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17 degrees Scorpio

The Angels of Cooking and Baking

Also known as

The Angels of ‘Butharusch’


‘We first taught mankind to eat fruit in its raw state. Then we introduced ways to process and
tin them. During the course of time we have inspired people to prepare dishes by the help of
the fire element, by roasting, baking, and stewing.’

‘We are the heavenly host who have taught you how to bake bread, to make sweets, and to
create new dishes.’

‘We inspire and protect anyone who practices the art of cooking’.

Through divine virtues of ‘Butharusch’, preparing food is a creative act that transforms
consciousness and physical health into heavenly states.

We inspire flowing feelings of love through feasting and sustenance.

We teach people to charge food with divine virtues using conscious intent, thought, feelings
and sensations.

Charge food with life, by directing will and feelings through the divine virtue of B, which is
the virtue of Universal Life and polarity.

In deep creative trance states, entered into through the virtue of the creative act and its
ongoing effects, which is the letter U, a person can joyfully create realities in which food
enhances life on an ongoing basis.

High inspiration, the virtue of letter T, inspires people preparing and enjoying food to use
The Power of the Word, the virtue of letter H, to charge food with whatever divine qualities
are most perfect at any given time, in any given situation.

Wisdom and enlightenment reveals the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind
concerning food, the virtue of letter A. With this understanding all imperfections are gladly
released back to Divine Being for changes into other states that are the highest good of all
concerned, umlaut A, ae.

Inner guidance, the virtue of letter R, awakens genius. This inner guidance often inspires
deep trance states in those preparing and eating food, letter U, in which further creativity is
applied to the food for powerful ongoing benefits. These benefits are sealed into reality on
all levels through the divine virtue of original Omnipotent Divine Will, the letter Sch.

Using these virtues, a person can create nourishment from pranic forces as well as physical
foods. By doing this, breath is inbued with energies of spirit, mind, feelings, and sensations
to provide perfect nutrition on every level, including the physical level.

To delight the tastes, food is taken as expressions of love, joy and bliss in celebrations of
Heaven on Earth.

This is the 251st group of the heavenly hosts in the ancient teachings. 2+5+1=8.

‘NUMBER EIGHT is the number of the mind, the intellect, and thus the number of
knowledge. It is analogous to the planet Mercury. The octagon is a symbol of the Native
American Medicine wheel in all of its forms. All knowledge, actual or theoretical, is a part of
the eight vibration’.


‘B-U-T-H-A-R- U-Sch’

B… This is the divine virtue of Universal Life which is the virtue of polarity in all
of its many forms. Understanding polarity leads to the greatest wisdom.

Mastering this virtue through meditation gives control over will and feeling, life
and death, and the power to change any fate.

This divine virtue is a light violet color, is the earth element so it has the
sensation of weight, vibrates to the musical note of A, and forms the right

U… The letter “U” in the cosmic language represents ‘the faculty of

comprehending the creative act and its relationship to karma. It evokes the
highest form of intuition and inspiration and makes possible the understanding
of one’s own karma and its modification. It also makes possible the transfer of
consciousness to any state imaginable and this results in states of highest

This letter is imagined as shining velvet black and is practiced in the solar plexus
and then in the legs and feet. This letter enlivens the pancreas. The musical note
is B, and it is the element of Akasha, which has the sensation of consciousness-
penetrating- all in meditation.

T… The sound of the letter T in the ancient language is the divine virtue of ‘high
inspiration with all the legal matters of this principle’. In the intellect, this virtue
awakens remarkable inventive faculties and memory.

H… This letter is The Power of the Word. Divine Providence inspires each cook
and each person eating with divine virtues that are best to enliven for the
purpose of blessing food.

The letter H has a silvery violet color, is the fire element of will and has the
sensation of warmth and fire, has the musical note of A, and is the virtue by
which the right arm of every person is created.

A… This is the sound of the divine virtue of highest wisdom and enlightenment.

‘This sound [soft as in a sigh—ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest
wisdom and the purity of all ideas. This has as a fundamental feature the
enlightened mind. Reasoning, perception, the cognition of the most profound
truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all intellectual
faculties are expressed. Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and
clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air element
and its beings are all aroused by meditating on this virtue. On the physical plane
the command of the beings of the air, control over storms, are all made possible
by initiation into the highest wisdom.’

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, the
element is air so it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.

R… The sound of the letter R is the divine virtue of becoming the master and
guardian of freedom and independence and is the ability to listen to, hear, and
follow the inner voice of guidance.

When preparing and cooking food, the highest attunement to Divine Will is
required in order to manifest the greatest perfection, nutrition, and sacredness.

