Discrete Structure: Project in

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Project in

Discrete structure

rof: mark pepito

Name: jeorge Michael b. ancheta

sec: cs1-a1

History of Applescript
The AppleScript project was an outgrowth of the (now discontinued) HyperCard project. HyperCard contained an English language-based scripting language called HyperTalk, which could be used to program a HyperCard stack. Apple engineers recognized that a similar scripting language could be designed to be used with any application, and the AppleScript project was born as part of System 7. AppleScript was released in October 1993 as part of System 7.1.1 (System 7 Pro, the first major upgrade to System 7). QuarkXPress (ver. 3.2) was one of the first major software applications that supported AppleScript. This in turn led to AppleScript being widely adopted within the publishing and prepress world, often tying together complex workflows. This was a key factor in retaining the Macintosh's dominant position in publishing and prepress, even after QuarkXpress and other publishing applications were ported to Microsoft Windows. After some uncertainty about the future of AppleScript on Apple's next generation OS, the move to Mac OS X (around 2002), and its Cocoaframeworks greatly increased the usefulness and flexibility of AppleScript. Cocoa applications allow application developers to implement basic scriptability for their apps with minimal effort, broadening the number of applications that are directly scriptable. At the same time, the shift to the Unix underpinnings and AppleScript's ability to run Unix commands directly allowed AppleScripts much greater control over the operating system itself. AppleScript Studio, released with Mac OS X 10.2 as part of Xcode, and later AppleScriptObjC framework, released in Mac OS X 10.6, allows users to build native Cocoa applications using AppleScript. AppleScript is one component of Mac OS X Automation technologies, along with Services and Automator.

The first public beta of AutoHotkey was released on November 10, 2003[7] after author Chris Mallett's proposal to integrate hotkey support into AutoIt v2 failed to generate response from the AutoIt community.[8][9] So the author began his own program from scratch basing the syntax on AutoIt v2 and using AutoIt v3 for some commands and the compiler.[10] Later, AutoIt v3 switched from GPL toclosed source because of "other projects repeatedly taking AutoIt code" and "setting themselves up as competitors."[11] AutoHotkey has even been used by doctors in the radiology world.[12] As of October 10, 2010, the author has stated that AutoHotkey_L has become the ongoing development of AutoHotkey and this has been placed in the download section on the website.[13][14] Programmers within the AutoHotkey community have also begun development on their own versions/ports of the program:

History of bcpl

Before the mid-1960s, computers were extremely expensive and used only for specialpurpose tasks. A simple batch processing arrangement ran only a single "job" at a time, one after another. But durin1960s faster and more affordable computers became available. and as prices decreased newer computer systems supported time-sharing, a system which allows multiple users or processes to use the CPU and memory. In such a system the operating system alternates between running processes, giving each one running time on the CPU before switching to another. The machines had become fast enough that most users could feel they had the machine all to themselves. By this point the problem of interacting with the computer was a concern. In the batch processing model, users never interacted with the machine directly, instead they tended their jobs to the computer operators. Under the time-sharing model the users were given individual computer terminals and interacted directly. The need for system to simplify this experience, from command line interpreters toprogramming languages was an area of intense research during the 1960s and 70s.

History of AUTOLISP
AutoLISP was derived from a very early version of XLISP, which was created by David Betz. The language was introduced in AutoCAD Version 2.18 in January 1986, and continued to be enhanced in successive releases up to Release 13 in February 1995. After that, its development was neglected by Autodesk in favor of more fashionable development environments like VBA, .NET and ObjectARX. However, it has remained AutoCAD's primary user customization language. Vital-LISP, a considerably enhanced version of AutoLISP including an IDE, debugger and compiler, and ActiveX support, was developed and sold by third party developer Basis Software. Vital LISP was a superset of the existing AutoLISP language that added VBA-like access to the AutoCAD object model, reactors (event handling for AutoCAD objects), general ActiveX support, and some other general Lisp functions. Autodesk purchased this, renamed it Visual LISP, and briefly sold it as an add-on to AutoCAD 14 released in May 1997. It was incorporated into AutoCAD 2000 released in March 1999, as a replacement for AutoLISP. Since then Autodesk has chosen to halt major enhancements to Visual LISP in favor of focusing more effort on VBA and .NET and C++. AutoLISP has such a strong following that other CAD application vendors add it to their own products. FelixCAD, Bricscad, IntelliCAD and others have AutoLISP functionality, so that AutoLISP users can consider using them as an alternative to AutoCAD. Most development involving AutoLISP since AutoCAD 2000 is actually performed within Visual LISP since the original AutoLISP engine was replaced with the Visual LISP engine. There are thousands of utilities and applications that have been developed using AutoLISP or Visual LISP (distributed as LSP, FAS and VLX files).

