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HORMONE Growth Hormone

ORIGIN Anterior Pituitary

TARGET ORGAN Most tissues

EFFECT a. Stimulates the growth of most tissues b. Regulates blood nutrient levels between meals and during periods of fasting c. Increases lypolysis


REGULATION Growth hormonereleasing hormone Growth hormoneinhibiting hormone

TSH FSH LH Prolactin ACTH MSH Oxytocin ADH T3, T4

Thyroid gland, Thyroid follicles

Most cells of the body

11. Calcitonin

Thyroid gland, Parafollicular cells


a. Increase metabolic rate b. Essential for the normal process of growth and maturation c. Initiates new protein synthesis a. Reduces the concentration of Calcium in the body fluids when calcium levels become elevated

Blood calcium concentration

Directly regulated by blood calcium levels


Parathyroid glands

Bone, kidney, small intestine


Adrenal cortex



Adrenal cortex

Most tissues

b. Decreases the rate of breakdown of bones by osteoclasts c. Prevents a large increase in blood calcium levels a. Increase rate of breakdown of bone by osteoclasts b. Increase reabsorption of calcium in kidneys c. Increase vitamin D synthesis a. Increase sodium reabsorption b. Increase potassium and hydrogen secretion c. Enhance water absorption a. Increase protein and fat breakdown b. Increase glucose production c. Inhibition of immune response and

Directly regulated by blood calcium levels

Adrenal Androgens

Adrenal cortex of males and females

Many tissues


b. c. Estrogen Ovary Uterus, mammary gland, anterior pituitary and hypothalamus a.

b. c.



Uterus, mammary gland, anterior pituitary and hypothalamus


b. c. a. b. c.



Testes, body tissues, anterior pituitary and hypothalamus

decrease inflammation In females, development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as axillary and pubic hair Sexual drive In males, effect is negligible Uterine and mammary gland development and function Maturation of genitalia Sexual behavior and menstrual cycle Uterine and mammary gland development and function Maturation of genitalia Menstrual cycle Aids in spermatogenesis Development of genitalia Maintenance of functional reproductive

Binding of luteinizing hormone to interstitial cells in the testes


Granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus


20. Erythropoietin


Red bone marrow

organs a. Removes angiotensinogen b. Produce angiotensin c. a. Increase production of red blood cells b. Reduce oxygen levels in kidneys c.

Thymosin ANP B-HCG Insulin Glucagon Gastrin GIP Secretin CCK Epinephrine, NE

Heart, blood vessels, liver, fat cells

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