made the 2,727-mile run from Bondi Beach, NSW, to Perth in Western Australia. The run was the start of a history-making running career thats documented in the new book, Sarahs Long Run, by David Burl Morris. Morris book tells the story of Fulchers runs through photos and excerpts from media coverage. The idea came together one day when I realized that Sarahs world record of being the first woman to run across Australia could never be broken because there can only be one first, says Morris of the books genesis. After her Australian run, Fulcher took on an even more monumental goalto run around the perimeter of the continental United States, crossing 34 states and covering 11,134 miles in a matter of 438 days. The run, which garnered her a

world record for the worlds longest solo run by anyone around the perimeter of the U.S., began in Laguna Hills, Calif., in July 1987 and ended in Los Angeles in October 1988. I had never run a marathon before but I knew I could do it, she says. Other people helped methe crew was very important. Theyd drive ahead, give me snacks. The crew is so important because theyre the ones who support you and keep it all together. Fulcher and her crew traveled around the country, facing harsh weather conditions that ranged from blazing heat to snow and ice. Along the way, fans and media cheered Fulcher on, as she ran to raise funds for a national fitness center that would help promote healthful living to the nations children. She brought that message of fitness directly to children, too, stopping at schools along the way. I actually ran into schools and did fitness testing, gave prizes and then ran out, she says. The kids really kept me going because theyd cheer for me and make little cards for me. Also cheering her on were friends and classmates from Salem College, who inspired and supported her to follow her dream to help others. I went to Salem and it saved my life, says Fulcher. The people were so nice and they became friends for life. Salem really supported meit was so amazingand its so wonderful to be connected to such a great place.

S A L E M C O L L E G E 27


WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO WRITE AND ILLUSTRATE THE SISTER MAUS BOOKS? The idea behind the books first came with the discoveryor rediscoveryof a historical mouse hole in the baseboard of the front hall of the Single Sisters House during the renovation. Gwynne Stephens Taylor C72, now chair of our board of trustees, and then head of the committee that was charged with renovating the Single Sisters House, was confronted with an interesting problem, namelyshould they just fix the baseboard and get 28 M A G A Z I N E 2011

rid of the mouse hole, or keep it and write a book about whoever it was that originally lived there? I was very happy that the committee decided to write a book and that they asked me to do it. Gwynne had heard that I wrote and illustrated picture books. In fact, the notion of a picture book is itself a Moravian invention. Bishop John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), an important Moravian leader and educator, is credited with creating the first illustrated book for teaching children, the Orbis Sensualium Pictus of 1658.

AND IS SISTER MAUS HISTORICAL MOUSE HOLE STILL THERE? Yes, just where its always beenjust inside the door, on the left side, in the central hall. The committee placed a nice little sign over the hole, so you wont miss it. The admissions staff tells me that children often leave cheese and cookies by the hole, and that its always gone when they come back from visiting the museum in the building a few minutes later! HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO PRODUCE THE BOOKS? WHO ELSE WORKED ON THEM WITH YOU? It took about one year to research, write, and create the artwork for each book. One of the most wonderful things about the book projects, for me, was the chance to work on them with many other Salem people. Amongst others, Gwynne read the manuscripts for historical accuracy along with Paula Locklair, vice president of education programming and research with Old Salem Museum and Gardens, Inc.; Penny Niven, a renowned local author who taught in Salems creative writing program for many years, edited the stories; Carrie Pritchard Dickey C00, a former student of mine, designed all three books and arranged for their printing, and Jane Carmichael, director of foundation and corporate relations, took care of all business matters. Scott Crockett of Keiger Printing Inc., a company which has worked for Salem for more than fifty yearsScotts daughter Mary Crockett C08 also went to Salemprinted the books in town. Charlie Hemrick, a Winston-Salem philanthropist, saw the earliest illustrations for the books and envisioned many benefits for the Single Sisters House and for the College. He agreed to underwrite the printing costs to enable the books profits to go into the Single Sister House Fund. Kilpatrick, Townsend, and Stockton provided the legal work, such as the copyright, pro bono. Many different people suggested wonderful ideas for all three books. It was a great privilege to work with everyone. THE SISTER MAUS BOOKS ARE FULL OF HISTORICAL DETAILSHOW DID THAT COME ABOUT? When I first started to work on the books, I decided very early that I wanted everything in the booksthe stories and the picturesto accurately reflect Salems rich heritage. Almost all of the story elements in all three books come from historical sources. For instance, when I was planning the first book, Sister Maus, I carefully read Less Time for Meddling by Frances Griffin, which is a wonderful account of Salems early years. I made a list

