7C08 Pillsbury DR2RB

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Cassies 2008 Cases

Brand/Case: Pillsbury Winner: Off to a Good StartBronze

Client Credits: General Mills Canada Ivan Guillen Tony Mohr Amanda Hsueh Dale Storey Agency Credits: Cossette Communication-Marketing Janis Lindenbergs Chitra Krishnappa Kathryn Kinsey Bianca Kwasnycia Steve Silverstone Lily Cocetta Veann Leps Pete Breton

Crossover Notes: All winning cases contain lessons that cross over from one case to another. David Rutherford has been identifying these as Crossover Notes since Cassies 1997. The full set for Cassies 2008 can be downloaded from the Case Library section at www.cassies.ca Crossover Crossover Crossover Crossover Note Note Note Note 2. 20. 25. 28. Brand Truths. Emotional versus Rational Brand Linkage. Media Learning.

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Business Results Period (Consecutive Months): Start of Advertising/Communication Effort: Base Period for Comparison: September 2007 June 2008 September 24, 2007 September 2006 June 2007

a) Introduction Life has become extraordinarily complex. For most of us, it is a daily grind, filled with many challenges and conflictsand as a result it is often a roller coaster of emotions. Multi-tasking is no longer a choice; it is a fact of life. On top of that, there are the mounting anxieties caused by an unstable economy, the threat of global terrorism, and environmental meltdown. Meanwhile, at home, mounting pressures have emerged in family dynamics and the shifting nature of parenthood. In this troubled world, people are looking for some place of calm; a path of comfort and stability. Many are finding a sense of peace in basic family pursuits, such as cooking good food and the simple pleasures of a shared meal. Nothing captures the essence of this wholesome activity better than baking. It is a safe haven. It nourishes the body and soul. It is creative and enriching. In short, it is an ideal access point for those in search of stability and comfort. And the one product that epitomizes the uplifting spirit of baking is cookies. Cookies are especially enabling because they are made for sharing and giving. While on one level it may seem a great oversimplification to position baking as an antidote to the woes of the world, on a basic level it is in fact one of those practical and comforting touchstones of day-to-day living that can go very far in making people feel at peace with their surroundings. b) The Essential Challenge (100 words) In the last five years Pillsbury had used advertising adapted from the US (due to similar products and demographics). Results had been closely aligned to population growth. The challenge was to find a new marketing approach that would unlock significant growth. c) Summary of Business Results Since the 30-second TV spot, Rained Out, aired w/o September 24, 2007 sales on Pillsbury cookies have skyrocketed to 36% volume growth and 24% baseline tonnage growth vs. an average three-year CAGR (Cumulative Average Growth Rate) of 1%. This is the first significant baseline growth for Pillsbury in Canada in more than five years.

3 SITUATION ANALYSIS a) Overall Assessment Over 18 months, we conducted an extensive learning plan to identify knowledge gaps in the Canadian business. We then embarked on consumer research to better understand the true purchase motivations in the category. This showed that consumers were very familiar with the Pillsbury brand and products, but did not understand how they were relevant in todays busy and hectic life. The exploration also found significant differences between Canadians and Americans principally that more Canadians bake from scratch. (The incidence in Canada is +30%.) This led us to develop an entirely new brand architecture, and the first Canadian-specific advertising campaign in a long time. The research showed that we needed to adjust our communication, using an emotional platform to show how Pillsbury is relevant to the needs of modern baking. b) Resulting Business Objectives 1. To restore the relevance of Pillsbury in the minds of Canadian Moms at both the functional and emotional levels. 2. To stimulate significant growth in Pillsbury Cookies. c) Budget Range/Share of Voice Pillsbury Cookies has a virtual 100% SOV in the Refrigerated Baked Goods category. The 2007 budget was $1.8 million, unchanged from the previous year. STRATEGY & INSIGHT a) Analysis & Insight Despite this scratch/not-scratch difference mentioned earlier, warm, fragrant, baked goods provide a family with close, emotional moments together. Moms think that baking is like giving their kids a hug; it lifts everyones spirits and makes a moment a little bit special. Moms would love to do it more often but they do not have the time. b) Business Strategy Pillsburys competitive advantage is that no other baking method can deliver warm and fresh cookies in such a convenient manner. c) Communication Strategy Past Pillsbury advertising had concentrated on functional benefits, largely built around the Pillsbury Dough Boy. The Rained Out spot marked a significant departure from this. While still using the Dough Boy, we highlighted the emotional payback that women get from sharing baked goods with their families. Crossover Notes 2 and 20.

