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Real time astronomy 1969 meltdown of NASA

My name is Joe Nahhas founder of real time physics and astronomy July 21 1969 Abstract: Almost everything modern and Nobel space agencies said about space is all wrong because space agencies scientists measure/measured wrong. NASA European space Agency and all others use a celestial sphere for sky maps of the Universe. The celestial sphere is a visual illusion due to Earth's spin and 500 years of modern and Nobel science is past due for meltdown and first 3 of 100 incontestable proofs that not only the celestial sphere is a visual illusion but the "atomic structure " is modern and Nobel "error" are the subject of this article and I dare all to prove any wrong. I am not the scientist to beat I am real time scientist and real time science is nature caught naked copied printed and published in self evident mathematical equations that no one can beat and beats all. I am real person in real space in real time in real fight with modern and Nobel. Modern and Nobel physics and astronomy are based on time travel and time travel is not physics astronomy or any science. I am not saying that modern and Nobel science and scientists are apes science and scientists to say the least but dumb apes science and scientists to be exact. Page 1

First Proof: Real time astronomy solution of Earth's spin - effect of axial tilt illusion

In July 21, 1969 at age 11 and after graduating from 5th grade and on the same day a man landed a foot on the moon I watched Apollo 11 take off and disappear into the skies on its way to the moon and then saw Neil Armstrong land human's first step on the moon. I wondered how someone sees and measures distances in space and how someone sees and measures sizes of objects in space. Apollo 11 rocket looked like it is shrinking in size while moving up into the skies; not as if the rocket shrunk in size but as if the rocket visual changed in size indication a different location and not a different size. Apollo 11 looked similar to a moving car moving away and shrinking in size. I realized that objects location and size has to do with how we see things (eye as an instrument). I imagined two snap shot of Apollo 11 at different distances A and B. At snap shot distance A Apollo 11 looked like it has a size C, and at snaps shot distance B Apollo 11 looked like it has a shrunk size D as shown below: C

Eye ------------------------------ A ------------------------------ B

I asked myself the question: how A, B, C, and D are related?

1 = 1 is self evident; 2 = 2 is self evident; A = A is self evident If A = A; add and subtract B; then A = B + (A - B) Page 2

Divide by B; then (A/B) = 1 + (A - B)/B Multiply by C; then (A/B) C = C + [(A - B)/B] C Also D = D; add and subtract C; then D = C + (D - C) Comparing Equation - 1 and Equation - 2 (A/B) C = D; or, AC = BD C=C D - C = [(A - B)/B] The answer is AC = BD = is how distances A and B related to sizes C and D And D - C = [(A - B)/B] C = visual contraction of C when moved from A to B AC = BD = actual distance x actual size = visual distance x visual size = constant The initial condition solution to AC = BD is: A = B and C = D Nature's measurement law is: (A/B) C = C + [(A - B)/B] C In motion = actual + visual effects Progressive = static + visual effects (3/2) mc2 = (1/2) mc2 + visual illusion {[(3/2) - (1/2)] mc2 = mc2} The Scientific method said: If theory matches experiment, then science is correct. If theory = measured In motion = actual + measured data In motion = actual + science theory Science theory actual D - C = Modern and Nobel science = relativistic = visual Illusion called modern and Nobel science! Conclusion: If science theory matches science experiment then science is all wrong Page 3 Equation - 1 Equation - 1 Equation - 2

AC = BD = constant = actual distance x actual size AC = BD = k; Taking BD = k Differentiating with respect to time Then d B/ d t + d D/ d t = d k/ d t = 0 And d B/ d t = - d D/ d t = + ; method of separation of variables B = B0 e (
+i +i t) = t)


+i +i

t) t) +i t)

D = D0 e - (

= Ce (

A real number C has a visual complex number D = C e ( Or Natural Transform: e ( Translation = e ; rotation = e i
+i t t)

=e ei

= translation + rotation

All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m at a location r. The state of any objects in the Universe S = m r. Take S = m r and make the first measurement S0. A measurement is freezing or a snap shot and S0 is a number and equal to a constant k. S0 = m r = k And m r = k = constant, solve the equation using separation of variables method Take the derivative And d (m r)/d t = d k/d t = 0; Or, d (m r)/d t = d k/d t = 0 And (d m/ d t) r + m (d r/ d t) = 0 Or (d m/ d t) r = - m (d r/ d t) Separating r from m is like dividing with m r And (1/m) (d m/ d t) = - (1/r) (d r/ d t) = (+/-) ( + ) Then, m = m0 e ( Or, m = m0 e - (
+ )t

and r = r0 e - (

+ ) t -------------------------------------

+ )t

and r = r0 e (

+ ) t -------------------------------------


Note: All data in this article is from NASA or CODATA Page 4

Distance forward equation in real time is r = r0 e - ( Distance backward equation in real time is r = r0 e ( S = m r = m0 e ( (Cosine (Cosine (Cosine
+ )t

