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Workbook Linguamail


IVOZI Linguamail

Cmo sonar tan ingls como las cabinas telefnicas rojas tras usar nuestro Accent Reduction program

Esta gua sobre los sonidos ms importantes en ingls es muy fcil de utilizar. Tan slo hay que escuchar los sonidos y los ejemplos del audio que viene con este cuadernillo y luego leer en voz alta las historias y las frases de ejemplo. Si consegus dominar este sonido, mejoraris el acento de forma inmediata. Vale la pena esforzarse.

2010 IVOZI

Workbook Linguamail


Phonemic symbol: c:
Phonemic symbol: c: Ejemplos: organ, awkward, awful, hallmark, Audrey. Posicin de la boca: labios en forma de o, lengua hacia afuera y hacia abajo. Introduccin: la pronunciacin de c: es en especial difcil para los hispanohablantes. Tambin es una de las principales diferencias entre el ingls norteamericano y el britnico, y uno de los sellos distintivos de la aristocracia. Por eso, los que queris formar parte de la realeza, empezad a pulir vuestro sonido c: walk, balk, ork, fork, chalk, stalk cork. Awful, awesome, awe, ore, orchestra, Orcini. Horse, coarse, morse, norse, sauce, course. Port, caught, fought, bought, sort, taut.



When Sarah awoke, she felt awful. Shed passed a very awkward night with a coarse horseman. All thought of awful and awkward went out of the window, however, when she opened her front door and saw a newborn baby. A newborn baby that had been brought by a stork. Sarah thought that it was awesome. Shed always wanted four children and now she had her first. She thought for more than three hours about what to do and then she went and bought a pram that was awe inspiring totally flawless. She also knew that she ought to buy more stuff so she ordered everything she needed. Six months later, Sarah was walking to work when she saw a friend she was sure she hadnt seen for months: Audrey. Audrey told Sarah she was going to have a problem with the law: her daughter had been brought by a stork which meant the birth hadnt been recorded and she might end up in court. Sarah had never thought of this problem.What she did next was she caught the nearest form of transport to the port, ate her packed lunch with a plastic fork and waited till dawn. Once dawn came, she waited outside a tall building and met a man called Dorf. Dorf was a forger and he handed Sarah a forged birth certificate. Awesome, she said, problem solved.

Pronunciation story 2: Read aloud Billy bought a plate of sea fish and thought he ought to call his mum but he couldnt be bothered. Instead, he looked at his plate and stared at the marine spawn that had been born forlorn. Despite its forlorn aspect, however, he decided to eat it anyway. Afterwards, Billy took a walk on the lawn, ate some corn, and thought about the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein. His favorite Wittgenstein work was given to him by a man who was very tall with a head like a ball who he didnt like at all (in fact, he rather hoped hed take a fall.) Billy loved Wittgenstein because of his book about water which brought back memories of his daughter.He was also an aficionado of Plato whose famous works hed divided into quarters, copied with chalk onto a blackboard, and put to music with a 2000 piece orchestra. The first performance ought to have been in August but was brought forwards towards the month of July. The title was Wittgensteins Autumn sonata

Pronunciation story 1: Read aloud

2010 IVOZI

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