of all the most interesting things that happened in Ms. Griffins bookconsulted a few other authoritiesand then tried to work every one of these ideas into the plot of Sister Mausfrom Sister Elisabeth Oesterleins walking journey from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, to Salem, to sewing lessons and glove making. I did similar things with cookies, the Boys School and Moravian Christmas traditions in Christmas Maus. For Easter Maus, I worked with Salem pottery, Moravian Easter traditions and Brother Peter Oliver, an African-American potter who lived in Salem and Bethabara. All the historical features of the stories are described in detail on the final page of each book in the Authors Notes section. DID YOU SAY THAT THE PICTURES ARE ALSO HISTORICAL? Yes, very much soas much as the stories. I think its very important when doing a picture book to make things as accurate as possible, and I use all sorts of different historical sources for all of my illustrations. For Sister Maus, I crawled all around Sisters House with my cameragetting a mouse-eye viewin order to take reference photos of parts of the buildings for my watercolors. The front door, front hall and back stair scenes in that book are based directly on those photos. The furniture and other objects seen in the booktables, pin cushions, samplerswere based on photos of objects in the Old Salem Collection, where the curators were kind enough to show me many things that were either known to have been used in Sisters House or could have been. Not that I didnt make some mistakes! The spiral stair in the front hall in my drawing in Sister Maus is the wrong colorgreen instead of brown. I made my watercolor before the renovation of the building was finished, and used the color scheme of a similar staircase in the Boys School. Green woodwork was authentically Moravianjust not authentic for Sisters House. I fixed the color of the stair in Christmas Maus. WERE THE PICTURES IN CHRISTMAS MAUS AND EASTER MAUS ALSO HISTORICAL, THEN? That was certainly my goal. Most of the details in Christmas Maus were based on old prints, and photos of Christmas Lovefeasts. I referenced an excellent book on Moravian Christmas traditions, written by Nancy Smith Thomas and published by Old Salem. Johanna Brown C08, curator of the Old Salem Collection and a Salem alumna, was kind enough to show me actual examples of Salem potteryand also lend me photoswhen I was planning Easter Maus.

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DO YOU HAVE ANY FAVORITE PICTURES IN YOUR THREE BOOKS? What a question! Thats like asking which of my childrenI have threeI like best! I think if I have to pick any, Id pick the three doll house pictures in the books. These are pictures that show rooms inside the buildings. Many children have told me they like them best because there are so many interesting things at which to look. The three are: the cross-section of Sisters House in Sister Maus, where the mice are singing, eating, reading and going to sleep up in the attic near the date stone; the Boys School picture in Christmas Maus where Sister Maus is meeting Brother Maus friends; and the barn scene in Easter Maus where the country mice are greeting Sister and Brother Maus and starting to color Easter eggs. I also really like the Lovefeast double page picture in Christmas Maus and the sunrise service in Easter Maus. WHO IS THE AUDIENCE FOR YOUR BOOKS? Young children are the natural audience for any picture book. But I like to think that a beautifully designed, illustrated book with an interesting story can attract people of any age. Eighty-year-old alumnae tell me how much they like the pictures and stories; sixty-year-olds tell me they put them on their coffee tables; forty-year-olds say they buy them for themselves, maybe their grand-children, someday; even my eighteen- to twenty-year-old students like them and three- or four-year-olds sometimes insist on reading them every night. They really can be for anyone. Even Salem sons can like them! After having had several small boys ask me where is Brother Maus? during readings of Sister Maus, I made sure to include boy mice in each of the following books. DO YOUR SISTER MAUS BOOKS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT YOU DO AS A FACULTY MEMBER AT SALEM? I teach a childrens book illustration course every third year in January term, and I always share my experiences with the Sister Maus books, as well as other illustration projects, with those students. As an art history professor at Salem, I strongly believe in combining those two fields, art and history, wherever possible. Historical book illustration gives me another way to pursue these dual interests. I often encourage my art history students to use their research to produce creative projects and recommend as an option that they try to design picture book