4 Rained Out Television

5 CREATIVE EXECUTION By allowing Mom to brighten up a rainy day we established a strong connection, portraying the emotional payoff of bakingMom and child enjoying a special family moment together. Well-branded: The spot starts out with the Dough Boy giggle and has product placement throughout. This opening uses the Dough Boy equity to get instant branding, breakthrough and memorability. Crossover Note 25. Sense of entertainment: This is provided by the combination of music and the scenario. This makes an emotional connection with the audience, as the Mom watching the spot can easily relate to the situation. Appetite appeal: There is nothing more mouth-watering then watching Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies rising in the oven. Reason to believe: This is delivered by establishing how fast Mom makes the Pillsbury cookies. With Pillsburys help, Mom had enough time to surprise her son by fulfilling his desire to go camping. Mom sets up an outdoor tent and makes cookies. His day is brightened up by the cookies, and he still gets to go camping. This is unique to the brand, as only with Pillsbury can you make warm and tasty cookies in minutes. The spot reinforces the brand image of warmth, helpfulness and spontaneity. MEDIA EXECUTION The spot aired at key times to reach the working, often busy, Mom of the household. Programming included CSI Miami, Desperate Housewives, Law & Order SVU, House, Survivor, Canadian Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, Oprah, Young & the Restless. Also top English Specialty Networks - HGTV, W Network, Food - Sugar, Paula's Home, Ricardo & Friends. Timing was aligned with the key sales weeks. In previous years the plan had been spread out more across the fiscal. By focusing on the key sales weeks, advertising was able to work harder. Crossover Note 28. BUSINESS RESULTS Total Pillsbury Cookies consumption (a volume measurement used by General Mills) saw + 36% growth from September 2007 to March 2008 vs. an average three-year CAGR (Cumulative Average Growth Rate) of 1%.

6 BUSINESS RESULTS (contd) Consumption analysis of baselines, which excludes incremental activities (features & promotions), shows a monumental jump of 24% from September 2007 to March 2008 compared to last year, driven by the Rained Out spot.
Baseline $ Volume % Chg (Rolling 13 Weeks)
35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
p, 0 O 6 ct ,0 6 N ov ,0 6 D ec ,0 Ja 6 n, 0 Fe 7 b, 07 M ar ,0 Ap 7 r, 07 M ay ,0 Ju 7 n, 07 Ju l, 0 Au 7 g, 0 Se 7 p, 0 O 7 ct ,0 7 N ov ,0 7 D ec ,0 Ja 7 n, 0 Fe 8 b, 08 M ar ,0 Ap 8 r, 08 M ay ,0 Ju 8 n, 08

GRPs: 1370

GRPs: 1420

Kisses Kisses


Period (2006-2008)

Once the TV spot came off air, the business result sustained showing the long term benefits of the advertising. CAUSE & EFFECT BETWEEN ADVERTISING AND RESULTS Strong breakthrough and brand linkage: o 56% of respondents linked the spot to the Pillsbury brand (norm = 38%). o Brand linked recognition was 35% (norm = 24%). Likeability: 75% of respondents found the ad to be relevant (norm = 65%) Purchase Intent: 56% said they were more likely to buy the product after seeing the commercial (norm = 47%)
Source: Millward Brown. Other details showing the improvement versus previous advertising were provided (Editor).

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