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Language of Reports

Three Cs of Writing: Glsrlty,

Week 5: 1. Languago ol Raporte 2. Expreealng the wdto/a role 3. Tensea (Paeelve Volco)

Conclgenecs and Gonectnecs L Clarlty: Conveying your ideas and pornt of vrews clearly that the

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readers can comprehend the meaning exactly. Conclsenese Qstivsring your message using the shorfest and direct way possrble Conectnsss. Delivering the message gsing proper and appropriate grammar, punctuation, spelling, facts, statistics and the right levels of language

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Expressing the writer's role


i. ln the third person, the researcher elaims.., thqy investigated. their rcsults show.

. ii Using lhe impersonal

il was concluded. . these findings were

he / she sugg6sts..,

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The expression of time in your report eontribulBs to the reders' perception ol the truthfulncss and approprtateness of the information included rn the reporl Througlrout your reporl, you need to use the correct tBnse Be sure when the lulure (will be), present (is), past (was), present perfect (has been) and past perfect (had been) should be used





the study focuses on.,,

Tenses (cont.)

. .

Present tense is used in the lntroduction section Past tense is often used whon describing your methodology and findings of the study. Most importantly, the

Week 6: 1. Pa*s of a rceearch Main Sectlon * lv) Flndlngs and

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Main Section: Findings and Discussion

Tips of writing the Findings: 1. Begin with an introduction of the

Main Section: Findings and Diseussion (cont.)

2. 3. 4. 5

Describe your findings, highlighling the important ones. Explain the statistics clearly. Use visual aids or graphics to support

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. 7 Use short and concise statements of facts . 8, Refer to visuals displays


6. Conclude by relating it to the next section.


figures \ ** * : -t::-:-wilhexplanations.
Support your statrstical

using the following labels "Figure 1", "Table 3" and so on. 9 Use logical progression; beginning with important topics to the least important.

Examples of Findings

. . . . . . .

1 . 20oA of the students had ..., 2. A large majority of the students 3. 65 % oi the students ,, 4. Some sludents said that ., 5. Some employees (35%) found the working environment non.conducrve. The reasons cited were , ., (a) Offices were crammed with no individual rooms for ex6cutiv6s. (b) Employees were expected to stay back after office hours lo complete therr work without overtime pay,

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