projects based on the art of historical periodssay, a fairy tale inspired by Gothic architecture and painting; a Greek myth inspired by Minoan frescos, and so forth. They do some really marvelous things. ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO ANY NEW SISTER MAUS BOOKS? Yes, as a matter of fact, Ive just begun to start thinking about a book based on Salems beautiful gardens, George Washingtons visit to Salem in 1791, and a character inspired by Emma Lehman, a longtime teacher at Salem in the nineteenth-century who was very interested in the sciences, especially botany. It will be a sort of Fourth of July summer book, I think. HOW DID YOU GET STARTED IN ILLUSTRATION? I was an art history and studio art major in college and have always loved to draw. I took my first class in illustration at an art school in Boston when I was in graduate school. I did my first illustration projects for a friend who has a small, very fine publishing firm in New YorkThornwillow Press. They do a few hand-made, limited editions every year, and also design stationery for larger firms like Montblanc and Cartier. From there, I did my first massproduced book, the White House ABC for the White House Historical Association and then went on to begin the Sister Maus books. I am mostly self-taught and have learned by studying the work of such classic illustrators as Beatrix Potter, Walter Crane, Richard Doyle and John Tenniel. HOW CAN ALUMNAE SEE MORE OF YOUR WORK? I have just set up a website, designed by Carrie Pritchard Dickey C00. There are sections for each of the books, plus historical background information. For children, there are coloring sheets and instructions on how to draw Sister and Brother Maus. There are also galleries of other illustration projects, including the White House ABC for the White House Historical Association and a few pages for landscape, portrait and animal paintings. The address is

John Hutton has taught in the Art Department at Salem College since 1990. He lives in Winston-Salem, and was educated at Princeton and Harvard Universities. He is illustrator of The White House ABC: A Presidential Alphabet (2004) and Alphababel, an Illustrated Tower of Languabets (2001)

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The Sister Maus book project, from the beginning, has been a source of revenue for the Single Sisters House and for Salem College. Everyone who has worked on the project has donated their time, and it has progressed with very few expenditures. The largest cost has been printing and binding. Full color printing is important to display the brilliant original watercolors that Dr. Hutton creates for the series. Hardback binding is important for a childrens book that will last. Charlie Hemrick, a Winston-Salem native and lifetime Moravian, became aware of the project at the outset of the Single Sisters House restoration. Charlie wanted to see the house restored properly, and he wanted to make a large audience aware of the architectural treasures on the Salem campus and in Old Salem. He was introduced to the project through Annette Perritt Lynch C75, who is Vice President for Philanthropic Services at the Winston-Salem Foundation. Charlie is the designator of a fund that Annette oversees, the Sam N. and Pauline Carter Fund, that was established by his aunt. To move the project along, Charlie agreed to designate a grant for the printing and binding costs. Carrie Pritchard Dickey C00 generously donated her services in graphic art layout and design, looking forward to working with her former professor, Dr. Hutton, on the project. Kilpatrick, Townsend and Stockton donated their services for copyright and contract agreement. Old Salem Museum and Gardens, Inc., eagerly awaited the publication of each book, set in the National Historic Landmark District and on campus, to sell in their Visitors Center and the Old Salem gift shops. The proceeds from the sale of the books are for the Single Sisters House Funds, which includes its maintenance. Aside from a few dollars used in marketing and advertising, the three books have produced about $30,000 in income for the Single Sister House. The book projects have educated many on the fabulous legacy of Salem Academy and College, served as recruiting tools, provided unknown numbers of baby gifts and delighted generations of alumnae and friends. The Christmas Maus book has been selected by one Moravian church as a gift to children of new member families. The childrens book reviewers in the Winston-Salem Journal maintain that every local household should own a copy and give one away each holiday as a gift. Not only is it a delightful tale, but it belongs to all of us who cherish having Old Salem nearby. The three books, Sister Maus, Christmas Maus and Easter Maus, can be purchased easily. Buy the entire three book set for $62 ($50 plus $12 postage and handling) or buy individual copies for $24 each ($20 plus $4 for shipping and handling). Order online at the Salem College website ( by clicking on the Info tab and then on Sister Maus Book Series under the heading Community - an order form will follow. A telephone or mail order may be placed with Jane Carmichael: 336/9175552 or Salem Academy and College, Attention Jane Carmichael, 601 S. Church Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101. To: Mr. John Hutton From: Araminta Sawyer Pierce Blowe C'32 (pictured above right with granddaughter Sally Pierce Corpening C'90) July 2011 My years at Salem were long ago, But wonderful, every one; To reminisce makes my ninety-nine Years feel that teen-age has just begun! But much has changed, As surely it should: Id alter very little Even if I could. Thank you for your Sister Maus books, How wonderful they are Each one better than the last, Earning for the author Many a gold star! Please continue Sister Maus tales, Im looking forward to more, May they one day fill my room From the ceiling to the floor!

