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I200V series 1400V series


FR-~K420-0.4K-l5K FR-K440-2.2K-55K

Please make sureto attach this instruction manual to the unit when the unit is shipped.



Thank you for your purchaseof Mitsubishi VVVF transistor Inverter FREQROL-K4OO series. This inverter is a variable-frequency power supply unit used to control a squirrel-cage induction motor. Thisinstructionmanual describeshandling,installation,operationandmaintenance of the inverter.Although it is easy to use the inverter, inadequate use andoperationmight cause unforeseen trouble. Before operating the inverter, read this manual carefully to use the inverter for a long time without problems.


3. 4. 5.

CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................................................... INSTALLATION WIRING

UNPACKING AND CHECKING ....................................................................................................


HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................



9 10

5-1 Wiring Procedure 5-2 Wiring Diagrams 5-3 TerminalArrangement 6. OPERATION 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6



Pre-Operation Checks Pre-Operation Settings and Adjustments In-Operation Settings and Adjustments 3-Speed Operation 2nd-Acceleration/Deceleration Time Jogging INSPECTION

7. 8.

..................................................................................... TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................................

MAINTENANCE AND 8-1 Troubleshooting Charts 8-2 Troubleshooting Using Indicator Lamps



VOLTAGE AND CURRENTWAVEFORMS 9-1 Voltage and Current Measurements


39 42

10. SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................

10-1 Standard Specifications 10-2 Terminals for Wiring 10-3 Protective Functions 10-4 Peripheral Device List 10-5 External Dimensions 10-6 Block Diagram

If the inverter is handled improperly, normal operation cannot performed or the inverter be may bedamaged. Note the followings:

Do not supply over the permissive voltage the circuit. to main (For power specifications, refer to page 42 to 45.) 2. Do not connect the input voltage wirings to the output terminals, because it may damage the inverter. Do 3. The inverterP and N terminals are used exclusively for the brake unit. not connect resistor only or do not use as a DC power source. depends on ambient temperature.For the long life 4. The life time of the inverter greatly time, it is important to use at low temperature. When the inverter is installed inside a enclosure box, pay attention to theenclosure box size and ventilation so that the inverter is operated at allowable temperature. 5. Do not use the circuitbreaker (MCCB) or magnetic contactor (MC) to startand stop the motor (inverter). Use the inverter start signals (STF, STR-SD). 6. To operate the inverterconnected shortly toa large capacitypower source, surely use an AC reactor (power-factor improving reactor, model FR-BAL) to the inverter input side. 7. To the inverter output side, do notconnect the powercapacitor, surge suppressor, or noisefilter,model FR-BIF (option). 8. Tocheck insulation resistance with a megger, refer to page 31. 9. Do not perform overload operation over the inverter capability (e.g. repetition of thermal relay trip and reset).


6 1 Environments (1) Place the inverter in a clean and well-ventilated tocation. Do not install the inverter t o direct sunlight, high temperature, high humidity, dust and corrosive gases. (2) Installtheinvertertolowvibratory place.

4 2 InstallingDirectionand


Install the inverter securely and vertically with bolts or screws so that the letters "FREQROL-K400" face front. (2) When the inverter is equipped with a built-in operation panel, install the inverter where the operator can touch it easily. (3) Since the inverter generates heat, provide sufficient clearance around the inverter. (4) When operation is repeated frequently, the surface temperature of the discharging resistor for brake mounted rear side of the inverter may become high (maximum 150C). Then, install the inverteron a non-flammable panel(such as metal). (The FR-K420-11 K, 15K and FR-K440-15K to 55K does notmount a built-in discharging resistor.)

Fig. 13 Installation clearance of inverter

Consideration for Ambient Temperature The life time of the inverter depends on ambient temperature. The ambient temperature should not exceed the permissive value. atpositions the Check the ambient temperature shown on the right. Permissive ambient temperature: 50C (If theenclosingplates are installed, permissive temperature is +40C. This applies to the FR-K4200.4K t o 3.7K and 0.4KM to 3.7KM only.)
-9~ ~

- -~ - -' -----

s u r position

50 mm
~ m m rx

50 mm
Measuring position

Fig. 14 and 15 show the wirings for terminals. Please refer to them and connect the wires according to the following instructions.
5-1 Wiring Procedure

For power source terminals R, S , and T, it is not necessary to consider phase sequence. When wires are connected to output terminals U, V, and W, the motor is rotated counterclockwise by a forward signal, as viewed from the load side. Connect shielded or twisted wires to the control circuit terminals separately from the main and high-voltage circuits (including 200V relay sequence circuit). Thespeedreferencesignal is faint current. To prevent miscontact, use two parallel connection of faint signal contacts twin a or contacts. It is needless to use AC reactor (packaged with inverter), the when using power-factor improvingreactor (model FR-BAL-H: option). (FR-KU0-2.2K to 55K) Caution of wiring (1) Do not connect power source to the output terminals V, W), because that miswiring (U, causes not only the damage of inverter but also danger to the operator. (2) Be sure t o usesleevedsolderless terminals for the main circuit cable terminals. (3) Terminals P and N are used t o connect the brake unit and discharging resistor. Do not connect either resistor only or any other device. (4) The inverter cannot be covered accidents due t o leakage. Pay attention so that the cables do not touch thechassis, etc. Be sure t o ground the inverter with the ground terminal. (5) In case of not inserting magnetic contactor (MC) t o t h e inverter primary side, if the power failurehappens for a short time, the inverter restarts automatically at same the time of recovery of power, because STF or STR signal still remain. If this automatic restart may give damage t o human body or machine, re-supply the power with safety after being sure t o shut off the power with MC. (6) If the commercial power changeover circuit, check the phase sequence so that the motor rotating direction is the same in any operations. (7) Since the speed reference signals (terminals 2 , l and 5) are not isolated from the control circuit in the inverter, do not ground common terminal 5. (8) Do not connect source for speed reference (terminal 10) and common (terminal 5). Connection of these terminals wl damage the inverter. il


5-2 WiringDiagrams (For terminal descriptions, refer to page 43 and 44.)

(1) Control circuit

Fig. 14 Connection to Control Circuit Terminals

(2) Main circuit

AC (Pa the

Power Power supply




Fig. 15 Connection to Main Circuit Terminals
-1 1-


5 3 Terminal Arrangement
(200Vseries) Control circuit terminal block TB2
u r n o

z ~



8 , aw u o z a

Main (For FR-G2,-0.4K-3.7K) circuit, terminal block TB1


Ground terminal

(For FR-K4*,-5.5K-l



OFR-Km- 15K 4200V series)

Control circuit terminal block TB4

Main circuit terminal block




Ground terminal

Terminal screw size

FR-k-0.4K-3.7K FR-k-5.5K-llK FR-b-lSK

Contra' circuit
M3 M3

R. S. T

U. V. W
M4 M5 M8

P. N

M5 M6





-1 2-


(400V series) circuit terminal block TB1

Control circuit terminal block TB2


Ground terminal


(400V Series)

