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Imaging Opportunities in SAP Modules

Session 405

Why we Image

Advantages to a Paperless Office

Any number of users can access and process a document at the same time, from different location Much Lower Storage costs, Virtually no floor storage costs, or personnel costs involved in filing and retrieving documents Electronic Documents can be crossed referenced when theyre filed. There not limited to 2 dimensional filing Disaster Recovery- Documents are automatically backed up (probably at different locations) Electronic Documents are available for use in SAP workflows Electronic Documents are faster and easier to produce for audits They automatically adhere to system configured retention policies.

Reduce Floor Space

9.1 GB WORMS Less 10 % for Notes & Annotations 8.2 GB Reserved for Images. 1 Page Image at 200 dpi 20 to 50 KB depending on Graphics. Roughly 204,750 per WORM using a 40 KB per image average. How does that measure up 41 Cases of Copier Paper, or 1 skid. 85 compressed liner Feet of paper. At a minimum that would be 5 4 Draw 4 deep filing cabinets, realistically 10-15 filing cabinets. A typical Juke box contains 32-64 WORM slots, with the largest containing 250+. EMC Centra Tera bytes and expandable

Reduce Floor Space

Roughly 204,750 per WORM using a 40 KB per image average without compression

Fun but Costly Facts On Average 19 copies are made of every document* $20 in labor to file/retrieve/store a document* 7.5 % of all documents are lost (1 in 20)*
* Source: Coopers & Lybrand/Lawrence Livermore

Typical Landscape

Typical Configuration
ARCHIVE aka Content Server






Scan Client Fax-Server

Basic Background

What is Optical Archiving?

Storage of NCI and CI data on optical media

CI = Coded Information (computer generated documents) NCI = Non Coded Information (e.g. scanned incoming invoices) WORM disks (Write Once Read Multiple)- Most common MO disks (Magneto Optical) (Not recommended) CD-R (Compact Disc Recordable) (Not recommended)

Optical Media

Inexpensive media for large quantities of data that will not change Hard Disk is also an option, however, in some cases the media is not permanent.

Document Types / logical Archives

Document types have several functions:
Document types are used to describe the actual image. Document types act as pointers to different logical archives. Workitems are routed to the appropriate processor via Document types in the Early Archiving scenario. Document type can also specify the appropriate SAP transaction code or Info Type to launch. Security can be based on Document Type.

Logical Archives
Different retention periods require different logical archives. Different Logical Archives can be associated with different types of Media. For Example: A1 = WORM A2 = Hard Disk.

Document Document type type Archive document Archive document ID ID SAP object SAP object identification identification Key Fields Key Fields 1000 CoCode 1000 CoCode 1900000000 Doc # 1900000000 Doc # 2002 Fiscal Yr 2002 Fiscal Yr Logical Archive ID Logical Archive ID

What can be archived?

Incoming Documents Outgoing Documents Printlist Desktop document

Common Incoming Documents and SAP objects

FI Documents BKPF / BUS2081 Vendor Invoices Correspondence Sales Orders VBAK(BUS2008) Customer Purchase Orders Delivery LIKP Signed Bills of Lading Vendor Master LFA1 Contracts Customer Master KNA1 Contracts Terms Credit Application Material Master MKPF CAD Drawings MSDS Sheets HR Documentation PREL Entire Personnel folder Travel & Expenses BUS2089/Travel Trip report and Expenses Service Orders Service Order Sign off Customer Invoices VBRK Customer Checks and remittance Real Estate Master Contracts Fixed Asset Master Vendor Invoices Manuals and Contracts Purchase Orders BUS2012/EKKO Receiving documentation Purchase Order Request Material Document Receiving Documentation WBS Elements BUS2001

Common Outgoing Documents and their SAP objects

Sales Order Confirmation Delivery Notes Shipments Requests for Quotation (RFQ) Purchase Orders *
BUS2012 (EKKO)

Packing Slips Payment Notices Payment Advice Notes Payment Medium Dunning Notices

Outline Agreement Customer Invoices Checks Account Statements

*Requires OSS

Printlist = archive report

Printlists = Any Report in SAP Allows multiple departments/individuals simultaneous access to reports Curbs redundant efforts/system strain Can be hyperlink-enabled to allow one-click access to archived document images

Office documents in R3?