‘In this state there is the feeling of freedom of any pressing burden of the laws,
for by the mastery of all the preceding virtues you have achieved a state of
maturity by which this feeling of independence has been transformed into an
absolute state of security and unimpeachability. This comes from the realization
of the harmony and perfection of all divine laws and the identification and love of
them so intensely that they have actually become merged with oneself. In this
case you are the personification and representation of the divine laws and they
will serve you, and your sense of freedom will derive from them rather than in
spite of them.’

The color is gold, the musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the
sensation of weight. The left side of the nose is formed from it.

U…The mastery of the creative act and attunement to highest consciousness and
intuition enables a cook to take whatever food is available and create within it the
vibration of divine virtues in a perfect way so that it confers the greatest beauty
and blessing.

Sch…’The "S" oscillation is the original fire [all penetrating will]. The "K"
oscillation is the original light [omnipotence] . The virtue of "Sch" connects both
original light and original fire, and thus indicates the non-manifestable
omnipotence. The "Sch" therefore represents the original principle superior to
the "K" and "S". This is the virtue by which Divine Providence creates the first
outpouring of divine creation. It is regarded as the highest virtue.’

This is the original masculine force.

This virtue is pure divine will power.

Its color is blazing red, it is the element of fire so it has the sensation of warmth.
Its musical note is C and the brain is formed from it.



The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a very
ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of
three of the world's religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the
zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her. The being and
the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers and

* Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks in the angel

messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced
Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO
THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12- 4]. Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg,
Wuppertal/W. Germany. These books have very important information for these


The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01- 8, is a preparatory book
for the others. Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the
Magician", gives historical background and was compiled by his German
publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon. This book is most important for
understanding present day political issues. Read Frabato the Magician first, then
appendixes in all the books, for background.



If you have questions about how to meditate on the divine virtues or what the
angel messages are about, go to the archives at the lovingpurelove egroup in
Yahoo. * Previous messages contain instructions on the method of meditation for
the divine virtues.

The lovingpurelove egroup site is a loving cyber family learning together.

The angel messages are indexed there. Email Polly at pmenendez@sbcglobal .net

Or go to the lovingpurelove website

http://groups. group/lovingpure love

We have a yahoo group for people who want to receive only the angel messages
and have access to all previous messages on the web.

Go to http://groups. group/SpiritusAn gelMessages

Email for 12 one page indexes, one for each sign of the zodiac, containing a list
of 30 messages with descriptions, with DIRECT links to all the UPDATED angel
messages on the web. For these links to work, you must be a member of
lovingpurelove egroup or spiritusangelmessag es.


If you don't have an instrument for playing the sounds (pitches) associated with
each letter, here is a program which will play the notes at the correct pitch like a
tuning fork:

http://angelmessage s.paradisenow. net/bardon_ s_books.html# Sounds

************ ******

For a copy of the TIBETAN EXERCISE OF PARADOX, which stimulates whole

brain functioning, go to

http://angelmessage s.paradisenow. net/tibetan_ exercise_ of_paradox. html

And for information on emotional processing (Emotional Healing Exercises), go


http://angelmessage s.paradisenow. net/tibetan_ healing_of_ emotion.html

The body is almost 80% water, which is the element of flowing feelings. Books on
emotional healing by Dennis Linn, Sheila Linn and Matt Linn are recommended.
Also recommended: THE PRIMAL REVOLUTION [this one is easiest to
understand] and THE NEW PRIMAL SCREAM, by Dr. Arthur Janov, and any books
by William R. Emerson Ph.D.

{Note: The entire process of recapitulating and healing wounded emotions is

elaborated in detail in a new book in process, “Healing the Past for Good” being
written from the teaching materials of the late Dr. Michael Schlosser, Ph.D., to be
published in the future.}

Note: On living in divine harmony with nature and divine laws,

we recommend the books found on www.ringingcedars. com

copyright: Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser

Stationery by Polly Menendez

With additional loving help from Gulshan

Feel free to share these messages.

Note: The messages that were sent out originally are being rewritten daily with
important information. It’s good to update the original messages in your archives.

Home site:

www.spiritussanctus .com

More of Cynthia’s paintings can be viewed at this site:

www.sacredpaintings .com

Conference Call Updates

go to www.spiritussanctus .com

and click the appropriate link.

The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over all
laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are healed.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM that I AM,

one with all;

happen here and now, and through all time and space.

I give thanks that this is done.


* *
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John Bloise
http://www.midimusi cofjohnbloise. com/songlist. htm

http://groups. group/SpiritusAn gelMessages/

http://groups. group/lovingpure love/


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