Control circuit terminal block TB5

Main circuit terminal block

TB 1

TB 2

TB 3

TB 4

Ground terminal

Terminal screw size


';: 2

R. S. T

U. V. W

P. N
M4 M4


Note R200, S200


Ground terminal

FR-b-2.2K FR-b-3.7K FR-b-7.5K FR-b-15K FR-L-22K FR-L-37K FR-b-55K

M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3

M4 M4 M5 M6 M6 M8 M8 ME M5 M5 M5

M4 M4

M4 M4 M3.5 M3.5 M3.5

M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8


M5 M5 M5 M5 M6

M3.5 M3.5

+Note R200.S200 TERMINALS (Factory Use) They are power source terminals for option unit. They supply following powers. Main circuit power AC460V/60Hz AC380V/50,60Hz


R200.S200 Terminals output AC 230V160Hz AC 190V/30.60H~ AC 200V/50.60Hz

AC 400V/50,60Hz

(For FR-K440 series)

-1 3-

6-1 Pre-Operation Checks
Aftertheinverterhasbeeninstalledandwired, operation: check the following points before

(1) Check that wiring is correct. Especially check that power sourcecables are not connected to U, V, and W. (2) Check thatthereisnoshort-circuitedduetowire offcuts, etc. (3) Check thatnowire is deformed. (4) Check that all screws, terminals are not loosened. (5) Check that short and ground fault do not exist in the input and output circuits. Caution for Insulation Resistance test with Megger When a megger is used for checking,use it only for measuring resistance between main circuit and ground. Never use the megger for measuringacross the inverter terminals.Do not use the megger for measuring across the control circuit terminals. For details of checking with the megger, refer t o page 31.


6-2 Pre-OperationSettingsandAdjustments
After checks are complete, execute the following settings adjustments and in accordance with the operational specifications.

Acceleration/deceleration time



Acceleration and deceleration Setting panel time setting dials and magnification selection switches Electronic thermal potentiometer (TH) DIP switch Top of printed circuit board

Electronic thermal relay Maximum output frequency Base frequency Torque boost amount

Torque boost (automatic/manual) variable resistor Acceleration/Deceleration setting potentiometer DIP switch

2nd-acceleration/deceleration time
Acceleration/deceleration mode (S-type/linear acceleration/deceleration) Starting frequency DC dynamic brake mountedhot mounted Output voltage compensation mountedhot mounted

Start signal and speed reference Start connection switches and signal usemountedhot mounted speed reference connection (for model with operation panel) switch Maximum output frequency selection (240 Hz) (For FR-KM0-22Kto 55K) Slide switch

Printed circuit board in operation panel Top of printed circuit board

For FR-KM0-2.2K
Function Maximum sutput fre9uencY ,fmax)

