Creating HR Report Category in PNP Logical Database

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1. Create a program using the transaction SE38.

Provide the logical database name as PNP. Click on SAVE. 2. Then again follow this menu path--->GOTO---->ATTRIBUTES

3. Click on the button HR report category to use the existing report category.

Select the radio button Master Data (Infotypes)

How to create the HR report category 1. Click on HR report category Give name of the HR report category to be create like ____0001(4 underscores 3 zeros 1) here follow the standards for creating the HR report category. To create new HR report category, click on new entries

Give the report category name : ____0002 (this is an example ) Description : this is test report category

Then save it under a transport request. Click on allowable selection criteria--->choose enter----> new entries

Get the fields from select option field with F4 help and give the values to be appeared in the selection screen of the LDB you want.

Save it.

How to use the report category in the LDB If the report category is space, it means there is nothing given in the HR report category.

The output screen will be like this...with more field options

If the report category is _____000 (5 underscores 3 zeros no gap) No LDB selection screen is displayed. It shows a clear screen.

The output screen will be like this...

_____001 (5 underscores 2 zeros 1 no gap) only personnel number with out search help

_____003 (5 underscores 2 zeros 3 no gap) personnel number, Employment status, Payroll area, Pers.area/subarea/cost center

This is a simple program for understanding the PNP LDB... with report category _____001. report zpnpldb . INFOTYPES: 0001. tables : pernr . GET PERNR. PROVIDE * FROM P0001 BETWEEN PN-BEGDA AND PN-ENDDA. WRITE: / P0001-PERNR, P0001-STELL, P0001-BEGDA, P0001-ENDDA. ENDPROVIDE. TABLES: PERNR. INFOTYPES: 0001. GET PERNR. RP_PROVIDE_FROM_LAST P0001 SPACE PN-BEGDA PN-ENDDA . IF PNP-SW-FOUND = 1. WRITE: / PERNR-PERNR, P0001-STELL, PN-BEGDA, PN-ENDDA. ELSE. REJECT. ENDIF. This is a simple program for understanding the PNP LDB... with report category space or with no report category. report zpnpldb . tables : pernr . INFOTYPES: 2001 MODE N. initialization . *pnpbegda = sy-datum - 30 . *pnpendda = sy-datum . pnppernr-sign = 'I'. pnppernr-option = 'EQ' . pnppernr-low = '1000'. append pnppernr. pnppernr-low = '1001'. append pnppernr. pnppernr-low = '1002'. append pnppernr. pnppernr-low = '1003'. append pnppernr. start-of-selection .

GET PERNR. RP_READ_ALL_TIME_ITY PN-BEGDA PN-ENDDA. LOOP AT P2001. WRITE: / p2001-pernr , p2001-begda, p2001-endda, P2001-ABWTG. ENDLOOP. end-of-selection .

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