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I am grateful to you for joining me today as we consider the state of our city. I appreciate President Essex in allowing us to meet on a campus where students are ent educated every day for real jobs in the real world. I want to also congratulate Presid 74,000 Essex on the groundbreaking event that will occur in the coming months on the new e. Along square foot Nursing, Natural Science, and Biotechnology Facility on Union Avenu ation, with the Memphis Medical Center, UT Health Science Center, and the Bioworks Found h, this new facility will add to the vibrancy of this neighborhood in the areas of researc education, and service. The turnout today gratifies me because it reflects the sense of purpose that we all t share in moving Memphis ahead and in tackling the hardest issues with the greates resolve to achieve the boldest results. I welcome members of the City Council. We may not always agree on everything, city. but on this we agree completely: this is a defining moment in the history of this great our We will prove that government can work and we will prove that the confidence of grateful for people is well-placed. I have talked with every member of City Council and I am their input and suggestions about the state of the city. I appreciate those of you from the business community that are working for this city d self by creating opportunity, volunteering for civic action, and contributing to a renewe confidence that tells us that we can accomplish anything that we set out to do. To members of neighborhood groups, grassroots organizations, and advocates for a us how. It livable Memphis, thank you for inspiring us to reach higher and so often showing ss is in fighting for the future of every neighborhood and working as activists for progre that you exemplify the true nature of citizenship.

s, To members of civic organizations, economic growth coalitions, philanthropie and leaders in nonprofit groups, thank you for all that you do for this city. You have served as his Fast important initiatives from the citys Business Assessment Committee to the Memp te for Forward. While working on the front lines for change, you also manage to innova Memphis and to motivate us all. Finally, to the people of Memphis, I am humbled by your mandate at the ballot box. placed There is not a day that goes by that I am not motivated by the confidence you have in me and inspired by your belief in our city. And to my family, there are no words adequate to express my gratitude to you for your support and help. Today, we come together only a few steps from Sun Records and a few blocks from is Stax Records. Across Union Avenue is a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest and nearby newly named Martin Luther King Avenue. Not far from here are the ghosts of the grand homes that once lined the streets in this area and the new homes built after we transformed public housing. In other words, we live in a city known for its contrasts and its diversity. Its given e us legendary music, brilliant entrepreneurs, and a fierce determination to surviv bullet, everything from the Civil War, yellow fever epidemics, political bosses, an assassins and a global recession. Memphis is a city built on hard work and harmony, a place where business moves rtable fast but life doesnt. its a city with grit and soul, a place where people feel comfo roads, moving to their own beat. Connected to the rest of the world by runways, rail lines, , and the Mississippi River, Memphis moves forward with a spirit of individualism jmctic1n p grnatjrn, and psjbility. a So, let me say something that I know all of you would say as well: lam proud to be Memphian. I am proud to be part of a city whose music is known all over the world; where a cathedral company, FedEx, can deliver anything to anyone around the world; and where a served as of caring and curing called St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital has for 50 years a beacon for children from around the world seeking its miracles. We are a purpose-driven city, and thats why I am relentlessly optimistic about the coming year, upbeat about our possibilities, and confident in our ability to excel. If history tells us anything about Memphis, we are at our best when things are at their worst.

of the city is strong and That is not where we find ourselves today. The state resilient essive jobs growth, attracted new In the face of a global recession, we recorded impr engines. business investments, and created new economic hborhoods, to improve downtown, We launched new programs to revitalize our neig rity business opportunity. to reduce crime even more, and to increase mino nways. We led a green revolution with bike lanes and gree nthropies to solve long-time We created a think tank of the nations leading phila s, and low median household structural problems like poverty, low educational level income. ses government with We have a renewed sense of confidence, a no excu and involved citizenship, and an uncompromising integrity, a new brand of active infectious can-do attitude. proud of what we have Let there be no misunderstanding. We should be accomplished in such a short time. ber, and the Convention and In fact, city government, the Greater Memphis Cham unce a comeback campaign urging Visitors Bureau are so proud that we will soon anno cities, and visitors to return and former Memphians, our family members in other experience the excitement for themselves. in our own hands to make We are proving every day that we have the power or bumper sticker. It is our time. It is our Memphis a city of choice. This is no mere slogan destiny. rnment: In Memphis, we create Heres how we describe it in our vision for city gove , and play. Our economy grows safe and vibrant places for people to live, learn, work young people so that talent is prosperity and opportunity for all. We invest in our excellence in government so that we are developed and retained. We advance a culture of core needs. responsive, accountable, and successful in meeting heres what success looks like to Those are a lot of important-sounding words, but for a good-paying job, to live in a me: every person in this city has the opportunity e to hide when they hear gunshots, to neighborhood where children arent taught wher e, to punish swiftly those who bring attend schools that open up choices for their futur s, and recreational opportunities for violence to our streets, and to have parks, greenline healthy living.

