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The law that the processing power of a computer is proportional to the square of its cost. ANS. GROSHS LAW 2. The recoilless emission of gamma rays by radioactive nuclei of crystalline solids, and the subsequent absorption of the emitted rays by other nuclei. ANS. MOSSBAUER EFFECT 3. Over-all transmittance and signal flow ANS. MASONS THEOREM 4. Belong to the hadron family, they are bosons with integer spins ANS. MESONS 5. Nobel prize awardee for his theory on meson. ANS. HIDEKI YUKAWA 6. Approximate OP-AMP gain ANS. 1,000,000 7. Coined the term robot ANS. KAREL CAPEK 8. Also called modified Maxwell Wien bridge ANS. ANDERSON BRIDGE 9. Measures unknown inductance in terms of resistance and capacitance ANS. ANDERSON BRIDGE 10. Used as a microwave oscillator ANS. IMPATT DIODE 11. Tapped coil oscillator ANS. HARTLEY OSCILLATOR 12. Invented the microprocessor in 1969 ANS. TED HOFF 13. Degrees of freedom for any solid object ANS. 6(six) 14. A meter sensitivity control in a test instrument ANS. LINEAR TAPER POTENTIOMETER 15. A volume control in a stereo compact disc player ANS. LOGARITHMIC TAPER POTENTIOMETER 16. Uses positive feedback ANS. OSCILLATOR 17. What increases noise immunity in op-amp ANS. HYSTERESIS 18. LC balance bridge ANS. MAXWELL BRIDGE 19. Modified Miller circuit ANS. PHANASTRON 20. Servo controlled robots are robots within ___ mm range rather than a fraction of mm ANS. 2(two) 21. Zener diode is in ANS. REVERSE BIAS 22. One of the most important bridges in determining link capacitances with phase angle of 90 degrees ANS. SCHERING BRIDGE 23. High sensitivity ANS. PMMC 24. Manipulator has ___ degrees of freedom

ANS. 3(three) 25. LIFO ANS. STACK MEMORY 26. Characteristic of shared systems to avoid mixing up of print outs or programs ANS. SPOOLING 27. The law that the ratio of the thermal conductivity of a metal to its electrical conductivity is a constant, independent of the metal, times the absolute temperature. ANS. WIEDEMANN FRANZS LAW 28. Four arm AC bridge measures inductance by standard capacitance ANS. MAXWELL BRIDGE 29. The heat generated melts the portion at the tip of the electrode and the base of the metal ANS. SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) 30. It is used in high voltage and high current application for most efficient regulator ANS. SWITCHING REGULATOR 31. Range of degrees of freedom ANS. WORK ENVELOPE 32. Physical bend, twist, and reach ANS. MANIPULATOR 33. It has amplifier and feedback ANS. ELECTRONIC AMPLIFIER 34. Highest torque ANS. SERIES MOTORS 35. It is not a resistance welding ANS. ARC WELDING 36. Atom to atom bond on surface with oxide free surface ANS. PRESSURE WELDING 37. AC voltage frequency converter from one form to another ANS. FREQUENCY CONVERTER 38. Magnetic audio tape ANS. PARALLEL TRACK 39. Magnetic video tape ANS. DIAGONAL TRACK 40. Thickness of magnetic audio tape ANS. 1 mil 41. Absent of current welding ANS. COOL SUB-INTERVAL 42. Oldest welding ANS. FORGE WELDING 43. Oldest arc welding and marks the beginning of arc welding ANS. CARBON ARC WELDING 44. Inert gas ANS. MIG 45. Active gas ANS. MAG 46. Anthropomorphic robot is ANS. MORE MANEUVERABLE 47. It is also known as metal inert gas. Stick Welding ANS. GAS METAL ARC WELDING (GMAW) 48. Robot with facial expression ANS. KISMET



