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Everlie Mae C. Dulay Elounah E. Esapaldon Jeson Paul B. Cabug-os

The researchers would like to acknowledge and express their deepest appreciation to the Japanese restaurant, Sawasdee for helping them answer some questions they needed for the betterment of their experiment. With the help of sales lady, Ms. Lanny Dela Cruz and the owner, Mrs. Soranee Supprasiti, the curious researcher were enlightened by the information they had given them about the so-called tropical flower juice. The parents of the researchers have been very supportive to what the researchers were doing for the well hard worked project and the good of their Investigatory Science Project.

It would not have been such an accomplishment if it werent for the researchers who worked very hard for the triumph of the ISP. For Kristines parent who provided the venue in performing the experiment which made their work more proper, neat and effective. The researchers would like to thank the Science Coordinator and the teacher Mdm. Elsa Moralda for allowing them to research and find, investigate and broaden their knowledge about the topic wherein they learned a lot of new thing and ideas. The support and comments she has given for the improvement of the research. Lastly, for God who has always been there in times when they really needed him, for protecting and guiding the researchers to the right path that led to their accomplishment

Table of content:
I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Cover page Title page Acknowledgement Table of content Abstract(description about the study) Chapter I

y y y y

Introduction Statement of the problem Significance of the study Delimitation and limitation of the study


Chapter II

Materials and methods


Chapter III

y y IX.

Analysis of data Recommendation



Pendulum is a something that hangs from a f ixed po int which , when pulled back and released, is free to sw ing down by the force of grav ity and then out and up because of it s inert ia (means that body in mot io n, will stay in motion and bodies at rest w ill stay at rest , unless acted on by an out side force ).

The researchers, being very curious themselves, tried to fill their curiosity. Trying to find out if magnets can be used as a swinging pendulum through its repelling unlike poles at the same time forced them to execute an investigatory project.

The group gathered some relevant information by conducting various researches, group discussions and inquiries. After a lot of brainstorming activities, the researchers finally found out how to execute the experiment. They started by looking for a magnet, stand, board, stick glue and a wire. Through these materials, the group could be able to have a Magnetic Swinging Pendulum. When all were ready, the group may start to create a pendulum. First, they prepare the board and start putting the stand through the aid of stick glue and started putting the magnet. One magnet must hang and the other one must be found beneath the stand. Finally, when the process was done, the group begins

to test their final product. Then, they made some minor improvement by adding some details on the structural design of the pendulum. This pendulum may help not only the researchers but also the teachers and the students to explain the different phenomena in the world of Physics.

After a lot of inquiries and brainstorming, the researchers finally found out how to execute the experiment with the aid of all their sources in the bibliography. They started with the cleaning of the stands, created the wires for the magnets, attached on it and the preparation of the materials needed. When all were ready for the experiment, they connected the wires attached with magnets on both stands with holes and attached the same pole of the magnet to the bottom of the board. Finally, when the process was done, the researchers tested to swing the magnetic pendulum. Then they observed that the swinging was continuous unless acted by a force. They made some minor

improvements to balance the exerted force of each magnet to have more continuous swinging.


A magnet is any object that has a magnetic field. I t attracts ferro us obje cts l ike piece s of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt. I n the early days, the Greeks observed that the naturally occurring 'lodestone' attracted iron piece s. From that day onwards began the journey int o the discovery of magnets . These days magnets are made art if icially in various shapes and sizes depending on their use . The researchers can make use of the God-given gifts in a unique and imaginative sense and also use their God-given talents and intelligence to create a splendid new idea. An interesting research project like this gives them a sense of curiosity and creativity. This research project gives them the inkling of how to be practical and resourceful. The investigators have observed that magnets have a basic property of repelling like poles. This observation really convinced them to push through this kind of topic.

They expect their product to be as good swinging as any other pendulum and at the same time good for a persons analysis. The pendulum that the researchers are going to make will be as effective and as efficient as the usual pendulum do. It is not just going to attract your sensory organs but it can also quench your curiosity.

Statement of the problem: The study seeks to answer the following questions: y Can magnets be used as an alternative in making a swinging pendulum while finding out and knowing if the magnets about to be used are convenient? y Will it be effective and turn out to be great pendulum?

Significance: With this study, the researchers can learn that magnets are not only used to make electric motors and generators, for holding things and displays but are also used to create an improvised pendulum. Our world today has so many advanced objects that catch your attention. Yes, they catch your attention but it also affects your financial status, so the researchers have made it possible for you to try something new aside from that expensive pendulums. So the researchers thought of a pendulum out of magnets that can swing for a long term nor continuously.