er being on a roller coaster. That was nev The job of a big city mayor is often like last week. more true that in a span of 48 hours ent s and attracting $1 billion in investm I was potd that we are creating new job from new and expanding businesses. t out corruption by a few city employees I was frustrated that we continue to roo to serve the words on the page rather than a calling who think our code of ethics are just public. all r-old boy paid for attending a basketb 1 was angry that the price that a 17-yea game was being shot and killed. you and I must accelerate our plans, But those 48 hours reminded me why rts. Thats ate our performance, and align our effo concentrate on the key priorities, elev power to s for the next four years that have the why I am announcing today four prioritie change the trajectory of Memphis. We will work every day to:
o o o o

Create safe and vibrant neighborhoods Grow prosperity and opportunity for all Invest in our young people government Advance a culture of excellence in city

nda that d an ambitious, aggressive 100 Days age To jump start our work, I have launche ging issues rities. They target the most challen l set in motion crucial work on these prio wil blems that st impact if we can turn around the pro Memphis but they also promise the mo in have been decades in the making. of ice on our economic wings. The number Our citys long-time income disparity is simply lly been the same for 30 years, and it is Memphians living in poverty has essentia who are ple who are unemployed and even more unacceptable. We have too many peo underemployed. rhoods is half ofwhat it was only a few The density of many Memphis neighbo ts of of blight and crime and increases the cos s ago, and this aggravates the problem decade p ses and too many families struggling to kee ices. There are too many vacant hou city serv their homes. h an impatience for the status quo and Thats why city government will act wit business as usual.
. This is our moment. This is our time

neighborhoods. Our Within 100 days, we will announce our investment in Memphis work on jobs, education, neighborhoods are the connective tissue that ties together our erate in assessing the needs public safety, and quality of place. Thaes why we will be delib residents to respond, and in of our neighborhoods, in developing a plan of investment with executing a sustained program of improvements. strike force equipped to act These reinvestment strategies will be implemented by a hoods. courageously and In solidarity with the people in our neighbor

This Is our moment This Is our time.

mine the condition We will work in the next 100 days to develop procedures to deter tenance and consistent of every park in Memphis, to develop a consistent plan of main nd ways to partner with standards for equipment and programming, and to recomme operate their own neighborhood groups so city government helps them oversee and neighborhood parks. we will ensure the Neighborhood parks are the backbone of our parks system, and nlines to open up new equitable distribution of resources and connect parks to gree gthen the presence of opportunities for healthier lifestyles. We are also working to stren refinancing costs. As part of the Redbirds in our city by reimagining our relationships and our neighborhoods. this process, we will also bring competitive baseball back into n-acre park on Meanwhile, In the next 100 days, we will move to create a new seve the end of the year, there will our riverfront to replace the Lonestar concrete plant Before rce: our riverfront be another special place on our most important natural resou there Is the The riverfront was Memphis first great place. On the north, scape, and streetscape to construction of a reinvented Pyramid and ultimately, new land e Street Landing moves upgrade the entrance to downtown off 140. On the south, Beal toward completion. ark in the next 100 Because ofthese new anchors on our riverfront we will emb we can protect the riverfront days on a place-maldng process to find consensus about how to create a master plan, but to while making it more active and vibrant Our purpose is not ort so it can once again be a set a general direction for the riverfront that we can all supp force for harmony rather than conflict This Is our moment This is our time. than our fight to In our neighborhoods, there Is no success story more dramatic s, our work has just begun. reduce crime. While our crime rates have seen record drop

h community policing programs, In the next 100 days, we will move ahead wit as productive citizens, programs to give reentry programs to return fonner felons to lives o Gang Unit and plans to put more deserving youth alternatives to Juvenile Court, Metr cameras in high-crime areas. well do it with a carrot and a stick. We will fight gun violence and gang activity, and commission of a crime, but well also Well punish strictly anyone who uses a gun in the for their lives. create the Jobs that give youths better choices um will begin to examine the Memphis In addition, the Police Executive Research For ck, and manpower deployment This e Departments systems, priorities, plans of atta Polic ent is operating at peak perfonnance. We are review will guarantee that the police departm re. maldng important progress, but we can do mo