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1. Yvonne Marsan C96 and Gretchen Brandies Covine C96. 2. Members from the Class of 1956 celebrating their 55th Reunion: Julia Parker Credle, Marianne Boyd Gore, and Dot Tyndall Benner. 3. Class Officers from the Class of 1961 present their class gift to President Pauly: Cathy Gilchrist Walser, Cynthia Hyatt Kratt, Velva Whitescarver Woollen, and Mary Prevette OBriant. 4. Alumnae from the Class of 2010 celebrating their first reunion at the Reunion Weekend Kick-off Party: Christine Barrett, Sarah Eldred, Corey Bamburg, and Jennifer Woodcock. 5. Rebecca Russell Ferrell C66 on stage with Black and Blue at the Reunion Weekend Kick-off party. 6. Mary Ann Paschal Parrish A37, C41 and Minnie Louise Westmoreland Smith C42 at the Golden Alumnae Dinner. 7. The Class of 1986 celebrating their 25th Reunion: Penny Fowler Westmoreland, Kim Rider Rech, Mary-Dixon Presbrey Smith, Paula Inserra Mackovic, Geri Alligood Callahan, Nancy Allen Carlton, and Leigh Trevey Tanner. 8. Members from the Class of 2006 at the Reunion Weekend Kick-Off Party: Brandi Jones, Megan Ratley, Lara Crews, Lisa McReynolds, Mary Clayton Blackburn, Emily Hanes Hinesley, and Taylor Hutchinson Plumblee. 9. Members from the Class of 1971: Chris Coile Say, Alison White Parker, Anne Berger Salisbury, Linda Smith Conner, and Melene Tuton Patchel. 10. The Class of 2001 gathers on Bryant Hall Patio: Jessica Faulkenberry, Monica Varandani, Courtney Spellman Snyder, Kris Amidon, Monique Farrell Harmon, Jennifer Schleider Edney, Leigh Ann Jones Lichty, Kimberly Engebretson Scott, Jennifer Fedor Shamshoian, Andrea Hartley Bishop, Alexa Starr, and Mimi Aledo-Sandoval. 11. Lucy Rose C76 with her aunt, Jane Langston Griffin C56. 12. Hoi-Chu Wong C01, Dr. Dick Johe, Assistant Professor of Business, and Dasha Barabash C01. 13. Alumnae from the Class of 1981: First Row: Martha Browning Doss, Cornelia Outten, Mary Allen Waller, and Julia Owen Baker. Second Row: Ann Blair Austin, Monica McGurn Walsh, Susan Hatz Wilburn, and Meggins Reinhardt Tuchmann. S A L E M C O L L E G E 35




