2011 Syllabus

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ChE 2171 Chemical Engineering Fundamentals: Mass and Energy Balances Fall 2011 Instructor: Mike Benton Office:

: 318 Chemical Engineering Phone: 578-3056 Email: benton@lsu.edu Lectures: Section 1: MWF 8:40 9:30 AM, 221 Tureaud Hall Section 2: MWF 9:40 10:30 AM, 221 Tureaud Hall Office Hours: M 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Th 1:30 PM 2:30 PM Required Text: Felder, Richard M. and Ronald W. Rousseau, Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 3rd edition (revised), John Wiley and Sons, 2005 (Electronic or hard copy) Reference Book: Perry and Green, Perrys Chemical Engineering Handbook, Eighth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007 TP151.P45. There is a copy in Chemical Engineering room 288. Prerequisites: Math 1550 and CHEM 1202 Prerequisites for other ChE courses: A grade of C or better in each of the sciences preparatory courses BIOL 1201; CHEM 1201 and 1202; PHYS 2101 and 2102; MATH 1550, 1552, and 2090 is required before a student can register for any ChE course other than 2160 or 2171. Thus, you will need to have completed the eight courses and earned a C or better in each one. (See the chemical engineering undergraduate flow chart.) Homework Most chemical engineering concepts can only be mastered by doing problems on your own; therefore it is important that you work plenty of practice problems. This will seem tedious at times, but certainly pays off in the long run. Turning in homework is optional it will be graded if you turn it in, but the scores will not affect your overall class grade. All homework must be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date (or before class if you cannot attend) in order to be graded. Late homework will not be accepted. Please write your name, assignment number, and the due date on all pages of your homework solution. Staple the solution together before turning it in. It is your job to make sure the homework grader can follow your solution. A poorly organized homework paper will affect the graders ability to comment on your solution. A few suggestions to make your homework readable by the grader: 1. State the given information, using a diagram where appropriate 2. State the objective of the problem 3. State your assumptions and their justification 4. Present your solution (use words to describe your thought process, give references for data and/or equations used, include units) 5. Write solution on engineer pad

Exams We will have four one hour exams and a comprehensive final exam. Exam questions will be based on the principles covered in class and homework problems (but they will not be the same problems). Prepare your exam solutions following the same format as your homework solutions (ie. 1- 4 on the previous page). Some ground rules for exams: 1. Start each problem on a new page 2. Number each page: 1/7, 2/7, etc. 3. Write your name on the back of each page 4. Be sure to hand in all pages before you leave the room. I cannot accept exam papers, or additional pages, after you leave the examination room. The lowest of your four one hour exam grades will be dropped. Quizzes This semester we will have multiple in-class and take-home quizzes. These quizzes will be rapid assessments of your progress in the course. Quizzes may be written or clicker questions. Please make sure you bring your clicker to class each period so you can participate in the clicker questions. Make sure that your clicker is accurately registered to your PAWS account so you will get credit for your participation. If you change clickers during the semester, please let the instructor know to ensure that you continue to receive proper credit. At the end of the semester, 10% of quiz points will be dropped to accommodate students who may have missed class, been late to class, or forgotten to bring their quiz solution or clicker to class. Make-up Assignments Dropping the lowest exam and 10% of quiz points should render make-ups unnecessary. This policy is meant to cover such situations as flat tires, alarm clocks not going off, attending a road football game, breaking up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, having a bad day etc. Personal time off for family vacations, weddings, etc. is also included in this policy. A student who is ill should call his/her instructor before the exam is given. The University has a policy statement (PS-22, adopted 8/27/07) about excused absences from class. This class will follow PS-22 to determine when make-ups will be granted. It reads in part: Valid reasons for absences from class include: 1. Illness, 2. Serious family emergency, 3. Special curricular requirements such as judging trips or field trips, 4. Court-imposed legal obligations such as subpoenas or jury duty, 5. Military obligations, 6. Serious weather conditions, 7. Religious observances. See the interfaith calendar website (www.interfaithcalendar.org), 8. Participation in varsity athletic competitions or university musical events. The student is responsible for providing reasonable advance notification and appropriate documentation of the reason for the absence. Reference: PS-22. It may be accessed on the LSU website Inform the instructor as soon as you know you will miss an assignment for a reason stated above. Grading The majority of the credit on 2171 assignments is given for the correct approach. Few points will be subtracted for arithmetic-type errors. However, few or no points will be awarded when