- 55K (400V series)

~~~~~~~~ ~


DIP Switch

Description V/F pattern is selectable in accordancewith loadand motor characteristics.

Base frequency IV/F bend)

Note: Settings other than the above are as follows.

0 fl Maximum output frequency M H z 6 7 8 B 0 Constant-torque V/F pattern up to 120Hz.

Acceleration/deceleration mode

1 2

B d P mu8

6 7 8 7 8 7 8 6 6

Constant-torque VIF pattern up to 50Hz.



Curved or linear acceleration/deceleration can be selected. DIP switch ON:S type (Curved) DIP switch OFF: Linear type When the inverter is needed accel to highspeed area (constant to output area) at120 Hz (or 240 Hz),the acceleration or deceleration time of S type is shorterthan that time of linear type.


Startingfrequency (SF) DC dynamic brake mountedhot mounted (DC.B) tage compensation (D.V.)


During deceleration, the DC dynamic brakeis actuated at less than 3 Hz (for 0.5seconds)to brinf than the motor to sudden stop.To stop themotor after coasting at less the starting frequency, set this switch to ON position.

Starting frequency can value be selected. DIP swltch ON: Fixed at Hz independently of maximum output frequency. 3 DIP switch OFF: Depends onmaximum output frequency (fmax) 0.5Hzfor fmax 60 Hz ... 1 Hz for fmax 120 Hz ... 2 Hz for fmax 240 Hz

voltage is4MV, 60 Hz maximum. Note: If line voltage has reduced,output voltage cannot exceedline voltage.

60 Hz maximum. For U O V , 60 Hz rating motor, set d;Pswitch to ON position. The inverter outpui

For W V , 60 Hz rating motor, set DIPswitch to OFF osition. Theinverter output voltage is UOV,

CAUTION (1) Do notmovethe DIP switchesduringoperation. (2) Do nottouch DIP switch 0. (3) When the inverteris needed to set maximum outputfrequency (fmax) to240 Hz, move the slide switch (SW3) to ON position.

-1 8-

(3) Various settings


PWM mode selection potentiometer (PWM) (Shippingadjustment is 7 position) The resonance point of motor noise, tone and vibration can be changed by this pot. Please select according to the application. Automatictorqueboostadjustingpotentiometer (NBST) (Shippingadjustmentis full counterclockwiseposition, i.e. OFF position) is automatically Since theoutputvoltage adjusted depending load the on torque oE magnitude(loadcurrent detection),large torque can be provided. Clockwise turn of the potentiometer increase the output vol2 0 > tageandtorque. L 3 If potentiometer is turned the clockwise too , 2 P Shipping adjustment much, overcurrent trip (OCT) mayoccur. f With torque manual boost on, automatic Output frequency torqueboost can beactivated.This provides high torque but adjustment is necessary to prevent overcurrent trip. Manual torque boost adjusting potentiometer (M/BST) (Shipping adjustment about 3.5 ... FR-K420-1.5K or lower. Shipping adjustmentabout 5 ... FR-K420-2.2K oraboveand FR-K440-2.2K or above) As shown the figure, clockwise turn of the potentiometer increase output voltage and v motor torque. Too much clockwise turn o , may causes motorvibrationand/ornoise ,m FR-K420-0.4K to 1.5K increase, electronic thermal relay (THT) a FR-K420-2.2K to 15K activation during low speed operation, and FR-K440-2.2K to 55K overcurrent trip (OCT). Counterclockwise turn voltage, the reduces -f Output frequency then minimizing motor vibration and noise. Since torque also reduces, adjust the that potentiometer so that themotor can be started. For a energy-saving motor, reduce the boost (turn the that potentiometer fully counterclockwise). 3-speed reference (High speed adjusting) potentiometer (VRH)/Upper limit frequencyadjustingpotentiometer (Shippingadjustment is fully clockwise position) This potentiometer has the following two functions. 0 One is to adjust high speed operation reference. When control circuit terminals RH and SD are shorted, this adjustment value is selected. Frequencyrange: Startingfrequencytomaximumoutputfrequency 0 Another is toadjusttheupperlimit of inverter outputfrequency. If terminals RH and SD are not shorted, this potentiometer is available to this function.


-1 9-

3-speedreference (Middle speed adjusting)potentiometer(VRM) (Shipping adjustment is fully clockwise position) Thisisto adjust medium speedoperatiin reference. When control circuit terminalsRM and SD are shorted, this adjustment value is selected. Frequencyrange:Startingfrequency tomaximumoutputfrequency 3-speed reference (Low speed adjusting) potentiometer (VRL)/Jog speed adjustingpotentiometer (Shippingadjustmentisabout 2.5 position ... 5 Hz) This potentiometer has the following two functions. 0 One is to adjustlow speedoperation reference. When control circuit terminals RL and SD are shorted, this adjustment valueis selected. Frequencyrange: Starting frequency to halfofmaximumoutputfrequency 0 Anotheristo adjust jogging speed reference. 2nd-acceleration/deceleration timesettingpotentiometer (VRT) (Shipping adjustment is fully counterclockwise position) When control circuit terminals and SD are shorted, this adjustment time is RT selectedand the acceleration/deceleration time set inthesetting panelis ignored. The selection is available during operation (acceleration/deceleration included). The acceleration and deceleration times are set to the same value. Acceleration/deceleration time range: 0.2 to 15 seconds For further details, refer to "Operation using 2nd-acceleration/deceleration time"(page 26). Option select switch (PTS) (Shippingadjustmentis OFF position) When using the torque smoothing option (model FR-PTS) set this switch to ON position. If this switchis set to ON position when the FR-PTS is not used, the motordoes not rotate but the frequency indicator operates normally. Hence,use this switch to confirm the operation frequency in advance to the motor (machine) operation. Maximum output frequency (240 Hz) select switch [For FR-KM0-22K to 55Kl (Shippingadjustmentis OFF position) When the inverter is needed to set maximum OFF ON output frequency to 240 Hz, movethe slide switch(SW3) to ON position. If thisswitch is set to OFF position,theinverter sw3 does not output frequency more than 120 Hz, although the dip-switch (SW1) is set to 240 Hz position. (This switch save the upper middle class moters from being drivenover speed by mis-setting the dipswitch(SW1)).

6-3 In-OperationSettingsandAdjustments
breaker (MCCB) and After checking that the inverter start signaloff, turn on the circuit is magnetic contactor (MC) in the inverter input circuit. When power is supplied, the POWER lamp in the inverter setting panel lights. Operate the inverter and check the following settings and adjustments. (1) Test Turn forward or reverse start switch t o ON position.

Slowly turn the speed reference pot. clockwise fully.

As the frequencyindicator,indicates a higher value, the motor speed increases. Maximum frequency output achieved is when the speed reference pot. is in full clockwisedposition.

Slowly turn the speed reference pot. counterclockwise fully (to zero).

As thefrequencyindicatorindicates a lower value, the motor speed decreases. When the output frequency is reached to the starting frequency, the DC dynamic brake is activated (with DIP switch 0 OFF) and the motor is brought to sudden stop.

Check points (a) Check that the motorrotatesin correctdirection. (b) Check thatthemotor does not generate humsandunusualvibration. (c) Check thatthefrequencyindicatorpointermovessmoothly. (d) Check that lamp the does not flicker during acceleration deceleration. and (e) Check that the and light lamps during accelerationdeceleration. and If the inverter has tripped: 0 Check ifload is too large. 0 Reduce boostamount(NBST or M/BST). 0 Increase acceleration/deceleration time.

CAUTION (1) tf the forward (STF) and reverse (STR) start signals turn on at the same time, the inverter does not start. tf these signals turn on simuttaneously during operation, the inverter is decelerated t o stop. (2) During deceleration, the DC dynamic brake is actuated at l s that 3 Hz (less than the es starting frequency if the frequency setting signal is gradually reduced) for 0.5 seconds. Durin this period, the motor generates high-frequency sound but this is not failure. (3) tf the OCT o r m l a m p lights and the motor stops coasting, check after that the motor has completely stopped and then shut off the power or reset the inverter using the reset terminal.


- 22 -

Check and Adjustment Points If, during acceleration or deceleration, h e m l a m p flickers ort h e m o r m l a m p t lights, prolong the acceleration/deceleration time and re-start. In the best operating condition, h e m l a m p does not flicker during acceleration or t deceleration. I f the lamp does not flicker, re-adjustment of shorter acceleration/deceleration time is possible. The acceleration/deceleration timecannot bechanged duringmotoroperation (acceleration and deceleration included). It is only time to change when the motor is at a stop. PWM modeadjustment are available. In The following three PWM modes (A, B, C on the following figure) each mode,adjustment canbe made in two to seven steps. Mode A (notch 0 to 6) ... for low-noise operation Operation canbe performedquietly. Mode B (notch 7 to D) ... Mode A and C combination mode from 7 to D, tone As the dial is moved increases. Mode C (notch E, F) ... forpowerfuloperation Useful for high frequency operation with short time accelationordeceleration.

PWM mode selection dial

Caution for setting Switch from one mode to otherfrom A t o B) and move the dial (e.g. in mode B (e.g. from 7 t o 8 ) when the motor is at a stop (inverter start signal OFF). Mode switching or dial movement during operation is invalid. executed during operation.) (The dial movement in mode A and C may be

- 24 -

(5) Upper limit frequency adjustment

To clamp the upper limit of output frequency because of the machine and load specifications, use the following procedure.

Adjust pot.[VRH]on the inverter P.C. board to fullcounterclockwiseposition.

Adjust the speed reference to full clockwise position and the start switch to ON position.

- In this state, the motor is not rotate


Turnclockwise pot. and adjust to the upper limit frequency to beclamped.

Points (a) When high accuracyis required for the upper limit frequency to beset, it is necessary to make adjustment while simultaneously checking the motor speed. (b) Potentiometer overrides external the speed reference and signal speed reference from operation panel. 6-4 3-Speed Operation

By connecting3-speedsettingsignals(contact performed easily.

(1) Wiring As shown in Fig. 16, provide a 3-speed setting contact circuit outside the inverter.

signals), 3-speedoperationcanbe



speed High Middle speed

Low speed



Fig. 16 3-Speed Setting input Signal Wlring


Operation Turn the on each external speed setting inputs adjust operation and the frequenciesby each potentiometer. Fig. 17 showsrelationshipbetweensetting signalsandoperation speeds (output frequencies).

/L High speed (VRH)


Middle speed


Start signal High speed settin (across RH and ) ! S



+ Time



Middle speed setting (across RM andSD) Low speed settin (across RL and SB) .



Fig. 17 3-Speed Operation

Caution for operation (1) If two or moreexternal setting inputs(e.g. high and middle speeds) are turned on, the inverter does not start. (If two inputs are turned on duringoperation, the inverter is decelerated t o stop.) (2) The high-speed operation adjusting pot. is used for theupper lmt speed reference. also i i To execute four-speed operation with the external s eed reference signal or speed VRH for maximum speed operation. reference on operation panel, use potentiometer
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~

6-5 Operation with 2nd-Acceleration/Deceleration Time

independently of the acceleration/deceleration time with the dials and magnification selection switches in the setting panel, the 2nd-acceleration/deceleration time can be used for various operations. (1) Wiring VRL Provide a 2nd-acceleration/deceleration selection circuit shown in Fig. 18 VRT outside the inverter. Inverter
(Low speed)/jog 2ndacceleration/ deceleration setting


- 26 -

Fig. 18 2nd-Acceleration /Deceleration time, JOG Mode Select Signal Wiring

(2) Operation The 2nd-acceleration/deceleration time (0.2 to 15 seconds) adjusted by p o t . m i s selected by shorting the terminals RT and SD. Even if the inverter is driving aatconstantspeed, at accelerating or at decelerating, the 2nd-acceleration/deceleration time can be selected shorting the terminals by RT during accelerating. and SD. Thenacceleration time canbechanged

2nd-acceleration/ deceleration time





Reference acceleration/ deceleration time setting value (second) (Setting pot.)

a l

Start signal 2nd-acceleration/ deceleration (across RT and SD)




Fig. 19 Operation Example with 2nd-Acceleration/ Deceleration Time

6-6 Jogging

To performjogging,inputthe

JOG mode signal.

(1) Wiring Providea JOG modeselectioncircuit as shown in Fig. 18. (2) Operation The operation frequency adjusted by p o t . m c a n be selected by short-circuiting the terminals. By switching the start signal (switch) ON and OFF, jogging can be started and stopped. The motor responsejogging inching be at or can faster this by 2ndacceleration/decceleration time (with adjustingshortertime).

- 27 -



Tne inverter is a static equipment mainly consisting of semiconductor elements. To prevent troubles occuring due to temperature, humidity, dust, vibration, other operation environments, component deterioration with age, life time of components, etc., it is necessary to execute daily inspection. 7-1 Caution for MaintenanceandInspection (1 The operator must check whether power suppliesON or OFF by himself to prevent misoperationby others.
~~~ ~~~~ ~

(2) After the poweris switched off, the capacitor remains chargedat high voltage fora while. Before making inspection, check that the CHARGE lamp (used alsoas the POWER lamp) in the setting panel is off and voltage across inverter main circuit terminals P andN is 15V DC or less with a multimeter etc.