The community will have a discovery of the properties of magnets and gain more knowledge and creativity on its uses and what they can make out of it. Filipinos will have a new and creative pendulum made of magnets which are sure to feed their curiosity.

Delimitation and limitation of the study:

For about one week, the group was trying their best to dig for mire vital information that could help them figure more about the nature of magnets. Each member of the group got most of their information from the internet. But the main foundation of the topic and its information is from the book of Physics. The groups investigation for magnets would have not been possible without its resources. According to the group, their resources were numerous varieties of magnetism. These magnets were attached manually on wires, stand and on the bottom of the board and used its characteristics as the pendulum. The group did not spend so much for the materials needed, because most of the equipment needed is found in the residences of the group members. A man too, by the name of Mr. Celso Cabug-os Jr. also contributed much to the groups Investigatory Project. Mr. Celso Cabug-os has much knowledge when it deals to Physics. Mr. Celso Cabug-os has diligently and patiently shared his ideas and answered every questions asked by the members of the group. Mr. and Mrs. Espaldon, Elounahs parents had also contributed to the groups progress. They had willingly and whole heartedly allowed the group to perform and conduct the experiment in their house. The magnetic pendulum as a product would have not been completed without the tools and techniques involved. The tools being used by the group were pliers, scissors welding tools, and glue gun. These

tools will be used in different techniques involved in making the magnetic pendulum. The techniques that were used were welding, cleaning, heating, and cutting activities.

Materials and Methods:

In performing this experiment, the researchers used two to three magnets: o 1 medium sized magnet o 2 small sized magnets

They prepared the needed materials which included a folded illustration board, metal stands, wires, stick glue, glue gun, slider, scissors and pliers.

After the researchers gathered all the materials needed, they briefly folded the illustration board, attached the metal stands on the board, cut the slider into two (2) equal parts, inserted the slider into the sides of the metal stand to avoid attraction between the magnet and the stand, deforming the wires to its respective function as a hook and a magnet holder attached to the two combined small sized magnet and then the medium sized magnet was attached on the bottom of the board then the group started to add some details to make the magnetic pendulum more realistic. Then, the researchers tried to swing the magnetic pendulum and they observed the repelling of the magnets with like poles. Finally, the researchers concluded that this manner allows the continuous swinging of the pendulum to be as a force was acting on it, the repelling of the like poles.

Analysis of data:

The magnetic pendulum which was the final product turned out to have a good quality and a realistic investigatory project; one could actually know that it was made of real magnet. It truly captured the true function of magnet that we used. Before accomplishing such product, the researchers used other methods. They tried not to use wires instead using a yarn to connect the magnets but it ended up to imbalanced force and hopelessly useless. Also, the researcher tried not to cover the metallic stand with a slider but obviously the magnet usually attracts and it also seems useless. This is the reason why the group decided to cut two (2) pieces of slider into equal part and inserted on both sides of the metal stand. During the test, they found out that the data analysis that they figure out really helps them to balance the various methods that they used and come up to a very successful breakdown.


The researchers recommend that one should use magnets or choose magnets which have more attracting property than other magnets in order to have more repelling forces between the like poles. One should choose the appropriate size of curved hook for the swinging of the magnet to produce the exact balance of repelling forces you want for the fact that it will continue to swing for a long term.

But one very important thing that you need to remember is that not every magnet is durable and great attracting. In fact, sampling some magnets can make you very, very confused or frustrated. Always remember to use magnets with high durability and efficiently attracting and those that dont break easily.


y y tter/what%20are%20some%20uses%20of%20magnets.htm

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MICROSOFT ENCARTA 2007 PHYSICS; Science and Technology Textbook for Fourth Year; Reprint Edition, 2007, 2009; Revised Edition, 2004; First Edition, 1992.


This dissert at ion would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several in div iduals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assist ance in the preparat ion and com pletion of this st udy . First and foremo st , the authors utm ost grat it ude to Ms. Ma. Luz Astillo, their Physics teacher whose sin cerity an d encouragement they will never forget. Ms. Astil lo has been the inspirat ion of the author as she hurdle all the obstacles in the completion of this research work. Special thanks also to all their friends, especially group members; Elounah E . Espaldon, Evelie Mae C . Dulay, Je son Paul B. Cabug-os for sharing the literature and invaluable assist ance to each other. Not forgett ing to their bestfriends who always been there. The researchers w ish to expre ss the ir love and gratitude to their beloved families; for their f inancial means, underst anding & endless love, through the durat ion o f their st udie s. And above all, to Almighty God for the unlimited knowledge, wisdom and for the overall blessings.




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