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Q The how to!

This handbook is a guide to help out everyone as to how to go about the game, and classes in game. (Nina and Bettie got tired of repeating themselves :P) No matter what class you intend to pick, and you should pick according to stats when youre ready to do so, everyone should follow these steps: Triad is your IP of how much you carry If you go over your IP, you will need 2 EP to move and you cant climb. Keep that in mind. Get your triad (backpack, red wagon and wheelbarrow): Some get 2 to begin with to at least carry weapons and such and wait to either find one or when with EP and in the right place. Use your first 50 sp to get the first Melee skill Look for melee weapons (Usually youll find some when looking for your triad) and you will prefer the axe to begin with. Youll also want a portable radio to listen to broadcast and zeds sightings. Get your SP to 100 and get Melee 2 skill.

"You see, firearms require a lot of skill to fire accuratly! It's not as easy as looks in the movies! Not only that, but you need to constantly be scrounging for ammo. So I caution you friends, against their use as a mainstay - melee weapons are the best course, at least have a hammer or two on hand!" (19 seconds ago). Luna Broadcast (27.22 MHz) by Luna Goldmoon: "It is much easier to learn your way around a shovel or an axe than a shotgun - so be sure you are confident with your melee weapons before searching out firearms! Even if you feel the urge to pump our rotted cocitizens full of lead, keep a backup!" (21 seconds ago). Reason why Melee weapons are preferred compare to guns is because it takes too many EP to search, load, reload and keep doing the same all round long. As for Melee, you can hold and no need to reload. Saves a lot of very needed EP Depending on how the round goes, at a certain point you need to get climbing skills. Its usually at least: M2, C2, then class. But lately, I get M2 and jump for classing. Please check stats before you do class or ask around if cades are becoming a hazard. Usually youll get the feel of it on broadcasts. Important stuff to remember: Do NOT cade any buildings at all at the beginning of a round. PLEASE! All you are doing is killing pinks that get stranded outside thinking that building is lit and safe and cant climb. VERY IMPORTANT! You want to wait until some zeds manage to class smart before you start cading (They can open closed doors). Before that, they need to claw their way inside and theres nothing better then to get a few SP repairing the doors

Again check stats and get a feel of how things are going in game.

Another VERY IMPORTANT matter! Do NOT install any radio transceivers anywhere. Smarts zeds can sit by one and listen to our strategies, locations and coordination. Always carry a portable radio and batteries for it. I always carry 2 radios and a lot of batteries. Not hard to acquired and you usually find some along the way and while searching for your triad. Make friends in game, it will take you further then you think ;) Check profiles before killing a zed. If you see a please inject, do not kill. Call for an inject for that player as he will play for our side right? If you see dualist, you also want to call for an inject on that player. He may bite while you try and pink him, but he also will play for our side once injected.

The common word for killing an inject target is trenching. Do NOT do it! Make friends, remember? Many come from UD In Q, we do NOT hold bases. You need to learn to move around as needed. Hence why cading early just kills us. Seeding to find items in a building Seeding is a way to find items you want most in a building. You want to drop on the floor the ones you don't want in order to increase your chances at finding the ones you do want. To do so, you want to know what that building has to offer: At beginning of rounds, buildings seed themselves up pretty much while we search. You do want to carry the items that will help you "seed as later on, they will not be around on floors. This is tricky as you still have to decide which class to pick. And if you are a helping pink, you will wait for stats to get going and see what classes are needed. Example: You want to find doses in a lab: Drop: crowbar, steak knife, computer, axe, blood sampler and brain sampler. Unless your brain sampler is carrying samples ;) But thats another story on how to run a sampler scientist.

