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Money Mastery

Credit Restoration



Learn How:
-To raise your credit score by 70-130 pts. -To use the law, (Fair Credit Reporting Act), to remove most negatives from your personal credit report. -To get your credit score at or above 700

Credit Restoration
The Goal:
- Re-establish your good credit - Gain access to competitive credit options - Maintain your credit score once re-established
Discover How to Put Your Credit Score and FinancialFuture Back Where it Belongs -In YOUR Hands!
This report is designed to help you understand how to accomplish all of your nancial goals and to remove most negative items from your credit report.

Money Mastery

The Report is divided into three sections:

Section I A summary of our nancial education, and our credit restoration system What you can do to improve your credit, pay down debt and create retirement wealth Section II..Damaged credit hurts, but it goes much deeper than that. How was the Money Mastery system created? Section III.A Summary of Money Mastery for Life Helping you take control of your Financial Future Contacts Email: Phone: 800-309-7856

Our system is designed to simply the credit restoration process and provide an e ective, do it yourself, easy to follow guide for removing most negative items from your personal credit report.


Money Mastery

Negative Credit Removed

Complete Financial Education Package

Credit & Debt Education: The source for our extensive nancial system plus credit, tax and nancial education.
Do it yourself credit dispute system
Our System forces the credit bureaus to provide veri able proof that they have a legal right to report a speci c account as required by the FCRA. This means the credit bureaus MUST have a copy of the original documents used to set up each credit account and it MUST have your signature on it. don't know any better. With Sandy Botkin's tax strategies provided in the Money Mastery for Life system you can take charge of your nancial future.

Financial Education
The 10 Principles of Money Mastery for Life teach you how you can relieve your nancial stress and get on the road to nancial freedom and security. They provide a sound, fundamental approach that will empower you and help build a solid foundation upon which you can stand, regardless of how your circumstances change over time. Money Mastery for Life principles will teach you how to nd wasted money to invest in your future, even while paying o debt. Once you master your money you'll pay yourself rst by saving money every month, not only for your future, but for your immediate wants and needs as well.

Tax Strategies
Sandy Botkin, renowned tax strategist. "A big force at work today that has a powerful a ect on your emotions and your lifestyle is Excessive Taxation. This is one of the most subtly destructive forces at work in your life. Most likely you have not realized the e ect it has on your long term nancial well being. "Did you know that taxes have become the single largest expense for most people, exceeding what they pay for food, clothing, housing and transportation combined?" The government gets away with taking far more money from you than is required by law simply because you

See the Next Page Its not credit repair


Money Mastery

Negative Credit Removed

Complete Financial Education Package

To Be Clear: Most negative credit can be removed from your credit reportregardless of what it may be Once removed, follow our simple proven system to maintain your newly restored credit
It doesnt matter what types of negative items are on your credit le since the FCRA( Fair Credit Reporting Act) does not dispute whether an item is accurate or not..we challenge the legal right of the bureaus to report any item because they cannot produce veri able proof. (Documents with your signature) BY LAWand when properly used, this system can remove any type of negative credit. Bankruptcies, Foreclosures, Tax Liens, Late Payments, Repos, Judgments, Charge-o s.ANYTHING! True Credit Restoration is permanent and the information, once removed or changed, cannot be re-reported without a $1,000 per item penalty for reporting information when the Credit Agency KNOWS they do not have veri able documentation.

We Are NOT Credit Repair

The di erence between our system and credit repair is signi cant in both the methods and most importantly in the nal result. Credit repair attempts to dispute inaccuracies on your report whether the items are inaccurate or not. They cannot remove any item that is veri ed by the creditor to the bureaus. They cannot delete ALL types of negative credit, and many deleted items are later re-reported and put back on your credit report.

What is the value of improved credit?

Your credit score a ects every aspect of your life - Insurance Premiums - Employment Opportunities - Interest Rates Charged - Terms o ered on purchases - Ultimately how much income you can develop for retirement One low, monthly fee includes the complete Restoration Service for your spouse or signi cant other. Free with the Money Mastery For Life system.

