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Unit Test 2
Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.


1 Match the two halves of the sentences and write the answers here: 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wed be happy to invest in the country if it werent for all the government In a declining The results from the focus The buying Theres a special The largest market The minister is warning that the economic In real terms, income I think the lack of political a situation may not improve as quickly as predicted. b distribution hasnt changed as much as everyone believes. c group show that people really like the colour. d stability makes it an unsafe investment. e bureaucracy and paperwork. f segment is the over-sixties. g habits of our target customer have changed dramatically. h market this isnt the time to be expanding. i offer on them every day this week.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

2 Underline the correct word in italics. 10 Id love to know what theyre intending to bring off / in / out in response. 11 Theyre pulling out of / with / to the deal. 12 I should retreat back / from / into that kind of competition. You wont win. 13 To break into / through / off the coffee market at this stage would be difficult. 14 The trade fair got us a foothold on / up / in the German market. 15 Were at the end of the lifecycle so its time to phase it out / in / off. 16 The new model is being rolled off / up / out at next weeks motor show.


3 Match the words in A and B to write five compound nouns. A price / sales / advertising product / brand 17 ______________ ________________ 18 ______________ ________________ 19 ______________ ________________ 20 ______________ ________________ 21 ______________ ________________ 4 Complete these phrases with the word in brackets. Change the form of the word. 22 rapidly _______________ market share (decline) 23 really ______________ R&D department. (impress) 24 _____________ competitive conditions (increase) 25 long-term ____________ strategy (sell) 26 binding contractual __________________ (oblige) B awareness / agency figures / rise / range

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

5 Complete Bs responses after As comments. 27 A: Can I ask you some questions? B: F_________ a___________ 28 A: Do you think thats a good idea? B: A________________! 29 A: I think Ive come up with the solution. B: E________________! 30 A: Would it be worth sponsoring some kind of event? B: T________ a g_________ i___________.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

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