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Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Office of the Minister

Ministere des Affaires municipales et du Logement

Bureau du ministre 777, rue Bay, 17 stage Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Tel. 416 585 7000 Telee. 416 585 6470 www.ontario.calMAH

777 Bay Street, 1th Floor Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Tel. 416 585 7000 Fax 416 585 6470 www.ontario.calMAH

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January 25, 2012 Ontario Municipal Board 15th Floor - 655 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5G 1E5 Attention: Joanne Hayes, Registrar/Secretary Dear Ms. Hayes, RE: Declaration of Provincial Interest Appeals of the Failure of the Council of the City of Pickering to enact proposed amendments to the City of Pickering's Official Plan and Zoning By-law (the "Seaton appeals") Ontario Municipal Board File and Case Numbers: See Schedule 'A'

Pursuant to ss. 22(11.1) and 34(27) of the Planning Act, I am writing to advise the Board that I am of the opinion that a matter of provincial interest is, or is likely to be, adversely affected by the Seaton appeals. The entirety of the proposed amendments to the City of Pickering's Official Plan and Zoning By-law are subject to this declaration of provincial interest. The general basis for my opinion is that, the following matters of provincial interest under s. 2 of the Planning Act are, or are likely to be, adversely affected: (j) the adequate provision of a full range of housing, including affordable housing; (k) the adequate provision of employment opportunities; (m) the co-ordination of planning activities of public bodies; (p) the appropriate location of growth and development; and, (q) the promotion of development that is designed to be sustainable, to support public transit and to be oriented to pedestrians. Further, the provincial interest in implementing the Central Pickering Development Plan created under the authority of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994, is or is likely to be, adversely affected.

Subsection 22(11.3) of the Planning Act provides that a decision of the Board regarding the proposed amendments to the City of Pickering's Official Plan is not final or binding. Subsection 34(29) provides that the Board shall not make an order in relation to the proposed Zoning By-Law amendments. Pursuant to ss. 22(11.4) and 34(29.1) of the Planning Actthe Lieutenant Governor in Council may confirm, vary or rescind the decision of the Board. If you have any questions in relation to this matter, please contact Irvin Shachter, Counsel for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at (416) 585-6543. Sincerely,


Kathleen Wynne Minister

Schedule 'A' Ontario Municipal Board Case Nos. PL 101016, PL 101017, PL 101018, PL101019,

PL101020, PL10l021, PL10l022, PL10l023,PL101343, PL101344, PL101345, PLllll08, PLll1109, PLlllll0

Ontario Municipal Board File Nos. PL 101024, PL 101026, PL 101028, PL 101030,

PL10l032, PL101034, PL10l036, PLl 01 038, PLl 01 040, PL10l042,PL10l044, PL10l046, PL10l048, PL10l050, PL10l052,PL10l054,PL10l056,PL101350, PL101352, PL101354

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