Structure and Presentation Report 2

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Structure and presentation report 2 (Individual): y Executive summary  What are the objectives of the report?

?  Have the objectives been achieved?  What are the conclusions?  How can Operations and Project Management be used to improve competitiveness of the organisation under discussion? Introduction  What are the objectives of the report and why are they important?  What issues (regarding the organisation) are you going to discuss in the report?  What research methods have you used to collect the information? y Main body  This should cover a short literature review,  an analysis of a key Operations Management issue within the organization using concepts/models from theory,  identification of possible solutions and a project plan for implementation that provides a scope,  budget  schedule. y Summary and conclusions:  Summarise the key findings  draw main conclusions y Presentation of the report: Good readability     write clear use short paragraphs and sentences; use headings; describe diagrams or tables used (if any) referencing done within the report and supported by reference list at the end of the report;  avoid using long quotations;  use your own words as much as possible;  use correct grammar and spelling; within word limit (+/- 10% of the word limit, if too long, use appendices).

Additional Notes for your assignments

y Review of literature: The review should address Operations and Project Management theory that is relevant to your case problems and keeps to the point. All sources must be referenced. Background reading and research: Use at least two textbooks and 10 journal articles; use new materials not covered in the course; give a summary of important theory and papers in the topic area; use examples of companies that have experienced similar issues to the case organisation to provide lessons for the organisation to learn from. Synthesis: Summarise and/or compare different approaches in the literature and draw coherent conclusions from the review which will be applied to the analysis of the key issues in your case study. Optionally, summarise the strengths and/or weaknesses that exist in the current theory and point out what can be done to overcome the weaknesses. All claims must be fully justified with appropriate evidence. A description is not enough. You must analyse and discuss the issues using theory. To achieve a higher grade, sources beyond set books should be studied and used. The analysis could lead to recommendations that could be implemented, where appropriate. An executive summary would be written.

y y

7. Readings

Essential textbook y Slack, N, S Chambers, R Johnston and A Betts (2009) Operations and Process Management - Principles and practice for strategic impact (with integrated student CD). Second edition. FT Prentice Hall. y Lock, D (2007), Project Management (Ebook available), Gower Publishing Recommended resources y Johnston, R, and G. Clark (2008) Service Operations and Project Management: Improving Service Delivery. 3rd edition. FT Prentice Hall. y Johnston, R, S Chambers, et al (2003) Cases in Operations and Project Management, 3rd edition. FT Prentice Hall. y Meredith, J R, and S M Shafer (2007) Operations and Project Management for MBAs, 3rd edition. John Wiley y Slack, N, S Chambers and R Johnston (2004) Operations and Project Management, 5th edition. FT Prentice Hall. y Waller, D L (2003) Operations and Project Management a supply chain approach, 2nd edition. Thomson. Recommended journals and other periodicals y Harvard Business Review y International Journal of Operations and Production Management y International Journal of Services Management y International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management y Production Planning and Control y International Journal of Project Management y Strategic Outsourcing y The TQM Journal y The Economist There are a number of journals and other periodicals which you should browse and delve into whenever you have an opportunity. Many of these may be available in the University Learning Resources Centre and/or its digital library. Recommended websites (More updated websites and online resources will be given on the BREO resource website.)
1. sample of operational problem in a company

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