To speak with a Credit Assistant Email best time for callback: See the Next Page Getting Started..Simple, Easy Process


Money Mastery

Negative Credit Removed

Complete Financial Education Package

REMEMBER: Our Credit Restoration System is really quite simple:

None of the reporting agencies TransUnion ExperianEquifax are in compliance with the FCRA! Since they cannot provide veri able proof of the negative items on your report, they must be removed. In actuality, the process is much more involved and requires a solid understanding of the underlying laws and appropriate answers to the bureaus' responses. This is where our FREE Customer Support comes in.The process couldn't be easier:

We will show you how to pull your credit reports for free. You will then need to send a copy of those reports to us to ensure your credit restoration gets started immediately. You can send any explanations or special instructions about your situation. Send by: (email or fax is best) Email: Fax: 435-216-9848 Mail: Money Mastery for Life 216 W St George BLVD Ste b St George, UT 84770

Enroll in the MMFL Education package.It comes with free customer support and includes a spouse or signi cant other at no additional cost. Order at: Click Sign Up Now or by Phone: 800-309-7856 Enroll in our online education course at: (In a few minutes after submitting your paid order, you will receive an email containing your password to log in to our educational package) All e-mail communications come from (including the password for the educational package and all dispute documents to Credit Bureaus. Be sure to make this a safe email and not allow it to be lost in your junk or spam folders.)

Receive Speci c Documents and Instructions Upon receipt of your order and credit reportyour reports are analyzed and customized initial dispute letters are prepared, emailed to you for signatures and mailed on to each credit bureau. Within 30-45 days of sending your initial disputes, you will begin to receive writtenresponses from each bureau. Simply fax, email or mail everything each bureau sends to you back to the MMFL Center where their responses will be analyzed and counter responses will be prepared and emailed back to you to sign and mail to the bureaus. Repeat this process until all negative items are removed from your credit report.

For Assistance or Questions- CALL 800-309-7856



Money Mastery

Damaged Credit Hurts Fixing It Is Simple Damaged Credit Hurts: Whether you've made some nancial mistakes in the past or just got buried by the economic collapse like millions of doesnt matter.
Low credit scores can hurt you in many ways:
***** Maybe you've been studying hard to qualify for a new job. You've just landed it, but it's outside your city's bus routes. Without a new car you'll lose your shot at a highincome career. ***** Maybe you're ashamed to talk to the Human Resources department at your company, because you know they remember when your paycheck was garnished. ***** Maybe you're a young couple living in a tiny apartment, and she's now pregnant. You need a small house or even a larger apartment, but mortgage brokers and landlords have turned you down. ***** Maybe you're the parent of an ambitious teenager who's just landed her rst "real" job. She needs a car to get there, but you don't dare co-sign for her . . . You may have experienced one or more of these damaged credit (and many others) situations. The FCRA requires every company that reports credit events -- not just the original creditor to be able to produce legal, veri able proof of the event. It holds the credit bureaus accountable for the negative information they pass on. If the credit bureau can't produce the veri able proof of ANY negative information in the consumer's le, the credit bureau is required to remove it. CANNOT produce veri able proof that what they report is correct! They dont have any hard documents with your signature on it to legally verify the information they are reporting....So, BY LAW it must be removed. It's that simple and easy. With our help you can stand up to the credit bureaus and start on the path to good credit. You will then have the opportunity to begin saving money... lower interest rates = more money in your pocket!

Here's the KEY -- the credit bureaus DO NOT and

Dont you think youve su ered enough? We do.

Fortunately, youve found the solution to your credit and nancial problems.

Its called The Money Mastery for Life System

Next Page Restoring Your Good CreditThe First Step to Financial Independence


Money Mastery

Getting Started Links & Contacts Get Started Today: You Can Use Our Restoration System to Put Your Good Credit Score and Your Financial Future Back on Track!
In this Our Report, youve learned that YOU can decide EXACTLY what is to be reported on your credit report. You now know the Credit Bureaus can be forced to remove all negative credit items that they are unable to provide veri able proof of those items. NOWIts Time For You to Rid Yourself of Your Negative CreditIts Not If It Can Be DoneIts Only a Matter ofWill you put our system to work for you? 3. Sign and mail the carefully worded dispute letters provided; which are based upon your speci c negative items, to all three credit bureaus and send all their responses to MMFL Repeat the process until negatives are removed! (See Page 4 for details)

Heres How You Start Dont delay starting the

processIn just a few short weeks, most of your negative credit can begone!) 1. Order the MMFL Financial Education Package Site to order the Money Mastery System, including the Credit & Debt Management System click on Sign Up Now. 2.Receive the Credit Restoration Service FREE as long as you are an active member. FREE for 1 Full Year a spouse or signi cant other is included in the Restoration Service at no additional cost.

To Get Your Questions Answered:


Call us Toll Free at: 800-309-7856 or

Removing all your negative credit can be done.and YOU can start the process!

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