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Rani Widi Noortatik


1.1 Background This study is concerned to investigate and to analyze the using of English suffixes which is naturalized into Indonesian in helping Indonesian students to recognize the meaning of a particular group of english words. The writer believes that the similarity of patterns of both English suffixes and the naturalized Indonesian suffixes is the reason why those naturalized suffixes could help students to figure out an English words meaning . There are many English suffixes which is naturalized into Indonesian such as -able/-ble becomes bel, -age becomes ase, -ance becomes -ans etc. (Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik
Indonesia No. 146/U/2004, 2005 ). But the writer will only focus on some suffixes, which are

-ion/-zation, -ism and -ive. The object of this research is Indonesia University of Educations students who are not majoring in English Education or English Literature. V. Pastersnak (1993 : 293) defines naturalisation as a phonetic annexation of foreign language terms without loss of their meaning (in the target language). This translation technique (Naturalisation) consists of adapting the original term to the morphology of the target language, and so this term becomes a neologism (west, lovel margaret, 2005). This research is expected to be able to discover the possibility of the naturalized suffixes if they could help students to know the English words meaning correctly and also the reasons why it could or could not happen. The Writer also hopes that this research could become a useful research in the field of Morphology for people who read it.

Rani Widi Noortatik

1.2 Research Questions The study requires some points of questions to limit the area of the research itself. Besides, these questions function as the guidance for the writer when conducting this research. The questions are presented as follow : 1. How do the students recognize the naturalized suffixes? 2. Could the naturalized suffixes help the students to know the English words meaning correctly? 3. How could/couldnt it happen?

1.3 The Aims of the Study There are three purposes which this research want to achieve, as follow : 1. To collect the data about students comprehension to recognize English words meaning through the analysis of the comparison between English suffixes and naturalized Indonesian suffixes. 2. To get the information about the reasons or factors why the naturalized suffixes could help students knowing the meaning of a particular English words. 3. To share the findings of this research which are expected to become a useful knowledge for many people.

Rani Widi Noortatik


2.1 Research Method The method which is used in this research is descriptive method. Descriptive research is concerned with the description of data and characteristics about a population. The goal is the acquisition of factual, accurate and systematic data that can be used in averages, frequencies and similar statistical calculations. Descriptive studies seldom involve experimentation, as they are more concerned with naturally occurring phenomena than with the observation. (Richard, 1992). 2.2 Data Collection The data collection is collected from several sources such as books, other research files, and the internet. But the main data is collected from the questionnaire and short interview which provides the most important informations for this research. 3.3 Data Analysis All of the data and informations taken from books, other research files and the internet are used as the basic of this research, also as the guideline to formulate the questionnaire and to analyze the informations given by the questionnaires results. The questionnaires results will be analyzed through identifying the rightness of the answer first, then from the results of the questionnaire the writer will formulate some questions for the short interview with a group of sample of the students who have answered the questionnaire. These all informations collected from questionnaire and short interview will be analyzed and reorganized in order to formulate the result of the whole research.

Rani Widi Noortatik


This chapter will put forward research result within referring to problems which have been explained before. The writer has conducted several activities related to this research. The first activity which the writer want to discuss now is the activity of collecting informations through questionnaire. The writer gave a questioner which should be answered by 27 randomly choosen students of Indonesia University of Education Which are not majoring in English Education or English Literature. And the form of the questions in the questionnaire is shown below :

1. Aktivasi = a. Activate b. Active c. Activation d. Actively 2. Feminism = a. Feminin b. Dengan Feminin c. Kefeminismean d. Feminisme 3. Repeat = ulang Repetition = a. Repetisi b. Pengulangan c. Berulang d. Terulang 4. English Indonesian

(....................) Imajinatif (....................) Deskriptif

Rani Widi Noortatik

5. Apa yang membantu anda dalam menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas? a. Pola akhirannya yang hampir sama dengan imbuhan akhir bahasa indonesia, sehingga mudah dimengerti. b. Kosa kata yang digunakan adalah kosa kata yang sudah saya ketahui. c. Hanya menebak-nebak saja.

The discussion of the questionnaires result is shown below : 1. Aktivasi = 17 students answered Activation (correct). 10 students answered Activate (wrong). This result shows that most of the students can recognize the meaning of Activation through the resemblance of both word structures, especially the resemblance of the suffixes. Based on the rule of Indonesian language which is stated in Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 146/U/2004 (2004), the english suffix -ion or zation basically is naturalized as -asi or isasi. The 10 students who answered Activate seemed to tend to use the resemblance too, but the right naturalized affix for ate in Indonesian is meng-kan, so Activate means Mengaktifkan. 2. Feminism = 22 students answered Feminisme (correct). 4 students answered Kefeminismean (wrong). 1 students answered Feminin (wrong). This result shows that most of the students also can recognize the meaning of Feminism through the resemblance of both word structures, especially the

resemblance of the suffixes. Based on the rule of Indonesian language which is stated in Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 146/U/2004