49. Toy dinosaur robot ANS. PLEO 50. An approach used to introduce factory automation technology into manufacturing by selective application of automation. ANS. ISLANDS OF AUTOMATION 51. 1 Coulomb is equal to ANS. 6.24x1018 electrons 52. The degree to which a process has been made automatic. Relevant to the level of automation are questions of automatic failure recovery, the variety of situations that will be automatically handled, and the conditions under which manual intervention or action by human beings is required. ANS. LEVEL OF AUTOMATION 53. It is the welding electrode comes forward and engage the metal pressing against the surface ANS. SQUEEZE INTERVAL 54. It is the welding in which the welding transformer energized and the current flows and create a weld ANS. WELD INTERVAL 55. It is the weld interval that is finished ANS. HOLD INTERVAL 56. Welding electrode is retracted ANS. RELEASE INTERVAL 57. A time after release interval to the next start sequence ANS. STANDBY INTERVAL 58. It is a closed loop feedback control system in which one or more of the system signals represent mechanical motion ANS. SERVOMECHANISM 59. E60xx has a tensile strength of ___ ANS. 60,000 psi 60. Resistance of the work ANS. RESISTANCE WELDING 61. Deep penetration ANS. SUBMERGED ARC 62. Deep penetration ANS. DC REVERSE 63. Medium penetration ANS. DC STRAIGHT 64. Fast welding ANS. FLASH WELDING 65. 10,000 to 50,000 Hz welding ANS. HIGH FREQUENCY WELDING 66. Image resolution ANS. DOT PITCH 67. Apply electrostatic voltage in plastic ANS. ELECTROACTIVE POLYMER 68. In electrolytic positive, ___ of the total heat ANS. 2/3 69. Welding at 450F below ANS. SOLDERING 70. Welding above 450F joining of two metals ANS. BRAZING 71. Metal active gas ANS. CO2

72. A motor or transducer that converts energy (electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic) into power used to produce motion or power ANS. ACTUATOR 73. The ability of a robot to position its end effector at a programmed location in space ANS. ACCURACY 74. Control signals that are processed by directly measuring quantities (voltages, resistances or rotation). This can be hydraulic, electronic or pneumatic ANS. ANALOG CONTROL 75. A robot or machine that resembles a human ANS. ANDROID 76. A robot with rotary joints that can move much like a persons arm ANS. ANTHROPHOMORPHIC ROBOT 77. An interconnected set of links and powered joints comprising a manipulator that supports or moves a wrist, hand or end effector ANS. ARM 78. The ability of a machine system to perceived anticipated or unanticipated new conditions, decide what actions must be performed under the conditions and plan the actions accordingly. The main areas of applications are expert systems and computer vision. ANS. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 79. Also known as assembly cell or assembly station. A concentrated group of equipment such as manipulators, vision modules, parts presenters, and support tables that are dedicated to compute assembly operations at one physical location ANS. ASSEMBLY 80. The use of any one several techniques to determine the presence or absence of features. This technique include simple mechanical probes and vision systems ANS. AUTOMATED INSPECTION 81. Automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process / system by mechanical or electronic devices that replace human observation, effort and decision ANS. AUTOMATION 82. A traveled path in space usually referred to as a linear direction of travel in any of three dimensions. ANS. AXIS 83. A robot in which motions are controlled by driving each axis or degree of freedom against a mechanical limit stop ANS. BANG-BANG ROBOT 84. A platform or structure to which a robot arm is attached; the end of a kinematic chain of arm links and joints opposite to which grasps or processes external objects ANS. BASE 85. A manufacturing unit consisting of two or more workstations or machines and the material transport mechanisms and storage buffers that interconnect them.