Distinuished Alumna Award

Diane Dailey C71, head womens golf coach at Wake Forest University, received the Distinguished Alumna Award during Reunion Weekend 2011. The Frankfort, Ky., native joined the LPGA Tour in 1970, while still a student at Salem. After graduation, she earned her masters from N.C. State in 1973, and went on to serve as vice president of the LPGA and on its board of directors from 1985-86. She also was president of the LPGA Tour in 1986. Since becoming head coach at Wake Forest in 1988, Dailey has built the Lady Deacons golf team into a consistent powerhouse. The team has finished in the top 10 of the NCAA Championship four times since 1993. Her teams have won four ACC Championships and two NCAA East Regional Championships, and the Lady Deacons have finished in the top 20 of the final national rankings in each of the last 18 years. And under her leadership, the Lady Deacons have advanced to 12 NCAA Championships. She has brought home four ACC Coach of the Year awards; LPGA Coach of the Year; National Golf Coaches Association (NGCA) District Coach of the Year, and is in the NGCA Hall of Fame. In 2010, Wake Forest University redesigned its on-campus golf practice facility, now one of the top facilities in the nation, and named it for Dailey.

Young Receives 2010-2011 Pfohl Faculty Award

Dr. Paula Young, associate professor of mathematics, received the annual H.A. Pfohl Faculty Award at Honors Convocation, held May 11. Dr. Young earned a B.S. in mathematics from the University of Arkansas at Monticello and then went on to receive an M.S. and Ph. D. in mathematics from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. Upon receiving her doctorate in 1993, she came to Salem to teach mathematics. During her time here, she has taught everything from calculus to a January Term course on Science Fiction as a Window on Society. As a respected member of the faculty, she has been active on a number of committees, including the Curriculum Committee, Strategic Council Steering Committee, Honors Committee, SACS Steering Committee, Tenure and Promotion, the steering committee for the Celebration of Academic Excellence and the Coordinating Committee. She also has served on countless search committees, scholarship committees and taskforces. Aside from her committee work, Young has also found time to write and contribute to nearly a dozen publications, as well as conduct numerous workshops and presentations. Her commitment to and passion for Salem has been rewarded several times during her tenure here. She was chosen Salem Distinguished Professor from 20022007 and she received the Omicron Delta Kappa Outstanding Teacher Award, given by the Salem student body, in 1996. Outside Salem, Young was honored in 1999 by her alma mater, the University of Arkansas in Monticello, with the Alumni Award for Achievement and Merit. Respected and beloved by both faculty and students, Young has made an indelible mark on the Salem community. Her place on this campus was succinctly summed up by a colleague quoted in her Honors Convocation introduction: Her eyes and ears are always in sync with the pulse of Salem College. Before any decision is made, she contemplates deeply the welfare of her colleagues and students.

36 M A G A Z I N E 2011



Alumna Service Award

Julie Trabue Hanes C86, family support coordinator for the Childrens Center for the Physically Disabled in Winston-Salem, received the Alumna Service Award at Reunion Weekend 2011. Hanes love of Salem inspired her to become an active member of Salems Alumnae Board, serving two terms on the board as the nominating vice president. In addition, she has assisted the admissions staff by giving her time to keep the office open during staff retreats; greeting visitors and answering the many phone calls in the staffs absence. Whether volunteering independently, or as part of a group, her dedication to Salem and the community is unmatched. As the family support coordinator for the Childrens Center for the Physically Disabled, she screens, evaluates and manages the admissions process for children birth to three years of age. She gives ongoing support to parents of all special needs children, including service referrals, sponsoring parent support groups and outings, as well as representing the school in community meetings. In all that she does, Hanes keeps Salem College in her heart and mind and is a wonderful advocate and ambassador for our institution wherever she goes and in whatever she does.

april 2729, 2012

VOTE FOR: Alumnae Awards Presented Each Year During Reunion Weekend
We invite you to vote! Please submit the name and class year of the nominee/s to Karla Gort C00, director of alumnae relations, via email to or mail to Salem College, Alumnae Office, 601 South Church Street, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101. Self-nominations are accepted.
Distinguished Alumna Award - recognizes a Salem alumnas achievements in volunteer service and/or her professional distinctions. Alumna Service Award - recognizes a Salem alumnas outstanding service to Salem through leadership, student recruitment, alumnae club leadership, internship opportunities or other beneficial activities. Young Alumna Award - recognizes a Salem alumna, who within 15 years of her graduation, exemplifies the outstanding leadership qualities, through professional and/or volunteer service. A commitment to the College since graduation must be evident.