7-2 Inspection Points The general-purpose inverter is equipped with power and error indicator LEDs. (in the setting panel). Recognize LED definitions. Note the adjusted values of the electronicthermal relay, acceleration/deceleration time, etc. (1) Daily inspection During operation, check the followings: (a) The motor operates properly. (b) The environment is normal. (c) The cooling system is normal. (d) Thereisnounusual vibrationand noise. (e) There is nooverheatanddiscoloration. During operation, check inverter inputloutput voltages with a multimeter. (2) Periodic inspection Check the followings periodicaly when the inverter can be stopped: (a) Check thatthecooling systemhasnoproblem. Clean air filters, etc. (b) Fasten screws and bolts, as vibration, temperature change, etc, may loosen screws, bolts, etc. (c) Check thatconductorsandinsulators are notcorrodedordamaged. (d) Measure insulation resistance. (e) Check thecooling fan, smoothing capacitor, contactor,and relay. Table 2 showsdailyandperiodicinspectionitemsandjudgements.

- 28 -

Table 2 Daily and Periodic inspection

Check Point

Checking Item Environment

Description Checkambienttemperature. humidity, dust, etc.


Interval Periodic

Checking Method Judgement


Whole equipment Source voltage

Checkthat there is no unusual vibration and noise. Check that main circuit and control voltages are normal. (1) Check with megger (acrossmain circcuit and ground termmal) (2) Check that fastened parts are not loose. (3) Check that parts do notoverheat traces. (4) Clean (1) Check that conductor is not distorted. (21 Check that cable sheath is not broken. Check for unusual smell



Refer to cautions on page 9

Ambient temperature -10C to +50C ; No freezing Ambient humidity W%RH or less ; No condensmn .. .


Measuring Instrument Thermometer, hygrometer. recorder

Visual and auditory checks Measure voltage across inverter terminal block terminals R, S and T. (1) Disconnectthe inverter and measure resistance across batch of terminals R,S,T,U,V.W and ground terminal with megger. ( 2 ) Fasten (3)Visual Check (1) (2) visual check Smell check

Should be normal 50Hz 180to 22OV or 360 to 44OV) 60Hz 180 to 253V lor 360 to 506V)
(1 ) 5M OHM or larger


0 0 0


Conductor, cable Transformer, reactor Terminal block


multimater digital multimater 5OOV meggel

(2) (3) should be normal

(1) (21should be normal Should be normal Should be normal Refer to Table 5 Analog multimeter

l u
( D

Main circuit

Transistor module Diode module

Smoothing capacity

Check for damage Check resistanceacross each terminals

(1) Checkforleakage (2) Check the valve (3) Measure static capacity


Visual check Disconnect the inverter and measure resistance across terminals R S T and P.N end across U,V,W and P,N with a multimeter by 1 OHM range.
(1) (2) Visual check

0 0

Relay, contactor

(1) Checkfortremor (21 Check time delay relay operation time (3) Check forcontact roughness (1


(2) Check for wire break

Check for resistor insulator crack

Control circuit Protection circuit Cooling system

Operation check

( 1) Check output voltage balance across each phases without motor. (2) After sequence protective operation test, check that protective and display circuits should be normal. (1) Checkfor unusual vibration and noise. (2) Check that connection is notloose. (3) Clean air filter.
off. (1) Check that lamps have not blown (2) Clean.

Cooling fan

Display Display Meter General Motor Insulation resistance

Check that reading is correct (1 Check for unusual vibration and noise. (2) Check for unusual smell. (1) Check with megger(across batch terminals and ground termanal)


(2) Measure with capacity measuning instruments. (1) Auditory check (2) Delay from power-on to relay activation (3) Visual check cement resistor, wound re(2) Disconnect lead on one side and measure with circuit multimater.
(1) Measure voltage across inverter output


(2) Should be normal 85% or more of rated capacity

Capacity meter

0 0 0



1) be normal 12) Should operate in Should (3) Should be normal

0.1 to 0.15 seconds.

Universal counter

(1) Should be normal (2) Error should be within flO% of specified reslstence (1) Voltage balancefor Z O should be within OV 4V and for 4 O should be within 8V. OV (2) Error should occur in the sequence.

Multimeter, Digital

Digital multimeter, rectifier type voltmeter

terminals U, V and W. (2) Simulatively short-circuit the inverter protective circuit outputs.

(1) Panel indicator lamps. (2) Clean with rag. (1) Check panel meter reading. (1) Auditory, tactile and visual checks. ( 2 ) Check for unusual smell due to overheat, damage, etc.

(1) Should turn smoothly.

(2) Should be normal.

(1) Checkthat lamps light.

(1) Should satisfy specified and control


Voltmeter, ammeter,

(1) ( 2 ) Should be normal.

(1) Disconnect U.V. and W, Includes motor


(1) Should be 5M OHM or larger.

5 O megger O V

7-3 MeasuringInstrumentSelectionandUsage


To observe the insulation state, voltage, current, signal level, waveform, etc., use the measurnginstrumentsshownbelow. (1) Main circuit measurements Those are included power and output voltage and current measurements, load (motor) continuitycheck, insulation check, voltage and current waveform observations. The followings the important items check with measuring instruments. are to 0 Multimeter For continuity check with a multimeter, be careful of sneak path circuit.Do not make continuity check for the inverter circuit transistor module with the motor connected, and forthe converter circuit diode modulewiththepower connected. Make continuity check for only components to be checked and remove the wirings to another components. 0 Voltmeter, ammeter The input (power supply) voltage is the sine wave of commercial the frequency. To measure theinput voltage, any instrumentmay be used. The input and output current waveforms include many high harmonic components. To measure the input and output currents, use a moving-iron type ammeter as it indicates an r.m.s value. To measure the output voltage, use a rectifier type voltmeter becauseit reads nearly the basic wave component of the voltage waveform which is used as the reference value of torque generated by the motor. used instruments as well as normal Anyhow, it is importanttonotethe measurementsandalways use the same instruments at inspection. 0 Oscilloscope To measure high voltageover 400V, insulate the instrumnet power supply and a potential use a high-voltageprobe orinsulatethemesuredpointwith transformer or current transformer. In this case, the potential transformer or currenttransformershould havesufficientcapacity to preventmagnetic saturation. (2) Control Those are included speed reference signal and inverter control voltage measurementsandwaveformobservation. Note the followings: 0 Voltage measurement, waveform observation Since flowing current is faint and circuit impedance is high, aninstrument use of which input resistance is as high as possible (100KOHM to 1MOHM). It is recommended to measure using a digital multimeter and oscilloscope. Since input resistance in lowrange of multimateris especially l o w , measuring value may show lower than the actual value. Therefore, pay attention to it. 0 Common line connection Connect theinstrumentcommonlinetotheoptimumpoint i.e. nearest common to the measuring point.