This Is our moment This Is our time

in neighborhoods of concentrated Today, about one in two Memphis children live nerability are all too common. These high poverty where crime, blight and economic vul elopment of our youngest children at risk. In stress environments put the optimal brain dev has proven that the brain grows to 80 percent the first three years of a childs life, research three percent of money spent on of Its adult size; however, in those days, less than s hard-wired to learn. education is spent getting infants and toddler on will change but our responsibility In two years, city governments role In educati e outside of the classroom Is just as wont Research Indicates that what takes plac what happens inside it Thats why city important In determining academic success as rhoods and to the youngest children in government should take Its work to the neighbo Memphis. so every child can attend rather than We must find ways to expand Early Head Start t ntion strategies that give every child a fair star the fortunate few, and we must pilot interve In life. progress in education. Thats why Our progress as a city can be no faster than our t 100 days, I will convene a special ernment will always have a job to do. In the nex city gov y childhood development and to make task force to evaluate the best strategies for earl d to school funding so our children endations for investing the money now allocate recomm are ready for school and life. This is our moment This Is our time

endations in the next 100 days to As for our neighborhoods, we will make recomm Our community has 165 drainage basins and deal with the flooding problems in Memphis.

It s out for more than crisis management 13 are problematic. Its an Issue that crie strategic context for action. demands an overall plan of action and a programs. With the merger of three s also applies to anti-blight and dean up Thi re coordinated and have more Impact have now aligned city services to be mo divisions, we rhoods. Already, we are entering into succeed, we need the help of our neighbo However, to cut weeds In their neighborhoods. In the with grassroots groups to dean up and contracts build on the lessons learned from last days, we will expand this program and comIng 100 years 25-square block strategy.

This is our moment This is our time.

have proven the power of technology Crush and the Real Tlm Crime Center Blue business. In the next 100 days, we will change the way city government does and data to performance management system that t phase of 311. It is a crucial part of a begin the firs ns accountable for achieving their goals. will be built to measure and hold divisio bers ne book for non-emergency phone num Today, there are 400 listings in the pho zens will only need one 3.1.1. to city government In the future, citi ts at the impact of 3.1.1., because It will But Improved customer service only hin ws us to e, accountability, and efficiency. It allo usher In a system to Improve performanc call center takers across departments into a single consolidate multiple government call service. It becomes a source of data and that delivers a higher level of customer l those being requesied by the public and how wel information about the types of services services are being handled. gram that will be designed In the next 1. is the foundation for a CholceStat pro 3.1. st detailed, comprehensive data about the When completed, we will have our mo 100 days. In this Information, employees will know e of city government In history. With performanc they are measuring up and citizens will their job expectations are and whether detail what s. how well city divisions are doing their job have at their fingertips data that show iew will meet monthly with managers to rev Once the ChoiceStat system Is setup, I ves, and to ss their success in meeting their objecti ry departments performance, to asse eve lars for the greatest return on investment e decisions on where to invest tax dol mak

This is our moment This is our time. be ged that a leading priority of mine would When I took office two years ago,I pled e about the future of cities. Today, we hav get Memphis into national conversations to s, and the itution, National Endowment for the Art omberg Philanthropies, Brooklngs Inst Blo workIng with us In city government White Houses Strong Cities program

l think tank focused only on the problems We have in effect created our own nationa s we are a national hub for innovative answer of Memphis, and for the first time in history, point, in just a few weeks, the Lumina to tough urban issues. To underscore that o mayors from across the U.S. regarding Latin Foundation will partner with me to convene Student College Completion. come at a better time. We must attack All of this attention and help could not have s. ertow on Memphis progress for generation the structural problems that have been an und e entrenched issues and to find new ways to These national experts help us address thes hborhood decline. break the back of issues like poverty and neig eprint for Prosperity plan. It is our In the coming 100 days, we will unveil our Blu phians living in poverty and give them the strategic program to reduce the number of Mem help that they need to move from training, human services, encouragement, and dependency to self-sufficiency. development work done by Memphis It will also connect to the important economic rities for the next four years complement and Fast Forward for the past five years. Our prio ged as the Memphis-Shelby Growth Alliance, build on its success, and we will remain enga . the successor to Memphis ED, begins its work lop the program of work for EDGE, the In addition, we are moving decisively to deve phis and Shelby County. With more targeted economic development umbrella for Mem ic incentives in the wisest possible ways, we strategies for creating jobs and investing publ can build on todays momentum. This is our moment. This is our time. our most important economic In the next 100 days, we will roll out one of Office of Resources and Enterprise. Its the development priorities MORE, the Mayors inesses and minority and women-owned hub of information and help for small bus to t time, we will have a coordinated approach businesses in the Memphis area, For the firs ting create new entrepreneurs and expand exis promote services and provide resources to businesses. substantive changes in this area. About We have already proven that we can make minority firms, and the first two phases of half of the work at Tiger Lane was handled by cent. Its about access and information. Its work at The Pyramid averaged about 45 per ority and women-owned businesses to about being intentional in connecting min field. opportunities to compete on a level playing

