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Geopolitics | Global

Issues Which Keep Me Awake At Night: Updated Preliminary Outlook 2012


Alastair Newton
Senior Political Analyst
+44 20 7102 3940

2 December 2011
ANY AUTHORS NAMED ON THIS REPORT ARE RESEARCH ANALYSTS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED See Disclosure Appendix A1 for the Analyst Certification and Other Important Disclosures. Nomura International plc


presentation briefly updates main points in our politics Outlook for 2012, a year throughout which we again expect markets to be buffeted by politics and policy. Changes from the Outlook we launched on 23 November are in italics for ease of reference. So great is the political uncertainty and related risk in the EU and the US in particular between now and end-2011 that we anticipate updating this outlook at least once more into January. We again focus in particular on what we currently see as the 'top five' political/geopolitical issues from a financial markets perspective. The order of 'issues' reflects our subjective judgment of the importance of each to market participants: and the number in brackets the ranking of each issue in our 2011 Mid-Year Review. As for the calendar of political events (also updated since 23 November), we look to update this at regular intervals throughout the year ahead.

Key Judgments

presentation summarises what we currently see as the top ten political/geopolitical issues from a financial markets perspective, the top four of which either already do or could pose a global economic threat, in our view:

Eurozone: With the threat to the euro greater now, in our view, than it has been at any time since the crisis started, we believe that the ECB will be forced to go down the quantitative easing (QE) route in 2012 (Issue #1). United States: Fiscal gridlock in election year now poses a real threat to US growth prospects (Issue #2). MENA: Events remain consistent with our view that there will be a protracted period of political turmoil and uncertainty across the region, supportive of the oil price (Issue #3). China: We believe that Chinas leaders will do everything they can to ensure a smooth economic trajectory through to the completion of the handover of power from the 4th to the 5th generation leadership in March 2013 (Issue #4).

1. EU 'Winter Of Discontent': Act 4 Close To The Edge (2)


at the European Parliament on 1 December, ECB President Mario Draghi called for a eurozone fiscal compact and implied, in our view, that this could open the way for more robust intervention in bond markets by the ECB.* However, French President Nicolas Sarkozy's speech that evening, while supporting greater financial integration, highlighted France's reluctance to surrender more sovereignty (which fiscal union would, in our view, involve). We believe that this remains a potential major stumbling block between Berlin and Paris noting that on 2 December German Chancellor Angela Merkel again promised the Bundestag concrete steps towards fiscal union. Ms Merkel also underlined again German opposition to eurobonds consistent, in our view, with Septembers constitutional court ruling that fiscal sovereignty is an integral part of German democracy. Furthermore, although both leaders reiterated that the way ahead would be lengthy, we consider that early substantive progress, eg at the 9 December European Council meeting, essential to calming financial markets.
__________________________________________ * See 'Endgame', Nomura Economics Research, 25 November 2011

1. EU: Winter of Discontent: Act 5 Back From The Brink?


this backdrop of continuing uncertainty: We see the 5 December Merkel/Sarkozy pre-European Council summit as potentially critical to finding compromises which will facilitate tighter and enforceable fiscal coordination in the eurozone; We believe that steps in this direction could be accelerated via an intergovernmental agreement among the 17 eurozone members, rather than solely relying on lengthy and hazardous EU treaty amendments; Nevertheless, we doubt that the ECB would confirm any significant shift on its part until after the 9 December European Council meeting at the earliest. Furthermore, with Germany seemingly prioritising fiscal prudence and structural reform, the eurozone looks set for deepening civil unrest in stressed peripherals and a swelling backlash in northern Europe against bail-outs.

