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In your team, write the lead for this school newspaper story.

Here are the facts: Kenneth L. Peters, the principal of Beverly Hills High School, announced today that the entire high school faculty will travel to Sacramento next Thursday for a colloquium in new teaching methods. Among the speakers will be anthropologist Margaret Mead, college president Dr. Robert Maynard Hutchins, and California governor Edmund Pat Brown.

There will be no school next Thursday.

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Writing Assignment #1
8am AVG: 13.05 High: 16 Noon AVG: 11.44 High: 17 Issues with: -Read the prompt - understand what you are being asked to do -Awareness of own position in relation to audience -Support ideas -Awareness of audience (needs, tone) -Awareness of own position in relation to audience

Writing Assignment #1

A key initiative in the Lundquist College of Business (LCB) is to enhance global education. Assume the Dean appointed the ctional Global Initiatives Committee (GIT) of interested faculty members and student representatives to solicit creative, cost-effective ideas to improve the international education of undergraduate LCB students.

Writing Assignment #1
Current undergraduate global education offerings include the Certicate in Global Management, International Business Communications (IBC) Program, global context requirement for the major, study abroad programs, international internships, International Business and Economics Club (IBEC), and some global components in existing classes and clubs. (Refer to the LCB website for program descriptions.) Although international education is critical in a global business world, the Dean feels that current programs do not provide sufcient global educational experience and not all students have the time or money to take full advantage of current opportunities. While the global initiative is a top LCB priority, the Committee recognizes that LCB is in a cost-cutting mode.

Writing Assignment #1
The Global Initiatives Committee has requested proposals for ideas to enhance the international education of undergraduate LCB students. The required format is a 1.5 page (maximum), single-spaced memo. The Committee will give priority consideration to: Low-cost ideas that will attract and benet large groups of students Ideas that either ll a gap in current LCB offerings (e.g., majors, minors, courses, clubs, certicates, internships, etc.) or enhance an existing LCB offering The assignment has three primary objectives: 1. To introduce you to a business style of writing 2. To encourage you to focus on your audience 3. To help you practice developing a persuasive argument for a recommended action Though you do not need to provide a budget or quantitative evidence to support your idea, you must present a realistic, persuasive argument for your proposal. For an example of how to format your memo, see the attached.

Student Sample

Student Sample

Student Sample

Student Sample

Student Sample

Message Structure

recommendation up front, followed by reasons Easier to follow Preferred approach in business


Mystery story approach reasons and then conclusion Use for sensitive messages, bias is negative

Macro Issues:
Making it easy to understand

Document Design make it easy to see your main points Structural Signposts make it easy to follow your logic Effective Paragraphs - develop one idea

Design: High Skim Value

Use Sufficient White Space

Margins, lists, short blocks of text

Use effective headings/subheadings

Descriptive, parallel, complete

Choose type carefully for emphasis and readability

Differentiate headings; use size 12 font for body

Use Structural Signposts

Introduction has 3 functions:
Arouse interest and/or establish relationship Explain purpose for writing/state recommendation Give a preview (roadmap)

Body Explain and justify. Provide transitions and links Conclusion reinforce main point, give call to action, and/or create positive feeling

Use Effective Paragraphs

Every paragraph should have one main idea Start with a topic sentence (generalization) and support it

I am a leader who challenges people. I bring ethics and honesty to the group. I know that I am assertive but can also come off as rigid at times. I am the one on the team who will look for another way to solve the problem. I am also a thinker who can also see the big picture. It is easy for me to take on different roles as needed. I am forward thinking and independent. Sometimes I can be a dreamer. I know my weaknesses and try to learn from them. These aspects of leadership also affect my emotions as a leader.

Paragraphs and Signposts

As a rule, an effective paragraph will have 3 things: Generalization Support Signposts

Failing to follow this rule of effective paragraphs will likely present several drawbacks for your reader. First, your readers will not know your main point. Second, your paragraphs will lack development. Finally, your writing will be choppy and incoherent.

Business Writing Examples

Poor example:

We believe that the new juice product should be launched in Denver in the next couple of months if possible.

Better example:

We recommend that the Breakfast Division launch the new juice product in Denver by May 1.

Cut the fat from your writing

Cut the fat from your writing practice on these sentences by getting rid of unnecessary words
Running offers the single most immediate and beneficial fitness paycheck on the market. A string quartet played various selections of classical music. leaving many survivors living in virtual squalor. Given the fact that there have been death threats on his life. He was shot in the chest, and then ran away on foot. this rugged, isolated mountainous region that the main thrust of the program was offensive. From his small, cubbyhole office, he oversaw operations Mount Ranier last experienced an eruption 150 years ago.

He retired at the age of sixty years old. He retired at the age of sixty years old. He retired at sixty.

She is devoted to the old traditions of the past. She is devoted to the old traditions of the past. She is devoted to tradition. Shes traditional.

Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $82.56. In the event that you find the amount to be neither correct nor valid, subsequent to an examination of your records, please inform us of your findings at your earliest convenience. Enclosed is a check for $82.56. If this amount is incorrect, please let us know.

Passive Voice

New Orleans was devastated by Katrina

Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Her life was destroyed by meth. Meth destroyed her life.

Get rid of these:

It is... It was... There are... There were...

Methamphetamine is a rapidly growing problem in Eugene which can now be labeled as an epidemic.

Methamphetamine is a rapidly growing problem in Eugene which can now be labeled as an epidemic.

Methamphetamine is epidemic in Eugene.

I dont care what you feel, think or believe... I feel... I think... only what you canbelieve... I demonstrate or support

Trent & Bramhall, 2011

Stakeholders - What did you learn?

What ASUO is looking for: Big Ideas that will provide positive, and preferably lasting impact for students People who will follow come into reality

through on their ideas and make it

People who are willing to create timelines with milestones, and in some cases work with University policies and ofce to achieve their Big Idea

Criteria for proposals: Building long-term infrastructure for the University of Oregon student body Fostering cultural

exchange and learning on campus and/or mental well-being of the

Promoting the physical student body

Supporting the advancement of social justice through the empowerment of marginalized communities and/or the promotion of diversity initiatives Strengthening student

and affordability

voice on issues pertaining to access

Your next job: LOOK and LEARN Choose an area to focus on (NOT a specic idea or solution) Work to understand that area through research and dialogue be careful of assumptions, biases and prejudices Become an expert

To Do -Work on Writing Assignment #1 rewrite (Due 4B). As part of this, schedule time with a tutor (see course site for instructions) and read Contemporary Managerial Writing (packet pp. 93-118) -Work on Resume Assignment (Due 4B) -Sign up for appointment with Career Services GTF, Emily Bird, by Feb. 3 (Instructions in Resume Assignment Document on course website) -Continue Project discussions, research - decide on an area ) NOT a specic solution) you would like to focus on as a group

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