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How To Kill Time: Prayer To Siva - I

By: Dr Baskaran Pillai on Nov 23, 2011 | 288 Views | 7 Responses Why does Siva want to kill time? Because time slows everything. We want to be timeless. There is a different appreciation of time by different Gods. What we experience as one year is just one day for the angels. One year of work that we do, can be done in one day by the angels. The Gods are better processors of time. One year for them is one hour. So, if someone is getting paid Rs. 1 crore per year, if you are a God, you will get paid that much per hour. Vishnu does better than Brahma. One year for Vishnu is 15 minutes, while for Brahma it is 30 minutes. For Siva, one year is 1 millionth of a second. He moves very fast. So, meditate on the inner and pray to Siva: I want to live your time, not my time! Then, He will give the ability to experience His time.

How to Kill Time: Prayer to Siva - II

By: Dr Baskaran Pillai on Nov 29, 2011 | 166 Views | 5 Responses Close your eyes and repeatedly chant: Om Kala Samhara Murtne Namaha. Kala means time; Samhara means destruction; Murti is the God that destroys time; Namaha means I bow to Him. Pray to Siva: Allow me to experience the death of time. Make me timeless. Give the experience of timelessness. Time is destroyed within me! It is the planets that create time through their revolution. They all stop through the grace of Siva. Siva has put a hold on them just for the sake of the devotees, so that they can experience non-movement. Non-movement is timelessness. Movement is time. Om Kala Samhara Murtne Namaha! Om Kala Samhara Murtne Namaha! Om Kala Samhara Murtne Swaha! Deepaks Shukla
Nov 23, 2011 at 07:51 pm

The Mahankaleshwar Shiwa is indeed controler of time !! If we pray him for going in his presence That Ashutosh will grant you favour !! Thanks for nice blog !! Swarn Kapoor
Nov 24, 2011 at 10:22 am

Lord shiva is get pleased iimmediately, he listens to if we want to live his time. Nice blog nice of you.. Sampath Kumaran
Nov 26, 2011 at 09:41 am

Pravin Agrawal
Nov 24, 2011 at 11:10 am

Dear Dr.Bhaskaran Pillai, Time does not slow or speed up anything. It is the perception of the sentient beings living in different planets in the cosmos that relates to time with respect to their night and day duration. The super soul and

jeepvatmas are sentient beings and eternal.Time and prakruthi are also eternal but insentient. They are never destroyed. The duration of day and night depends on the rotational frequency of each celestial entity on its own axis with respect to its light source. Hence, the living beings in such planets have their time calculated based on their normal day/night duration. We, humans refer to the lifetime of gods and deities in relation to our time frequency. This does not mean that gods process or control their times better than us. So, the lifetime to exist in a particular form or body varies and is applicable to all jeevatmas which include all deities other than the super soul. So, Shiva or Brahma or any of these deities cannot not kill time nor process it. Only we kill time by continuing with such blogs! Anuj Kumar Replies to Sampath Kumaran
Nov 28, 2011 at 11:24 am

Dear sir, i feel so lucky that i follow Dr. Pillai becuse otherwise i would be stuck in mundane understanding. At mundane level time is created by sun and moon, that is fine, But if you want to have real understanding of time you must realize that time is mind. Thoughts are time. This is what our scriptures says. If you don;t have thoughts you will be in timeless space. you can experiment it personally, it is very easy to understand what relation time has with mind. If you come out of a meditation , when your mind is calm and relatively still , you will be aware of each passing moment, you feel greater freedom within each moment. time will slow down. Otherwise time flies away everyday, sometimes without our notice! You missed a great message in this blog! Dear Anuj, Can you please let me know which scriptures are claiming that 'time is mind' and Sampath Kumaran 'thoughts are time'? If you are in coma or deep sleep when your indriyas and mind are Yesterday at 04:31 pm at complete rest then you do not have the thought process. Do you mean to say then in that state you pervade in a timeless space? I would rather prefer to be mundane rather kidding myself with such baseless imagination. Dear Sampath Kumaran Sir I do not know whether I can add any value to the discussion. I put the following pointsi)Nada Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Mantra Yoga have differenet definition of time (see v). ii)Panini and Agasthiya used these knowledges for writing grammers to languages, Sanskrit and Tamil respectively. iii) There are two views - Utility View (foramtion of words/langauages) & Futility View (meaningless or not attaching to any word) (see g-post.html) iv)Religions have nominated "Gods" for kala - Yama or Krishna (Vaishnavites in Bhagavatham) or Kali (Tantrics) or Shiva(Shaivites) v)Definition of Time - (Birth of sounds):The Supreme Consciousness is the One Reality Eternal. At first it becomes conscious of itself, holds all in itself, in essence Nrv Appasamy Replies to Sampath Kumaran Yesterday at 08:45 pm without reference to time. The creation starts with the extension of this Timeless Spirit to bring out what is all along implied in it. This self extension of the. Supreme, this objectivisation from the subjective initial state, measured by movement and event, we call Time, kala. This Time assumes a triple status tredha nidadhe padam for creation and the created beings have the relative experience of Time as past, present and future. The experience is relative because past is what was present once, present is what was future before and future is what will become present and then past after a time. Thus there is a continuous movement, a Time-sequence which is an infinite continuum of apparently definite parts. And these parts, definite demarcations in the progression of successive development are the characteristics of Time. To this characteristic, we give the name Death. That is why, in the Sanskrit or Tamil language Death also is denoted by the name kala. The Lord of Death is known as yama, the restrainer, as he restrains the continuous movement in Time, as antaka or kranta one who makes the termination, as dharma the law of this mutable creation. I will add something more, on languages, if it is of interest to you. Contd. ORIGIN OF TAMIL VOWEL SOUNDS A - the first letter stands for negation. Awareness exists in two states, awareness that is not even aware of itself - that is the first state, "A", like a zero; and awareness that is aware of itself, like a zero that is the sum of opposites for ex. (1.5)+(-1.5)=0. A small deviation, a small movement - that is the second state. Awareness has these two properties of oneness and manyness. I (pronounced Yea) is the second letter. It is the desire of the awareness to know itself by splitting into

