PCGP Goals

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DRA INTRODUCTION Patron in Chief: Prof. Masood Hameed Khan, Honorable Vice Chancellor, DUHS Working Group: Dr.

Syed Shakeel Ahmad, Dr.Yahya Khan FRACGP, Dr.Saleem Ilyas

Pakistan College of General Practitioners plans to:

Teach and train in areas unique to General Practice with national and international perspectives. To follow a curriculum which has relevance to local demand and at the same time meet international standards for the purpose of examination and employment Adopt a number of structured programs, customized to our local needs and meeting international standards shall be pivotal in the growth of General Practice in the region. Initiate collaborations and accreditations as necessary. Conduct examinations conforming to high standards of medical profession Offer Diploma, Membership and Fellowship status to successful participants after due assessment by internal and external examiners Accreditations, Evaluation and audit program and provide for change and expansion at all levels Endeavor to get increased recognition in health sector. Devise Admission and Eligibility criteria for the courses and training programs Run its programs and affairs by a Faculty, a Council and a number of Bodies and Committees with democratic norms Potential for generating new business and new opportunities

WHAT IS GOAL OF GP TRAINING PROGRAM? Goal: The goal of this program is to prepare GP specialist from a variety of medical practitioners from across the country and bring about socially acceptable and sustainable change in general practice medicine uniformly at the national level and to some extent meet the international standards and seek accreditation. To achieve this goal, the program is expected to do competency and capacity building of participants in all pertinent aspects of General Practice including:

Educational Leadership Adult Learning Instructions Assessment Curriculum Program Evaluation and

Educational Research.

That they are technically equipped to take evidence-based decisions when it comes to reforms in practice.

Expected Outcome
A trained GP shall take his responsibilities and patient care responsibly. With his central role in running the affairs of community health in an efficient, continuous, preventive and economical way, cutting down the cost of management of healthcare, bringing back the confidence and revival of trust of the people in the health systems and profession. Thus the crumbling health system shall be converted to a smooth, knitted canvas of strong health-fabric spreading across the urban and rural areas of the country. Through the services of trained GPs the primary health centre, the basic health center, the district, secondary and tertiary care hospitals, the private sector hospitals and the NGOs all shall be functioning confidently, efficiently and complementarily raising the social and health status of our country. With the mammoth task ahead of a multi-task GP, a structured training program for his development in the areas of knowledge, skills, the essential competencies of administration and implementation is inevitable.


Identify academic areas of gaps which need further improvement Initiate and maintain evidenced-based change and follow and adopt guidelines Evaluate the outcomes in their practice Carry out a peer review system The program focuses on the acquisition of competencies relevant in the field of development of GP so that these health professionals pursuing General Practice as a career could enjoy their rightful place in world of medicine. Define and appraise the role of General Practice in relation to external and internal forces that influence such programs. Critically analyze literature as it relates to GP for the health professions and stakeholders of health. Plan, implement and evaluate a relevant course for GP professionals, based on contemporary principles of learning and instruction in GP. Plan, implement and evaluate processes of student assessment in order to make valid and reliable decisions, which can lead to their choice for GP career. Demonstrate evidence of high quality teaching / facilitation skills at Institutional level. Demonstrate effective leadership and teamwork capabilities. Undertake research on indigenous or international issues related to GP in order to provide evidence-based solutions and suggest implementations.

Provide scientific, relevant and practical advice and assistance to health and educational departments and organizations on health issues. Provide constructive feedback to government, organizations and institutions on the basis of scientific evaluation.

Duration of the Program

About two years

Definitions General Practice The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) uses the following definitions of general practice General Practice is that component of the health care system which provides initial, continuing, comprehensive and co-ordinated medical care for all individuals. Families and communities and which integrated current biomedical, psychological and social understanding of health. General/Family Practice is the point of first contact for the majority of people seeking health care. General Practice is a traditional method of bringing primary health care to the community. General Practice is a medical discipline linking the vast amount of accumulated medical knowledge with the art of communication. General Practice provides community based, continuing, comprehensive, preventive primary care, sometimes referred to as the CCCP model. Primary care involves the ability to take responsible action on any problem the patient presents, whether or not it forms part of an ongoing doctor patient relationship. In the provision of primary care, much illdefined illness is seen. The General Practitioner The general/family practitioner often deals with problem complexes rather than with established diseases.

General Practitioner is a medical practitioner with recognized generalist training, experience and skills; he provides and co-ordinates comprehensive medical care for individuals, families and communities. The General Practitioner must be able to make a total assessment of the persons condition without subjecting the person to unnecessary investigations, procedure and treatment. The General/Family practitioner may make appropriate referral to other doctors, hospitals, health care professionals and community services.

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