ANS. CELL 86. A manufacturing unit consisting of two or more cells, and the material transport mechanisms and storage buffers that interconnect them ANS. CENTER 87. The use of an interactive terminal workstation usually with graphics capability to automate the design of products. It includes functions such as drafting and fitup parts ANS. COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (CAD) 88. A numerical control system with a dictated mini or micro computer that performs the functions of data processing and control ANS. COMPUTERIZED NUMERICAL CONTROL (CNC) 89. The unit of automatic work for a robot. Within a cycle, sub-elements called trajectories define lesser but integral elements. Each trajectory is made up of points where the robot performs an operation or passes through depending upon the programming. ANS. CYCLE (PROGRAM) 90. The number of independent ways the end effector can move. It is defined by the number of rotational or translational axes through which motion can be obtained ANS. DEGREES OF FREEDOM 91. The joint that connects the upper arm and forearm on a robot ANS. ELBOW 92. Also known as end of arm tooling or simply a hand. The subsystem that links the mechanical portion of the robot (manipulator) to the part being handled or work on, and gives the robot the ability to pick up and transfer parts and/or handle a multitude of different tools to perform work on parts ANS. END EFFECTOR 93. Robots with little if any computer power. Their only intelligent functions consist of learning a sequence of manipulative actions, choreographed by a human operator using a teach box ANS. FIRST GENERATION ROBOT SYSTEM 94. Also known as pedestal robot. A robot with its base permanently or semi- permanently attached to the floor or bench. Such a robot is working at one location with a maximum limited work area and in many cases servicing only one machine ANS. FLOOR MOUNTED ROBOT 95. That portion of a jointed arm which is connected to the wrist and elbow ANS. FOREARM 96. An overhead mounted, rectilinear robot with a minimum of three degrees of freedom and normally not exceeding six ANS. GANTRY ROBOT 97. The grasping hand of a robot, which manipulates objects and tools to fulfill a given task ANS. GRIPPER

98. An electrical switched positioned to be switched where a motion limit occurs, thereby deactivating the actuator that causes the motion ANS. LIMIT SWITCH 99. A mechanism usually consisting of a series of segments or links, jointed or sliding to one another, for grasping or moving objects, usually in several degrees of freedom ANS. MANIPULATOR 100.A method for the control of machine tool systems. A program containing all the information, in symbolic numerical form, needed for processing a work piece is stored on a medium such as paper or magnetic tape ANS. NUMERICAL CONTROL 101.Developing robot programs partially or completely without requiring the use of the robot itself. The program is loaded into the robots controller for subsequent automatic action of the manipulator ANS. OFF-LINE PROGRAMMING 102.Also known as positioning. The consistent movement or manipulation of an object into controlled position and altitude in space ANS. ORIENTATION 103.The equipment used in conjunction with the robot for a complete robotic system. This includes grippers, conveyors, parts positioners and parts or materials feeders that are needed with the robot ANS. PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT 104.Also known as bend. The angular rotation of a moving body about an axis that is perpendicular to its direction of motion and in the same plane as its top side ANS. PITCH 105.The act of providing the control instructions required for a robot to perform its intended task ANS. PROGRAMMING 106.The envelope of variance of the robot tool print position for repeated cycles under the same conditions. It is obtained from the deviation between the positions and orientations reached at the end of several similar cycles. Contrast with accuracy ANS. REPEATABILITY 107.A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move a material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks ANS. ROBOT 108.The science of designing, building and applying robots ANS. ROBOTICS 109.Also known as twist. The rotational displacement of a joint around the principal axis of its motion, particularly at the wrist ANS. ROLL 110.A robot with a computer processes added to the robotic controller. This addition makes it possible to perform, in real time, the calculations required to control the motions of each degree of freedom in a cooperative manner to effect smooth motions of the


