Histology Female

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Histology of UTERUS

composed of SIMPLE partially ciliated COLUMNAR epithelium - supported by highly CELLULAR lamina propria + abundant amorphous intercellular substance contains SIMPLE TUBULAR glands that - tend to branch towards the deeper portions - lined by COLUMNAR cells with OVAL BASAL nuclei bundles of SMOOTH MUSCLE fibers - separated by CT layers Superficial FUNCTIONAL layer Basal RESTING layer layers subMUCOSAL VASCULAR *the THICKEST layer of uterine wall layers shedding during menstruation shed during menstruation *monthly renewed do NOT shed during menstruation * serves the regeneration & repair of functional layer thickness thin thickest arrangement of smooth muscle fibers longitudinal oblique *arranged around numerous BV in 8-shaped figures circular longitudinal arterial supply COILED arteries STRAIGHT arteries

SUPRAvascular thin subSEROSAL thin

*layers are not well separated from each other Connective tissue -covered at certain areas by MESOTHELIAL CELLS *the outer layer of uterine wall

UTERine cervix

lining epithelium

SIMPLE partially ciliated COLUMNAR epithelium *similar tu body of uterus

non-keratinized STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS epithelium

lamina propria

contains MUCOUS cervical glands -extensively branched *in pregnancy, the glands proliferate & secrete more viscid and abundant mucus

Histology of ovary
section shows 2 zones size, site broad, outer smaller, inner - the cortex & medulla intermingle into one another without a clear line of demarcation - the ovarian follicles are distributed the cortex and medulla according to their stage of development GERMINAL EPITHELIUM (surface layer) -LOOSE connective tissue (before puberty) continuous sheet of flat squamous cells -rich in ELASTIC fibers (after puberty) low CUBOIDALepithelium - contains numerous LARGE BLOOD VESSELS, lymphatics & nerves - bundles of smooth muscle fibers near the hilum *ovarian follicles are embedded in dense stroma, composed of TUNICA ALBUGINEA STROMAL CELLS lies immediately underneath embedded in a meshwork of germinal epithelium delicate collagen fibers condensed COLLAGEN fibers - oriented parallel to the surface long spindle-shaped cells -with elongated nuclei


Histology of fallopian (uterine) tube

layers composed of has long primary, secondary & tertiary folding (especially at the region of ampulla) simple columnar partially ciliated epithelium - composed of 2 types of cells : i) ciliated columnar cells ii) non ciliated secretory cells loose CT with large number of BV smooth muscle fibers - inner circular - outer longitudinal connective tissue cilia beat towards the uterus causing movement of viscid liquid film that covers its surface LIQUID FILM (formed by secretory cells interspersed between ciliated cells) helps the transport of fertilized ovum towards the uterus prevents the passage of microorganisms from the uterus to peritoneal cavity maintains the environment for nutrition of sperms motility of sperms moderately thick

-containing LARGE-sized BV (uterine BV) - covered externally by one layer of flat squamous cells (peritoneum)

Histology of VAGINA
layers composed of *NO glands are present in the mucosa non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium -(under the effect of estrogen) vaginal epithelium accumulates a large amount of glycogen - bacteria in the vagina metabolize glycogen and form lactic acid loose CT -rich in blood capillaries, elastics fibers, lymphocytes & neutrophils interlacing bundles of smooth muscle fibers -arranged both in longitudinally & circumferentially dense CT - rich in think elastic fiber, extensive venous plexus, blood capillaries, nerve fibers & group of nerve cells mucous found in vaginal luman comes from the gland of cervix!

responsible for the vacuolated appearance of mucosa in H&E section responsible for normal low pH of the vagina

*orifice is surrounded by thin layer of striated muscle fibers

Histology of PLACENTA
- consists of the chorion - has a chorionic plate at the point where chorionic villi start to invade the desidua basalis - each chorionic villus is composed of : i) a core of CT derived from the extraembryonic mesenchyme & contains fetal BV ii) surrounded by cytotrophoblast & syncytiotrophoblast - chorionic villi are embedded within the deciduas basalis their surfaces are surrounded by maternal blood in the lacunae (intervillous space) *it is the site of exchange of substances between fetal & maternal blood -syncytiotrophoblast remains until the end of pregnancy, but cytotrophoblast disappears gradually during the second half of pregnancy - modified deciduas basalis in which embryo is implanted - after implantation, deciduas undergoes some changes that are called decidual changes i) stromal cells of endometrium enlarge & have vacuolated cytoplasm that accumulate glycogen & lipid material stromal cells are then called decidual cells ii) endometrial capillaries become congested & dilated to form wide irregular sinusoids - NO direct contact between maternal blood in intervillous space & fetal blood in the chorionic villi. - the 2 types of blood are separated by placental barrier. - composed of: 1. Endothelial lining the fetal chorionic blood capillaries 2. Basement membrane of the endothelium 3. Fetal CT of the core of villus 4. Basement membrane of cytotrophoblast 5. Cytotrophoblast cells (before 4th month of pregnancy) 6. Syncytiotrophoblast layer * Fx of placenta: 1. Endocrine gland ( HGC, estrogen, progesterone, relaxin, HCS) 2. Diffusion of : - foodstuff (maternal fetal) - excretory products (fetal maternal) - oxygen & carbon dioxide









simple columnar partially ciliated epithelium - highly cellular - simple tubular glands lined by columnar cells with basal nuclei 1. Superficial functional layer -shed, coiled artery 2. Basal resting layer - not shed, straight artery

lamina propria

non-keratinized stratified squamous epith -mucous cervical gland, extensively branched

simple columnar partially ciliated epithelium loose CT -with large number of BV


non-keratinized stratified 1. Germinal epith. squamous epithelium squamous cell (after puberty) low cuboidal epith. loose CT -rich in blood capillaries, 2. Tunica Albuginea elastics fibers - condensed collagen fibers 3.Stromal cells -long spindle-shaped cells with elongated nuclei

each chorionic villus is composed of : i) a core of CT derived from the extraembryonic mesenchyme & contains fetal BV ii) surrounded by cytotrophoblast & syncytiotrophoblast -syncytiotr/blast remains, cytotr/blast disappears

composed of layers

smooth muscle fibers 1. Submucosal layer -longitudinal 2. Vascular layer - oblique 3. Supravascular layer - circular 4. Subserosal layer - longitudinal connective tissue at certain areas covered by mesothelial cells fallopian tube

smooth muscle fibers - inner circular - outer longitudinal

interlacing bundles of smooth muscle fibers ( longi. & circum.)

- stroma of loose CT -rich in elastic fibers -numerous large BV

decidual changes i) stromal cells of endometrium enlarge & have vacuolated cytoplasm that accumulate glycogen & lipid material stromal cells are then called decidual cells ii) endometrial capillaries become congested & dilated to form wide irregular sinusoids


composed of

connective tissue -containing LARGE-sized BV (uterine BV) - covered externally by one layer of flat squamous cells (peritoneum)

dense CT - rich in think elastic fiber, extensive venous plexus, blood cap.

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