- 30 -

Instrument characteristics For waveformobservation, use aoscilloscopewhich has characteristics meeting the waveform to be measured. For example, the inverter base drive waveform can be observedwith a 10MHz oscilloscope. To measure signal rise transient waveform (dv/dt or di/dt), a 200MHz or moreoscilloscope is required.


Measuring point Main circuit Control circuit

MeasuringItem ConInsulation ductivity Voltage Current Waveform

Description Measure across batch of main circuit terminals and ground. (This does not apply to control circuit.)

500 megger

0 0 0 0 0

Multimeter Voltmeter Current Oscilloscope Digital multimeter



Judgeswhethersemiconductorelement is proper or not. Used to know conductivity orresistancevalue. Measure line and jnverter output tage. Use a rectifler type.

Measure line and output current. Use a moving-iron type.




Used to observe waveform and measuretransientvoltageandcurrent. Used to measure circuit voltage instead of multimeter.

Table 3 Instruments for Maintenance

7-4 InsulationResistance testwithMegger (a) Before checking insulation resistance of external the circuit with a megger, disconnect wires from all inverter terminals so that test voltage is not suppliedto theinverter. (b) Execute theinsulation resistancetestofinverter onlyforthe main circuit as shown in Fig. 20. Do not execute the test for the control circuit. (c) To check the control circuit for continuity, use a multimeter (high resistance range), Do not usea megger or a buzzer.

-----Power supply - - - - - T


c H


Ground terminal

Fig. 20 Insulation Resistance Test with Meggdr

- 31 -

7-5 PartsReplacement
The inverterconsists of many electronicpartssuch as semiconductor elements. The following parts may deteriorate with age because of their structures or physical characteristics. For preventive maintenance, it is necessary to replace the parts periodically. Coolingfan The life time of the bearing of fan which cools heat-generating parts such as the main circuit semiconductorselements, is usually10000 to 35000 hours. Hence, it is necessary to replace the cooling fan every 2 or 3 years. If unusual noise and/or vibaration is found during inspection, it is necessary to also replacethe coolingfan. Smoothing capacitor For smoothing, a large-capacity aluminum electrolytic capacitors are used in DC area of the main circuit. Its characteristics are adversely affected by ripple current, etc. When the inverter is operated in normal, air-conditioned environment, replace the capacitors about every 5 years. When a given period has passed, the capacitor deteriorates suddenly, it is necessary to check it once a year (several months if life will be expired soon), Check the followings: Case (sidesand bottom) 0 Sealingplate (forremarkablewarpandextremecrack) @ Explosion-proofvalve(for excessive valveexpansionandoperation) @ Appearance, external crack, discoloration, leakage. When the rated capacity of the capacitor has reduced below 85%, replace the capacitor. For its capacity measurement, a handy device is available on the market. Relays To prevent miscontact, it is necessary to replace relays in accordance with the accumulative switching times. For the inverter parts replacing guide, referto Table 4. Lamps and other short-life timepartsmust alsobereplacedatperiodicinspection. Table 4 Inverter Replacement Parts

Part Name Cooling fan Smoothing capacitor Relays


StandardInterval 2 to 3 years 5years


Description Replace (Determine checking) after Replace (Determine checking) after Determine after checking

7-6 Transistor and DiodeModule Check


Preparation 0 Disconnect the power supply cables (R, S,T), motor cables (U, V, W) and option brake unit cables (P, N). 0 Prepare a multimater. (1 OHM resistance measurementrange)
- 32 -

(2) Checking method Change the polarity of the multimater alternately inverter terminals S, T, U, at the R, V, W, P, andNand check for continuity. If the measurements in Fig. 5 are satisfied, the modules are normal.




v W



Table 5 Judging method of modules Multimeter Polarity Measurement Multimeter Polarity Measurement



N N N T Continuity

a 3


m 0 E


$ *' .
v) v)








0 .n






v w



Note 1: Beforemeasurement, check that the smoothing


the smoothing Note 2: Discontinuity means a nearly infinite value. Due totheinfluenceof capacitor, continuitymayinstantaneously beestablishedand infinitenot indicated. Continuity means severalto scores of ohms depending on the module numbers, parallel numbers, multimater types, etc. If all measurements are almost the same, the modules are OK.

- 33 -

If fault occurs andthe inverter does hot drive properly, determine cause referring to the the following troubleshootingcharts andtake appropriate properaction. If the cause cannot be determined by those charts, the inverteris defective or theparts are damaged. Otherwise, please contact nearest service representative.
8-1 Troubleshooting Charts

(1 1

Motor does not start

Power failure, single phase.across voltages Are Sourc power is off.. MCCB ELB), MC fallure miswiring. or

Note 2 -Yes Are etc. on? (ELB), MC MCCB


Note 1

power supply terminals R and S,S and and T, and T S normal? Yes

Turn on MCCB (ELB), MG etc.

Does OCT, OVT, IPF, N~ or THT lamp light off?



Turn off reset (across

Is voltage across RES and SD 20 to 30V DC?


Reset switch fault

Is voltage across MRS and SD 20 to 30V DC?



Output stop switch fault

Note 1 : ELB stands for earth leakage circuit breaker. Note 2: f10% of rated voltage.

Is voltage across STF (or STR) and SD 1V DC or less?


Start switch miscontact

yes (To be continued)




Is voltage supplied across motor terminals U and V, V and W, and W and U?

Is voltage supplied across speed reference terminals 2 and 5 or across 1 and 57

Yes Note 3 Are voltages in three phases inbalanced? Yes Are voltages in three phases in after wires are disconnected from motor terminals?

reference pot. is fault



. Motor failure
. Miswiring

Motor overload


Note 3: Permissive voltage inbalance should be f 1 % or less of maximum output voltage.


Motor buzzes anddoes

not run
Load is too heavy Check machine load or prolong acceleratloddeceleration time.


If speed reference pot. command is turned, not increase.


Note 4

and V. V and W, and W and U inbalanced? No


Motor fault

Note 4: Check voltage balance after removing.

- 35 -

(3) Motorruns at constantspeedandconnotbecontrolled

Does voltage across terminals 2 and 5 or 1 and 5 vary when speed reference pot. is turned?

(4) Motor generates excessive heat


Are output voltages across U and V, V and W, and W and U inbalanced? No Is motor cooling obstructed?


No Note 5 Yes

Lighten load

Inverter fault


Remove obstruction


Motor fault

Note 5: Voltage inbalance should be +1% or less or maximum output voltage.

- 36 -

(5) Motor does not run smoothly

During acceleration or deceleration?

Note 6 Yes Lighten increase load or acceleration/deceleration time.

Does output voltage vary?

Are output voltand W and U inbalanced?

Inverter fault

Does load



Minimize load variation.

lash in gear, chain, etc.? No

I there backs Yes



Has inverter been used for 5 to 10 years?

Life time of converter output voltage smoothing capacitor has exDired.


Inverter fault Note 6: Lighten load or prolong acceleratiorVdeceleration time.