CLASSES ! Engineer Scientist Medic Soldier ENGIES You have to keep in mind that working with a team is much efficient work than working alone. Assigning jobs to everyone as you go is the best way to go about it. A handbook can only give you the steps, but every situation calls for readjustment. IRC is your friend! Again, having friends in game will take you much further ;) You still have to follow the steps below even if you are alone. First thing I want to say is that Ive seen many repairing F1 and cade the doors before checking for zeds inside on upper floors its a no-no! Heres how it goes: Power plants or Internet Service Provider: You enter You check for zeds on all floors You kill and dump what you find You head downstairs to repair the floor You repair/close the doors You cade as much as you can (max EHR if preferable) You want to hook up gennies on all floors You go where Panels or Routers are and repair You go down 1 floor and cade the stairs REPEAT for multi floor You can then repair the fuses (last)

You will have company to help out sometimes I hope so do tell them to move downstairs when all the work is done on panels/routers upstairs. Do NOT cade them up there! I had to wait for hours for them to wake up sometimes dont despair, go to safety if you need to and come back. Do call it in if the round doesnt call for smart zeds listening ;) For other buildings the only difference is the repairs on equipment and you dont want to cade the stairs.

SCIENTIST ! There are many roads a scientist can take. There are many needs for them in game but its tricky if you dont know how. The scientists are responsible for winning the game. They sample brains of dead zeds to do it and they are also responsible for pinking us back when we turn green. Heres my experience on it. Players working other classes depend on you to get them back to work! Its a big responsibility. And you should know how pinking goes: You hear a career pink got greened! You first want to ask around if anyone knows of its HP if nobody knows or comes forward, and time is always at the essence, you want to:

Pinking Check their vitals. But ONLY with a low damage weapon! I suggest the traffic cone (1 dmg)

You need to remember that the target might have been checked before and taken to inject range, which is: 5 HP, or lower. Once you know the HP, you can get them to inject range. You want to carry all of the dmg weapon you can (1, 2, 3, 4 and yes, 5 dmg) to make sure you get them to exactly 5 HP as you can. Keep in mind that failing inject will take the HP down. You want another chance or 2 at it ;) Then you do the deed. Seems easy yes?

Dont forget you have to search for doses and injects I labs (they show up in hospitals too). Blood sampling The way its done is by carrying a blood sampler and getting blood from standing zeds. Usually grabbed before either killing them (career zeds) or before pinking them (career pinks). Some scientists love it I myself never use it. I never find the EP and timing has always been wrong. But you might be a good candidate for it You then need to take the sampler to a lab and to the lab equipment thats usually on the top floor. How much samples to make a vial I dont know that part! I need an experienced blood sampler here! (fill in the blanks please)

Now, sampling brains towards the cure You have to know that sampling is a slow process. 1 brain = .1 %. Its a bit of the scientist engineer work. It does show stats though once the round is done :P Youll need to keep batteries in your inventory. Sampling grabs your samplers energy. You want to listen to broadcasts of zeds kills and follow on it. Also, be aware of other samplers in the area. You also NEED to call your samplings on radio. No matter if you heard of a kill or not, call it. Dont be lazy :P Samplers can hold up to 25 samples. You want to hook up PCs everywhere you can early and metamap them (Ill get back to that) so your crew knows where they are with also the ID number of your PC. When you use a PC, on the home page, youll see the ID number. Let your fellow pinks know where they are. On Metamap! (if you are in a group that is, and I recommend it)Not on radio! Because at this point, the smart zeds are listening! Most scientists do both jobs: pinking and sampling. We do not want to barricade a PC we could... but then if we get more samples, how do we reach the PC? There is also a matter of the "alpha". Alpha is the PC that is currently processing. You need to wait for that one to finish before you add more samples in the system on another PC. Especially at the end of rounds only 1 PC rolls, you can add more samples in THAT PC. We call it the Alpha. You also need to wait for a PC to have reached the global %. If not, the samples only go to boosting that PC towards global. If you drop samples in a PC while another one is processing, you boost the other PC up but lose a % of your samples. Samples in your sampler they last, you just need to change your battery to keep your sampler going your batterie goes out, your samples are gone. Always carry a lot of batteries. Its something to keep an eye on in case you might be in danger of dying or get greened.

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