end effector along predetermined paths. It also become possible to integrate simple sensors, such as force torque, and proximity into the robot system, providing some degree of adaptability to the robots environment ANS. SECOND GENERATION ROBOT SYSTEM 111.A controller that operates an application though a fixed sequence of events ANS. SEQUENCER 112.A robot driven by servomechanisms, that is, motors or actuators whose driving signal is a function of the difference between a commanded position and/or rate is measured actual position and/or rate ANS. SERVOCONTROLLED ROBOT 113.An automatic control mechanism consisting of a motor or actuator driven by a signal that is a function of the difference between a commanded position and/or rate and measured actual position and/or rate ANS. SERVOMECHANISM 114.The manipulator arm linkage joint that is attached to the base ANS. SHOULDER 115.The maximum velocity at which a manipulator joint can move; a rate imposed by saturation in the servo loop controlling the joint ANS. SLEW RATE 116.The use of two or more cameras to pinpoint the location of an object in a three dimensional space ANS. STEREO IMAGING 117.The detection by a robot though contact of touch, force, pattern slip and movement. It allows for the determination of local shape, orientation and feedback forces of a grasped workspace. ANS. TACTILE SENSING 118.A robot system characterized by the incorporation of multiple computer processors, each operating asynchronously to perform specific functions. It includes a separate low level processor for each degree of freedom and a master computer supervising and coordinating these processors, as well as providing higher-level functions ANS. THIRD GENERATION ROBOT SYSTEM 119.A continuous position control response to continuously changing input requirements ANS. TRACKING 120.A movement such that all axes remain parallel to what they were ANS. TRANSLATION 121.The acquisition, movement through space, and release of an object by a robot ANS. TRANSPORT 122.The portion of a jointed arm that is connected to the shoulder ANS. UPPER ARM 123.Also known as the robot operating envelope. The set of points representing the maximum extent or reach of the robot tool in all directions

ANS. WORK ENVELOPE 124.The envelope reached by the center of the interface between the wrist and the tool, using all available axis motions ANS. WORKSPACE 125.A set of joints, usually rotational, between the arm and the hand or end effector, which allow the hand or end effector to be oriented relative to the work piece ANS. WRIST 126.The angular displacement of a moving joint about an axis which is perpendicular to the line of motion and the top side of the body ANS. YAW 127.What mechanical device reverses armature connections in motors and generators at the proper instant so that current continues to flow only in one direction? ANS. COMMUTATOR 128.Human arm ANS. SERIAL ROBOT 129.Input display signal voltage ANS. VERTICAL DEFLECTION COIL 130.Tungsten electrode ANS. TIG 131.CMOS disadvantage ANS. CANNOT HANDLE HIGH POWER 132.TTL ANS. LEAST SUSCEPTIBLE TO NOISE 133.Responsible of pulsating DC ANS. COMMUTATOR 134.Low voltage high power ANS. CENTER TAPPED FULL WAVE 135.End effector ANS. INVERSE DIRECT KINEMATICS 136.DC motor is preferred as driver in robotics because ANS. IT CAN WITHSTAND LARGE OVERLOAD 137.Welding is not used direct source because ANS. IT IS IMPRACTICABLE TO DRAW HEAVY CURRENTS 138.Atomic hydrogen is long lived because ANS. AC IS USED 139.RF power amplifier ANS. COMMON BASE 140.Multivibrator ANS. COMMON EMITTER OR COMMON SOURCE 141.Algorithm better than ZMP ANS. DYNAMIC BALANCING 142.One foot with small ANS. HOPPING 143.Automatic welding ANS. 5 INTERVALS 144.Control grid of a tube ANS. GATE OF A FET 145.Single coil generator ANS. ELEMENTARY GENERATOR 146.3 classifications of robot


ANS. ANTHROPHOMORPHIC, SCARA, AND ARTICULATED 147.Connects arm and end effectors ANS. WRIST 148.____ for bones, ____ for muscle and ____for degrees of freedom ANS. LINKS, ACTUATOR, AND JOINTS 149.Early actuator ANS. ELASTIC NANOTUBE 150.Degrees of freedom for General purpose effectors ANS. 20 (TWENTY) 151.Drift frequency of crystal oscillator ANS. 0.001 % (1ppm) 152.Drift frequency of LC oscillator ANS. 0.8% (8000ppm) 153.Frequency of Colpitts oscillator ANS. 100 kHz to 500 MHz 154.The change in the current passing through a gas or vapor when the gas or vapor is irradiated with visible light ANS. JOSHI EFFECT 155.Uses lantern battery ANS. TWO WAY PORTABLE RADIO 156.Advantage of toroidal over solenoid ANS. CONCENTRATES MAGNETIC FLUX 157.Welding Intervals ANS. SHISHI (SQUEEZE) WILL (WELD) HAVE (HEAT) A CUTE (COLD) HUSBAND (HOLD) RICH (RELEASE) AND SEXY (STAND BY) 158.Harmonic drives have ANS. HIGH RELIABILITY 159.Opposes residual magnetic flux ANS. COERCIVITY 160.Effective actuator compared to a human arm ANS. AIR MUSCLE 161.Most commonly use actuator ANS. ELECTRIC MOTOR 162.Non servo has ANS. HARDWARE STOPS 163.Servo has ANS. SOFT STOPS 164.LF1573 ANS. BiFET OPAMP 165.BiFET op-amp has ANS. HIGH CLOSED LOOP INPUT IMPEDANCE 166.Negative voltage regulator ANS. 79XX SERIES 167.Converts AC to DC ANS. RECTIFIER 168.AC to DC and vice versa ANS. ROTARY CONVERTER 169.Toothed Belt ANS. TIMING BELT 170.Linear increase, rapid decrease ANS. SAWTOOTH 171.Constant speed, slow starting torque, stable ANS. SHUNT MOTOR