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Young Alumna Award

Kris Porazzi Sorrells C96 was the recipient of the Young Alumna Award at the 2011 Reunion Weekend Luncheon. Sorrells, a respected mathematics teacher at Salem Academy, earned a Masters degree from Wake Forest in 1998 and has enrolled in Ph.D. courses at UNC-Greensboro. In 2000, she co-authored a paper in the Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modeling,. In 2010, she was honored by the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM) as their Outstanding Secondary Teacher of Mathematics of the Year. To improve the mathematics program at the Academy, she started a Pi Day Celebration and wrote grants to obtain funds for a Math Center which implemented peer tutoring. Of her dedication to the Academy, head of school Karl Sjolund says: She is passionate about her students and her subject. She does everything that an exemplary teacher is supposed to do. She inspires her students without pampering them. She is a leading edge innovator with an old-fashioned work ethic. In addition to her work at the Academy, Sorrells finds time to stay in touch with her classmates, volunteers to help with College admissions and has served as a reunion volunteer and giving chair. She is married and has two daughters.

Ross Wins Oesterlein Award

Kari Ross C11 received the Elisabeth Oesterlein Awardthe schools highest honor for a member of the graduating classduring the 2011 Founders Day Ceremony on April 29 in the May Dell. Ross, who was nominated by faculty, staff and fellow students, was very active on campus during her time at Salem, holding many different leadership positions. Ross served as a resident assistant (RA) and was chair of the Judicial Council, leading peer reviews of infractions against Salems college and residence life policies. She also served as a member of the Student Government Association executive board, and on the Committee on Community. A staunch supporter of womens rights, Ross served as an intern at the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) office in Washington, D.C. Upon return to campus, she helped establish an FMLA chapter at Salem and was then invited to D.C. as the only student to speak on a panel of internationally-renowned feminist leaders. Since graduation, Ross has worked as an organizer for the Florida offices of the Obama for America campaign. In this role, she is responsible for the outreach, training and development of volunteer leaders who will speak to voters about President Obama's reelection campaign. The Oesterlein Award is named in honor of Salems first teacher at its founding as a school for girls in 1772. Each nominee is chosen for her outstanding academic achievement and leadership on campus.