iness ugh the work of the Minority Bus Additionally, over the last year, thro city contracting sion, we have been able to increase Development and Oversight Commis cent. owned businesses by some 170 per ortunities for minority and women opp e. This is our moment. This is our tim l analyze our itution, in the next 100 days, we wil Working with the Brookings Inst and capitalize on it to nomic development opportunity, economy, identify a new, prime eco jobs growth. create major new investment and program estment Network will launch a new next 100 days, the Workforce Inv In the . The zens for jobs in high-growth sectors our strengths by training our citi that plays to t begins workforce development strategy tha sound. It takes a demand-driven philosophy is jobs of also poised to train workers for the at local companies need but it is by knowing wh the future. to them. Thats to be sure that our people can get As we create more jobs, we have t 100 days, we MATA are so important. In the nex major improvements under way at why real time ls that allow passengers access to out state-of-the-art technology too will roll ic time locations on the Web, automat and departure information, real arrival ng of security cameras with live streami cement of stops, and installation announ capabilities. upgrade s toward other changes that will MATA is also taking the first step g new customers to public transit. customers experiences and brin e. This is our moment. This is our tim more entrepreneurs are key to our s, better connections to jobs, and Trained worker y. But we need to do in todays complex global econom success and prepare us to succeed more from a regional platform. been more around for 15 years, but its never concept of regionalism has been The t of competition is the region. In the now. In the global economy, the uni important than the across the Mid-South to meet with I will invite my fellow mayors from next 100 days, nda. us to work together on a shared age purpose of considering ways for es like n to divide us, particularly with issu We have much more to unite us tha arts, workforce icine and health, entertainment and nsportation, higher education, med tra edness, and law enforcement. development, emergency prepar ld is should make collectively. Our wor decisions on these issues that we There are er, to find ways to support each oth normal, and because of it, we have likely to have a new

so we can artisan, boundary-crossing ways h other, and work together in bip learn from eac rld rather than with each other. h other regions around the wo be compete wit e. This Is our moment This Is our tim his capitalize the potential of Memp opportunity for the region Is to One key economic und ft Into a job generator and port and to develop the area aro and we must International Air ilon Into Its global hub strategy, Is investing more than $12 bif engine. FedEx y. ays a cornerstone of that strateg make sure that Memphis Is alw his is a major global gateway detailed plan to make sure Memp We do this with a r place In that revolution Is not the logistics revolution, but ou city. We are just beginning create a comprehensive plan and rld-class assets, but we have to guaranteed. We have wo text we could not even imagine we can compete in a global con organization to leverage so just a few years ago. . n of action to make that happen 100 days, we will develop a pla In the next
the financial strength of city rything that we do depends on Of course, eve ing years, isions last year, but in the com de some difficult financial dec government We ma y increase. the degree of difficulty will onl will decline for the first time al, Memphis total assessments With the next reapprais nts. e a major increase in bond payme In modern history. We also fac r the best choice from a list of poo ions now are too often finding that Budget deliberat petitiveness or cuffing services tax rate that threatens our com options increasing a ric of our citizens lives. threads holding together the fab are the e The Pyramid means that ing on some major projects lik Already, InnovatIve financ be done on the on that project The same will to spend a dollar of cIty taxes n a record we didnt have toric Retail District We have wo evelopment and the Pinch His Fairgrounds red public housing and rebuild VI grants that allowed us to end from number of HOPE dollars. We have received grants and to do it without any city tax orhood-based neighborhoods, handgun violence, build neighb thropies to attack poverty and national philan . nomic opportunity for Memphis jobs, and find a prime, new eco strategic management and fiscal s, we will develop a five-year In the next 100 day future decision-making about ent It becomes the blueprint for program for city governm enance costs, , revenues, capital costs, maint g and debt service expenditures operatin OPEB funding. staffing asset management and