172.Low speed actuator ANS. HYDRAULIC TURBINE 173.High speed actuator ANS. STEAM TURBINE 174.Straight line joints movement of the robot ANS. PRISMATIC 175.Rotational joins of the robot ANS. REVOLUTE 176.Computer on a chip ANS. TRANSPUTER 177.A robot component connected to a vacuum source to lift and handle objects ANS. VACUUM GRIPPER 178.In meter movement, how do you prevent the meter from oscillation and overswing? ANS. DAMPING 179.Scale of PMMC ANS. SQUARE 180.Linear Meter ANS. WATTMETER 181.Sonys Robot ANS. QRIO 182.Full Wave Rectifier Efficiency ANS. 81.2% 183.Common audio oscillators ANS. WEIN-BRIDGE & PHASE SHIFT 184.Common RF oscillators ANS. HARTLEY & COLPITTS 185.Pair of black and white parallel lines ANS. KIKUCHI LINE 186.Foucault Pendulum, gyroscope ANS. L. FOUCAULT 187.Color emitted by blackbody ANS. WEINS LAW 188.Quantity emitted by blackbody ANS. STEFAN-BOLTZMANN LAW 189.Reading beyond Mercury scale ANS. PYROMETER 190.Radiation in space ANS. PYRANOMETER 191.Decreased in life of the motor per hour operation ANS. 2 TO 3 HOURS 192.Welding current ANS. 50-450mA 193.Transforms data to information ANS. WAND READER 194.Programming for robot ANS. TEACHING 195.Insect robots ANS. ROBERT CROOKES 196.Method of locating ground faults and short circuits in telephone cable ANS. VARLEY LOOP METHOD 197.Electric motor working backwards ANS. GENERATOR 198.Battery that cant be used until it dies out ANS. NICKEL CADMIUM 199.Gas shielding used in TIG

ANS. PURE ARGON 200.Semiconductor found in CRAY I (Seymour Cray) ANS. GALLIUM ARSENIDE 201.Silicon solar cell efficiency ANS. 22% 202.Identification, Verification, Authentication ANS. BIOMETRY 203.Components of Harmonic Drive ANS. WAVE GENERATOR, FLEX SPLINE, CIRCULAR SPLINE 204.Constant gear ratio ANS. CHAIN DRIVE 205.A device used in biotelemetry for monitoring the physiologic activity of an animal, such as pH values of stomach acid. ANS. RADIO PILL 206.Maximum weight a robot can handle ANS. PAYLOAD 207.Thin fine wire ANS. SHUNT FIELD WINDING 208.Most hazardous welding ANS. OVERHEAD WELDING 209.High pass filter ANS. 1/ 4 LC 210.I = V/R ANS. OHMS LAW 211.The induced emf in any circuit is in a direction to oppose the effect that produced it. ANS. LENZS LAW 212.A freely suspended body consisting of a ferromagnetic material acquires a rotation when its magnetization changes. ANS. EINSTEIN-DE HAAS EFFECT 213.Selective absorption of electromagnetic waves by a dielectric, due to molecular dipoles. ANS. DEBYE EFFECT 214.Continuous path of robot ANS. WALK THROUGH 215.Robot akin to human skeleton ANS. KINEMATIC CHAIN 216.Algorithm used for ASIMO ANS. ZMP (ZERO MOMENT POINT) 217.Mode of an N-channel D- MOSFET when applied with positive VGS ANS. ENHANCEMENT MODE 218.Highest holding voltage ANS. BIDIRECTIONAL DIAC 219.Oscilloscope does not trigger ANS. TRIGGER HOLD OFF 220.What is an electronic instrument capable of showing on screen and maybe on print, relative spacing of transmitter carriers, their sidebands and harmonics? ANS. SPECTRUM ANALYZER 221.Most sensitive moving coil ANS. DARSONVAL 222.A circuit used for voltage equalization during ON-OFF switching action of SCRs in series.