38 M A G A Z I N E 2011

Salem Leacies

Amber Cox C14 and mother, Pam Simmons Morgan C86

Taylor Edwards C14 and sister, Tina Edwards Vaughn C00

Rachael Barnett C12 and sister, Jenn Clay Mickey C01

Elizabeth Hinkle C81 and cousin, Carol Barnhardt Pettit C76

Charlotte Tomlinson C81 and aunt, Harriet Tomlinson Hill C61

Fran Cartier Creasy C61 and granddaughter, Rebeka Grella C12

Laura Phillips C11 and mother, Patricia Loewit Phillips C72

Anna Katharine Mansfield C96 and mother, Kathryn Wilson Mansfield C67

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Dean Susan Calovini, Charles and Martha Allene Stevens Sutton A'71. Charles and Martha Allene Stevens Sutton A71 created an educational initiative, and they are crafting it with significant professional expertise for the benefit of Salem students. The Sutton Initiative for Design Education (SIDE), named in honor of Martha, is an educational resource with three components: collaboration, scholarship and research. Shaped uniquely for Salem College, this new interior design program is fashioned to teach students by means of a vibrant engagement with design. The goal is to educate a 21st-century thinking designer, who is at the intersection of art, design and architecture. Salem College has a new director of interior design, Dr. Rosa Otero, who is an architect and is excited about the program and gifts that the Suttons are providing. Charles Sutton has a strong background in design, furniture making, education and law. He holds several college and university degrees. He has owned his own fine furniture reproduction company, Sutton House Reproductions, specializing in handcrafted, 18th century American museum-quality furniture. He twice won the industrys Daphne Award for his best reproduction furniture. Affiliated with Century Furniture Industries, his company was responsible for reproductions licensed by the British National Trust and the Smithsonian Institution. In addition, Charles Sutton was President and CEO of Arthur Brett & Sons (USA) Ltd. He served as the Chairman of the Board for the North Carolina Museum of Art and on the Board and Executive Committee of the Bienenstock Furniture Library, which serves the furniture industry and contains more than 8,000 volumes, some dating as far back as 1620. He also published the magazine Furniture Review. In recent years, he has been an adjunct professor teaching a history of furniture design at Appalachian State University in Boone. In order to improve Salem Colleges design research library, the Suttons have donated his personal library of more than 900 books on furniture, architecture, design, history and interiors. The Sutton Furniture Book Collection is the most comprehensive that Dr. Rose Simon, Director of Salems Gramley Library, has seen outside the Bienenstock collection in High Point. The collection is available now as part of the Gramley library. A major component of the Sutton Initiative for Design Education is The Teaching Chair Collection. One of the most varied of all furniture types, the chair is the focus of incessant experimentation especially in the 20th century. During the past century, designers have drawn on the possibilities offered both by new materials and new technological processes to transform the chair into a functional item that also is an object of sculptural beauty.

40 M A G A Z I N E 2011

About 40 chairs that are icons of furniture historians will make up the core of Salems Sutton Collection. Each chair is unique by design, use of materials and technology, innovation, or creativity. The chairs chosen for The Teaching Chair Collection have stood the test of time, or seem set to do so. A few of these chairs have sold millions, some have remained in continuous production since they were first designed and all are in current production. These chairs reflect the energy and creativity of one of the most inventive and exciting periods in furniture history. The chair collection gift is in preparation. Each item will be a high quality reproduction such that students can handle and come to understand the components that make the object. The Teaching Chair Collection is unique in that no other college or university in the country has assembled a comparable collection of chairs that students can study and use as a source of inspiration. The Suttons are delighted to help Salem, as he explains: We want Salem College to have these collections. Its locationin the heart of a state that recently had a thriving furniture industry with an enormous impact on the economy is one of the reasons we chose Salem to have them. Another is Marthas personal connection through Salem Academy and through many other of her relatives who are alumnae of the Academy and College. One of the keys to a successful new venture in design education at Salem College, according to both Mr. Sutton and Dr. Otero, is collaborative partnerships, networking the abundance of informed, experienced professionals who are or have been part of the furniture and design industry in North Carolina. Such individuals are ready to become advisors, mentors, consultants, guest speakers, and potential adjuncts. While respecting past traditions, Salem College can produce a new breed of design professionals with fresh relevance and training to face 21st-century design challenges and opportunities. With the dynamic plans and support given by the Suttons, the interior design program is positioned to soar. Is there anything more the Suttons can suggest to launch this imaginative and vibrant idea? One thing, according to Charles, is to find more resources for scholarships: In seeking to attract the most talented and gifted students, Salem College needs to be able to offer more financial aid and assistance. In reflecting upon the exciting and lively concepts in the program, Salem will continue to work to attract undergraduates who delight in learning in this outstanding environment.

