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DAILY LESSON PLAN Date: Ms. Santos Unit: Grammar Core Standards: W.7.2.1, SL.7.4, SL.7.5, L.7.2, L.7.

1 Lesson Title and #: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases, Grade 7 May 8, 2011 Teacher: Ms. Price &

Objectives: Students will Identify Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases Acquire knowledge of the different types of prepositional words. Demonstrate their understanding by creating a paragraph.

Delivery Strategies (mark with X; lesson specifics on next page): X Mini-Lecture Role Play Socratic Lesson Reading Analysis X Power Point Audio-Video Analysis Group Discussion Writing Activity X Group Activity Debate Jigsaw Worksheet X Skit _________________ _________________ _________________ Assessment and/or Evaluation Strategies (mark with X): Observation Learning Log/Journal Presentation/Performance Anecdotal Notes Self assessment AV Presentation Work Samples Peer assessment X-Written Submission

Interview/Conference Oral Report Checklist Assessment Rubric Evaluation Rubric X -Oral Questioning _______________ Test/Quiz ______________ X- Worksheet_____ Comments: Students will be questioned for understanding on prepositional phrases through out instruction. Worksheets will be answered individually and gone over as a whole class for correct answers. Written Assignment will be graded as homework.

Resources/Materials: Core Standards

Lesson Delivery Specifics Motivator (opening): We will get the students attention by performing a skit. Its a short silly skit about Ms. Price and Ms. Santos having argument about starting the lesson. We will make the prepositional words in our skit obvious by saying the words loudly and awkwardly, so the students can hear what the positional words are, how we are using them, and where in the sentence

they are located. Following the skit, students will stand up and sit in places they never sat before.

Lesson: Ms. Price and Ms. Santos will go over a PowerPoint explaining prepositional words and phrases. A worksheet will be handed out to reinforce what was gone over in the lesson. Students will answer worksheet on their own. Then as a class, we will go over the correct answers. Following the worksheet, Ms. Price will rap a song for the class describing a sitting arrangement for the students. Students will get a copy of the rap and try to identify prepositional words and phrases within. After that, students will try to follow the rap's directions and figure out where the rap is sitting them and sit accordingly. As an end result, they will figure out they are being assigned to their original seats. Concluding our lesson will be a homework assignment reinforcing the usage of prepositional words and phrases. The paragraph assigned will loosely be based off of the rap; students will be giving directions to their favorite restaurant, instead of their seats.

Homework/Extensions/Reminders: Create a paragraph giving someone directions to your favorite

restaurant. Make sure to use prepositional words and phrases. Also be sure to identify the usage with underlining, different colors, or italics etc,. This will be due next class period.

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