+ )t

+ )t

r0 e - (

+ )t

= m0 r0 = m1 r1= m3 r4 = m4 r4 = Etc

t) + sine t) - sine t) + sine

+ )t

t) e = e (

+ )t

t) e - = e - (

+ )t

t) e (Cosine and r = r0 e - (

t) - sine

t) e - = e (

+ )t


+ )t=

Then, m = m0 e ( Or, m = m0 e - (

+ ) t -------------------------------------

+ )t

and r = r0 e (

+ ) t -------------------------------------


Equation I mean: Earth's spin e


will produce equal and opposite visual tilt e -

Equation II mean: Earth's spin e -


will produce equal and opposite visual tilt e

1 - Earth's spin deviate data by 2 ; modern and Nobel uses an inverse square law and the data deviates by 1/ (2 ) and vertical tilt will produce a celestial sphere tilt angle sine -1 [1/ (2 )]; using Lab clock of 24 hours = Ts = 48600 second instead of Earth's clock Te = 86164 seconds [NASA's Earth Data] will change the value of the angle to tilt angle (Ts/ Te) sine -1 [1/ (2 )]. Measuring in air and not in vacuum will change the value of the tilt angle (1/n a); n a = 1.000293 = air index of refraction Tilt angle t = (1/n a) (Ts/ Te) sine -1 [1/ (2 )] = 23.44 arc degree

= Exact value given by NASA of 23.44 arc degree If planet Mercury angular velocity Where
' 0 ' 0

given in arc seconds per century is to be measured:

= (2 /T m) (180/ ) (100 x 1 year/T m) x (3600) = 70.75 arc sec per century

T m = 88 days = 88 x 86400 second; 1 year = 365.26 days; 100 years = 36526 days Then an error of (1 - sine 23.44)
' = 0

43 arc second per century

Celestial sphere error 1: (1/n a) (Ts/ Te) sine -1 [1/ (2 )] = 23.440 Page 5

Proof two: Real time astronomy spherical measurements Modern and Nobel spherical errors are (8 /15) = (4 / 3) (2/5) The (4 / 3) is from spherical volume And (2/5) is from spherical moment of inertia Light visual incident and reflected of a sphere is not the same as light incident on and reflected of a plane and the light incident of a sphere should be tracing a circle. This fact had been known since 10th century by Abbasid era Arab and Persian physicists and astronomers in their description of fire sphere where ball and not lens were used to make fires like fire is/ can be started with a lens.

A circle has a circumference of 2 and the moment of inertia of a sphere is (2/5) mr2. The error in visualizing light from a celestial object is 1 / (2 ). The spring method used where an error of 2/5 is multiplied, then the total error 1/ (2 ) (2/5) = 5/4 . The vertical projection angle of light coming from a celestial object like the Sun would be measured in modern and Nobel terms as an error of axial tilt and not an actual tilt. Also, sine -1 (5/4 ) = 23.44617328. The index of refraction of air is n a = 1.000293 And sine -1 (5/4 ) /n a = 23.4393; Time was not used Celestial sphere error 2: (1/ n a) sine -1 (5/4 ) = 23.4393 Page 6

Proof three: Real time atmospheric gravity solution Pressure P is defined as force/area = F/A; P = F/A; the mass of the atmosphere is m = 5.1352 0.00031018 kg and the force of the atmosphere F = m g; g = atmospheric acceleration or standard acceleration = 9.80665 meters/second. The atmospheric pressure around Earth is 101.3kP = 101300 Pascal; The area of a sphere like Earth is 2 x x r2 =2 x x 6371, 0002 meters2; r = radius of Earth = 6371,000 meters. Force F = mg =5.1352 1018 x 9.80665 Pressure P =101300 Area A = 2 x x 6371, 0002 x 6371, 0002

P = F/A = 5.1352 1018 x 9.80665/ 2 x = 197461.74 but P = 101300 197461.74/101300 =1.949276407

Measurements are made with distance and not distance squared and that means the error is square root of 1.949276407 where measurement shift is done wrong. The square root of 1.949276407 is 1.396164892 and the shift is by the amount of 1.396164892 - 1 = 0.396164892 and sine-1 (0.396164892) = 23.33865407 by Earth's recording time. In human recording time period Ts = 24 hours = 86400 seconds and divide by Earth's recording time period Te = 86164 seconds squared. (23.33865407)(Ts/Te) 2. Newton's law: F = G m M/r2 Where F = force between two objects with masses m and M and r is the distance between their centers and G the proportionality constant with state of the art measurement of 6.6729 x 10-11 with experimental error of +/-0.0005 [1] Measurement techniques volume 39, No.10, 1996 Measurement of the gravitational constant using torsion balance O.V. Karagioz; V.P.Izmailov; UDC 528.27; G = (6.6729 +/- 0.0005) x 10-11 G =1/ (8 x /15) Te2 na2 d a; or, G =1/ (8 x Page 7 /15) Te2
a 2

Where Cavendish made a spherical error of (4 x

/3) and moment of inertia

error of (2/5) and (4 x /3) (2/5) and an index of refraction squared error na2 = 1.0002932. G has a unit [1/d a, Te2]; d a = air density = 1.2041; a is air permittivity = 1.00058986 The index of refraction squared error na2 = 1.0002932 is the error that would be attached to (23.33865407) (Ts/Te) 2 na2 = (23.33865407) (86400/86164)

1.0002932 = 23.439

P = F/A = me (Earth's mass) g e/A e = area (Earth's area) P = 5.1352 1018 x 9.80665/ 2 x x 6371, 0002

P = 197461.74 kilo Pascal and P0 = 101300 kilo Pascal = normal atmospheric pressure Or (Ts/Te)

na2 sine-1 (P/P0) = 1.0002932 (86400/86164)


sine-1 (P/P0)

Celestial sphere error 3: (Ts/Te)

na2 sine-1(me g e/A e) Page 8

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