- 37 -

1 1 I1
I t

motor layer short.



Change operation cycle. Remove overload cause.

Chan e P.C. boar2

Repair or change motor or cable.

Restart the inverter only.

Connect motor and resume operation.


ForFR-K420-0.4 to 7.5K FR-K440-2.2 to 7.5K

Operation resumption.

Change inverter.


Table 6 Measuring Points and Measuring Instruments Item Line voltage v1 MeasuringPoint Across R and S, S and T, and Tand R Instrumnet Remarks (Criterion) Commercial voltage For 200Vclass 50Hz 180-220V 60Hz 180-253V For 400Vclass 50Hz 360-440V 60Hz 360-506V Commercial voltage For 200V class 50Hz 180-220V 60Hz 180-253V For 400V class 5dHz 360-44OV 60Hz 360-506V

Source current I 1

R, S, and T line currents

Source.power P1 Source power factor Pfl

At R, S and T, and across R and S , and S and T

Q Electrodynamic
t Y Pe

P1 = w 1 1 + w 1 2

Calculate after measuring line voltage, source current and source power.

Output voltage v2

Across U and V, V and W, and W and U

Rectifier type Difference between (this is not mov- phases is 1% or ing-iron type) lower of maximum output voltage. Current should be equal to or less than inverter rated current. Different between phases is 10% or lower.

Output current I 2

U, V and W line currents

Output power P2 Source power factor ff2 Converter output

At U, V and W, and across U and V, and V and W



Electrodynamic type

P2 = w 2 1 + w 2 2

Calculate same as source power factor.

' 2 .\r VJ* 3

x1 00%

Across Pand N

Q Moving coil type (such as multimater)

POWER lamp lights 1.35 X V1 Maximum voltage during regenerative braking: 200V class: 380V 400V class: 760V

- 40 -



Item Speed reference

Measuring Point Across 2 and 5


Remarks (Criterion)

Across 1 and 5 P o w e s o u r c eo r r f speed reference Across 10 and 5

Moving coil type DC 0 - 5V (multimater, etc, may used) be (Internal resistance: 5OkOHN or DC 0 - 1OV larger) Moving coil type DC 5V (multimater, etc, may used) be (Internal resistance: 50kOHN or larger) Moving coil type Approx. 5V DC at (multimater, etc, m a x i m u m r e f maybeused) quency (with fre(Internal resistquency indicator ance: 50kOHN or larger)


E" E

AcrossFM and SD


Frequency eter m signal

Start signal

Across STF and SD Across STR and SD

Reset output stop Base shutoff signal Error signal

1 Across RES and SD I Across MRS and SD

Across A and C Across B and C

Moving coil type (multimater, etc, may used) be (Internal resistance: 50kOHM orlarger)

When OFF : 20 t o 30V DC When ON : 1V DC or less


Moving iron type Continuity checking {yh$s mul- Whennormal : A-C is opened B-C is closed When error of power supply OFF : A-C is closed B-C is opened

- 41 -

10-1 Standard Specifications 200V series

Maximumoutput voltage (*1)

Three phase, 200V AC/50Hz, 220V160Hz or 230VI60Hz Three phase, 200V ACl50Hz, 200 to 230V160Hz 180 to 220V/50Hz, 180 to 253V160Hz Within k 5% Permissive frequency

0" n
? I

Voltage, Frequency Permissive voltage regulation regulation

v) L

1 1

Power source (KVA) ('2)

capacity 28 1.5

20 2.5





Control method Sinusoidal wase approximate PWM control syste, PWM or mode selectable Output frequency range Starting frequency (Hdmaximum frequency) Frequency resolution (Hdmaximum frequency) 1 to 60Hz, 2 to 120Hz or 4 to 240Hz selectable 0.5/60Hz, 1/120Hz, or 3Hz selectable
~ ~

1 1

_ _ _ _

0.015/60Hz, 0.0311 20Hz,or 0.061240Hz

I Frequency accuracy

I k 0.5% of frequency maximum


(25C k 10C)

PG feedback control
Output voltagelfrequency ratio Torque boost
0 Q,

Possible by adding option in the inverter.

9 steps switched (VIF constant 50,60,12OHz or more voltage constant or

~~ ~

_ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _

With manual and automatic torque boost


Regenerative (short time)

or more

100% or more 150%

About 20%

Use ofDC dynamic brake (actuated less than 3Hz) selectable at Overcurrent withstand capability 150% 1 minute, 200% 0.5 seconds

- 42 -

200V series
Model (FR-K420-) 0.4K 0.75K 1.5K 2.2K 3.7K 5.5K 7.5K 11K 15K Speed reference signal


0 t o 5V DC, auxiliary input0 t o k 1OV (input resistance 11kOHM)

3-speed setting Upper limit frequency setting

~~ ~ ~

low....starting to half maximum frequency


High, middle


to maximum frequency,

Operation signal Acceleration/ deceleration time 2ndacceleration/deceleration time


Set between starting frequency and maximum frequency. Forward, reverse individual, with JOG mode (operation frequency variable) 1 0.2 t o 3 seconds (in 0.2 second increments)1 to 15 seconds (in second increments), or 10 to150 seconds (in 10 second increments) selectable acceleration/deceleration selectable Linear or S-type (curved) 0.2 t o 15 seconds selected (acceleration and deceleration times are the same)

Reset, inverter output With protective function reset terminal, inverter output shut off terminal shut off Output signal Error 1

output signal


Up to speed signal during inverter operation (open collector output) 1C contact output(230V AC 0.3A)

Protective fuctions

E .C

+ c E L

Ambient temperature Storage temperature ("5) Ambient humidity

I -10 to 50"C, no freezing (*6)

-20C t o 65C

Overcurrent stall prevention, regenerative over volta stall prevention, e overcurrent shutoff, regenerative overvoltage shutoff overload shutoff (electronic thermal relay), overload alarm, undervoltagelinstantaneous , power failure protection, buit-in brake resistor protection (*3), diagonostic (*4) tripping, heatsink overheat protection

90% RH or less (to be free form condensation) (*6)

Atmosphere Altitude, Below vibration

To be free form corrosive gases and dense dust, indoor

1000 m 0.6G or less (conforms to JIS C 091 1) Enclosed type (IP20) (*6) 2.9 3.3 3.5 6.5 6.1 9.1 9.5

Protective structure (JEM 1030) Weight (kg)

0 en type (,!OD)



4OOV series

Maximum output vol- Three tage (*1) Voltage,FrequencyThree Permissivevoltage regulation

phase, 400V AC/50Hz, 440Vi60Hz or 460Vi60Hz phase, 400V AC/50Hz, 400 - 460Vi60Hz

360 t o 440V/WHz,360 t o 506Vi60Hz

Permissive frequency Within regulation capacity source Power (KVA) (*2) Control method Outputfrequency1to range Starting frequency (Hdmaximum frequency) Frequencyresolution (Hdmaximum frequency) Frequency accuracy PG feedback control Output voltageifreselectable) quency ratio boost Torque ma) 5.5

f 5%
17 28 41 66 100

Sinusoidal wase approximate PWM control syste, or PWM mode selectable 60Hz, 2 t o 120Hz or 4 to 240Hz selectable 0.5/60Hz, 1/120Hz, or 3Hz selectable

0.015/60Hz, 0.03/120Hz, or 0.06I240Hz

f 0.5% of maximum frequency (25C f 10C) Possible by adding option in the inverter.

