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Arlene Magana

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School Violence in the PhilippinesAbstract This paper tackles about the violence experienced by the students inside the school i n t h e Ph ilip pines. Th e imp or ta nc e o f this pa per is to pr ovid e kn owledg e and infor ma tion ab out theviolen ce experien ced by th e stu den ts ins id e th e sc hoo l and its fu tu re effec t on th e s tud en ts academic performance, students ability to learn and the possibility of developing post-traumatics tr ess d iso rd er th at ma y caus e dep ression , a nger a nd an xiety. It also tac kles th e imp or ta nc e o f Filipino psychology in lessening the cases of school violence. Introduction Wha t is sch oo l vio lenc e? W ha t a re th e caus es of scho ol vio lenc e? Wh at ar e the effec ts o f thesch oo l vio lenc e? Th es e qu es tions ar e wha t ca me to a p er son s min d when d ea ling with su chpr ob lem. M an y s tud ies a ltho ugh d iffer fr om one an other indica tes th at on e o f the fa ctor s tha tprevents the safety and acquisition of full potential of a student is school violence.On e of th e c aus es o f sc hoo l violen ce in the Ph ilip pines is the Filipino s value o f pa kikisa ma which oc cur in scho ol envir on ment wh en a s tud en t in the ac t being united with their peer s ispressured to do the same violent behavior as their peers that causes violence against there other class ma tes. I t s ta rts with pa kikisa la mu ha or ac t of mixing in wh ic h th ey a cqu ir e th e s ameviolent trait their peers possesses, then pakikilahok or act of joining in which they manifest thesa me vio lent a ctio ns th at th eir fr iends do su ch as bullyin g others then pa kikiba ga y or ac t of conformity with their peers in which they acquire the negative behavior of their friends.Bu llying is on e o f the ma jo r c aus es fo r vio lenc e in scho ol. With the h elp o f po wer, stu dents gooff their limits to seek fun. This 5 minutes fun can be dangerous if done in wrong sense. Bullying a person at a you ng ag e leaves d istur bing b eha viou r a t th e end. Th e c hild is no where r ead y to face the world at times. Adequate attention should be given by school authorities in such matters.Home support should be there with bullied person. This is to ensure that he or she is not alone if something bad has happened.Pun ish in g the bullyin g per son will not help . At times if th e bullyin g p er son la cks in m atur ity there are chances where he can go to any extent. This happens when there is lacking of maturityin the bullying individual. If there is no sense and presence of mind in the bullying person thenh e c an go in th e o th er d ir ec tion which is un th in ka ble. He can reac t in angr y mann er which will result use of power for violence. It will disturb others in different manner which can be very hardto forget mentally. He can vent out his anger in physical manner. Discussion The effects of school violence have been extensive. Many students stayed at home out of fear inth e late 1 990 s than ever befo re. Scho ols wer e no lon ger viewed as sa fe ha vens for th e n atio n's c h i l d r e n . T h e i n c r e a s e d p r e s e n c e o f p o l i c e , m e t a l d e t e c t o r s , a n d i n t e r v e n t i o n p r o g r a m s h a s become daily reminders of school violence.T h e t h o u s a n d s o f s t u d e n t s d i r e c t l y e x p o s e d t o s c h o o l v i o l e n c e , b o t h t h e h i g h l y p u b l i c i z e d multiple homicides and the less publicized episodes of threats and standoffs that did not lead toa ctua l injur y o r d ea th , can suffer fro m po sttr au ma tic stress d iso rder. Th is c ond itio n c an caus e d e p r e s s i o n , a n g e r , a n d a n x i e t y . O v e r a l l , t h e a b i l i t y f o r y o u t h t o l e a r n a n d f o r s c h o o l s t o effectively teach is greatly affected by school violence.O n e o f t h e g r e a t c h a l l e n g e s w h e n i t c o m e s t o s c h o o l v i o l e n c e i s d e f i n i n g w h a t i s s c h o o l vio lenc e? In p eop les m in d even a sin gle even t of sch ool vio lenc e is fa r too man y. The mos tlikely p ic tu re th at c om es to min d when talking ab out sch oo l vio lenc e is the sch ool sho otin ginc id en t bu t wh at is

