Haven'sHouse - Task Lists For Inspections

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Task List for Inspections:

FIRE/SAFETY: o At least one portable, operable flashlight. o Flammable materials stored properly. o House numbers plainly visible from street or location of facility made known to local fire department. o Emergency lighting with battery backup. o Minimum ceiling height of 7 feet in all areas used for care. o Each floor operated/occupied by children must have 2 exits remote from each other with exit doors swinging in direction of exit travel. o Smokestop partitions with 1-hr fire resistant rating between each floor (if over 10 children) o At least one UL or FM-approved home-type detector on each floor. o 5-lb fire extinguisher located near kitchen. o Furnace room/boiler room separation from child care space with 1hr fire resistant rating with solid core doors to close off area o Floor furnaces need noncombustible guards or partitions to prevent touching/burning. o Fire and tornado drills conducted every 3 months (including complete evacuation). o Emergency plan posted including route for drills and special instructions (infants/toddlers). WRITTEN RECORD OF DATE/TYPE OF DRILLS REQUIRED o Every bathroom needs a door lock or bathroom stall door designed to permit opening from outside in emergency. o All closet latches should allow children to open from the inside. HEALTH/SANITATION: o Fridge with thermometer at 41 degrees or less. o Metal stem bayonet-type thermometer for checking food temperature requirements. o Single use towels TOWELS FOR EACH CHILD SUBSTITUTE? o Diapering surface must be waterproof and washable. o House clean and free of observable insects, spiders, and rodents. o If using toothbrushes, combs, or hairbrushes, must be individually labeled with names and air dried. o Toilets must be odor-free and clean and in working order. o Potty chairs stored in bathroom. o Disposable wipes used for diapering and labeled with each childs name. o Diapering surface cleaned and wiped after each use. o Airtight diaper container. If cloth diapers, put soiled in airtight, plastic bags. o Diapering and hand washing area separate from food service area. o Food catering must be approved by state/local health department. o Home-canned foods may not be used.

SPACE REQUIREMENTS: o Maximum of 10 children enrolled while house is also occupied as living space. Over 10 children, living space must be separate from child care space, and fenced outdoor play area is required. o Must be no access to areas not approved for child care. Locks installed out of childrens reach on doors to unapproved areas. o Approved safety gates at stairways and doors. o Stairwells need protective handrails/guardrails at least 36 inches high with bars placed at intervals of no more than 3 inches or have protective material over gaps. o Hazardous materials (cleaning supplies, medicines, alcoholic beverages, hazardous personal care items) stored inaccessible to children (6 feet high) o Walls, ceilings, and floors free of cracks. o House free of lead hazards. o Telephone in working order available. LAND LINE? o Police, fire department, poison control, ambulance, and other emergency numbers posted near phone. o At least 35 sq ft of usable floor space per preschool/school-aged child and at least 45 square feet for each infant/toddler (not including kitchen, office space, bathrooms, closets). o No more than 8 infants/toddlers in a group. n/a currently o No lock on bathroom door. o More than 10 children enrolled, must have fenced outdoor play area. o Fences must be at least 42 inches high with no openings greater than 3 inches. Minimum fenced space is 750 square feet. o No more than 4 infants/toddlers in group outside or will need separate outdoor play space for them. o Stationary equipment (swings, slides, etc) anchored securely. o Individual mat, cot, or bed with assigned sheet and blanket for each napping child. Mats cannot be used on hard floors, only on carpet. Arranged with at least a 2 foot aisle between. o Individually assigned crib, portable crib, or playpen for each infant. Cots can be used for infants 12 months with parental consent. o Cribs and playpens with side and end rail spokes, must be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. o Individual seating and table s pace for children 12 months and over. o One piece of mealtime feeding equipment for every 4 infants/toddlers. o Walkers are not to be used. TRANSPORTATION AND FIELD TRIP REQUIREMENTS: o Written consent on file for field trips and all transportation. o Procedure on file for handling emergencies and for taking head counts before leaving, during field trip, and upon returning. o Short, unscheduled walks are ok w/o notification to parents if discussed at enrollment. o Identifying info and emergency contacts in vehicle when traveling.

RECORDS REQUIREMENTS: EACH CHILDs FILE o A written plan for care of child with special health needs. o Childs full name, address, birthdate, date care begins and ends. o Parents full names, home addresses, work schedules, home and work numbers, and employers name and address. o Full name and address/phone of emergency contact. o Name and number of physician and preferred hospital. o Name of individuals authorized to take child from premises. o Info concerning any accident or injury to child while in care. o Records kept on children for one year after discontinuing attendance. FILE OF PARENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT o Informed of required health and safety inspections and that they are available for review. o That he/she understands that child will not be accepted into care if ill. o That a copy of completed application for child abuse/neglect screening is on file for each employee. o All enrollment records, physical assessments (REQUIRED UPON ENROLLMENT), and attendance reports filed in a place known to caregivers and accessible for inspection. (not in a locked area)

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