History OF APL
The first incarnation of what was later to be the APL programming language was published and formalized in A Programming Language,[5] a book describing a notation invented in 1957 by Kenneth E.

Iverson while at Harvard University. Iverson had developed a mathematical notation for manipulating arrays that he taught to his students. In 1960, he began work for IBM and working with Adin Falkoff, created APL based on the notation he had developed. This notation was used inside IBM for short research reports on computer systems, such as the Burroughs B5000 and its stack mechanism when stack machines versus register machines were being evaluated by IBM for upcoming computers. Also in 1960, Iverson was already also using his notation in a draft copy of Chapter 6 called "A programming language" for the book he was writing with Fred Brooks, Automatic Data Processing, which would later be published in 1963.[14][15] Published in 1962, the notation described in A Programming Language was recognizable yet distinct from later APL. As early as 1962, the first attempt to use the notation to describe a complete computer system happened after Falkoff discussed with Dr. William C. Carter his work in the standardization of the instruction set for the machines that later became the IBM System/360 family. In 1963, Dr. Herbert Hellerman, working at the IBM Systems Research Institute, implemented a part of the notation on an IBM 1620 computer, and it was used by students in a special high school course on elementary functions. This implementation of a portion of the notation was called PAT (Personalized Array Translator).[16] In 1963, Falkoff, Iverson, and Edward H. Sussenguth Jr., all working at IBM, used the notation for a formal description of the IBM System/360 series machine architecture and functionality, which resulted in a paper published in IBM Systems Journal in 1964. After this was published, the team turned their attention to an implementation of the notation on a computer system. One of the motivations for this focus of implementation was the interest of John L. Lawrence who had new duties with Science Research Associates, an educational company bought by IBM in 1964. Lawrence asked Iverson and his group to help utilize the language as a tool for the development and use of computers in education.[17] After Lawrence M. Breed and Philip S. Abrams of Stanford University joined the team at IBM Research, they continued their prior work on an implementation programmed in FORTRAN IV for a portion of the notation was done for the IBM 7090 computer running under the IBSYS operating system. This work was finished in late 1965 and later known as IVSYS (Iverson System). The basis of this implementation was described in detail by Abrams in a Stanford University Technical Report, "An Interpreter for Iverson Notation" in 1966.[18] Like Hellerman's PAT system earlier, this implementation did not include the APL character set but used special English reserved words for functions and operators. The system was later adapted for a time-sharing system and, by November 1966, it had been reprogrammed for the IBM/360 Model 50 computer running in a time sharing mode and was used internally at IBM.[19]

IBM typeballs (one OCR) with clip, 2 coin for scale

A key development in the ability to use APL effectively, before the widespread use of CRT terminals, was the development of a special IBM Selectric typewriter interchangeable typeball with all the special APL characters on it. This was used on paper printing terminal workstations using the Selectric typewriter and typeball mechanism, such as the IBM 1050 and IBM 2741 terminal. Keycaps could be placed over the normal keys to show which APL characters would be entered and typed when that key was struck. For the first time, a programmer could actually type in and see real APL characters as used in Iverson's notation and not be forced to use awkward English keyword representations of them. Falkoff and Iverson had the special APL Selectric typeballs, 987 and 988, designed in late 1964, although no APL computer system was available to use them.[20] Iverson cited Falkoff as the inspiration for the idea of using an IBM Selectric typeball for the APL character set.[21] The IBM 2741 keyboard layout with the APL typeball print head inserted looked this way to the programmer:

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