Designing Woman
Dr. Rosa D. Otero holds a masters of science and a Ph.D. in architecture from the University of Pennsylvania; a masters in architecture from Virginia Tech; and a bachelors in environmental design from the University of Puerto Rico. She is the interior design program director at Salem College. For three years she acted as interior design program coordinator, a program she helped establish, at Forsyth Technical Community College. The interior design program at Salem College enjoys a strong presence within the community due to Dr. Oteros outreach and collaborations with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity. She is on the executive committee of the Creative Corridors Coalition and cochairs its design committee. At a local level she is active with the YMCA and serves on the advisory board of the Forsyth Technical Community College Interior Design program. She is also involved with the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association. Dr. Otero contributes a unique outreach through her involvement with the Latino community, specifically, her association with the Hispanic League of the Piedmont Triad, and her induction to the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi. Prior to her North Carolina teaching and professional experience, Dr. Otero was program coordinator for the architectural technology program at Essex County College in Newark, N.J., where she helped established a local AIA Student chapter. She also worked at the architectural firm Hillier in Princeton and Newark. Currently, she is on a team of architects and former classmates working on a book, White Architecture Thats Green, edited by D. David Leatherbarrow. She is also active with the Interior Design Educators Council and the American Society of Interior Designers, professional organizations that serve interior design. Dr. Otero believes that architecture and design have a major social role, having the potential to enrich peoples lives and that it is the architects responsibility to perform that role.

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Sue Jones Davis C55, Roy Davis Jr. and President Susan E. Pauly. Salem lost one of its greatest supporters this year when Board of Trustees member Roy Davis, Jr., passed away on September 15, 2011. A Concord native, Davis was a 1955 graduate of Davidson College and was chairman-emeritus of S&D Coffee, Inc., the company his father founded in Concord, North Carolina. Under his leadership, S&D Coffee became a national coffee and tea they had two sons, Alan and E. Rhyne and three grandchildren, Carrie Elizabeth, Brian Peden and John Kenneth (Jack). Along with his wife, Davis was a strong ally of Salem. He began his service on the Board of Trustees in 2005, and with his wife, established the Sue Jones Davis Scholarship Fund at Salem College. Both also are members of the Ronthaler Circle at Salem, the institutions planned giving society. At Founders Day 2010, Davis was awarded the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award, which was established as a permanent 42 M A G A Z I N E 2011 reminder of one of the noblest of human qualities as expressed and followed in the lives of Algernon Sydney Sullivan and Mary Mildred Sullivan. The award recognizes fine spiritual qualities that are practically applied to daily living and is presented to those exceptional individuals who meet the awards qualifications and characteristics. In addition to his service to Salem, Davis served his Davidson College Board of Trustees, the First Charter Bank Board of Directors, Cabarrus County Community Foundation, the Barium Springs Home for Children and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Cabarrus County. He received a lifetime achievement award from the Cabarrus County Chamber of Commerce and was a life member of the Salvation Army. Davis legacy of giving and service is a fine testament to his strength of character. His kindness and philanthropy will be remembered for years to come.

supplier. Davis married Salem alumna Sue Jones C55 in 1960 and community in a number of ways. He was active with the



Beloved Salem alumna, professor emerita of music and internationally recognized composer, Margaret Vardell Sandresky A38 C42, celebrated her 90th birthday this year with a special gala concert on October 1 in Hanes Auditorium. Sandresky was presented with The Order of the Long Leaf Pine, the highest honor the governor can bestow on a North Carolina citizen. WinstonSalem mayor Allen Joines also proclaimed the day Margaret Vardell Sandresky Day in Winston-Salem. During the celebration, the winner of the annual Margaret Vardell Sandresky International Composition Competition was announced. Dr. Joseph Eidson of New Cumberland, Pa., won the competition with the composition Songs of Enchantment and Wonder, which premiered during the event. 1. Doris Anne Miller, Copey Hanes, Margaret Vardell Sandresky A38, C42, Dr. Charles Fussell and E. Sue Cox Shore A37, C41. 2. Margaret Sandresky and Winston-Salem Mayor, Allen Joines. 3. Jane Frazier Gray C45, Joan Jacobowsky and Diane Ward Higgins C71 4. Margaret Sandresky and Judy and Bill Watson. 5. Copey Hanes 6. Margaret Sandresky and Dr. Joseph Eidson 7. Charlie Sandresky, Eleonor Sandresky, Margaret Sandresky, Linda Yarnell, Jacob Sandresky, Chip Sandresky, Loretta Sandresky and Drew Sanders.


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