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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies ACCT 2012, January 7-8, 2012

Software tools required to develop GIS Applications: An Overview

Shams Tabrez Siddiqui
Research Scholar,Department of Computer Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

Md Saquib Alam
Lecturer, Dharam Jyoti Mahavidyalaya,Taharpur, Aligarh,India

Dr Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari

Chairman,Department of Computer Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

Abstract- Due to the improved performance of computer systems, Geographic information systems (GIS) are becoming more usual. In this paper, we are elaborating the software tools that are used in the development of a complete and complex real-life GIS application in the analysis, design and implementation. We describe characteristics of these software tools helpful to understand better and to develop different type of GIS based application softwares. Keyword- GIS Software, Geographical analysis

A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage and present all types of geographically referenced data. GIS is a computer based set of tools for the study, analysis and visualization of maps/attributes and events through the integration of various sources of data on the basis of a common geography [2]. GIS provides the necessary set of tools required for gaining appropriate insights into the places and processes that arrives our environment, society and economy. GIS combines layers of information about places to give better understanding of that place. The layers of information are combined depends on purposes e.g. finding the best location for a new store, analyzing environment damages, viewing similar crimes in a city to detect a pattern and so on. II. OBJECTIVES OF GIS To provide efficient ways for distributing and handling data. To maximize the efficiency of decision making and planning. To remove of redundant database to minimize duplication. Complex analysis/queries involving geographical reference data to generate new information. To provide the capability for integrating information from many sources. To update data quickly and cheaply. III. COMPONENTS OF GIS Geographical Information System has mainly five key components [7]. a) Computer Hardware Module

I. INTRODUCTION Most of all information has a geographic context and the information that exists is placed on map. GIS is a computer based system design to capture, to store, to integrate, to analyse and to display the data from geographic perspective [1]. Moreover a GIS provide tools to develop models create scenario and ultimately provides solution for various environmental socio economics that exists. There are many reasons we use GIS, but most are based on a societal push, our need to more effectively and efficiently use our resources, and a technological pull, our interest in applying new tools to previously unsolved problems. GIS as a technology is based on geographic information science, and is supported by the disciplines of geography, surveying, engineering, space science, computer science, cartography, statistics, and a number of others. Software for GIS is unique in their ability to manipulate coordinates and associated attribute data. A number of software tools and packages are available to help us to develop GIS. In the simplest terms, GIS is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis, and database technology [6]. GIS are helping to creates revolutionary new applications and possibilities. With the continuous improvement in the technology the future of GIS looks brighter now than ever before.

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies ACCT 2012, January 7-8, 2012 Central processing unit is the main H/W component of GIS. This is connected to a disk drive storage unit that provides space for storing data and programs. b) Computer Software Module The GIS software includes the programs and the user interface to drive the hardware. Good GIS software requires user friendliness, functionalities, compatibilities, updatability, documentation, cost effectiveness. c) Data The most important component of a GIS is Data. The data can be collected in house, compiled to custom specifications and requirements, or purchased from a commercial data provider. d) People Without people, GIS technology has limited value. The people manage and develop plans for applying it to real world problems. GIS users may be technical specialists to design and maintain the system and those who use it to perform their daily work. e) Method Methods are the set of procedures and rules to implement plans and business activities in GIS. IV. MAJOR GIS APPLICATIONS GIS has many applications and one can say when there is a map, there can be application of GIS. GIS may be used in the following areas: a) Archaeology - Remote Sensing - Public Utility Management - Precision Agriculture - Emergency Management - Navigation b) Cartography - Natural Resource Management - Photogrammetric - Environmental Contamination - Aerial Video c) Geography - Land Surveying - Urban Planning - Landscape Architecture - Localized Search Engines. VI. DESKTOP GIS SOFTWARE