Some Key Upcoming Dates For Europe

2011 5 Dec: 5 Dec: 8 Dec: 7 Dec: 9 Dec: 17 Dec: 20 Dec: 22 Dec: 2012 Early 2012: 22 Jan: 19 Feb: Late Feb: 1-2 March: March: 22 Apr:

Italy: Cabinet approval of proposed deficit-cutting and reform measures Merkel/Sarkozy pre-European Council summit ECB Governing Council meeting Greece: Parliamentary vote on the 2012 budget European Council meeting Germany: outcome of FDP motion to reject the law establishing the ESM Spain: Manual Rajoy to be sworn in as prime minister ECB Governing Council and General Council meetings Formal approval by eurozone parliaments of establishment of the ESM Finland: Presidential election (with a possible second round on 5 Feb) Greece: proposed date of general election Quarterly Troika mission to assess Greeces progress with reform European Council meeting Spain: Andalusia regional parliamentary elections France: Presidential election (with a possible second round on 6 May)

2. United States: Fiscal Gridlock, Election Uncertainty (1)


short-term possible consequences of the congressional Super Committees failure to reach agreement on recommendations for USD 1.2trn of deficit cuts are: Congress may fail to agree to extend the emergency jobless benefits and the payroll tax holiday, due to expire on 31 December, which could shave up to about 0.8pp off GDP growth in 2012; and Moodys could downgrade the US credit rating if political gridlock persists. Irrespective, fiscal policy is now set to be centre stage of the 6 November general election and voters could be faced with a superficial, simplistic and sound-bite-based but clear choice between: President Obamas pledge to tax millionaires and billionaires and protect entitlements, on the one hand; and A fiscally conservative, shrink government Republican nominee, on the other. This could encourage the emergence of a credible independent centrist candidate, adding further uncertainty to the election outcome.

3. MENA: Protests, Potentates (3)


'Arab Spring' has proved, as we have consistently forecast, to be protracted and far from linear in its progress (a situation we expect to prevail for several years). However, the situation on the ground continues to evolve. Notably: Although elections in Tunisia went off remarkably smoothly, the process in Egypt is already being disrupted by large scale civil unrest, demanding that the military speed up the transfer to democratic rule; Increasing internal and external pressure leads us to believe that the al Assad regime in Syria is likely to collapse within a few months at most; Libya is moving gradually towards elections with prospects improved by a boost in oil output back to 600,000bpd despite persistent security concerns; In Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh has stepped down for now at least, clearing the way for elections on 21 February; Although the government in Bahrain has admitted to the use of excessive force against protestors earlier this year, we expect tensions to persist.

And Petroleum (3)


a lessening of concern over a possible Israeli military strike against Irans nuclear programme, in late November the price of Brent ticked back up into the USD 110-120pb band it has occupied for most of 2011. This was driven in part at least by two factors which may prove short-lived: Concern about a proposed EU embargo on Iranian oil exports, which we believe will be vetoed for now at least by Italy and Spain which buy the bulk of the 1mbpd or so the EU imports from Iran (total output 3.65mbpd); Frictions between Sudan and South Sudan, where China is looking to arbitrate but which has currently taken 0.2mbpd off international markets. However, we expect perceived political risk to continue to exert upward pressure on the oil price in 2012. In particular, Irans efforts to increase its influence in Iraq (2.7mbpd) following the US troop drawdown likely to be countered by Saudi Arabia could cause the already fragile security situation to deteriorate and threaten output. On the other hand, regime change in Syria could see the current embargo lifted, bringing 0.4mbpd back onto markets.

4. China: From Fourth To Fifth Generation (-)


currently attach a one-in-three probability to China experiencing a hard economic landing (defined as four consecutive quarters of growth of 5% or less) commencing before the end of 2014.* However, we believe that Chinas leaders will do everything they can to ensure a smooth economic trajectory through the handover of power from the 4th to the 5th generation leadership commencing October 2012. In the meantime, we believe that an ideological debate will continue in Beijing based on the socio-economic approaches which are sometimes termed the 'Chongqing model' and the 'Guangdong model'. The outcome of this debate may be a key determinant in the make-up of the 5th generation leadership and the policies it pursues. Nevertheless, despite what we see as increasing pressure for broad-based wholesale reforms if a hard landing is to be avoided, politically it is hard to envisage substantial change before the handover is completed in March 2013.
_____________________________________________ * See China risks Nomura Global Economics and Strategy, November 2011.