The following can be linked directly to an R3 object in either the native format, Email messages (Lotus and Exchange) Word Documents Excel Spreadsheets Visio diagrams PowerPoint presentations/slides Adobe PDFs Text documents

Archiving Scenarios
6 Different Archiving Scenarios Examples of Late Archiving Early Archiving Late Archiving with bar code Outgoing documents Printlist Office documents

How do we get them archived?

Two most common ways to get Information to the Archive Server: Paper Documents can be scanned or faxed into the SCAN client. The Scan Client interfaces with SAP and is used to archive the document into SAP. Electronic documents- such as Emails and Desktop documents can be kept in their native format and archived from the Desktop without using the SCAN Client.

How do we get them archived?

Three Most Common SAP Archiving scenarios: Late Archiving- Uses Indexing fields to link image to existing document. Early Archiving- Uses workflow to route images to processors. Once process the image is linked to the newly created R3 document. Late Archiving with Barcode- Uses Barcodes to link image to previously created R3 document:

The other Archiving Scenarios

Store for Assignment later- Workflow is used to route images to be assigned. (No SAP object is created) Store for Entry- This is the same as the old Simultaneous archiving. This is used typically for confidential documents. A workflow routed to the user who scanned in the document. Not used very often. Store and Assign- This is the same as Late archiving except that it uses Workflow. This is not used at all.

Aspects of Archiving scenario classification

Task to be executed upon archived document (The What)
Enter = Enter document content in R/3 application
Initiates a new workflow-controlled business process within SAP R/3 Archived document is linked automatically


= Link (assign) archived document to existing R/3 object

Object is not modified

Coupling between archiving and task execution (The When)

Immediate = Executed by the person who archived the document Later = Task is loosely coupled to archiving

Executed by another person (R/3 user) At a later point of time, on the users explicit request (= workitem execution)

Scenarios overview
Task Enter
Task coupling

Store for assignment later

Other person

Store for entry later

(old: Early archiving)

Imme -diate
Same person

Store and enter

(old: Simultaneous archiving)

Store and assign

Assign and store

(old: Late archiving)

Old, new, and newest scenario naming schemes

SAP R/3 4.54.6B
Store for entry later Store for assignment later Store and enter Store and assign Assign and store

SAP 4.6C and above

Storing for subsequent entry Storing for subsequent assignment Store and enter (Storing and entering) Store and assign (Storing and assigning) Assign then store (Assigning then storing)

SAP R/3 4.0 and Older

Early archiving with Workflow N/A Simultaneous archiving N/A Late archiving

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Late Archiving
Very Simple to use and very easy to configure Normally its set up for every project as a back up or catch all It does not change you business process at all (Except maybe the filing) Draw backs Key fields must be known or looked up It does become tedious, thus lending itself to key stroke errors- aka miss indexing

New Feature: The Link button allow the user to link the same image to multiple SAP documents

Early Archiving

Storing for subsequent entry

More complicated then Late archiving Most commonly used in A/P and for incoming Sales Orders. Uses SAPs Workflow (TS30001128), so Workflow needs to be initialized An Org structure may have to be used Allows for ad hoc approval process, and reporting on End-user processing. Drawbacks All the above and end user training

1 - Scan Station Paper Scanned

Receiving/Processing Department


2 Image Assigned User assigns image to a SAP Document type


Content Repository


Work Item Created Archive Image Work item created and Image assigned Archive ID and stored electronically routed to appropriate on Jukebox SAP Inbox

4 Process Work Item Work item executed, image is viewed and SAP transaction is created

Hint: Mass Archive Button will take everything in the Scanner

Late Archiving With Bar Code

High and low volumes Does not change the existing process Used when storage is key ROI, not improved business process. Very little training End user favorite, since there is no indexing Scanning is much more efficient Drawbacks Need to manage bar codes

