There's No Justice For Women and Children in Amercia

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On June 6, 2011 I was attacked by a guy renting a house from me named Alonzo Jav on Brown.

When I went to show the house that Brown had not paid rent on in 3 mo nths and not allowed workers into, he slammed my back and side repeatedly in the front door. Then punched me but testified in court that I slipped and fell into his fist. Just repeating this is upsetting but what is more upsetting is that I went to co urt on three occasions only to have the case heard on number three. The judge r epeated over and over again I dont understand, expressed confusion over the testimo ny yet asked no questions to clarify. She wished me well in recuperating from m y injuries stating she knows how difficult it can be to recover from back injury then declared the defendant not guilty of assault on a female. The entire court room was stunned and I was devastated. I had come to the court s thinking justice would be served and my fear in sitting across from the man wh o had attacked me would not be in vain, but it was. I feel further victimized b y a criminal justice system in which a Public Defender can say she seems angry ab out all this and that be some kind of validation for the actions of her client. Of course I am angry. I am angry that I can be attacked on my own property with no provocation and it can be taped by 911 and the individual involved be found not guilty. Yes I am angry. Victims in this country especially women and children are not protected by the c riminal justice system. We end up dead by people who repeatedly are DROPPED thr ough the cracks by judges who dont CARE. A pregnant woman working at a local res taurant was recently killed by someone with repeat crimes of violence against wo men a week before my case was heard. The number one cause of death for pregnant women in America is homicide. Yet wh en victims of violence come forward, we are belittled and treated like nothing i n the judicial system. Testify against your attacker, well lock him up dont worry. Well they dont lock them up and angrier men come back feeling the cloak of prote ction wrapped around them by their previous slaps on the wrist. Women are left to walk in fear of an irrational 6ft + 200 pound predator worse t han any animal due to their conscience thought. I am sad today but I refuse to allow this guy to take anything else from me so I am reclaiming my peace of mind and releasing this. I have a restraining order against him that was issued by a judge hearing testimony within a couple of days of the incident instead of 7 m onths later. I will be careful despite the restraining order. But I will also protect myself next time instead of waiting for the criminal justice system to do so. The nex t time a man decides to hurt me, it will be a fight to the death and the police can arrest whats left of him or bury whats left of me; there will be no middle gro und. I will use whatever measure within my power to protect ME! I hope that this is the last time something like this happens. But I know it wo nt be the last time it happens to a woman I know. So this letter is the first st ep in my advocacy towards getting the legal system to take crimes against women and children seriously. I hope you all will stand with me. Thank you.

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