Six Of The Rest For 2012

5. Korea (5): Continuing tensions could lead to more bad behaviour by North Korea in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of Kim il-Sungs birth on 15 April and/or South Koreas 19 December presidential election. 6. Pakistan (6): Security and the economy are continuing to deteriorate as the possibility of a terrorist attack in India emanating from Pakistan persists. 7. Taiwan (7): Polls suggest that the DPPs Tsai Ing-wen could pose a serious challenge in the 14 January 2012 presidential election to Ma Ying-jeous prospects for a second term. 8. Russia (9): Overseas investors and western governments will be on the look-out for possible policy shifts if, as expected, Vladimir Putin is re-elected as president on 4 March 2012. 9. Thailand (4): despite Yingluck Shinawatras convincing election victory on 3 July, we believe it is only a matter of time before significant differences erupt again between her party and its supporters and the countrys elite. 10. Malaysia (-): the budget presented to parliament in October suggests to us that the government will call a general election in early 2012.

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And Beyond

The current generation of leaders in Washington and Beijing can probably be relied on to prevent ChineseAmerican antagonism rising to dangerous levels. It is the next generation that we should be worrying about.
Gideon Rachman, Financial Times, 18 January 2011


2012: A Potential 'Perfect Storm' Politically?


see strength in Mr Rachmans perspective and would argue that his concerns could start to come to a head in the coming 12 months. 2012 will see: China: the handover of power from the 4th to the 5th generation leadership; United States: Presidential and Congressional elections on 6 November; Taiwan: Presidential and legislature elections on 14 January; North Korea: 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung on 15 April. Individually, let alone collectively, these events stand to encourage leaders to play to domestic audiences at the risk of increased international tensions. Writing in the Financial Times, Richard MacGregor described Hu Jintaos January 2011 visit to Washington as one stop on a much longer journey. Getting through the potential hazards of 2012 without significant mishap would mark another important step on that journey.

Some Important Dates For Politics In 2012 Q1

1 Jan: 1 Jan: 1 Jan: 3 Jan: 10 Jan: 14 Jan: 15 Jan: 22 Jan: 22 Jan: 25-29 Jan: 29 Jan: 5 Feb: 12 Feb: 19 Feb: 21 Feb:

EU G8 G20 Egypt Egypt Taiwan Kazakhstan Egypt Finland WEF Cambodia Finland Turkmenistan Greece Yemen

Denmark assumes EU Council Presidency US assumes G8 Presidency Mexico assumes G20 Presidency Parliamentary elections (3rd stage) Parliamentary elections (3rd stage run-off) Presidential and legislature elections Parliamentary elections Shura Council elections Presidential election (1st round) Annual Meeting (in Davos, Switzerland) Senate elections Presidential election (2nd round if required) Presidential election Parliamentary elections (provisional) Presidential election

Some Important Dates For Politics In 2012 Q1 (cont)

Feb: 1-2 March: 4 March: 10 March: 25 March: 29 March: March: March:

Syria EU Russia Slovakia Hong Kong Iran Arab League Spain

Parliamentary elections European Council Presidential election Parliamentary elections Chief Executive (indirect) Parliamentary elections Summit (postponed from March 2011) Andalusia regional parliamentary elections


Some Important Dates For Politics In 2012 Q2

11 April: 15 April: 20-22 April: 22 April: 6 May: 15 May: 25 May: May: 10 June: 17 June: 28-29 June: June: June:

South Korea North Korea IMF France France G8 EU Serbia France France EU G20 India

Legislature elections 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung Spring meetings (in Washington, USA) Presidential election (1st round) Presidential election (2nd round if required) 38th G8 Summit (in Chicago, USA) European Council Parliamentary elections Legislature elections (1st round) Legislature elections (2nd round) European Council Summit (in Los Cabos, Mexico) Presidential election (indirect)


Some Important Dates For Politics In 2012 Q3/Q4

1 July: 1 July: 14 Aug: 27 Aug: 3 Sept: September: 7 Oct: 12-14 Oct: 18-19 Oct: 28 October: October: 6 Nov: 13-14 Dec: 19 Dec: December:

EU Mexico Kenya United States United States Hong Kong Venezuela IMF EU Ukraine China United States EU South Korea South Africa

Cyprus assumes EU Council Presidency Presidential and congressional elections Presidential election Republican Party Convention (in Tampa Bay) Democratic Party Convention (in Charlotte) Legislative Council elections Presidential election Annual meetings (in Tokyo, Japan) European Council Parliamentary elections Chinese Communist Party 18th Congress Presidential and congressional elections European Council Presidential election ANC elective conference

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