r time. This Is our moment ThIs Is ou

factors uires us to examine the interlocldng in other words, the five-year plan req to take st find ways to work with our unions e the city budget In particular, we mu that driv ees s will still be there when future employ retiree pension benefits so that pension a look at get ready to retire. ng force In city finances, and just as our Runaway pension costs are a destabilizi with us to t us every day, we need them to work police officers and firefighters protec create a government itself. Together, we can protect the future financial health of city cannot create a system that sensible, and predictable. Most of all, we system that Is fair, ayers. g them on future employees and taxp pays present benefits simply by shovin everything on the table, beginning with five-year fiscal plan requires us to put The financing of government services. It d, objective look at the operations and an unbiase petition, better deployment of our t-sizing government, managed com includes righ s, better uses of city-owned buildings location and number of public facilitie workforce, the joint service agreements with other tions so they generate property taxes, in prime loca le d of tax structure that Is more equitab , and a comprehensive look at the kin public entitles to Memphis taxpayers. ored make the hard decisions about long Ign While there are no quick fixes, we can his over t spur our economy and vault Memp ucture, Investments and incentives tha Infrastr cting cuffing the costs of government by Inje cities, about balancing tax policies and peer measurements. more accountability and performance Institutionalize a more creative way of Our aim with the five-year plan Is to tactical, its about marrying the strategic and the evaluating priorities and funding lt of all, Its a new way of doing its about connecting the dots. Most forward-thinking and business for the city of Memphis. next 100 days. There Is much major brush strokes for our work In the These are the as we move ahead. more, and youll hear more about them that ting a three-person leadership team drive this ambitious agenda, I am crea To ard. for these priorities that propel us forw , plan, and implement the strategies will analyze tegic cer, Robert Lipscomb will head up stra le will act as thief administrative offi George Litt cer will be engaged to direct our fiscal policy development, chief finance offi planning and planning and forecasts. orsubstantially unchanged since the may The citys organizational structure Is had a total in 1968. It was a time when Memphis ncil form of government was created Cou operate just begun to broadcast in color. We ee television channels and they had of thr
This is our moment This Is our time

today in the age of the Internet and we need to consider whether the current city structure can be Improved. We will look at streamlining processes and procedures so projects can move with more haste and we will consider ways to flatten the organization and to Improve core competencles. We will establish a strategic planning and policy development function that will evaluate city projects, recommend city policies, coordinate city grants, and Identify strategic opportunities. As we begin, I acknowledge that our agenda will not be completed in 100 days or In 1,000 days or perhaps not even during this term. Memphis structural challenges are long standing and will not be solved without sustained work And yet ifwe abandon the shortterm focus of government that too often results in short-term answers, we can address these four priorities and control our own destiny.

Let me say It again, our priorities for the next four years are to create safe and vibrant neighborhoods, grow prosperity and opportunity for all, invest In our young people, and advance a culture of excellence in government
Ifyou want to know how my days will be spent in the next four years, this is It As I come to end my remarks today, I will share a scripture with you from the Book of Proverbs written by Solomon. Those words are simply, As a man thinketh In his hear4 so is he. Quite frankly, the greatest obstacle we face in accomplishing all we set out to do and in reaching our highest heights as a city Is not tied to what we have In our coffers or even In our capital improvement plans. Our biggest obstacle or motivator is instead what we carry In our hearts and souls for as a CITY thinketh in Its heart so Is she. s Some think in their hearts that we are not to be mentioned among the cities whose profile hover over our daily lives. Some have adopted the notion that we must solve all of our problems before we can truly celebrate Memphis. For them, every advance is countered with what we have yet to do and accomplish. For those Individuals I say to you that we are not ignoring the challenges we face. We are not hiding our flaws. But we refuse to wait for some future date to celebrate who we are. That time is now. We will sing while we work We will celebrate who we are before we mark what we have done. We are bound by an upward hope that encourages us during dark days. We are united around a belief in hard work and reaching goals through a daily grind. We have In our hearts a resilience of spirit that lights this region and inspires the world. And as people of this great city, we will meet every challenge with a soaring optimism and we will celebrate our destinations as well as the journey to get there.


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