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Educational Technology (Hand out) COMPUTER AS AID IN TEACHING What is Computer System?

The computer machine does not exist in isolation. It is a system of electronics and electronically devices used to receive data and program instructions and automatically perform this instruction on the provided data in order to produce the desired results. As such, a computer system consists of three components: people, hardware, and software. a) Computer- a computer is a system. It is a combination of related parts performing a unified job of receiving inputs, processing the information and transforming them into a new kind of result. b) A computer is made up of hardware and software. Hardware- the physical part of the machine like central processing unit (CPU), keyboard, mouse, scanner, CD player LCD panel, modem, disc, drive. It is the part of the computer that one sees and touches. c) CPU is the brain of computer system which holds the computers random access memory (RAM) and its main storage device or the hard disk. There is usually a floppy drive and a CD- Rom or DVD drive build into the CPU. Peripheral hardware device like mouse, the keyboard, microphone, scanner are also installed in it. Software are program that makes the hard wares and soft wares or a combination of audio video, graph designs, animation and computer data. d) Multi Media- means the variety of a hard wares and soft wares or a combination and computer data. e) Internet is a wide network of computers its scope is through out the world. is an international electronic network to connect schools, government agencies and various establishments, office and organization. The internet is the main connector of all sub network. f) Electronic Mail (e-mail) Electronic mails- are sent via telephone line network from one computer to another, or through modems which are directed to a computer address or e- mail address. g) Modem is a machine that interferes several computers or a network so as to communicate with each other over telephone lines. h) Scanner- photocopies images and translates them to images the computer can read. i) CD Player allows the playing and retrieval of information from CD- ROM. j) Compact disc- read only memory (CD- Rom) small disc which can incorporated sounds, motion video information on specific topics . It is played in the CD- Player.

k) Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) software that includes test and activities of individualized instruction, the performance of students are being monitored by system. Learning is a complex mental process in a way that one cannot easily determine whether it is taking place or not. Educationalist therefore had to device ways and means to concretize its Dr. Rizalina G. Gomez Page 1

Educational Technology (Hand out) results. Benjamin Bloom classified Educational Objectives into three domains such as cognitive, effective and psychomotor. And that in stating the objectives it must be expressed as specific, observable, measurable, researchable and time bound. Jerome Bruner noted that educator who devised his own vision of cone of experience is what he called in the three-fold analysis of experience as follows: A. Enactive refers to the direct or actual experiences or encounters with what is. This is life on the raw, rich and unedited. They form the bases for all other learning experiences. Example of this is an actual tying and then examining a square knot by a boy scout during camping activities. B. Iconic refers to the more abstract experiences that could be in the form of pictures. Example is identifying the pictures of a square knot. The learner can readily identify the experience because he has previous experience it. And besides the picture shows resemblance of the actual object. C. Symbolic refers to the use of words printed materials, which does no longer resemble the object under study. Example is the word square knot. Upon reading or hearing this word the learner can form a mental image about it, thus he will be able to comprehend its meaning.

Enactive- When dealing with the enactive mode, one is using some known aspects of reality without using words or imagination. Therefore, it involves representing the past events through making motor responses. It involves manly in knowing how to do something; it involves series of actions that are right for achieving some result e.g. Driving a car, skiing, tying a knot. Iconic Mode. This mode deals with the internal imagery, were the knowledge is characterised by a set of images that stand for the concept. The iconic representation depends on visual or other sensory association and is principally defined by perceptual organisation and techniques for economically transforming perceptions into meaning for the individual. Symbolic mode. Through life one is always adding to the resources to the symbolic mode of representation of thought. This representation is based upon an abstract, discretionary and flexible thought. It allows one to deal with what might be and what might not, and is a major tool in reflective thinking. This mode is illustrative of a persons competence to consider propositions rather than objects, to give ideas a hierarchical structure and to consider alternative possibilities in a combinatorial fashion, (Spencer.K.,1991, p.185-187).

Dr. Rizalina G. Gomez

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Educational Technology (Hand out)

Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge) - involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills.

Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude) includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills) - includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution.

Dr. Rizalina G. Gomez

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Educational Technology (Hand out)

Test question for ed 14.

1. As future educator how can you use technology or computers in teaching to create an environment, which can get the interest of your student? (9 points) For me in dealing with all my teaching I would use technology with a creative images something that has thing that a child is very interested to. 2. This mode deals with the internal imagery, were the knowledge is characterised by a set of images that stand for the concept. a. iconic b. symbolic c. enactive 3. Another type of educational objective says the person learn from his/her past experiences. a. iconic b. symbolic c. enactive 4. This mode deals with the internal imagery, were the knowledge is characterised by a set of images that stand for the concept. a. iconic b. symbolic c. enactive 5. According to Bruner this fold analysis of experience involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. a. cognitive b. effective c. psychomotor 6. from three fold-analysis of experience says that Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution. a. cognitive b. effective c. psychomotor 7. According to Bruner this fold analysis of experience includes the manner in learning. a. cognitive b. effective c. psychomotor

Dr. Rizalina G. Gomez

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