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Chapter 7 1. The paraphilia _______________ refers to deriving sexual pleasure from the use of enemas.

A) coprophilia smaphilia

B) autonepiophilia

C) somnophilia

D) kli

2. Which of the following pedophile classification terms describes a child molester who is primarily interested in relationships with other adults but who, in certain contexts, is overcome by an impulse to become sexual with a child?

A) child rapist

B) preference molester

C) situational molester

D) preference rapist Feedback: This classification scheme consists of three types of child molesters: child rapists, who are violent individuals; preference molesters, who have a clear sexual preference for children; and situational molesters, who are primarily interested in adults but who will molest children in certain contexts.

3 Which of the following classification terms for sexual aggressors refers to an individual who lacks emotional control and engages in sexual aggression that is opportunistic and unplanned?

A) physiological aggressor aggressor 4.

B) cognitive aggressor

C) affective

D) preference aggressor

Which of the following is not used to treat pedophilia? A) SSRI medication B) Antiandrogens C) Castration

D) hypothalamotomy 5 Which of the following statements about pedophilia is false?

A) Phallometry (measuring the blood flow in a man's penis) by itself is adequate as an assessment of pedophilia. B) Men with pedophilia who are attracted to boys are more likely to have a greater number of older brothers than are men with pedophilia who are attracted to girls. C) Men with pedophilia are more likely to be left-handed than are nonoffenders. D) Some theories of the causes of pedophilia implicate the role of childhood sexual abuse. 6 Which of the following is NOT one of the predictors of re-offending among child molesters? Being young. victims. A) Having a greater number of previous charges. C) Living alone. B)

D) The tendency to have female

7 _______________ forms of treatment for pedophilia generally try to extinguish the inappropriate behavior and replace it with appropriate sexual behavior.

A) Cognitive ential

B) Behavioral

C) Biological

D) Exist

Feedback: Behavioral techniques (such as aversive conditioning, in which punishment is paired with sexual arousal to a deviant stimulus) try to extinguish the inappropriate behaviors and replace them with appropriate sexual behaviors.

8 A _______ is someone who receives sexual pleasure from causing pain.

A) exhibitionist

B) voyeur

C) masochist

D) sadist

9 A man deriving sexual excitement from the thought or image of himself as having female anatomy or experiencing such biological functions as menstruation, childbirth, and breast-feeding, is considered to have what disorder?

A) transvestic fetishism identity disorder

B) a cross-dressing fetish

C) gender

D) autogynephilia

10 A person's _______________ refers to their self-perception as a male or female.

A) sexual orientation D) sexuality

B) gender role

C) gender identity

11 Another term used to refer to gender identity disorder is _______________.

A) sexual orientation D) transvestic fetisishism

B) transsexualism

C) gender role

Feedback: The answer is b. Transexualism is another term for gender identity disorder. Sexual orientation is the degree of attraction to members of the same or opposite sex, gender role refers to a person's behaviors and attitudes that are indicative of maleness or femaleness in one's society, and transvestic fetishism refers to cross-dressing for sexual gratification.

12 Which of the following is NOT one of Masters and Johnson's four phases of the sexual response cycle?

A) Arousal.

B) Resolution.

C) Fantasy.

D) Orgasm.

13 _______________ disorder is characterized by an active dislike and avoidance of genital contact with a sexual partner

A) hypoactive arousal



B) sexual


C) sexual

D) erectile

Feedback: Sexual aversion disorder is characterized by an active dislike and avoidance of genital contact with a sexual partner. This aversion can be specific to genital contact or generalized to all sexually intimate behavior, such as kissing and hugging.

14 A man with _______________ reaches orgasm in a sexual encounter long before he wishes to, perhaps even prior to penetration.

A) erectile disorder disorder D) myotonia

B) premature ejaculation

C) male orgasmic

15 _______________ is a sexual pain disorder that involves recurrent or persistent involuntary spasms of the outer muscles of the vagina.

A) Sexual



B) Vaginismus

C) Dyspareunia

D) Sexual desire disorder

Fill in the Blank ____________ are disorders in which an individual has recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving either nonhuman objects, children, or other nonconsenting persons, or the suffering or humiliation of oneself or a partner. The Correct Answer: Paraphilias Except for ___________, almost all cases of paraphilias involve males. The Correct Answer: masochism

An instrument called a ____________ measure the blood flow in the penis and, hence, objectively registers the degree of a man's sexual arousal. The Correct Answer: penile plethysmograph In ______________, a person has intense sexual urges and arousing fantasies involving the exposure of one's genitals to a stranger. The Correct Answer: exhibitionism A _______________ is a strong, recurrent sexual attraction to a nonliving object. The Correct Answer: fetish

A ________________ is someone who receives sexual pleasure from causing pain. The Correct Answer: sadist Cross-dressing as a primary means of achieving sexual gratification is called ___________. The Correct Answer: transvestic fetishism ___________ refers to an abnormality in an individual's sexual responsiveness and reactions. The Correct Answer: Sexual dysfunction An individual with ______________ disorder has an abnormally low level of interest in sexual activity. The Correct Answer: hypoactive sexual desire A woman who desires sexual activity but is unable to attain or maintain the normal lubrication-swelling response during sexual activity is likely suffering from female _____________ disorder. The Correct Answer: sexual arousal

TRUE OR FALSE Stigmatophilia refers to making obscene phone calls.



Feedback: Stigmatophilia refers to deriving sexual pleasure from skin piercing or tattooing; making obscene phone calls is referred to as telephone scatologia.

2 Individuals with paraphilias are often so dependent on their target of desire that they are unable to feel sexual gratification unless this target is present in some form.



3 Surgical treatments for sex offenders are frequently performed.


B) FALSE such as castration or

Feedback: Surgical treatments for sex offenders, hypothalamotomy, are performed very rarely.

4 Exhibitionists generally do not expect sexual reactions from the people to whom they expose themselves. A) TRUE B) FALSE

5 Most sadists and masochists seek professional help to change their sexual behaviours.



Feedback: Most sadists and masochists do not seek professional help. They usually come to the attention of a professional only when their behaviour results in physical injury.

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