subject and object. U (pronounced oo) to preserve the desire is called "u". That is preservation(Sristi). Sristi, the creation has not occured in "A" (kuril). Only when "A" desires to manifest itself it becomes an orgasmically elongated "Aa"(nedil). This desire is represented by "I"(kuril). When "I" is fully expressed it becomes"Ii" (nedil) . The desire to preserve that altered state of awareness is "U"(kuril) and "Uu"(nedil). . Then creation proceeds further through the letters. A + i is E (pronounced ae) A + u is O. E + a is Ai. E + u is Au. Ak is the seed expressed outside itself as an object. So creation, preservation and disolution of the object are being mapped by the vowel sounds of the Tamil alphabet. This completes the formation of the vowel sounds. Contd.. The vowels a,aa,i,ii,u,uu,e,ee,ai,o,oo,au should be divided into four divisions. i.e a and aa form the child division i and ii form the youth division u and uu form the king division The rest form the old man division. The youth will defeat the child, and the king will defeat the youth, the old man will be defeated by the others. Contd.. As you may be aware, ISKCON's mahamantra stormed the world with highest chantership. It is little known about the mantra used by Dasses of Iskcon from the "Brahma Samhita". (an important scripture, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu acquired from Adikesava Temple in Tamilnadu) deals with past TIME transcedental activities of Krishna at the heart chakra. The hexagonal mantra (for you, sir) is KLIM KRSNAYA GOVINDAYA GOPIJANA VALLABHAYA SVAHA. and shold be chanted before "SUDHARSANA YANTRAM" where the central pranava inside the hexagon replaced by "klim" The verse from Brahma Samhita "karnikaram mahad yantram (karnikaram-the whorl) satkonam vajra-kilakam (satkonam-a hexagon; vajra-like a diamond; kialkam-central support) sad-anga-sat-padi-sthanam(18 syllable mantra with sixfold divsions) prakrtya purucena ca"(the manifestaion of absolute) Hrim Krim Hum Phat The king of dancers, nataraja, dances to the beat of time in the consciousness-space, cidambara. This ambara, Space, is the sabh, court or assembly, where all the myriad worlds of name and form are assembled. Indeed, Time and Space, make the manifestations of names and forms possible. Krim arranges the timing and the sequence, while Hrim orders the event and the circumstance in the Sadhana. Hrim is the Akasa, the ether, while Krim, is sound, vibration, the Pranic force. Hrim acts as a backdrop for Krim's work. The vast Hrim resides in the little space of the heart of every being, while the eternal Krim acts there in the time-beat of Pranic force. The Infinite when it subjects itself to measurement becomes delimited by position and event, by space as lajja bija (Hrim) and by Time as Krishna bija (Krim). The stupendous Force that precipitates the creation by almost cutting it off from the creator is Dhenu Bija (Hum). Sanrvangasana/ Shusumna.. Hrim sakshi

Krim quick action Hum will and vision The effective way of Sadhana is to.................. Chanting mantras do work. One of my friend, (Sade Sathi-Virgo) stuck in a city, with stagnant profession used to chant Thiru neela kantam-to destroy old karma Aro Kara - to create new karma Sada Sivam- to create glorious profession Om Kala Samhara Mutne Namaha-to create new time Yes, the change happened. He got a good rise in salary, attractive designation, in a rural town . He moved with his family, availing all relocation benefits - to get laid off within three months. Alongwith the discomfort of his family, the loss financially took him back to two years and now without a job (reversal of time!!!). Yes, I agree Chanting Mantra's do their work - but there is equal possibilty of going wrong. We may be thinking old karma is bad - but the new karma may be worser than the old karma. In fact old karma may be protecting us so far. What is your solution for the above case study. For every success (reported) of chanting relevant mantras, there will be equal possibilty of failures (not reported). What is your view on "Yath Pathram Thanna Aswa" or "Yoga Kshemam"

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