V. GIS SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS GIS software provides the tools to manage, analyze, and effectively display and disseminate spatial data and spatial information. GIS software provides the specific tools to view and edit data, manipulate them, to generate and extract the information we require, and to produce the materials to communicate the information we have developed [3]. Functions commonly provided by GIS software: a) Data entry - Manual coordinate capture - attributes capture - Digital coordinate capture - Data import b) Editing - Manual point, line and area feature editing - Manual attributes editing - Automated error detection and editing c) Data management - copy, subset ,merge data - versioning - data registration and projection - summarization ,data reduction - documentation d) Analysis - Spatial query - attribute query - interpolation - connectivity - proximity and adjacency - buffering - terrain analysis - boundary dissolve - spatial data overlay - moving window analyses - map algebra e) Output - map design and layout - hardcopy map printing - digital graphic production - export format generation - metadata output - digital map serving

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies ACCT 2012, January 7-8, 2012 1. GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) GRASS is the most well-known open source GIS software. It is originally developed by the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. It can be downloaded for free. It is open source software, under GNU/GPL license, which allows its free use, distribution, study and improvement. It is available in several languages: Spanish, English UK, English USA, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazilian, Russian, Chinese, Serbian, Swahili, Turkish, Czech, Polish, Romanian, Greek, Basque, Valencian, Gallego. Being developed using Java, and being available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X platforms

Characteristics GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a raster/vector GIS, image processing system, and graphics production system. It contains several programs and tools to render maps and images on monitor and paper; manipulate raster, vector, and sites data; process multi spectral image data; and create, manage, and store spatial data [8]. For ease of operations, it provides both an intuitive windows interface as well as command line syntax. It is written in ANSI-C. Import/Export: Data formats supported by GRASS 2D raster data, 3D raster data (voxels), topological vector data (2D and 3D) Platforms: Linux, Macintosh, Sun Solaris, Silicon Graphics Irix, HP-UX, DEC-Alpha, and Windows OS 2. gvSIG gvSIG is a Geographic Information System (GIS), that is, a desktop application designed for capturing, storing, handling, analyzing and deploying any kind of referenced geographic information in order to solve complex management and planning problems. It provides a user-friendly interface, the ability to access the most common formats, both vector and raster ones. It features a wide range of tools for working with geographic-like information (query tools, layout creation, geo processing, networks, etc.), which turns gvSIG into the ideal tool for users working in the land realm. Characteristics Integrating in the same view both local (files, databases) and remote data through OGC standards. It is designed in such a way that it can be easily extendable, that allows continuous application enhancement and enables the development of tailor-made solutions.

Platforms: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, UNIX 3. OpenJUMP OpenJUMP GIS is an open source GIS, known as JUMP GIS. It is written in Java through a collaborative effort by volunteers, the application can read shapefiles and GML format files [9]. It is free (under the GPL license). Characteristics It is a Vector GIS that can read rasters as well. With JUMP / OpenJUMP edit, save, analyze data. It works with medium size datasets also. It provides a GIS API with a flexible plugin structure, so that new features are relatively easy to develop around the sound mapping platform. It utilizes OGC standards like SFS, GML, WMS and WFS It is already translated in English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portugese and Spanish. The translation in other languages is in progress.

Import/Export: Data formats supported by OpenJUMP Vector Files: GML, DXF (Autocad(R) Map), DWG (Autocad(R) Map), DGN (Microstation(R), DLG, MAPINFO(R) MIF, ESRI (R) E00, TIGER2000/LINE, SDTS, GeoConcept, KML (Google Earth). Raster Files: GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, GeoTIF, BMP, EC WErMapper(R), SID Lizardtech(R) MrSID, BIL, ADF ESRI(R) Dem Grid, IMG, JPG2000, SDTS, ILWIS, HF, ERDAS Imagine.