ANS. SNUBBER CIRCUIT 223.Used for measuring an unknown inductance by balancing the loads of its four arms, one of which contains the unknown inductance, Q ANS. HAY BRIDGE 224.Slider, MANGANIN (100cm) ANS. SLIDE WIRE BRIDGE 225.Used in high power DC ANS. WIREWOUND RESISTOR 226.1/16 to 5/16 inches in diameter ANS. AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY 227.The voltage between anode and cathode of an SCR ANS. HOLDING VOLTAGE 228.Measures frequency of rotation ANS. STROBOSCOPE 229.Turn-off a FET ANS. PINCH-OFF 230.Electronic switch that can handle high power ANS. IGNITRON 6 degrees of freedom; 231.Strongest robot (dethrone FANUC) ANS. KUKA TITAN 232.First industrial robot by Georg Devol & Joseph Engelbert ANS. UNIMATE 233.Robots that has its own computer ANS. AUTONOMOUS ROBOT 234.Human like robots ANS. HUMANOID: ANDROID & GYROID 235.Ability for a robot to tell when an object is near it ANS. PROXIMITY SENSING 236.Cant be measured by the simplest proximity sensor ANS. DISTANCE 237.For the blind, Braille ANS. OPTACON (OPTICAL TACTILE CONVERTER) 238.2 asynchronous systems ANS. HANDSHAKING 239.Characteristics when choosing a motor ANS. SPEED AND TORQUE 240.Pi-mesons, strongest ANS. PIONS 241.A system interfaced with a robot that locates a part, identifies it, directs the gripper to a suitable grasping position, picks up the part, and brings the part to the work area ANS. VISION SYSTEM 242.Used in fast animation ANS. NON INTERLACED MONITOR 243.DC Gen whose excitation is produced by a winding connected to its own positive and negative terminal ANS. SELF-EXCITED SHUNT GENERATOR 244.Frequency Synthesizer ANS. DIVIDER 245.Most common combinational bias ANS. VOLTAGE DIVIDER 246.Resistor in the base of the transistor ANS. PROPER BIASING


247.Studies robots ANS. ROBOTICIST 248.With alternators connected in parallel, the frequency of the system can be changed by ANS. CHANGE THE SPEED OF THE PRIME MOVER 249.Maximum coupling (in transformer) ANS. SHELL TYPE 250.With alternators connected in parallel, the voltage of the system can be changed by ANS. CHANGE THE FIELD EXCITATION 251.Good engineering practice ANS. USE SAME RESISTANCES 252.Synchronous speed change number of poles and input ____ voltage ANS. FREQUENCY 253.0.7, 1 kHz ANS. ALPHA CUT-OFF FREQUENCY 254.Logic gate used for even parity ANS. XNOR 255.IC is made up of ANS. MONOLITHIC 256.Op-amp with 2 shorted inputs ANS. SINGLE-ENDED 257.Measures the tendency of the device to reject input signals common to both inputs ANS. CMRR 258.Limits IC density ANS. SIZE OF THE SEMICONDUCTOR ATOMS 259.Determines the frequency of the crystal ANS. THICKNESS 260.Solid state welding ANS. FRICTION WELDING 261.Advantage of JK Flip-flop to RS Flip-flop ANS. PREDICTABLE OUTPUTS 262.Requirement for microprocessor communication ANS. 3 BUSES 263.Leading edge of the trapezoidal ANS. JUMP VOLTAGE 264.Primary storage ANS. MAIN MEMORY 265.Used to remove ripple ANS. REGULATOR 266.General term of electronic devices used to control or trigger large-power switching devices ANS. BREAK-OVER DEVICES 267.Which statement is true regarding alternators? ANS. HIGH-SPEED ALTERNATORS ARE SMALLER THAN LOW-SPEED 268.Attract additional electrons ANS. ELECTRON AFFINITY 269.Used in Class B, push pull ANS. 2 SYMMETRICAL TRANSISTORS 270.High Gain Amplifier ANS. COMMON SOURCE 271.High input impedance ANS. COMMON COLLECTOR