the approach is incorrect or your work does not make sense. IN ALL CASES, SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK. IF ONLY A NUMERICAL ANSWER IS GIVEN, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY CREDIT FOR THE PROBLEM (UNLESS THAT IS ALL THAT IS REQUESTED). You may use any calculator on class quizzes and exams but not a cell phone. You may not share a calculator with someone else during an exam. Part of the course is gaining a feel for the magnitude of the numerical answer. It is important that you give the correct units with the answer on both homework and exams. Credit will be subtracted if you do not. Final grades will be calculated using the following formula: Quizzes Hourly Exams (3 @ 20% each) Final Exam 10% 60% 30%

The following are maximum letter-grade cutoffs for the class. A 90% B 80% C 70% D 60% F below 60% Grade Appeals All questions regarding the grading of any assignment/exam (other than points being added incorrectly) are handled exclusively through written request and will only be accepted within the first week after the assignment/exam is initially returned to the class (not necessarily the same day you pick yours up). To submit a regrade request, print/type your name on a separate sheet of paper and include a concise explanation of all your concerns/questions and JUSTIFY why you think you deserve additional credit. Staple this sheet to the front of your graded assignment/exam and resubmit it to your instructor during office hours or at the beginning/end of class. The assignment will be regraded in its entirety and returned to you within one week of resubmission. There is a formal process for appealing course grades, which is explained on page 80 of the LSU Catalog. Section Hopping This class has two sections, but you are required to attend the section in which you are registered. The clicker system will not recognize your response if you dont participate in your section, so you will not receive credit if you answer in the wrong section. Quizzes and exams turned in with the wrong section will not be accepted. Moodle Throughout the semester, you can get much information about ChE 2171 on the class Moodle site: http://moodle.lsu.edu

This site has places for discussion forums (help with homework!), class news, lecture notes, and assignments. If you forget the date of our next test, what problems are due, or lose a handout, please check the Moodle site for help. Almost no paper will be distributed in class so make sure you check Moodle frequently. Academic Dishonesty Unless otherwise stated, classroom assignments and examinations are to be completed on an individual basis. I encourage you to work in groups on homework assignments, but the work you turn in must be your own in your own handwriting. Group discussions are permitted but the actual engineering analyses and preparation of reports/assignments is the responsibility of each individual. Plagiarism, sharing clickers, and any other form of cheating cannot be tolerated. In accordance with the Code of Student Conduct, all matters concerning academic dishonesty or computer abuse will be turned over to the Dean of Students Office. See the following website for more information: http://appl003.lsu.edu/slas/dos.nsf/$Content/Code+of+Conduct?OpenDocument Respect This class will be enjoyable for all of us if we respect each others right to learn and all participate. Please dont talk on cell phones, text your pals, surf the internet, read the newspaper, have side conversations with friends, arrive late, leave early etc. Important Dates August 29 Last Day to Drop without a W August 31 Last Day to Add September 5 Labor Day Holiday (No class) September 21 Exam I October 11 Mid-term grades due October 14 Fall Holiday (No class) October 19 Exam II November 2 Exam III November 4 Last Day to Drop Course November 4 Last Day to Request Final Exam Reschedule November 21 Exam IV November 25 Thanksgiving Holiday (No class) November 30 Concentrated Study Period Begins December 7 Final Exam (Section 1) 12:30 PM 2:30 PM December 8 Final Exam (Section 2) 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Final exam day and time are set by LSU and are not changeable/negotiable

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