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Linear Stress- Strain In this chapter, we employ the first law of thermodynamics to derive linear stressstrain-relations.

As only able to measure variations of energy we use the (delta symbol) to indicate a change in energy. Symbolically, the first law of thermodynamics is expressed by the equation W H U K (3.1) where W is the work performed on the system by external forces, H is the heat that flows into the system, U is the increase in internal energy, and dK is the increase in kinetic energy. To apply the first law of thermodynamics, we consider a loaded body B ( in volume V) in equilibrium. For adiabatic conditions (no net heat flow into V H 0) and static equilibrium (K 0), the first law of thermodynamics states that, during the displacement variations (du, dv, dw), the variation in work of the external forces W is equal to the variation of internal energy U for each volume element. Hence, for V, we have WU (3.1a) It is convenient to divide W into two parts: 1. the work of the surface forces W S and 2. the work of the body forces W B . At point P of surface S, consider an increment of area dS. The stress vector t . n acting on dS has components (t x ,t y ,t z ) defined by t x xx n x yx n y zx n z t y xy n x yy n y zy n z t z xz n x yz n y zz n z The surface force is equal to the product of these stress components and dS. The work W S is equal to the sum of the work of these forces over the surface S. Thus, W S

S t x u t y v t z wdS S xx n x yx n y zx n z u xx n x yx n y zx n z v
xx n x yx n y zx n z wdS undS

(3.3) where u u, v, w is the variation of the displacement vector uu, v, w. The surface integral in Eq. 3.3 undS may be converted into a volume

integral by use of the divergence theorem . Thus,


S undS V div udV

For a volume element dV in volume V, the body forces are given by products of dV and the body force components per unit volume b(b x , b y , b z ). The work SW^of the body forces that act throughout V is W B b x u b y v b z wdV budV (3.4)

The variation of work W of the external forces that act on volume V with surface S is equal to the sum of W S and W B W W S W B

div u b u dV


But div u div u gradu div u , then W

div u b u dV


By other side div b, so results W

b u b u dV

V dV


Expanding Eq. 3.6 we obtain W

V xx x x yy yy zz zz 2 xy xy 2 xz xz 2 yz yz dV

(3.7) The internal energy U for volume V is expressed in terms of the internal energy per unit volume, that is, in terms of the internal-energy density(or strain-energy density) U. Thus, U UdV

and the variation of internal energy becomes U UdV


(3.7) We suppose that the strain-energy density U is a function of the strain and stress. Substitution of Eqs. 3.6 and 3.7 into Eq. 3.1a gives the variation of the internal-energy density U in terms of the stress components and the variation in strain components ( xx , yy , zz , xy , xz , yz ). Thus , U xx x x yy yy zz zz 2 xy xy 2 xz xz 2 yz yz

(3-8) This equation is used later in the derivation of expressions that relate the stress components to the strain-energy density U (see Eqs. ).

A hyperelastic elastic material

For elastic body , the state of stress is a function of the state strain only. So the motion of a elastic body , the strain-energy density U depends on the strain components: A hyperelastic or Green elastic material is a type of constitutive model for ideally elastic material for which the stress-strain relationship derives from a strain energy density function U, that is U This relation is called the first ordem Green constitutive law. If U can be written in a quadratic form as U C ij i j
i1 j1 i6 j6

U U xx , yy , zz , xy , xz , yz , x, y, z, t

where i , and j denote the six components of the strain tensor

xx , yy , zz , xy , xz , yz , we obtains
i U C ij j

This relation is called Generalized Hookes Law. When working with a three-dimensional stress state, a 4th order tensor (C ijks ) containing 21 elastic(due to the symmetry ) coefficients must be defined to link the stress tensor ( ij ) and the strain tensor ks .

ij C ijks ks

Third-order elastic constitutive law

The relationship between two physical properties is not necessarily linear. The relation between the dependent and independent physical variables can be often expressed with Taylor expansion. In the study of the properties of a crystal, it is necessary, the use of a third order approximation of a function of deformation dotensor Green, for setting material. Recall that the Lagrangian finite strain tensor, also called the Green-Lagrangian strain tensor, defined as

E 1 C I 2 or E KL 1 2 x j x j KL X K X L

or as a function of the displacement gradient tensor E 1 X u T X u X u T X u 2 or yet E KL 1 U K U L U M U M 2 X L X K X K X L As an approximation of third order and in terms of Green-Lagrangian strain tensor can define an elastic strain energy density (internal energy) U as follows: U 1 C IJKL E IJ E KL 1 C IJKLMN E IJ E KL E MN 2 6 and then the relations stress-strains are: IJ 1 C IJKL E KL 1 C IJKLMN E KL E MN 2 6

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