272.Output in a common base ANS. COMMON COLLECTOR 273.Angular movement, Step by step ANS. STEPPER MOTOR 274.Angular movement , few degrees ANS. STEPPING MOTOR 275.Discrete data computing ANS. DIGITAL COMPUTER 276.144Kbps, voice and video ANS. 3G 277.Robots ANS. 3P 2R & 3P3R 278.In the middle of the hardware and software ANS. OPERATING PROGRAM 279.Step by step instructions ANS. SOFTWARE 280.Robot used to record motion ANS. PLAYBACK ROBOT 281.Where end effector is placed ANS. MOUNTING PLATE 282.Fine lines of an eye piece ANS. GRATICULE 283.Advantage of methanol over fuel ANS. EASIER TO TRANSPORT & STORE 284.For what reason, why carbon brushes is widely used in dc machines? ANS. IT LUBRICATES AND POLISHES THE CONTACTS 285.Damping on instruments, most efficient ANS. EDDY CURRENT DAMPING 286.Measures slope ANS. CLINOMETER / INCLINOMETER 287.Intended for pulse operation ANS. CLASS D 288.What instrument or circuit that has four or more arms, by means of which one or more of the electrical constants of an unknown component may be measured? ANS. BRIDGE 289.Types of oscilloscopes that is able to retain the display for a longer period for analysis. The display is retained by the use of flood gun. ANS. STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE 290.IRED emits light when ANS. CHANGE IN VOLTAGE LEVELS 291.Measures the speed of a supercomputer ANS. FLOPS (Floating Point per Second) 292.Thermistor ANS. COLD & JUNCTION 293.Used in high frequency ANS. AIR CORE 294.Hole flow ANS. PLUS TO MINUS 295.Laminated conductor ANS. ARMATURE 296.Latency time ANS. 60 SECONDS


297.Gain of inverting Op-amp ANS. RF / Ri 298.Scaling Op-amp ANS. WEIGHED RESISTANCE 299.Displays waveforms ANS. CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE 300.Control grid of vacuum tube ANS. GATE OF FET 301.Can be prevented by arc welding ANS. ARC FLOW 302.An assembly between two closely related rigid members enabling on member to rotate in relation to the other around a mobile axis. ANS. COMPLEX JOINT 303.Alternative for motors ANS. PIEZO MOTOR 304.Welding does not use AC source because ANS. IT IS IMPRACTICAL TO DRAW LARGE CURRENTS 305.Oxy fuel arc ANS. OXY FUEL ARC WELDING 306.Electrical requirement of arc welding ANS. HIGH OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE 307.Horizontal (oscilloscope) ANS. TIME PER DIVISION 308.Which of the following must be removed to erase the memory? ANS. EPROM 309.Invented light controlled valve which allows lighthouses to operate automatically; won Nobel prize in 1912 ANS. DALEN, NILS 310.This is a special bridge for measuring very low resistance. (0.1 ohm or less) ANS. KELVINS DOUBLE BRIDGE 311.The ability of ultraviolet radiation to discharge a negatively charged body in a vacuum. ANS. HALLWACHS EFFECT 312.The purpose of installing thyrectors across the incoming power lines to the speed control system is to _______ ANS. PROTECT DRIVE CIRCUITS FROM HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSIENT SURGES 313.Used in Cold Welding ANS. PRESSURE 314.An AC bridge circuit used for measuring an unknown inductance by balancing the loads of its four arms, one of which contains the unknown inductance. ANS. OWEN BRIDGE 315.Split capacitance ANS. COLPITTS OSCILLATOR 316.How many windings are there in the secondary of a LDVT? ANS. 2 317.Voss-McCartney noise generator generates random _______ wave ANS. SQUARE 318.Computer literacy