Rani Widi Noortatik

(2004), the english suffix -ism basically is naturalized as

-isme.The rest of the

students who answered wrong ( 4 students answered Kefeminismean and 1student answered Feminin) seemed to tend to use the resemblance too, but the right English for Kefeminismean is Femininity and the right English for Feminin is Feminine. 3. Repeat = ulang Repetition = 25 students answered Pengulangan (correct). 2 students answered Repetisi (correct). This result shows that although the suffix ion in the first question has already mentioned to has the naturalized suffix form as asi, but the students still can differentiate it with this kind of ion suffix which has the pattern in Indonesian affixes as Pe-an, so the meaning of Repitition in Indonesian is Pengulangan. The other answer (Repitisi, which answered by 2 students) is also correct, because Repetisi in Indonesian also means Pengulangan. The point that the writer want to say here is that although Repetisi is more similar with the word Repitition, most of the students didnt choose it. So the students are already had enough comprehension of the naturalized English suffixes. It is proved by the fact that they didnt rely only on the similar characteristics between the words, but also considered any possible pattern of the suffix. 4. English (....................) (....................) Indonesian Imajinatif Deskriptif

16 students answered Imaginative and Descriptive (correct). 8 students answered in Indonesian word's structure. 3 students answered in English word's structure (Imagination and Description) but the answer is wrong.

Rani Widi Noortatik

This result shows that most of the students has already mastered the changes of each suffixes to another suffixes pattern. Based on the rule of Indonesian language which is stated in Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 146/U/2004 (2004), the naturalized suffix for ive in Indonesian is if. The 3 students who answered Imagination and Description seemed to be confused by each of the naturalized English suffixes pattern in Indonesian. The rest of the students answered the question with some kinds of answer build in indonesian word structures such as: Imaginatif and Descriptif, Imajinative and Deskriptive, Imajinatif and Deskriptif, and Imajination and Deskription.

These answer show that some of the students are also confused by the almost-similar structure between both of the Indonesian words and English words, especially in the almost-similar spelling of both suffixes.

5. Apa yang membantu anda dalam menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas? (What things do help you to answer the questions above?) 16 students answered Pola akhirannya yang hampir sama dengan imbuhan akhir bahasa indonesia, sehingga mudah dimengerti. (the suffixes pattern is almost similar with Indonesians suffixes pattern so its easy to understand). 4 students answered Kosa kata yang digunakan adalah kosa kata yang sudah saya ketahui.(The vocabulary used here is the vocabulary that Ive already known). 7 students answered Hanya menebak-nebak saja. (Just guessing). This result shows that the naturalized English suffixes in Indonesian is really help most of the students to recognize the meaning of every words asked in the questionnaire.

Rani Widi Noortatik

The percentage-comparison of the students answers rightness based on the issue above is shown below : The students who answered Number of students The number of rightness percentage of students answers All 1 wrong 2 wrong More than 2 answers answer answers wrong are correct answers

The suffixes pattern is almost similar with Indonesians suffixes pattern so its easy to understand. The vocabulary used here is the vocabulary that Ive already known.


50 %



Just guessing




After examining the questionnaires result, the writer continued to conduct a shortinterview with 16 students which answered that the similarity of both English suffixes and Indonesian naturalized suffixes help them to recognize the meaning of the words asked in the questionnaire. The questions asked in the short-interview are listed below : 1. How can you recognize the similarity of both suffixes? 2. Is this similarity really help you to know the words meaning? 3. What is the other factor which also help you recognizing the meaning of this words?

All of the 16 students had the same answers for the first and second question. They could recognize the similarity between the English suffixes and the naturalized suffixes in Indonesian because both of them have the same sounds in their pronounciation, as example, the sound of ive (- v) is almost similar with its naturalized suffix sound which is if (- f). The only difference is the written-spelling.

Rani Widi Noortatik

In fact, this difference even not too bothering the students because usually its only one or two alphabets which is/are different (as example ism and its indonesian naturalized suffix isme) . They claimed that this similarity really help them to recognize the meaning of the words asked in the questionnaire. For the 3rd question, almost 70 % of the students answered that the other factor which helped them recognizing the words meaning is because the naturalized suffix mostly joined or be a part of the naturalized words too. As example the word Ekonomi in Indonesian is derived from English word Economy. Because the naturalisation process is a phonetic annexation of foreign language terms without loss of their meaning (in the target language) (V. Pastersnak, 1993), the Ekonomi word still have the same meaning with the word Economy, so if the word is joined by other elements such as the naturalized suffixes, they will not find many difficulties in recognizing the meaning of the word. Based on all the data collected from the questionnaire and the short-interview, the writer can formulate 2 points of result of this research, they are : 1. The English suffixes (especially ion/-zation, -ism, and ive) which are naturalized into Indonesian (-asi/-sasi, -isme, and if) can help students recognizing a particular group of english words. 2. Another factor which help the students to recognize the words meaning is the usuality of the naturalized suffixes to join with the naturalized word. So it makes the students easier to figure out the words meaning.

Rani Widi Noortatik


This research has finally come the the last phase of the whole research itself. The writer hopes that all of the informations and the findings which has been found and explained in this research could help the understanding of any people who read this research about the useful benefits of English naturalized suffixes in Indonesian. And the writer also hopes that there will be a continuance of this reseach in the future.


Rani Widi Noortatik


1. Yule, G. (2010). The Study of Language. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2. Sacevic, S (1998) Bilingual and multilingual legal dictionaries : new standards for the future 3. Pasternak, V. (1993) Cinesisch als Rechtssprache im Kontext des Common Law : Der Fall Hongkong. 4. Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 146/U/2004 (2004) Penyempurnaan Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilah : Pusat Bahasa Depertemen Pendidikan Nasional. 5. Hashimoto, I.Y., Barry, M., Kroll, John, Schafer C. (1982). Strategies for academic writing: a guide for college students. Michigan : The university of Michigan Press


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