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Bacula Enterprise Edition

This document is intended to help users to install and try Bacula Enterprise Edition.

Bacula Systems White Paper

Version 0.9, August 23, 2011

This white paper presents the Bacula Enterprise Trial version and how to setup Bacula and Bweb Enterprise in less than 10 mins.

This paper will present solutions for Bacula Enterprise Edition 4.0 and later, which are not applicable to prior versions. Instructions are presented for Redhat Enterprise 5 and Ubuntu LTS Lucid. - Try Bacula Enterprise Edition


What is Bacula Enterprise?
Bacula Enterprise is a set of computer programs that permits the system administrator to manage backup, recovery, and verication of computer data across a network of computers of dierent kinds. Bacula can also run entirely upon a single computer and can backup to various types of media, including tape and disk. Bacula Enterprise provides the following key features:

Network Based
All backup and restores are done via the network. This permits Bacula to run on a single server and backup any computer in your data center.

Centralized Administration
Bacula administration is centralized in the Director. Centralizing the administration is essential when your network grows beyond one or two computers.

Runs Automatically
Once setup, Bacula runs automatically. Normally a properly congured Bacula installation requires little maintenance or intervention except when adding new machines or when hardware errors occur.

Performs Bookkeeping
Bacula does the hard bookkeeping by maintaining a catalog of what is backed up and where. If you have hundreds or thousands of machines to be backed up, it is essential that the bookkeeping is automatically maintained by a program rather than requiring human intervention.

Bacula is compatible with a wide range of platforms: *BSD, Unix, Linux, Win32, Mac OSX, and others as well as a large range of hardware.

Modular Design
Baculas modular design means it scales well from small shops (one machine) to very large ones (tens of thousands of machines). - Try Bacula Enterprise Edition


Multiple Backup Media

Bacula handles a variety of dierent media such as disk, tape, autochangers. There is no need for expensive Virtual Tape Libraries (VTL), Bacula knows how to write to disk out of the box.

Bacula includes advance tools for memory and lock management, it is very common to run it without problems months at a time.

High Performance
Baculas modern multi-threaded design allows running multiple simultaneous backups and can achieve speeds writing to a single LTO3 tape device of 150 Megabytes per second.

Bacula can be easily customized to almost any backup/restore need.

Rapid Restores
Easy and rapid restores using Baculas database and graphical user interface.

Advanced Reporting, Notication, Monitoring

Bacula has excellent reporting addons such as bweb, those tools permit to get graphical and raw statistics for custom reports, billings, trends, optimizations and capacity planning. Bacula provides very good notications and monitoring capabilities, and is also extremely well integrated to NagiosOpen Source monitoring tool.

Open Source
(AGPLV3). No lock-in. You can see and modify what the code does. - Try Bacula Enterprise Edition


Getting Started with Bacula Enterprise
2.1 Using Redhat Enterprise

If your system is connected to Internet, you can congure YUM and install packages and dependencies automatically.


Prepare your System

The setup package allows you to congure your system with Bacula Systems repositories. Go on, select your operating system, then download and install the bacula-enterprise-setup package. It can be done as root with: root# URL= root# wget $URL/bacula-enterprise-setup.rpm root# rpm -ivh bacula-enterprise-setup.rpm


Install Bacula Enterprise

Once YUM is properly congured with the setup package, you can install Bacula Enterprise Trial version with the following command: root# yum install bacula-enterprise-demo Its also possible to use the Redhat graphic package manager for these operations.


Using Ubuntu LTS

To be able to use APT, you need to install the support for https. $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https Then, you can add the Bacula Systems repository to your /etc/apt/sources. list: deb lucid main deb lucid bweb Once done, you can install the demo version with: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install bacula-enterprise-demo - Try Bacula Enterprise Edition



Getting Started
Starting Bacula Enterprise

Once installed, Bacula Enterprise should be running and start automatically on boot, however, to stop or restart Bacula Enterprise daemons, you can use the following commands: root# /opt/bacula/scripts/bacula start or per component (bacula-fd, bacula-sd, bacula-dir), use: root# service bacula-fd restart To check that Bacula Enterprise is properly installed, you can run the bconsole tool: root# /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole Connecting to Director localhost.localdomain:9101 1000 OK: localhost.localdomain-dir Version: 4.0.7 (16 Jun 2011) Enter a period to cancel a command. * If your server has a graphical interface installed, you can run bat and get graphical console, just execute bat To get started with Bacula Enteprise, you can follow this tutorial http://www.


BWeb Enterprise GUI

BWeb Enterprise is a web application that uses a web server such as Apache or Lighttpd. By default, BWeb Enterprise Trial version will be available on the 9180/tcp port of your server, pointing your web browser to http://localhost: 9180/ You may have to start the service by yourself with the following command as bacula user: bacula$ /opt/bweb/etc/starthttpd - Try Bacula Enterprise Edition


Supported Systems
This list may help you to nd the appropriate code for your system. Code rhel5-32 rhel5-64 rhel4-32 rhel4-64 rhel6-64 lucid-32 lucid-64 lenny-32 lenny-64 squeeze-64 Corresponding Operating System Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.x 32 bit Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.x 64 bit Redhat Enterprise Linux 4.x 32 bit Redhat Enterprise Linux 4.x 64 bit Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.x 64 bit Ubuntu Lucid 10.4 LTS 32 bit Ubuntu Lucid 10.4 LTS 64 bit Debian Lenny 5.0 32 bit Debian Lenny 5.0 64 bit Debian Squeeze 6.0 64 bit - Try Bacula Enterprise Edition


For More Information

For more information on Bacula Enterprise Edition, or any part of the broad Bacula Systems services portfolio, visit php/component/artforms/?formid=1

Bacula Systems Corporate Headquarters Rue Galile 5 CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains Switzerland Phone: +41 21 641 6080

Rev : 299 V. 0.9 Authors EBL - Try Bacula Enterprise Edition


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