Human Body Systems

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Human Body Systems

Introduction: With recession on the rise, cut backs are being made across the board, even in the systems of the human body. The Board of Human Systems has decided to eliminate one of the major systems to cut back on production costs. Yet, which system could they eliminate without damaging the human body? The Board needs to find out quickly to make a reasonable decision. The Quest As representatives of one of the systems in the human body, you have to defend your system before the Board of Human Body Systems. You must convince the Board of the importance of your system. First, you and your group will write a letter to the Board describing and defending your system. Each member in your group will defend a system in your letter. Each system will be a paragraph. Second, you will create a poster about your system, so that you can successfully present your case to the Board of Human Body Systems. Your presentation will include, but is not limited to, answers to the following questions: 1. What is the name of your system and where is it located within the body? 2. What are the major components (organs), or parts, of your system? 3. What are the major characteristics of your system? 4. What is the main function of your body system? 5. Explain to the Board how you perform these functions. 6. Persuasively explain to the Board your importance to the human body, and convince the Board that they should not fire you. 7. Your presentation must include the importance of your system to other systems in the body. 8. Your letter must contain the following body systems: skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, and nervous system.

9. Your letter will have an introduction paragraph, 6 systems paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. 10. Poster will be made on pages. The group will work together to make a poster that includes all of the systems and a catchy saying to persuade the board the systems are important and have a title. 11. The poster and letter must be printed out and turned in by Tuesday, January 31st. 12. You will present your letter and poster to the board on Tuesday, January 31st.

You will be graded according to the following rubric: Letter Poster 1. Letter includes introduction, 6 system paragraphs, and concluding paragraph 5 pts. 2. Letter describes all six systems and includes all the required information. 5 pts. 1. Poster has a title. 5 pts.

Group Work/Creativity 1. Each member wrote a paragraph for the letter. 5 pts.

2. Poster includes all the systems and pictures that show how they work. 5 pts.

3. Letter persuades the board that each system is important and needed to keep the body working. 5 pts.

3. The poster has a catchy phrase that will persuade the board that all body systems are important and needed. 5 pts.

2. Each member worked together to make the poster and write the introduction and concluding paragraph in the letter. 5 pts. 3. The letter and poster are organized, creative, and neat. 5 pts.

Total: ____/45 Grade: ___

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