Customize barcode entry for object type / document type

Application Specific Customizing required for Financial Documents (OABD) Logistic Invoice Verification Sales Orders (VNOP) Goods Receipts

Bar Code Facts

Free Demo software from Avery Label available on the web at Typical Barcode type or Font
2/5 Interleaved numeric with/without a check digit (Last digit validates all the preceding digits)

Box of Avery Labels #5267 about $28.00 usd at Staples. 1 Box contains 100 sheets/8000 labels.
Works out to be .0035 cents per label or 10 for 3.5 cents.

Scan Client workstation does not require the SAP GUI for Archiving. Separator pages are not required, Thus increasing Scanning thruput, and decreasing document prep time. Individual document indexing/categorizing is eliminated. Doesnt change the existing business process, therefore minimum training

Outgoing Documents
Snap shot in time Saves on Processing time. Used heavily as a Data Archiving Retrieval Strategy.

Snap shot in time Saves on Processing time within SAP, and Office Printers. Saves trees and toner Used as a report distribution tool Used heavily as a Data Archiving Retrieval Strategy.

HyperLinks Underlined Information refers to other Archived Document

Office Documents
Office documents can be uploaded from any workstation, trigging any archiving scenario

Hint: No Spaces in file Path, Spaces in File name is OK

Back file process

Defined as scanning documents that have already been posted, sometimes referred to as the historical load. Will this be Phase I or time permitting- relative to the new process? Time consuming: document prep, actual scanning and quality control, and indexing. Temps have been used in the past The more the document types that you have in the Back file process, the longer the process takes (exponentially). Some customers choose not to do it.

Future Process..Some Questions?

How are we going to proceed from this point forward?
Where do the document originate? Who is processing these documents? Will there be more then 1 scanning location, or will it be centralized? What Scenarios will be used? Late archiving with Barcode has several advantages, over straight late archiving. What will happen to the documents after they are scanned? What procedure should be initiated if a document needs to be rescanned some time after the initial scan?

Things to Consider
The less document types to be archived, the faster the historical Scanning and indexing process is. Dont underestimate the amount of time for document prep work.
Staples are killers- They increase prep time, increase double scanner feeds and if scanned, destroy scanners. Consider the size and thickness of your documents.

What are you going to do with the historical documents after they are archived?
Will they be destroyed? Will they be boxed up in the order in which they were scanned and retained for a few months?

Some Common OSS Notes

OSS Notes Note # OSS Descriptions SAP Version

0304541 0350578 0352927 0557481 0598073 0607400 0383496 0115909

SAP object change EKKO to BUS2012 SAP object change MKPF to BUS2017 Image not attached to workitem Can not change the workitem scenario GOS button not available in VA02 Link is not written to SAP object at Posting Link is not written to SAP object at Posting Changing workitem results in error status

4.6 4.6 4.6x-? ? 4.7 4.7


Things to Consider - Scanners

Through-Put: Expressed as PPM (Pages per minute). Usually expressed as landscaped, but most users scan Portrait. ADF (Automatic Document Feeder): Typically 50-100 pages is common. Stay away from machines that do not have an ADF, or which charge extra for one. Optional Flat Bed: Just like a copier, it allows one to scan small or damaged documents. Page Thickness: What is maximum page a scanner will feed? Price? Better to have 2-3 identical departmental scanners then one large production scanner. This way it allows of flexibility in scanning locations as well as allowing for a back up or training scanner.

Some R/3 tables for ArchiveLink

Customizing tables
TOAVE TOAAR TOAOM TOAPR TOA0103 Document type definitions Logical archive definitions Document type / logical archive linkage Presettings for document archiving with workflow for documents associated with R/3 data records (objects)

Link tables
Can be used interchangeably Multiple similar tables in order to distribute storage load to multiple database tablespaces


for documents associated with HR objects for print lists; different structure Open barcodes of R/3 objects Open barcodes of stored documents

Administrative tables

Session Code: 405

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