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Top 5 Security Threats for 2012

Aarij M Khan Director of Product Marketing HP Enterprise Security

2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice 1

A Quick Recap of


Major Security Trends

Security Threats for 2012

How To

Stay Secure

201 The Year In Review 1

Number Of Breaches : 414 Records Compromised : Over 22 Million Lack Of Knowledge About Breaches
Cause Unspecified : 5 out of 10 Exposed Records Unknown : 6 out of 10

* Identity Theft Resource Center

1. Advanced Persistent Threat

Advanced Persistent Threats Have a Pattern

Acquire target, sneak in, hop around Get privileged access to critical assets
(Impact takes time)

(Perimeter doesnt help)

Conduct the espionage at length

(Early detection matters)



SK Communications

What happened in the RSA breach?

5:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:31 AM

Finance person receives a junk email

Opens to see 2012 Recruitment plan with .xls file

Rat program installed utilizing Adobe Flash vulnerability

NEXT DAY / 12:01AM

8:32 AM

NMAP scan of network to collect sensitive information

Poison Ivy malware is initiated


11TH DAY / 12:05 AM


Collect data over a period of time

Split file, encrypt, ftp to

RSA is in the headlines

2. BYOD Mobile Devices

Mobile Computers A New Frontier

March 201 - BlackBerry 1 Security Breach
RIMM says Turn Off JavaScript

New Mobile Malware

Android Breaches
May Allow data access Jun Google removes 10 apps Dec Record calls, send SMS Dec Access device location

Popular and Open Deadly Combination

3. Cloud Environments

Cloud Services Adoption

Cloud Services Attacked

Amazon Cloud EC2 Breach
50% users affected by breach Malware spreading across EC2 Financial Malware on EC2

4. Cyber Warfare

Politically Motivated Hacker Groups

WikiLeaks Hacks Irish Opposition Website Hacks Church Webcast Hacks NATO Website Hacks Texas Police Chiefs Association Servers Hacks Syrian Ministry Of Defense Website Hacks database of Military Supply Company Hacks and steals thousands of passwords

Previous CyberAttacks
Aug 2011

: Shady RAT attacks IOC, UN and several governments : International Monetary Fund attacked, data stolen : Google China Aurora breach, Data and IP stolen

June 2011 Jan 2010

March 2009 2008

: GhostNet downloads classified documents from government and private servers in over 100 countries : Middle Eastern US Military Facility infiltrated, digital beachhead may have been established in classified Pentagon networks : South Ossetia War Russian, Georgian and Azerbaijan targeted : Estonia comes under cyber attack


April 2007

5. Corporate Espionage and Insider Threat

Enabler Consumerization Of IT
More Data Is Stored Digitally
Paper Based Systems Out-of-Date Electronic Processes

Insider Definition Changes

Includes contractors, remotes

Easier To Profit
Organized Crime Growing Black Market

Insider Information Theft At The Top

Material Information = High Value
Gaining unfair advantage Looking for personal gain

Sources of Risk
Intellectual property theft Financial and Identity data Medical and Personal Health records Point of Sale at retail locations Email addresses

New Requirements Intelligent Monitoring and Integrated Security

Cyber crime is increasing

Threat and risks are expanding in frequency and intensity

And traditional security solutions are falling short!

Application Scanning Firewall IPS SIEM Anti-X Web

End Point Applications Network Scanners Compliance User IT Operations

Traditional Solutions
Bolted On Architecture-Specific Lacking Automation Limited Context

Bolted On Architecture-Specific Lacking Automation Limited Context

Multiple Technologies

Lots of Information

No Intelligence

HP has the on ly s ecu r it y in t elligen ce plat for m that gives clients the insight to pr oact iv ely m an age their specific enterprise threats and r is k s .

HP Security Intelligence Platform

Security Intelligence Platform

Establish complete Visibility across all applications and systems Analyze vulnerabilities in applications and operations to understand risk Respond adaptively to build defenses against the exploitation of vulnerabilities Measure security effectiveness and risk across people, process, and technology to improve over time



Security Services

HP ESP Security Solutions

Universal Log Management Regulatory Compliance Proactive Network Security Insider Threat Intelligence

Advanced Threat Intelligence

Privacy Breach Intelligence

Date Leakage Monitoring

Application Security



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