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This is my idea of the 'ultimate' Rogue build: someone who can utilize all traps, pop very difficult

locks, find any trap in the game, and be able to use his skills, even in combat, without fail. It's somewhat of a concept/roleplaying build as well as an attempt to be effective in combat. He takes a bunch of epic skill foci feats, which (for the hardcore powergaming among you) can be switched for others if you choose. Skill Mastery is included in this build to get the 'take 20' in combat situations, as this is in keeping with the build concept. This guy would be great in a party situation, but should also be able to solo, if played with the proper tactics. I had a nifty little story to post with him, but it got nuked by mistake and I'm too lazy to rewrite it. Oh well... Ultimate Rogue Rogue 25/FTR 10/HS 5 Human, any non-evil Playable from 1 to 40, PvM. STR 10 DEX 18 (32) CON 14 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 8 1 )Rogue1: Knockdown/ Blind Fight 2 )FTR1: Weapon Finesse 3 )FTR2: Iron Will/ Weapon Focus:Short Sword* 4 )Rogue2: DEX (19) 5 )Rogue3 6 )FTR3: Two Weapon Fighting 7 )Rogue4 8 )FTR4: Ambidexterity/ DEX (20) 9 )FTR5: Weapon Specialization:Short Sword 10)Rogue5 11)Rogue6 12)Rogue7: Improved Two Weapon Fighting/ DEX (21) 13)FTR6: Improved Knockdown 14)Rogue8 15)Rogue9: Stealthy 16)FTR7: DEX (22) 17)Rogue10: Improved Evasion 18)Rogue11: Alertness 19)Rogue12 20)Rogue 13: Defensive Roll/ DEX (23) 21)FTR8: Epic Weapon Focus/ Epic Weapon Specialization 22)Rogue14 23)Rogue15 24)Rogue16: GRT DEX I (24)/ Epic Skill Focus:Hide/ DEX (25) 25)HS1: Epic Skill Focus:Move Silently 26)Rogue17 27)Rogue18: Epic Dodge 28)Rogue19: Skill Mastery / DEX (26) 29)FTR9 30)FTR10: GRT DEX II (27)/ Epic Prowess 31)HS2 32)HS3: DEX (28) 33)Rogue20: Epic Skill Focus:UMD 34)Rogue21: 35)Rogue22 36)HS4: GRT DEX III (29)/ DEX (30) 37)Rogue23 38)Rogue24: Epic Skill Focus:Open Lock 39)HS5: GRT DEX IV (31)/ Epic Skill Focus:Discipline 40)Rogue25: DEX (32) *or mace.

Naked AC: 29 AB: +41 (+39 when dual-wielding) Max HPs: 360 Skills (modified): Discipline: 42 (52) Disable Trap: 34 (38) Hide: 43 (66) Lore: 8 (10) Move Silently: 43 (66) Open Lock: 43 (64) Persuade: 9 (8) Search: 41 (43) Set Trap: 32 (45) Spellcraft: 13 (15) Tumble: 40 (51) UMD: 41 (50) Saves (vs spells): Fort: 21 (24) Refl: 31 (34) Will: 17 (20) +7 vs traps (Deneir's Eye + Uncanny Dodge) +2 on all saves for 5 turns 1x/day (Tymora's Smile) +2 vs mind spells (Lliira's Heart) 13d6 sneak damage. He can Set and Disable all traps, even in combat, without failure. He can open locks without tools of DC 84. He can boost his DEX from +4 to +10 with only what he has available himself (Brew Potion and the stacking Cat's Grace spell). This will help his lowish AB when dual-wielding. As well, his high Hide and MS should allow him to get into position for the +2 flanking bonus on his first strike. When Hasted, his first strike will have the potential to deliver 39d6 sneak damage plus his EWS bonus. He has enough UMD to pretty much use anything he finds. Epic Dodge allows him to ignore the first successful hit of each round. He doesn't have much STR, so his carrying capacity is limited. As well, he'll have big problems against sneak-immune mobs if he's forced to go toe-to-toe, but that's what his trap skills and UMD are for. There are some save concerns as well, but again, the UMD should help mitigate some of these.

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