Platforms: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, UNIX

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies ACCT 2012, January 7-8, 2012 VII. WEB BASED 1. Map Server MapServer is an Open Source geographic data rendering engine written in C. It was originally developed by the University of Minnesota (UMN) ForNet project in cooperation with NASA, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR). Beyond browsing GIS data, MapServer allows you create geographic image maps, that is, maps that can direct users to content [10]. For example, the Minnesota DNR Recreation Compass provides users with more than 10,000 web pages, reports and maps via a single application. The same application serves as a map engine for other portions of the site, providing spatial context where needed. Later it was hosted by the TerraSIP project, a NASA sponsored project between the UMN and a consortium of land management interests. Characteristics Scale dependent feature drawing and application execution Feature labelling including label collision mediation Fully customizable, template driven output TrueType fonts Map element automation (scalebar, reference map, and legend) Thematic mapping using logical- or regular expression-based classes. Management, GIS/User Analysis, GIS Data Audits and Data Management, GIS Training/Lecturing, and the Supply of Skilled GIS Personnel to Client Sites are the main focus areas of GISNET [11]. Technical GIS skills, include spatial and raster data processing and manipulation, spatial modelling; including hydrological modelling, data projections, spatial data quality control and data verification, structuring of spatial databases, digitizing, data-capturing, and image-georeferencing. The preferred software of GISNET is the ESRI products, namely ARCGIS including Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, and Network Analyst. Develop highperformance mapping software with GIS.NET. Supports desktops, PocketPC, Tablet PC, Smartphone, and Windows Mobile! Download a free 60-day trial now and see just how fast GIS.NET can get your location-based software to market! GIS.NET is loaded with features, including: Full support for PocketPC, Windows, Smartphone and Windows Mobile!Full support for EPSG-based coordinate conversions. Platform: Windows 3. PlanetGIS PlanetGIS is the easiest GIS to learn and use and was designed to enable anyone to start and manage a GIS project from the ground up. All stages from data capture, data manipulation through thematic mapping to map production are simple and efficient [12]. Development on PlanetGIS started in 1993 and the software has been in extensive use by GIS practitioners since 1994. Characteristics Fast, compact and friendly, cost effective, productive PlanetGIS can connect to file-based databases (DBase, Access, ODBC) and SQL servers (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQLite, Oracle, SQL server, Informix, Sybase, Interbase). It is available in many editions(basic, professional, enterprise, web server) manageability of extremely large vector and raster datasets.

Import/Export: Data formats supported by Map Server raster and vector data formats TIFF/GeoTIFF, EPPL7, and many others via GDAL.

Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris.

2. GISNET Server GISNET was established in July 2003 with its main aim being consulting in the GIS Industry. The company has been in operation since and has completed various GIS projects under the guidance of Founding Member, Prenesha Pillay . Characteristics GISNET offers a variety of effective GIS solutions across various disciplines; Mining and Exploration, Environmental Studies, Disaster Risk Analysis and Hydrological Studies. Production GIS, GIS Project

Import/Export: Data formats supported by PlanetGIS Vector data formats

ESRI ArcView shape files (.SHP), MapInfo MID/MIF, AutoDesk DXF, ESRI ArcInfo Export files (.E00), MicroStation DGN, MapGuide SDL and ReGIS Feature files (.FEA). PlanetGIS can also

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies ACCT 2012, January 7-8, 2012 export GIS data to all of these formats except .E00 and .DGN. Raster image formats Intergraph Corporation is an American software development and services company. In 2010, Intergraph was acquired by Hexagon AB. Intergraph makes several GIS applications. Most of the GIS packages are designed with an Open GIS in mind and therefore can work with a variety of other GIS software formats. Intergraph has developed products that help merge GIS with information technology (IT) and business process improvement tools [15]. Intergraph offers the GeoMedia family of solutions and Modular GIS Environment MGE Suite of mapping and GIS applications. Using an open architecture, the GeoMedia product suite integrates geospatial information throughout the enterprise and provides the tools needed to develop business-to-business and custom client applications using industry standard development tools. GeoMedia offers uninhibited access to all geospatial data formats without the need for data translations. Currently in Version 4.0 the GeoMedia family is made up of GeoMedia, GeoMedia Professional, GeoMedia WebMap, and GeoMedia WebEnterprise. Characteristics GeoMedia is the universal information integrator, serving as a visualization and analysis tool and as an open platform for custom GIS solution development. GeoMedia Professional is a product specifically designed to collect and manage spatial data using standard databases. GeoMedia WebMap is a Web-based map visualization tool with real-time links to one or more GIS data warehouses. GeoMedia WebEnterprise creates dynamic, custom web-mapping applications that can analyze and manipulate geographic data. In addition to these products, Intergraph offers MFworks for GeoMedia which provides users of grid-based software the power of visualization, mapping, and analysis. Intergraph also offers SMMS for GeoMedia which is a desktop tool for geographic metadata creation and geographic data management.