ANS. ACCURACY, KNOWLEDGE, INTELLIGENCE 319.Which field winding usually, has a lower resistance? ANS. SERIES FIELD WINDING 320.What do you call the difference between any number within the set of number and the arithmetic mean of that set of numbers? ANS. DEVIATION 321.Dynamometers are mostly used as ANS. WATTMETER 322.What damping method is generally used in dynamometers? ANS. AIR FRICTION 323.Bridge used to measure both inductive and capacitive impedances at higher frequencies ANS. RADIO-FREQUENCY BRIDGE 324.What do you call an oscilloscope that uses sampling technique in processing signals having frequencies beyond its normal capabilities? ANS. SAMPLING OSCILLOSCOPE 325.A reactive device used in controlling electrical power by using two windings on a common iron core. The control winding is supplied with small dc-current which causes the reactance of a large ac-winding to change accordingly. ANS. SATURABLE REACTOR 326.A break-over device that is basically a diode ANS. TRIGGER DIODE 327.The production of parts or materials in discrete runs, or batches, interspersed with other production operations or runs of other parts or materials. ANS. BATCH MANUFACTURING 328.A computer program usually based on artificial intelligence techniques, that performs decision-making functions that are similar to those of a human expert and on demand can justify to the user its line of reasoning ANS. EXPERT SYSTEM 329.Also known as a nonservo robot or open robot. A robot with stop-point control but no trajectory control. ANS. FIXED-STOP ROBOT 330.A fingered gripper sometimes disguised from a regular gripper by having more than three fingers and more dexterous finger motions resembling the human hand. ANS. HAND 331.A term used for loading/unloading a carton, container, or pallet with parts in organized rows and possibly in multiple layers ANS. PALLETIZING/DEPALLETIZING 332.A simple robot, often with two moves or three degrees of freedom, that transfers items from a source to a destination via point-to-point moves ANS. PICK-AND-PLACE ROBOT (ALSO KNOWN AS BANG-BANG ROBOT) 333.A mechanism that is capable of manipulating objects by executing a program stored in its control computer ANS. PROGRAMMABLE MANIPULATOR 334.The envelope of variance of the robot tool point position for repeated cycles under the same conditions.

ANS. REPEATABILITY 335.Physiological Biometry ANS. IRIS/RETINA, FACE, FINGERPRINT HAND 336.For assembly ANS. SCARA 337.At superconductivity, the material appears to become diamagnetic. ANS. MEISSNER EFFECT 338.Thermionic emission ANS. RICHARDSON EFFECT 339.Relay state that lets current flow when triggered ANS. NORMALLY-OPEN 340.Connect to internet ANS. SERVER 341.Essential parts of rotating generators ANS. PERMANENT MAGNET AND ARMATURE WINDINGS 342.Maximum frequency for welding ANS. 450 KHZ 343.Motors whose speed can be easily controlled. ANS. DC MOTORS 344.This program has the capacity to move a robot axis to any position within its range. ANS. POINT-TO-POINT 345.Force between a magnet and a piece of ferromagnetic metal that has not been magnetized is __ ANS. NEVER REPULSIVE 346.At a frequency of 95.7 MHz, the best form of an inductor would be ANS. AIR CORE 347.Ratio of main memory over vertical memory ANS. 10 348. ANS. +/-50mV to +/-500mV 349. ANS. INTERNAL CAPACITANCE 350. ANS. POINT CONTACT


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