9 steps switched (ViF constant or 50,60, 120Hz or more voltage constant

boost and With automatic torque manual Regenerative (short time) DC 100% or more About 20%

200% 0.5 seconds


Use of dynamic brake (actuated at less than selectable DC 3Hz)

Overcurrent withstand 150% 1 minute, capability


4OOV series
Model (FR-K440-) Speed reference signal 2.2K 3.7K 7.5K 15K

0 t o 5V DC, auxiliary input0 t o

* 1OV (input resistance11kOHM)




High, middle starting to maximum frequency, 3-speed setting low .... starting to half maximum frequency setting


limit frequency

Set between starting frequency and maximum frequency. Upper Forward, reverse individual, with JOG mode (operation frequency Variable) 15 0.2 t o 3 seconds (in0.2 second increments) 1 to seconds (in 1 second increments), or10 t o 150 seconds (in10 second increments) selectable acceleration/deceleration selectable Linear or S-type (curved) 0.2 t o 15 seconds selected (acceleration and deceleration times are the same) With protective function reset terminal, inverter output shut off terminal Up to speed signal during inverter operation (open collector output) 1C contact output (230V AC 0.3A)


Operation signal Acceleration/ deceleration time 2ndacceleration/deceleration time Reset, inverter output shut off Output signal Error output signal Protective fuctions

Overcurrent stall prevention, regenerative over volta e stall preventjon, overcurrent shutoff, regenerative overvoltage shutoff overload shutoff . undervoltage/instantaneous (electronic thermal relay), overload alarm, power failure protection, buit-in brake resistor protection (*3), diagonostic (*4) tripping, heatsink overheat protection

Ambient temperature

-10 t o 50C
-20C t o 65C

E e,
E -

Storage temperature 1*5) . . Ambient humidity Atmosphere Altitude, vibration

2 .w

90% RH or less (to be free form condensation) (*6)

To be

free form corrosive gases and dense dust, indoor

Below 1000 m 0.6G or less (conforms to JIS 1) C 091 Enclosed type (IP20) (*6) 9.5 9.5 Open type (IPOO) 20 28

Protective structure (JEM 1030) Weight (kg)




Note "1: Iflinevoltage reduces, outputvoltage over linevoltagecannotbeguaranteed; *2: Power source capacity indicates the inverter inputkVA and may change dependingon power supplyimpedance(includinginputreactor). '3: Built-in brake resistor protection is not available for the FR-K420-11K, 15K and FR-K440 15Kto 55K. *4: Heatsink overheat protective is not provided for the FR-K420-0.4K 0.75K and FWK440-2.2K. etc. "5: Indicates temperature isshorttimeduringtransportation, "6: Attaching the accessory enclosing plates to the inverter top and bottom, the inverter can be used as a totally-enclosed type. (Applies to FR-K420-0.4K to 3.7K.) In this case, maximum operating temperature is 40C. *7: FR-K440-22K to 55K are provided maximum output frequency 240Hz selectable switch (SW 3).
- 45

10-2 Terminals for wiring

Symbol Terminal AC power supply input terminals

Description Connect to commercial power supply. FR-K420: 200V/50Hz or 200-230V/60Hz FR-K440: 400V/50Hzor 400-460V/60Hz Connect to three-phase squirrel-cage motor. Inverter chassis grounding terminal. Used exclusively connect regenerative brake to unit. 5V DC. Allowable load current 10mA. Common tospeed referenceinput signals. Not insulated from common circuit of the control circuit. Do not grund. When 0 to 5V DC is input, maximum output frequency (60Hz, 120Hztor 240Hz) is achievedat 5V and speed reference is proportional to output voltage. Input resistance: 11kOHM Allowable maximum voltage: 20V DC. When - 1OV to + 1OV DC is input, maximum output at frequency is achieved +1OV and speed reference is proportional to output voltage. Added to terminal2 signal. If input is 0 to +lOVt terminal 1 maybe used independently. Input resistance: 11kOHM Allowable maximum voltage: 20V DC. Common to contact input signaland frequency indicator. Insulated from common circuit of inverter control circuit. Forward whenSTF and SD are short-circuited. Stop when opened.

Rt St T

ut v, w
PI N 10 5

Inverter output terminals Grounding terminal Converter output terminals Power source terminal for speed reference Common terminal for speed reference Speed referenceinput signal terminal

Speed referenceauxiliary input terminal

Common terminal for contact input Forward start input signal terminal

Reverse start input signal ter-Reverse when STR and SD are short-circuited. minal Stop whenopened. Frequency indicatoroutput terminal Reaches about 5V DC at maximum output frequency (60Hz, 120H2, 240Hz) and proportional to or output frequency. Output voltage has pulse . train Connect 1 mA moving coil type ammeter. DC Short circuitting of and SD can be driven at RH frequency (startingto maximum frequency) adjusted by potentiometer VRH.

External frequency setting input terminal (high speed)

- 46 -

Symbol RM



Description Short circuitting of and SD can be driven a t RM frequency (startingto maximum frequency) adjusted by potentiometer VRM. Short circuitting ofRL and SD can be driven at Frequency (starting to half maximum frequency) adjusted by potentiometer VRL. Connection of RL and SD selects jogging at frequency adjunsted by VRL. Execute jogging by start signals (STF, STR).

External frequency setting nput terminal (middle ;peed)


ixternal frequency setting nput (low speed) andJOG node signal input terminal


Secondary acceleration/decel- Short-circuitting ofRT and SD can be selected vation time select input ter- secondary acceleration/deceleration time (0.2 to 15 seconds). minal Opening ofRT and SD can be selected acceleration/ deceleration time by the setting set panel (setting dials and magnification switches). Reset signal input terminal off Inverter output shut input terminal To release inverter tripping, short circuit the terminals RES and SD for more than second. 0.1 Shut off trnsistor base to make the motor stop after coasting. Used to shut inverter output when off a stopping the motor withmechanical brake. Before activatingbrake, short circut the terminals MRS and SD.



Open collector common ter- Common to open collector output signals(RUN, minal SU). Insulated from common circuit of the inverter control circuit. Do not ground. level a t above miniInverter operating output ter-Open collector output. Low minal mum starting frequency during operation. High level during stop DC dynamic brake activating. or Rated 24V DC, 0.1A. Up to speed signal terminal Open collector output. Low level when output frequency reaches within 10% of theset frequenk cy. High level duringacceleration, deceleration, or stop. Rated 24V DC, 0.1A. 1C contact output indicating that base has been shut off by inverter protective function. Instantaneous power failure protective function is activated alsoa t power off, so the circuit is closed for a moment. Normal: B and C close, A andC open Error: B and C open, A and close C (Contact capacity: 230V AC 0.3A, 30V DC0.3A)




Error alarm output terminal

*R200 s200

Power sourcefor option unit These terminals are power source for option unit. Output power is half voltageof input (main a (Factory useonly) circuit) powersource.