import JPEG and TIFF/GeoTIFF images into a native super-fast indexed image format and will utilize World files if available. MrSID and ECW images will be displayed directly. PlanetGIS can also create JPEG and GeoTIFF files. Platforms: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista, and there are plans to port Planet to Linux, Mac, .NET and portable platforms. VIII. COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE 1. MapInfo professional MapInfo Professional is a mapping software product produced by MapInfo Corporation. MapInfo Professional has the ability to combine and display, on a single map, data from a variety of sources that are in different formats and projections. The software is capable of overlaying raster and vector layers on the same map; the former can be made semitransparent, so that they can serve as more than mere backdrops [13]. MapInfo is popular both in business and the public sector, where a typical user is analyzing pre-built map data layers Characteristics a) Ease of use: Save time and maximize productivity by leveraging usability enhancements such as easy access to frequently performed layer operations or quickly select the same colour, symbol or line style each and every time [14]. b) Data Creation and Editing: Take advantage of 40 new data editing tools for precise data creation and maintenance. c) Better Looking Maps: Improve map clarity by leveraging the new labelling, display and symbology enhancements new in this release. d) Enhanced Data Access: Access latest database technology such as Oracle 11G and Microsoft SQL 2008 Spatial data right out of the box. e) Enhanced Licensing and Deployment: Leverage deployment flexibility and share customizable files in a workgroup setting. Take advantage of the flexible licensing modes to install and license the product in a way that best meets your organizations needs. Platform: Microsoft windows

The Modular GIS Environment (MGE) product suite provides production-ready capabilities for automating, managing, analyzing, and presenting GIS data, and is completely interoperable with GeoMedia. Platforms: Windows OS 3. AGISMap

2. Integraph

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies ACCT 2012, January 7-8, 2012 AGIS for Windows is a mapping and simple GIS package specifically designed to be easy to use, and distributed as shareware via the World Wide Web. Characteristics AGIS is a user friendly mapping and simple geographic information system. Maps and data can be provided by the user in the form of text files either created by other programs, or typed using a text editor. All control files used by AGIS are ASCII text, so it is easier to create such files using other systems [16]. The program has sufficient control dialogs built in to create and edit all control information without requiring the user to understand the structure of these files. High quality map images can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into popular packages such as Microsoft Word, or save directly to your hard disk as jpeg or bmp files. A multi-document interface allows the concurrent display of a number of individual maps, each composed of a number of map and data layers. The latitude and longitude of the cursor is displayed at all times when over a displayed map, and cursor types are selected to allow zooming and measuring. Output can be pre-viewed, and printed on any device supported by Windows. Systems of templates are used to control display attributes of maps and data which should greatly simplify the production of maps which have many elements in common. A number of map projections are supported, allowing appropriate display of any part of the world, including the poles. Import/Export: Data formats supported by AGISMap - MapInfo .mif/.mid (import/export) - Arc export .e00 (import) - Arc generate .gen/.att/.nam (import) - South African National Exchange - Standard .nes (import) - Garmin GPS .trk/.wpt/.rte (import) Platforms: Microsoft Windows IX. CONCLUSION GIS softwares are only one of its kinds in their ability to manipulate coordinates and associated attribute data. To develop GIS a number of software tools and packages are available. We think that the best GIS software is the one that everybody can use easily. Not much learning curve required for it. If you have a little background in GIS then the product should be usable immediately to you. According to our opinion Map Server is better for Web Based GIS software. GRASS is better for Desktop Based GIS software and AGISMap for Commercial Based GIS software. GIS softwares has its own characteristic to develop GIS applications. We can choose GIS software to develop GIS application software according to our needs or requirement. REFERENCES
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