c ritica l to no te is tha t not jus t in cidents in vo lvin g th e fir in g o f gun s ar ec ons id er ed sch oo l vio lenc e m any o th er issu es such as ver ba l abus e, ph ys ic al ab use by th eir classmates and teachers are being ignored. According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service of the United States, schoolviolence is any behavior that violates a schools educational mission and vision, climate of respect or jeopardizes the intent of the school to be free of a g g r e s s i o n a g a i n s t p e r s o n s o r pr op er ty, dr ugs , wea po ns , d isr uptio n a nd d iso rd er . The d efin itio n ind ic ates tha t th er e a re ma nyfo rms of violen ce ins id e the sch oo l a nd tha t defining sc hoo l violen ce o nly in ter ms of sho otin g means that the problem is meant to linger.One in two sch oo l ch ildr en in th e Philipp in es ar e bu llied or suffer fr om o th er fo rms of abus e i n f l i c t e d b y p e e r s o r t e a c h e r s , a c c o r d i n g t o a s t u d y r e l e a s e d b y a c h i l d r i g h t s m o n i t o r , P l a n In tern atio na l. Th e a bus e, on to p o f wid es pr ea d po verty, m igh t h elp exp la in the rela tively high d r o p o u t r a t e s in primary and secondary schools in the country, said Britain-based P l a n International. The group released the results of a study conducted last year on 2,442 children in58 public schools by the Philippine Womens University School of Social Work. It showed thatat "least five out of 10 children in Grades 1-3, seven out of 10 in Grades 4-6 and six out of 10 inhigh school have experienced some kind of violence in school.The Child ren Ag ains t V io lenc e cam pa ign wa s c reated to g ive yo u a vo ic e in experien ces of a b u s e a n d v i o l e n c e i n s c h o o l s . F o r m s o f v i o l e n c e t h a t y o u m a y e x p e r i e n c e f r o m p e e r s o r classmates include bullying or being tough (pagiging astig/ siga), hurting others (pananakit),and being ganged up on (pinagkaisahan).S o m e t i m e s t h e a b u s i v e a c t s m a y b e d o n e b y a t e a c h e r , l i k e b e i n g b e a t e d u p o r m a u l e d (p ag bugb og ), b ein g hum ilia ted in pub lic (ipina hiya sa pub liko ), or being shou ted at and cursed (sinisigawan at minumura). When you feel shame or humiliation, the act is consideredas abusive. If you have experienced violencewhether physical or inner painyou have a rightto seek safety and change the situation.The sur vey o f high sc hoo l stu den ts by UNI CEF and Pla n Intern atio na l (2 01 0), fo und tha t th ey t h i n k : v i o l e n c e i s p a r t o f s c h o o l l i f e , when it happens it is their fault, violence makes them unh app y, vio lenc e m akes th em dislike go ing to sch oo l, they prefer bein g talked to as a form o f reprimand.Violence against children includes corporal punishment, bullying, sexual harassment, emotionalabus e, p eer- to - peer violen ce, a nd ha ras sm ent on th eir wa y to and fr om scho ols. Verb al a buse, including ridicule, teasing, being shouted at or cursed "is the most prevalent form of violence atall levels with male children more likely to experience physical violence, the study said.Th e vic tims ' p eers, m or e than a dults , ar e the p erp etra to rs , it s aid. Mos t in cidents go unrepo rted due to fear of retribution, it added. The reports also indicates that these children generally prefer a more positive form of discipline like being talked to or corrected guided and counseled.Ano th er stu dy reveals th at ab ou t four in 10 F ilip in o scho olch ildr en in G rad es 1 to 3 , a nd s even out of 10 kids both in Grades 4 to 6 and high school expressed that they have experienced somekin d o f vio lenc e in sch oo l, in a 1 06- pag e stu dy titled T owar ds a Ch ild- Fr iend ly Edu ca tion E n v i r o n m e n t : A B a s e l i n e S t u d y o n V i o l e n c e a g a i n s t C h i l d r e n i n P u b l i c Schools offers abaseline study on violence against children in the public school s e t t i n g s a n d g i v e s i n s i g h t and evid en ce- bas ed infor ma tion to a id legislator s, m ed ia pr ac tition er s, and th e pu blic on the sensitive topic of violence against children (VAC). The study was conducted among 6,931 child-respondents in 173 public schools nationwide. The study was also part of the commemoration of the 20 th ann iver sa ry o f the United Natio ns Con ventio n on th e Righ ts of th e Ch ild. UNI CEFd efin ed vio lenc e ag ainst ch ildr en as an y ac t tha t violates child rens r igh ts , par ticu la rly their right to physical and mental health, security and bodily integrity.I t w a s s h o w n i n t h e s t u d y t h a t a l l f o r m s o f v i o l e n c e a r e h a p p e n i n g i n s c h o o l s , w h i l e a c t s o f violence experienced by children increase in frequency as child moves up to higher grade levels.It said verbal abuse is the most prevalent form of violence experienced by children at all schoollevels, which includes being shouted at and being cursed, ridiculed, teased, or humiliated. It alsosaid male children are more likely to experience physical violence than female children. One of the goals of a child-friendly school is to ensure that children are safe and healthy. As thisr ep or t sh ows, m any ch ildr en do no t feel th at wa y. Mo re th an h alf o f the ch ildr en in th e su rvey had experienced some form of violence in school, according to former UNICEFcountry representative Vanessa Tobin. Based on study, aside from physical violence that result ininjury, there are other violent acts such as spanking, beating, pinching or slapping, that have beentolerated or socialized as acceptable ways to discipline childrenF o r m e r S o c i a l Welfare and Development Secretary Dinky Soliman reiterated the need for schools to serve as sanctuary that should provide for the integral development in a c h i l d s socialization process. It is in schools where memories are made and dreams are built, she saidhowever different forms of violence have become one of the factors for dropping out. We mustwor k fo r a violen t- free so ciety for our child ren, So lima n s aid. T hey ha ve no wa y to repo rt or ask for help. One of the most important aspects of school is to encourage children to imagine andt o d r e a m t h a t w i l l s h a p e t h e i r f u t u r e ; b u t i t w i l l n o t h a p p e n i n a n e n v i r o n m e n t o f f e a r a n d violence, she added.Although our culture expects the family to deal with childhood problems, contemporary societym a k e s i t d i f f i c u l t f o r parents to meet all their children's needs. The current economy, for example, often demands that both parents work; more children are raised by single parentsincluding teenage mothers; and some children are subjected by their parents to neglect o r physical, sexual, and substance abuse.Ideally, parents nurture and reinforce positive behavior. When parents

fail to do so, children maydevelop negative--and often violent--behavior patterns. In addition, neglectful or abusive familyenvironments can inhibit the development of communication skills; self-esteem can be seriouslyd a m a g e d . In homes where positive behavior is not the norm, exposure to violence t h r o u g h popular culture may have a more profound impact.W h a t a l l o f t h i s m e a n s i s t h a t e f f o r t s that prevent school violence must focus on a broader definition and understanding of what constitutes school violence. Trying to prevent school

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