* FR-K440 series only

- 47 -

10-3 Protective Functions

The inverter is incorporated with the following protective functions to protect itself from overcurrent or overvoltage. When the protective circuit isactivated, the transistor base is shut off. This causes the motor to stop after coasting. To restart the motor, it is necessary to reset the inverter by closing the reset (RES) terminal to SD terminal or by turning off the power supply. Function

Description When 150% or more of the inverter rated current flows to the motor during acceleration, this function stops increasingof frequency until load current reduces, and then prevents the inverter from overcurrent tripping. When 150% or more of the rated current flows during normal (constant-speed) operation, this functionreduces frequency until load current reducesto prevent the inverter from overcurrent tripping. When load current has recuded below 150%, this functionincreases frequency again and continues acceleration up to preset frequency. If converter output voltage increasedexcesis sively by regenerative energy during motor deceleration, this function stops the fall of frequency until converter voltage (across terminals P and N) reduces to prevent the inverter from overvoltage tripping. As soon as regenerative energyhas reduced, this function decreases frequency again to allow deceleration to be continued.


Overcurrent sta I I prevention

lamp flickers.

Regenerative overvoltage stall prevention

lamp flickers.

Overcurrent shutoff (OW

When 200% or more of the inverter output current flows, protective circuit is activated to lamp light. stop the inverter. (OCT occurs mainly due to inverter output short-circuit, ground fault, excessive load inertia (GD*), extremely short setting of acceleration/deceleration time, start during motorcoasting, start of special motor or motor larger than inverter rating. Therefore, restart after fully examining the cause.)

m l


Function Regenerative overvoltage shut off (OW

Description When converter output overvoltage caused is by regenerative energy form the motor, protective circuit is activated to stopand hold transistor off.


mainly due o short t deceleration time or negative load. Prolong deceleration time oruse the option brake unit. OVT may occur alsowhen builtin brake resistor overheat protection is activated.)

(OVT is activated

lamp lights.

Instantaneous power To prevent failure when instantaneous power L l p F ( lamp Iignts. (If Dower is switched failure protection failure occurs for msec or longer (this 15 on'after inverter outapplies t o inverter input power shut off), (IPF) instantaneous power failure protective func- put shutoff, automatic tion is activated and stops and holds inverter restart during motor coasting may shut off. If power failure continues for more trip the inverter. than 100 msec, error alarm output contact is closed (acrossB and C). Hence, use an auto(If power failureis shorter than msec, 15 matic restart prevennormal operation is performed.) tion circuit or instantaneous power failure restart control option.) Supply voltage drop protection (IPF) lamp lights. If inverter line voltage reduces, the control (Line voltage may fall, circuit cannot provide normal functions, resulting in motor heat generation or insufficient when power transforintorque. To prevent this, if line voltage reduces mer capacity is below about150V (FR-K420), 300V (FR-K440), sufficient or largeprotective circuitis activated stop and hold capacity motors conto nected to the same transistor output. (At about 150V (FR-K420), 300V (FR-K440)or more, normal operation is power supplyhave executed.) been started. Check the power supply.) lamp lights. Electronic thermal relay in the inverter detects (Examine the cause of overload of motor during rated operation or overload, and lighten motor overheatinga t low speed, activates load, change operaprotective circuit, and stops and holds inverter tion pattern, or use shutoff. For multi-pole motorand parallel inverter and motor driving ofseveral motors,the electronic thermal relay cannot protect the motor. Provide having larger capacia ties.) thermal relay in the inverter output. In this case, the electronic thermal relay adjusted to OFF position activates transistor protection only.

Overload shut off (Electronic thermal relay) (THT)


Function Overload alarm(OL)



lam flickers. When motoris overloaded and inverter output current exceeds 150% of the rated current, (When &lamp overload alarm(OL) lamp flicke? to give flickers during acceladvance warning. The lamp turns off less at eration or decelerathan 150%. The OL lamp detects overload tion, prolongaccelbefore the inverter trips due to overcurrent or eration or deceleraovervoltage. (Flickers while stall prevention is tion time. When it activated.) flickers during constant-speed operation, lighten load or use inverter and motor having larger capacities.) . . VlandlTHTl The FR-K420-1.5K t o 15K and FR-KM-3.7K to lamps light the at 55K executes forced cooling by the If the fan. same time. fan fails and the semiconductor cooling heatsink overheats, temperature sensor actiis (Check the cooling vated to stopand hold inverter shutoff. fan and ambient temperature.) If regenerative brakepower from the motor has exceeded the specifiedvalue, the brake is stopped to protect the braking rsistor from overheating. Whenthe brake resistor is cooled, the brake operation is restarted. (This function is not available for theFR-K420-11K, 15K and FR-440-15K to 55K.) CPU in the inverter always monitors wheter the inverter operates properly not, control or error causes motor overcurrent, insufficient torque, etc. This activates protective circuit to protect the inverter. This functionactivated is also dueto misoperation, e.g. setting of maximum output frequency been has changed during operation.

Heatsink overheat protection

Brake resistor overheat protection

If the brake ca aci has reduced, OVT lamp may light. (increase deceleration time oruse the option brake unit together.)

f 3

Diagonostic tripping

( O C T ] and

lamps light simultaneously. (the control circuit may have failed dueto external noise, etc. Resetthe inverter andcheck. If this occurs frequently, checkfor noise in peripheral circuit.)

Note: 1. Whenanyprotectivefunction(ecxeptstallprevention,overloadalarm,andbrake resistor overheat protection)is activated, a relevanterrorindicator lamplights andremain. By opening the inverter power supply circuit using the magnetic contactor (MC), inverter contr power is lost and the error signal connot be held. To hold the error signal, hold the error output contact outside the inverter. The error signal and indication can be held with the optionmodel FR-PCU errorindicationholdingunit. 2. When inverter power source circuit is opened or power failure occurs, the IPF lamp and error output contact are activated. To separatethis froman error, provide a time delay relay circuit.

- 50 -

9-4 Peripheral Device List



7.5 11

FR-KW-7.5K 30ANF30 30ANF30 Model Model FR-KW-15K

Model NF50


Model 40A NF50

S-K20 S-K20

*1: With the option power-factor improving reactor model FR-BAL (200V class) or FR-BAL-H (400V class) "2:Motor cable (U, V, W) size appliesto 30m or less wiringdistance.


10-5 External Dimensions

FBK420-0.4K to 11K (200V series)

Cootin fan (providled for FR-K420-1.5K and models with larger)


unit: mm

- 52 -

FR-K420-15K (200V series)

unit: mm

2-1 l 0 h


- 53 -

FR-KU0-2.2K (M), (M) (400V series) 3.7

4-010 250

i i

FR-KU0-7.5K to 55K (400V series) Dimensions. (mm.1

f A A A B B A C
FRX440-7.5K FR-K440-15K FR-K440-22K FR-K440-37K FR-K440-55K 6 570 570



195 510

595 12 195 10 29015 340 595 12 195 29015 340 14 14 250 15 250 15

6 10

480 420 480

720 8 745 10

860 8 885 42 10

AC REACTOR for 400V series

Dimensions (mm) and weight

Motor capacity (kW) model (Inverter model) AReactor C B D E F Weight (kg)

Terminal screw

L n A



3.7 22

B $ : . i F &~yl

FR-K440 type is provided AC Reactor (Packaged withtheinverter) Connect itintheinput side of theinverter.

- 64 -

10-6 Block Diagram

Note 1

Protective circuit Judgement circuit


*Note 1: Thisarea

is notmountedinFR-K420-l'lK,

15K and FR-KW-11K to55K.

*Note 2: These terminals are mounted in 4OOV series only (FR-KW-2.2K to 55K *Note 3: This slide switch is provided for FR-KW-22K to 55K.

- 55 -



Specification subjectto change without notice.

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