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2012 Texas RED Conference

Sponsorship Packet
Keynote Speaker: Andrew Breitbart February 3 4, Dallas, Texas

Letter from the TYRF State Chairman, Mark C. Brown

In the summer of 2011, the Texas Young Republican Federation brought together young conservative activists from around the State of Texas to sharpen their political skills and deepen their involvement in Texas politics. On February 3rd and 4th, 2012, in Dallas, TX, we will again host the Texas Red Conference. A Very Important Time The 2010 and 2011 campaign years saw the rise of the Tea Party movement and a wave of new people becoming involved in politics, often for the first time. The Texas Young Republican Federation has seen this wave firsthand, as our organization has grown through the introduction of many new members. Therefore, as we prepare for the 2012 Republican Primary and the November General Election, we believe it is critical to ensure that all of younger under 40 activists receive the training, knowledge, and skills to be effectively involved in their local campaigns and to see our conservative principles advanced in society through the election of consistently conservative candidates. Young Republican National Federation Founded in 1931, the Young Republicans are the oldest political youth organization in the United States. With a focus on the 18 40 year age bracket, its members consist of both full-time political activists and young professionals with nonpolitical careers. Through small political clubs, candidate forums, and a close working relationship with the Republican Party, the Young Republicans educate their members on the issues of the day and provide opportunities for members to become involved in both campaigns and the larger Republican Party. The Young Republicans have a strong history of producing future party leaders. On the national level, Young Republican Alumni include Rick Santorum (2012 Presidential Candidate), Newt Gingrich (2012 Presidential Candidate), Barry Goldwater (1964 Presidential Candidate), Jeb Bush (former Florida Governor), and Tim Pawlenty (Minnesota Governor). Within the State of Texas, Young Republican Alumni include Sen. John Cornyn, Rep. Steve Bartlett, State Rep. Stefani Carter, State Rep. Kenneth Sheets, former Dallas County Chair Jonathan Neerman, and numerous local elected officials and SREC representatives. As we prepare for the 2nd annual Texas RED Conference on February 3rd 4th, we invite you to become part of this new tradition through sponsorship. Previous sponsors have included diverse candidates and party organizations, including RNC committeepersons, state representatives, county commissioners, and appellate court judges. Sponsorships include advertising on our website as well as signage at the event and advertising in the event program. Please take a few moments to review the enclosed materials and consider supporting this great event. Your generosity ensures another successful Texas Red Conference and enables the continuation of critical grassroots training of younger conservative activists. A representative from our organization will be contacting you to discuss these opportunities. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact me at Thank you for your time and support!

Mark C. Brown, Chairman, Texas Young Republican Federation

2012 Texas Red Conference

Sponsorship Opportunities

The 2012 Texas Red Conference brings together young activists from across the State of Texas to sharpen their political skills, learn from great speakers, and network with each other.
Breakfast Coffee Station


Silver Level


Sponsored By: sign at Coffee Station Name listed on event website and event program Can set out literature Two complimentary tickets to Texas Red Conference

Afternoon Coffee Station


Name listed on Sponsored by: sign Name listed on event program and on event website Can set out literature Two complimentary tickets to Texas Red Conference Allowed to address attendees for 5 minutes before Keynote address

Sponsored By: sign at Coffee Station Name listed on event website and event program Can set out literature Two complimentary tickets to Texas Red Conference

Gold Level


Friday Night VIP Reception Sponsor


Sponsored By: sign at Coffee Station Name listed on event website and event program Can set out literature Two complimentary tickets to Texas Red Conference

Luncheon / Keynote Address Sponsor

Bronze Level
Name listed on Sponsored by: sign Name listed on event program Can set out literature

Name listed on Sponsored by: sign Name listed on event program and on event website Name listed on TYRF website for remainder of 2012 with hyperlinks to your website Can set out literature Four complimentary tickets to Texas Red Conference Allowed to address attendees for 5 minutes before Keynote address Complimentary autographed book by Andrew Breitbart


Presenting Sponsor


Name listed on Sponsored by: sign Name listed on event program and on event website Name listed on TYRF website for remainder of 2012 with hyperlinks to your website Can set out literature Six complimentary tickets to Texas Red Conference Allowed to address attendees for 10 minutes before Keynote address Complimentary autographed book by Andrew Breitbart

Sponsorship Selected: ___________________ Sponsorship enclosed for $________________________________ Please bill my: MasterCard Visa Cardholders Name __________________________________________________________________ Card Number _________________________________________ Expiration Date _______________ Signature______________________________________________________ Date _______________ Please make checks payable to: Texas Young Republican Federation Mail to: 2217 Ivan Street, #1509, Dallas, TX 75201

2012 Texas Red Conference

Feb 3-4, Dallas, TX

The 2012 Texas Red Conference brings together young activists from across the State of Texas to sharpen their political skills, hear great speakers, and network with each other.

Keynote Speaker: Andrew Breitbart

Activist Education Seminars:
Basic Seminars: Campaign Basics: How it works and Ways for you to Help a Candidate Showing Up at the Party: Primaries and State Conventions Getting Heard at Conventions: Roberts Rules Republican Party History: Civil Rights and the American Dream by James Bernsen, Bernsen Consulting Advanced Seminars: Social Media, 2.0: Using Social Media Effectively by Alice Linahan, Voices Empower Fundraising for Your Candidate or Cause by Keri Mason, Director of Fundraising, Republican Party of Texas How to Start and Run a Political Club By Mark C. Brown, Chairman, Texas Young Republican Federation Developing Positive Relationships with the Media by Kevin Price, Talk Radio Host of The Price of Business Ballot Integrity and Ensuring Your Vote Counts by Catherine Englebrecht, Founder, True the Vote

Register Today! Purchase Tickets at:
$45.00 Young Republican Member. Become a Member of a Young Republican Club Today! $45.00 College Republican / YCT Member Ticket $65.00 Regular, Non-Member Ticket (under 40) $95.00 Regular, Non-Member Ticket (over 40) *** All Prices Include Lunch ***

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